Second World Book

Chapter 2329 - Bullying for acting

The next day, the grand sword dance festival opened. Unlike the quarterfinals, this time an angel mech performance was added, although the “driver” in it was a brain system.

But tens of thousands of mechas are flying in the air, keeping them absolutely neat, shocking and pleasing at the same time, and those who watch live broadcasts at surface bars and public places have regretted their intestines are green.

Can you not regret it?

Look at the people in the audience, all wearing gold and silver, and there are many people they know and know. Before they were like turtles, but they went to become local tyrants, and not one or two, but All who go.

The sword dance festival is also unprecedentedly wonderful. Although it was not clear at first, the narrators were very powerful. This also gave the public the first time to really see the elven battle.

“If it were possible to live in the world created by God, how good it would be! How can it be repaired, why am I not so lucky!” Some people cried when they watched the live broadcast.

Of course, the TV is not only a live broadcast of sword dance festivals, it usually broadcasts some anecdotes in the city, including how the natives have become so trendy, they pay money when they come, and they also send super, what food shows, fashion shows…

Unevenness and unevenness, those who haven’t gone, are naturally mad every day, show off their wealth, and everyone secretly vows that next time, even if they break their heads, they must grab a piece to go The ferry ticket of’Shenjie’.

People’s minds have changed, and after seeing the richness and power of angels, let alone ordinary people, even some nobles can’t wait to kneel tian, even if they didn’t know it now, now that they know it, fools are willing to live in hard times!

After being invisible, the mass foundation of the nobles over the centuries has been disintegrated. As long as their heads are not pitted, no one will want to die to fight the angels.

Three commentators appeared on the screen to review the wonderful shots in the quarterfinals. The atmosphere on the court gradually became warmer, and the two teams entered the venue.

“This time, I don’t know if the Apostle of Purgatory can sweep the fallen leaves and take the Holy Spirit Knights lightly?” The female commentator looked forward.

“It should not be possible. The Knights of the Holy Spirit is also a strong team, and it is completely different from the finalists.” The male commentator next to him held an opposing view, of course, this is also talked about.

The explanation is to provoke the atmosphere on the spot, especially to create a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, although it is easy to be beaten.

The five apostles of the purgatory entered the theater. Sarah looked at Rubia walking at the front with a slightly complicated expression. Her mouth showed helpless bitterness. She was threatened.

That’s right, Rubia found her in the bathroom. If she dared to release the water, she would be finished, including her country. She was very overbearing and she was not allowed to refuse.

Sarah can obviously feel Rubia’s coldness to her. If she refuses, she will probably be removed on the spot, and it is likely that she betrayed her. In this way, even if she wants to act, I am afraid Not even.

After all, Rubia can do it with 4 to 5, and she not only has to die, but also bears a series of evil consequences. Even now, she has begun to complain about those **** nobles and decision makers.

Five people from the Knights of the Holy Spirit gathered here, and both parties teleported into the Wizard Valley. Because each other does not think that the other is weak, the previous battle must have been reserved. The first-level regiment did not break out, but was peacefully aligned, and then sought flaws.

The sword dance festival took place for about five minutes. Suddenly approached as Sarah of the jungle. The elf opposite was also quite careless. Stabbed by a dagger, Rubia took the opportunity to step forward and all the explosion flames hit.

“Slap–!” The single HP in the Knights of the Holy Spirit cleared out suddenly and dissipated in place.

“(O_o)?” Several aristocrats in the audience were stunned. What a good performance, Sarah was doing! ?

“Probably for the fidelity of the acting, um, can’t you always brush the wild? That’s too fake, if we are found, we can’t eat it.” An aristocrat immediately figured out and understood Sarah’s behavior.

“Sure enough to be the first princess, think long-term!”

“Yeah, as long as you play the group, all the key tricks will be empty. If you lose, it will only be considered a mistake. If you lose, you will lose your horse.”

The elves of the Holy Spirit Knights on the road suddenly died and were killed by Mireya, mainly because the opposite side was too waves. As a result, Mireya was pushed back into the crystal tower with military elves, and then hung.



“It should be like the princess, Mi Leiya will never betray her.”

“Yes, this is the case. The performance in the early stage is very strong. Even if it is destroyed by a wave in the later stage, you can dump the pot. After all, it is turned over, it is also ╮(╯▽╰)╭.” The nobleman made a sad expression. , Others laughed.

Just the members of the Knights of the Holy Spirit opposite are unhappy, and the above clearly hints that their purgatory apostles will release water, and this will take us two kills?

“Fuck, won’t you be acting? How can you cook?”

“Sent the tower deliberately? Great, is the Knights of the Holy Spirit today evil?!”

The audience were dissatisfied, and they said a **** mid-list, and you don’t know the high damage against Rubia, just make up the knife under the crystal tower, and then get out and get caught, the road is more crazy, and there is obviously no advantage. , Actually pressed in front of the Dao Crystal Tower, who will die without dying?

“It always feels like the Knights of the Holy Spirit, except for Luminaris who leads the team, everyone else seems to…” Alice frowned slightly as she watched the battle on the field.

The Holy Spirit Knights gave her a bad feeling, as if they did not take it seriously at all. They faced the strongest team recognized by the outside world, not to mention breaking the boat, at least they should go all out.

“There are indeed a lot of mistakes made by the Knights of the Holy Spirit. It is because they let them deliberately lose to the Apostle of the Purgatory, so as to ensure that the Apostle of the Purgatory can keep the card?” Belle Salia analyzed and speculated.

What she thinks is also based on theory. These two teams are the forces of the kingdom, and the apostles are the strongest, and the Knights of the Holy Spirit are not weak. If you fight hard, even if the purgatory wins, the bottom card will be exposed. The next The decisive battle is very unfavorable.

“The Knights of the Holy Spirit are abandoned? I always feel that something is not right!” Fiana shook her head slightly: “It would be nice if the adults were there.”

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