Second World Book

Chapter 2260 - Skaha\\\'s spike show, narrow path

“Then as you wish!” The cloak man came out from behind the shadow follower, and lifted the hood to reveal her face.

“What…” Skaha was a little ignorant when he looked at the other person. The other person looked almost the same as Lancer. This is definitely not a pure coincidence. It’s just different from Liya. The woman in front of her has a bone in her bones. Charming.

“Surprised! Did your lord do not tell you about me?” Morgan Leffy’s smile gradually became dangerous. She hated the woman opposite, almost the same physique as her, even if she did nothing, she would be mistaken for it. It’s a vixen.

Skaha’s pretty face was light, Gáe Bolg pointed back at Morgan Lefey and countered: “My body and mind belong to the lord! He didn’t mention you, probably you are a fringe figure, it’s optional!”

“…” Wen Yan said that Morgan Leffey’s face was distorted and gloomy. She was really jealous and jealous of her sister, and the wild woman who didn’t know where she was was also favored by God, but she… Abandoned.

“Ha ha ha ha…” Morgan Leffer suddenly laughed.

“Crazy?!” Skaha looked at Morgan Lefey with caution, could this woman be abandoned by the lord?

After laughing, Morgan Lefey’s face became extremely cold and chilling: “You woman has ruined me, and I will ruin you too! Then die for me!”

Morgan Leffey understood that her mentality had changed drastically because of this sentence of the woman in front of her, which magnified the wounds in her heart infinitely, and she wanted to take revenge on Skaha.

“Roar—!” The follower of the shadow roared and rushed straight to Skaha.

“Duang!” Skaha said coldly, “You actually deal with me with undead? Have to say, your luck is really terrible!”

As soon as the words fell, Gáe Bolg in Skaha’s hands exploded with a red awn, his body’s breath changed, and the inherent skill that once killed the **** Sha was killing God.

“The gun that runs through the dead spines!!!” Without any hesitation, Skaha launched the treasure and came to the back of the shadow follower almost instantaneously.

“Oh oh oh…” The follower of the shadow groaned sorrowfully, and the black mist all over the body began to disperse, revealing the true appearance.

“Slap–!” The gun was pulled out, the blood rolled down, and the body fell down, looking at the ceiling in confusion.

“Who am I…I’m there…I’m not dead…” Fan Sanlian said from Dagong’s mouth, it was okay, he was already tragic enough to die, and he had to be pulled out and whipped again. .

“Sorry, I can’t purify your evil powers.” Skaha glanced at the dissipating justice. If it is replaced by Jeanne d’Or, there may be a way to do it, but she will only kill, not overrun, otherwise her fairyland will not become a nether kingdom that accepts the dead and ghosts.

“Forget it, this time it’s shameful enough… Ha ha…” Grand Duke smiled bitterly and eventually disappeared completely…

“Suddenly killed at once?!” Morgan’s turn panicked this time, but she was resurrected with the treasure [Invasion Blade Gold], was she directly resurrected?

“Well, the next one is you.” Skaha’s voice just fell, rushed to Morgan with Assassin’s high sensitivity, and stab him with a shot.

“Poof—!” The bright red blood dripped, and Morgan looked down at the scarlet barbed spear that penetrated her body. The medicine in his hand was loose, and it fell on the ground with a click, breaking apart, and the pink mist diffused instantly.

“Poison?!” Skaha immediately held his breath and jumped back out of the envelope of smoke, but he still inhaled a small amount of mist and suddenly felt bad.

“It’s not poison, what’s the specific…you will know soon…” Morgan Leffey’s smug smile after revenge, his body fluoresced, and after talking, the light particles disappeared, leaving only one book left. Off the ground.

“It was actually put on… this woman was definitely intentional.” Skaha squeezed his fists, his expression cloudy.

“With my body’s anti-toxicity, there should be no problem.” Thinking about it, Skaha walked over and picked up the magic book on the ground where magic and soul condensed.

“It’s…it’s a memory…” At the blink of an eye, Skaha’s shocking glance saw a very small part of the book, a sad woman imprisoned.

“After she died, she did not return to the heroic constellation, could it be that her body was not in the heroic constellation?

Skahalyu raised her eyebrows, and she was not a true hero. Her body still existed in the state of false death in the broken Kingdom of Shadows. She knew some of the operating mechanism of the heroic seat, but it was not comprehensive.

In fact, most of the dead and dead souls in the Netherworld are not ordinary people, but these people are unwilling to become heroes and lose their freedom.

In the moon-shaped world, don’t assume that everything will die if you die. The restraint will make full use of your surplus value, even if it’s the residue, it can glow and heat only for the purpose…2333…

After collecting the magic book, Skaha asked his lord when he was ready. Now he first finds someone to join, and writes a few words of Lun on the ground. His body sinks into the shadows until it disappears.

“Here is… this is the Holy Grail?” After Heizhen walked in, he looked at Jincancan’s attractive Holy Grail with surprise, his eyes lost for a moment.

Originally, Heizhen was not so easy to come here, and Liya destroyed a large number of superstructures with her treasure [the gun that shined in the final flame] before she came to the place of the Holy Grail first.

“Yohouhou, although it is not the guests my generation expects, but ask, you should also be Joan of Arc!” Sabie came out of the back of the Holy Grail with a laugh like a stage play. When Heizhen saw Sabie, she always felt unexpectedly uncomfortable.

“Of course, who are you? Looks like a weak chicken, hurry and beg for mercy, let you die a little bit happier!”

“My name is William Shakespeare! It’s a trivial first-class writer…ahhhhh…” Sabie just reported his name, and before he could say it, suddenly a poison pierced his ear.

One ear was gone, and half of my face was severely burned. I couldn’t help but screamed. I was also dumbfounded. This is not the case!

“Sabi?! No wonder you are so upset that you dare to write black old lady blindly. You stupid writer with a conscience of taking cents (cents) and go to **** with fear and wailing!” Heizhen has already appeared in Shabi, who covered her face and screamed, was in a high position, and she couldn’t help but hate. Molongqi puffed through Shabi’s big tui, and then added a foot, kicking the other party to vomit blood.

Why is Heizhen uncomfortable? The reason is very simple. Unlike other Servants, she has lived in this world for more than five years.

I want to know how the later book describes her as a saint, of course, she intends to look at it with a critical eye, because she feels that the saint, sacrificed for the country, and finally was burned to death by betrayal, she was so stupid.

Since I wanted to read a book, I naturally found a well-known writer, so I saw Shakespeare’s description of her… all kinds of black, unsightly, and burned the bookstore on the spot…..

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