Secret Dice

Chapter 12 Dangerous Elevator

One step, two steps, three steps...

Luo Jun walked one step at a time. He didn't know how long he walked before he finally stepped onto the flat ground again.

Looking up, there is still a walking platform with the previous rules posted on the wall.

Back to square one.

But Luo Jun did not give up, turned around and continued walking upward.

Just like this, all the way up, he returned to the starting point again and again. Finally, when he passed the jogging platform for the fifth time, Luo Jun stopped.

It’s still the same wall, same stickers and rules, the only difference is that this time there’s a vending machine in the corner!

"Finally out!"

Luo Jun walked forward. This vending machine was the kind commonly seen in street shopping malls, but he had never seen the various drinks sold in it. As for snacks, there is only one type, which is the "animal crackers" mentioned in the rules.

A clear plastic package the size of a matchbox contained an animal-shaped cookie. You could see through the packaging that the biscuits were made very finely, but he didn't recognize what kind of animal it was... It looked a bit like a monkey, but it had long ears like a rabbit and a thick tail like a kangaroo. The shape was really weird... …

This is just the outermost sample. If you look closely, you will see that there are other animal biscuits stacked at the back, but without exception, they are all weird animals that Luo Jun doesn't recognize...

No matter what it is, just buy it according to the rules!

Luo Jun touched his trouser pocket and found that he had no money at all.

Also, scanning QR codes to pay is now almost universal, and few people go out with coins.

But this didn't bother Luo Jun. He lay on the ground, raised a corner of the vending machine, reached in, and quickly found two coins from underneath.

It is common for coins to accidentally drop and roll under the vending machine. Many people don't care about a dollar, so as long as you can move the machine, you can often find coins underneath.

Even if he couldn't find it, Luo Jun was ready to pry open the cash box and take the money directly. With his current physical fitness, this was not difficult.

Insert the coin, select the product, and with the sound of the machine running, a bag of biscuits soon falls from the outlet.

Luo Jun looked at the bag of biscuits, thought for a moment, took it out and put it in his pocket.

Then he put in another coin to buy it. This time, he didn't care anymore. He turned around and continued walking upward, letting the sound of falling biscuits sound behind him.

What happens next?

As Luo Jun walked, he felt his heart beating loudly.

The stairs were darker than the steps, and the visibility was only a few steps away. Even with his enhanced vision, he couldn't see through the thick fog-like darkness. Obviously, this is not a normal dimming, and should involve some kind of supernatural force, for example, the "it" mentioned in the rules.

In such darkness, Luo Jun's original confidence in his own attributes and Tianji Dice were all gone, leaving only cautious fear.

While walking, Luo Jun's raised foot suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Because he saw a pair of feet appearing in the darkness ahead!

No, to be precise, those were not a pair of human feet, but more like a pair of cow hooves. But the weird thing is that if you look up along the hooves, you can see the legs of plaid pajamas, and even further up, they are submerged in darkness.

A monster in pajamas, standing on his front steps? And he walked upwards like him?

Luo Jun counted and found that there were exactly five steps between the place where his feet stepped and himself.

Secretly rejoicing in his heart, Luo Jun took back the foot he had just raised.

If you encounter a creature traveling in the same direction, please keep at least five steps away. This is the third rule!

But why do these feet stand motionless? If the other party keeps standing like this, won't I be able to move on?

Luo Jun was muttering in his heart when he saw the feet move, took a step upward and disappeared into the darkness.

Luo Jun also took a step forward, catching up with the distance, and those feet appeared again.

Those feet walked very slowly, pausing for two seconds at each step. Luo Jun followed very carefully, fearing that he would exceed the safe distance by accident. In this damn darkness, I can't see anything except these feet, and I don't know what kind of monster is walking in front of me...

After following for almost a dozen steps, suddenly, the feet sped up and disappeared into the darkness.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, but did not speed up. He still took one step at a time cautiously.

After another seven or eight steps, Luo Jun's eyes suddenly opened up, and the familiar hotel corridor appeared in front of him! .

He finally left the corridor!

Luo Jun breathed a long sigh of relief, his guess was indeed correct!

Among the corridor rules, the contradictory fourth and seventh rules made him struggle for a long time. It wasn't until the monster came down from upstairs that Luo Jun found a breakthrough!

According to the third rule, if two creatures meet each other on the corridor, the person going upstairs must stop and pull over to make way for the person going downstairs. Then the question arises. If the fourth rule is correct, a person who goes downstairs encounters an endless staircase and chooses to go backwards without looking back. At this time, how does he know that someone is coming downstairs behind him? How can we avoid it accurately?

Okay, even if you can rely on footsteps to determine avoidance, what happens next? The fourth rule says that after going back thirteen steps, if you have not left the corridor, you must stay where you are. How long do you have to stand? If he encounters other creatures at this time, can he avoid them? If he goes backwards and stays still, is he going up or down? If you encounter a creature in the same direction and you need to keep a five-level distance from it, won't you never be able to pass this corridor?

Rule 4 seems reasonable, but in fact it is a step back and has many contradictions with Rule 3 which emphasizes direction. In addition, Rule 7 does not recognize Rule 4, two versus one. Luo Jun decided to take a risk and bet that Rule 4 was wrong!

So if you encounter the situation of Rule 4, how to solve it?

Luo Jun read it several times, and the only breakthrough was rule five!

Let me first say that there are normally no vending machines in the corridor, but I will also tell you what to do when you see a vending machine. When will a vending machine appear?

The most likely explanation is that when you fall into the endless corridor of Rule 4, the vending machine will appear!

Then rule five is the key to breaking rule four!

Fortunately, Luo Jun's guess was correct, and successfully returning to the corridor is the best proof!

Luo Jun looked at the numbers on the door and found that they all started with 2.

This is the second floor?

Obviously after passing the first jogging platform, he kept walking up and finally reached the second floor?

If you choose to go down, you might end up on the ground floor in a daze.

Luo Jun felt scared for a while.

He didn't dare to walk up the stairs for the time being. He followed the corridor to the elevator door. The cursor number showed that the elevator stopped on the first floor.

Press the down button, the numbers change, and as Ding lives, the elevator door opens.

Luo Jun did not rush in. Instead, he scanned the inside of the elevator to see if there were any rules posted.

The light on the inner wall of the elevator is visible, and the button beside the door shows that the hotel has five floors in total, from the first underground floor to the fourth floor above ground. Nothing is attached except the maintenance certificate.

The absence of rules may mean that there is no danger, or it may mean that there is danger but no means of dealing with it.

Luo Jun took a deep breath, entered the elevator, and then activated the secret dice without closing the elevator door.

"Head to the first floor!"

If the dice tells him that the incident is too complex, he will escape immediately!

If the activation succeeds, but fails, he uses the leaded dice to try again!

Fortunately, the dice worked this time.

"The event difficulty is 5 points, and the final point is 96+5. Congratulations, the event is a great success!"

Luo Jun's heart dropped, and he decisively pressed the first floor button. The elevator door closed and began to descend.

The event difficulty is 5 points, which means that under normal circumstances, you can reach the first floor smoothly, but some accidents may also occur. For example, he pressed the wrong floor, or the elevator malfunctioned, preventing him from reaching the first floor smoothly. This is the meaning of these five points of difficulty.

This was the first time that Luo Jun encountered great success. Great failure would have more serious consequences, so great success meant that he could get unexpected benefits.

Not only that, after a big success, the experience gained will be doubled.

But taking the elevator downstairs is only five points of difficulty, so it probably won’t be a serious factor, and doubling it won’t bring much experience.

With this thought in his mind, the elevator door opened with a ding, Luo Jun stepped out of the elevator and came to the first floor.

"The basic experience value is 5 points, the event severity factor is eight times, the great success experience value is doubled, and the final experience value is 80 points."

Luo Jun was stunned when he stepped out of the elevator. Eight times the severity factor? !

You must know that when failure results in death, the severity factor is only twelve times, and normal injuries are only three to four times, or eight times? What will happen if you fail?

Definitely no ordinary accident! At his current level, let alone the elevator malfunction, he would not be injured even if he jumped directly from the second floor...

Luo Jun looked back at the closing elevator door and felt that it was a bloody mouth that was closing.

Fortunately, using the secret dice, there is a five-point correction to the guarantee. If we go straight down, if we encounter the 5% probability of failure, the consequences will be disastrous...

Now there is only one last chance left for the secret dice, but fortunately it is almost past midnight and it will be reset by then.

I hope you won’t encounter any great danger before resetting...

Luo Jun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked into the hotel lobby...

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