Second World Book

Chapter 2332 - Rule change, solo

Five kills, five kills!

Soon the audience cheered, these people were so excited, the Fire Meow team was too strong, they were fanned.

Belle Salia’s saturated map artillery strike is actually not as terrible as imagined, but the Dragon King Knights are too poorly developed, and there is no defense at all, so she is opened up and all waves of seconds are killed.

This time there was really no suspense. The rest was almost flattened. The knights of the Dragon King who had been optimistic were brutally sealed and entered the footsteps of the Knights of the Holy Spirit.

I don’t know if I don’t fight. After the fight, people find out how big the gap between the so-called semi-finals is. It’s not an echelon at all. Before the fire cats were pretending to be sick cats, they were evenly matched.

After the crystal of the base of the Dragon King Knights exploded, the big victory icon showed that the host began to congratulate the Fire Meow team. As for the defeated Dragon King Knights, all the members were autistic and their tears fell.

“Then the final round is left, who will win? The Fire Meow team? Or the Purgatory Apostle? Let’s look forward to the summit of the canyon in a week! Oh, there will be a temporary announcement of the rules change in the finals.” The host said Then, someone came to her in the background, handed a text, and after a glance, added immediately.

“…” The audience was stunned and changed the rules again, but thought about it, how is it, okay, this is normal operation, as long as the game is exciting and fair.

The host cleared his throat and announced: “The last game also took place in the Elven Canyon. The difference is that the crystal defense tower, base crystal, creeps, and monsters have been cancelled, and each elf including the elf has only one life. If you are killed, you will leave the game. If you play at full level, you can choose 6 pieces of orange. The last team that survives will become the final champion!”

“…” Everyone is quiet, this is to get a real sword and a gun, and it is a full-level six-god costume, which is optional, this…It’s too explosive, who will die is completely unknown.

For the two teams, they still have a week of preparation time, preparing tactics, strategies, equipment selection, attribute point allocation and so on.

“Tell everyone a message that this time the winner can see the Lord God and make a wish!”

“…” The audience, including Rubia watching from under the stage, had all eyes narrowed, his pupils lit up, as if burning, and Restia was excited.

At the end of the event, everyone talked about it. The last time I saw it was said to be an ordinary angel. This time, the specifications are completely different. Even if they are generous to these civilian audiences, it is the Lord.

It is not clear what the concept of the Lord God is, but you can be sure that it is unimaginably powerful and omnipotent. It should be able to fulfill any wish!

The Purgatory Apostolic Base, that is, the independent villa, has advanced to the finals, and the treatment is different. It should be said that every time you advance, the treatment will increase.

Rubia looked at the four Muya and solemnly said: “It’s easy to get to this point. I hope everyone will not be distracted by what they want. No matter what desires and demands, at least they must win first. The loser There will be nothing!”

“We understand! But there is only one wish! How will it be distributed at that time?” Sarah looked directly at Rubia. Before being threatened by Rubia, she had no blame and was blamed, and she was also blamed by her father.

Rubia frowned: “I said, I don’t have to think about it now, and I won’t wait until I win.”

“Yeah, what’s the point of thinking so much now?” Lily hurriedly, acting as an old peacemaker. If the team’s relationship is now rigid, it’s definitely not good.

Both Miriah and Muya looked over, and Sarah’s arms were thighless, but she could only do nothing, even Ruby’s wishes were not tempted.

On the other side, Claire also became lively.

“Now, Claire, what do you think the main **** looks like?” Lindslyt asked curiously.

“How do I know? You ask me, who do I ask!” Claire said unhappy, of course she knew, but just didn’t want to tell Lin Slater.

“Is it? I’m your good girlfriend, don’t hide me.” Lin Silei pretends to be cute, but she said, she always feels that Claire knows something, just don’t say it. people.

“Plastic girlfriends! I’m going to bed. Let’s think about your advantages tonight. Let’s negotiate together tomorrow.” Kleier pouted and returned his girlfriend, did he grab his boyfriend’s girlfriend?

“Plastic girlfriends… giggling!” Fiana couldn’t help laughing.

“You laugh, you are not much better.” Lin Slater’s pretty face was red, and she didn’t have such an idea. Besides, since it’s a girlfriend, what’s wrong with it, stingy.

No words overnight, no matter whether it’s Huo Miao or the Purgatory Apostle, the research method is closed behind the door. This time the rules are changed, which will test their response to unexpected situations, especially if they are different from each other. How to cooperate to prevent Grasp your flaws on the opposite side, how to choose orange outfits to ensure your own advantages.

The clearer the discussion, the clearer this time. I did not push the crystal tower, nor did I need to destroy the crystal on the opposite base, nor did I need to buy equipment for Zan Economy. The only thing to do was to kill the opposite.

Because once it hangs, it leaves the field, and someone on that side is the first to go out, which means a huge disadvantage.

How to adjust the attributes and how to choose the orange outfit is the most beneficial to one’s own side. This should be combined with the actual situation.

While Claire was thinking hard, her phone rang.

“Huh? Who?” Seeing the strange number, Claire chose to answer it.

“It’s me, Rubia!”

“Sister Rubia.” Creel was stunned, not expecting her sister to call her at this time.

“Final, let’s solo!”

“Uh… solo? Are you sure!” Claire looked serious.

“Yes! What do you think! My lovely sister. Just let your sister see how much you have grown up, and I have a lot to say to you.” There was a voice of Rubia missing on the phone.

“Well, I miss you too, Sister Rubia.” Claire’s eyes were red.

Although the sisters are only talking on mobile phones, they really want to say a lot. It takes two hours for a chat. After hanging up, Claire told everyone of her decision.

“Are you sure? What if it’s a trap?” Fiana looked at Creel inexplicably, touched her head, and didn’t have a fever!

“I’m serious! I hope you can understand.” Claire clapped Fiana’s hand.

“Understood! I support you too.” Belle Salia supported.

“Huh? Why do you even–” Fiana looked in amazement at Belle Salia, the calmest person, who would actually agree with Claire’s willfulness?

“As a sister, I won’t lie to Alice.” Belle Salia looked straight at her sister.

“Sister!” Alice hugged her sister impressedly. “I also support Claire’s idea!” Lin Slater said.

Fayana was speechless and immediately compromised: “Forget it, I lost it to you, I hope they can bear this trust, otherwise, I will not let them go afterwards.”

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