Secrets (Ruin My Life) – Lookism [BL]

Chapter 5

Daniel couldn’t remember the last time he hugged Gun like this. As if he was a child who didn’t want to be separated from his favourite doll. He buried his head deep on Gun’s neck and he could feel the other’s heartbeat. Seriously, he didn’t want to let go.

“You know, this kind of reminded me of our ‘date’.” Gun suddenly broke the silence. He couldn’t see the younger’s face, but he still continued his words, “You’re so shy about showing your-“ As the tears were already dried on his eyes, Daniel shrieked and cut his words, “AHH! Stop! Why do you suddenly bring back that day?!” He straightened his back to stare at the other and pretended to be irritated. Gun grinned and put his hands on Daniel’s waist.

“Because that day’s so fucking fun.” The short answer sent a heat towards Daniel’s face. He could also vividly recall that day. It was one of his favourite days too. However, he exiled the thoughts right away from his mind.

“Hatchoo!” Failed to restrain it, Daniel made a sneeze because of the dust. He rubbed his nose and purposedly changed the subject, “Let’s get out. I hate dusts.” He leaved his seat and stood up to stretch his back. “How’s your body?” Gun glanced at him while he put back the expensive watch on his wrist. “Well, much better. If I rest tonight, I think I’ll be fine again.” Gun nodded his head and checked his phone. Turned out the princess had already sent him the location in order to pick her up.

“From Crystal? You should go first then. I think I’m going to jump from the back gate in case those delinquents still hanged out around here.” With that, Daniel thought that Gun would just leave the storage right away, but then he stood on his spot, like he was waiting for something. He felt that he had forgotten something that was super important. Thus, both of them were just standing awkwardly.

Hm? Why isn’t he leaving? Daniel thought anxiously. The other also became impatient as he had a job waiting for him. And so, Gun sighed and spoke coldly, “Hey, are you kidding me?” Damn! That chilling voice was Daniel’s fear alarm, yet thanks to it, Daniel suddenly remembered. He scratched his head clumsily and lied, “Sorry, I just thought that it was unnecessary,” He hardly blurted the next words, “See you later, Gun.”

Even though he heard the words that he wanted, Gun frowned his eyebrows, “If I heard you say the word unnecessary again…” He paused for a moment and caressed the younger’s cheek, “It won’t do you good, okay?” The younger muttered a sorry and Gun just grinned, showing a very threating, yet sweet expression. Nevertheless, Daniel was relief since he knew that the older was in a good mood. This time, he only gave him a warning and not an actual ‘punishment’.

After that, Gun turned his back to the door and stopped his hand on the handle, “You- don’t you dare miss my calls again.”

Daniel quickly answered, “Oh! Of course!” With that, Gun finally exited the storage, leaving Daniel alone whose heart was beating with complicated happiness. Does he mean that he will call me regularly from now on? For Daniel, this was a big progress on their relationship. Both of them never called each other unless it was about their meeting schedule. And the meeting was only to have sex… Now, Daniel couldn’t help, but look forward to Gun’s calls. He even already imagined some scenarios on his head about it.

Thanks to his athletic body, Daniel easily jumped down from the back gate. He was really careful about his relationship with Gun and so sneaking around naturally became his habit. He dusted off his clothes first before heading to his home. Without realizing it, Daniel smiled widely like a fool and even hummed a song, pulling some attentions to himself.

“Oh my God! I think he’s just smiling at me!”

“No way, you bitch! He’s smiling to me!”

Just like that, two strangers from another school went into a fight because of a misunderstanding. Obviously, the boy himself didn’t know what was happening and confidently walked farther away.

Daniel thought that it might be nice if Gun always had this normal mood of him. He was sweet, gentle, and… flirty? Gosh, just thinking about the things that they had done on his school made Daniel felt ashamed. What kind of ghost that possessed him today?! Or… perhaps it wasn’t a ghost, but it was his own foolishness. Daniel suddenly stopped his steps on a park. Now that he thought about it, it looked like he had entered a wolf’s dent willingly, without knowing that it was a trap. Hell, his logic probably had sent him a couple of alerts, but he was too blinded in making a judgement. The handsome boy made a sigh and muttered, “It must be entertaining for Gun to tease me like this…”

Still, he did enjoy the rare affections from the older… And so, he decided to bury and removed the thoughts about Gun that was only playing with him. He desperately wanted to keep his hope and stay positive.

While he was deep in his own head, suddenly a muscular hand, full with tattoos, appeared in front of his sight. The hand was holding a chocolate milk. Daniel raised his head quick and smiled to his friend. “Hi, Vasco.” He accepted the drink with thanks as if he was already accustomed by it and apologetically said, “Gosh, you don’t have to do this.”

Vasco shook his head and spoke, “Don’t worry. Found it on a street.” After that Vasco walked away and dejectedly sat down on a nearest swing. Daniel couldn’t help, but worry about the other. The Vasco that he knew was always in a high spirit, unlike this one whose head was hanging low. He had already walked towards Vasco, but then a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. He turned his head and excitedly exclaimed, “Jace! Nice timing, man! What happen to Vasco?”

“Hi, Daniel. Just leave him alone.” Jace weakly spoke. It was clear that he didn’t know what to do in this situation. He tiredly massaged his temple, but Daniel insisted to know the story in case he might probably have a solution. Jace couldn’t hide his awkwardness, but then he couldn’t reject the kindness from other, especially Daniel. He started his short explanation with whispers.

“Today he caught a dating couple at school.”

“Well? There’s nothing wrong with dating, right?”

Jace exhaled a long breath, “Yeah, but what I mean by dating is this.” He proceeded to make a provocative gesture, indicating that the couple had sex. Daniel felt his heart thump with fear as he anxiously asked, “Wh-what? Are you sure? Did you see them too?”

“Yeah, I see them too. It was crazy, man!” Jace whispered was getting lower as he was afraid Vasco could hear him, “At first we heard a woman voice, right? We thought there’s a bullying or something, but then when we opened an old classroom, it was a boy and a girl from the Photography department! The girl was screaming and accused us as perverts while she’s the one who’s doing a pervert thing!”

Hearing the explanations eased Daniel a little bit. For a moment, he was afraid that maybe Vasco saw him and Gun before. Since it was not him, Daniel’s heart became relaxed and he patted the other, “You guys went through a lot. Then what happened next?” Jace almost cried and continued his story, “Vasco passed out right away after seeing the naked girl. And me? I reported both of them to their teacher!” Jace proudly exclaimed, “Who the fuck cares, right? On the first place, they should never do something pervert on school! It serves them right!”

Sorry, guys. I just did the same pervert things on school too. By heaven and earth, I swear I won’t do it again. Daniel didn’t know whether to cry or comfort these poor boys. It could’ve been him who got caught and he didn’t dare to think about the possibility. It was his own fault for falling to his desire. He only nodded his head and agreed at everything that Jace said. “Anyway, Vasco was so shocked since he had never seen a girl’s naked body.”

“Did- did he never see a porn or something?” Daniel awkwardly asked Vasco’s childhood friend. Jace let out a sigh and answered, “It’s a common thing to watch porn at least once in a lifetime. However, we’re talking about Vasco here. The only thing he knew was practicing. Those fuckers just corrupted our pure leader and I can’t even say it to the kids. Just imagine, a Burn Knuckle’s leader who never watch porn? Every other crews might laugh at him.”

“So, Daniel, what do you think after hearing the story?” He finally asked the important question to the handsome boy. Daniel felt a headache was coming and so he answered truthfully, “Vasco has to overcome this by himself,” He continued while apologizing to Jace, “I’m sorry, Jace. I know Vasco is a special person, but there’s no way that he would stay clueless for his entire life, right? You just have to make sure that Vasco understand sex in the right way.”

Although Daniel felt that his words were useless, Jace truly appreciated it and smiled at him, “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Daniel.” He turned his head to watch the muscular man that pouted while riding a swing, like an innocent little brother. “Looks like I have a lot of homework to teach him.”

Crystal was waiting for his bodyguard on the side of the road. She was already accustomed with the hungry looks of men while staring at her. All men are the same, she thought angrily. Her dad was always using her appearance on the business meetings so that it would be easier to make an agreement. Since then, she knew that her appearance would make every man knelt for her.

“Hi, beautiful, are you alone?” Out of nowhere, a man approached her while acting like a hotshot.  “Mind if I accompany you?” Crystal only gave him a short answer, “Get lost.”

“Aww, don’t be like that. Who are you waiting for? A boyfriend?”

“Yes. I’m waiting for my boyfriend. So, get lost before he kicks your ass.” She angrily spoke. Men are annoying! That man still insisted on staying with her while kept waving his hand in the air. Crystal took a glance and noticed that he was probably tried to flex his branded accessories. It’s not even that expensive, she thought. When she was lost in her own mind, a familiar car finally parked in front of her. She couldn’t help, but raise the corner of her lips. “Gun! Took you long enough!”

Gun went out from the car and straighten his clothes, “What do you mean? I went to pick you up right away after getting your message,” Then, he stared down at the shorter man besides Crystal, “You know him?” Crystal sent him a glance and went into the car, “No. I don’t know him.” The man stared dumbfoundedly at Gun. Well, her bodyguard always had this scary expression on his face although his eyes were covered by sunglasses. Not to mention his tattoos and muscular body, everyone would think of him as a gangster. Nevertheless, Crystal liked it because most men would go away, intimidated by his presence alone. It wasn’t bad to have him around.

This time Crystal purposely said that she didn’t know the man. The reason was to see Gun’s reaction. Usually, he would fight anyone who dared to approach her and it was even worse when anyone touched her fair skin.

“Scram, you fucker.”

This time, she was a little bit startled. Gun actually let go of someone! Hearing the words, that man quickly bowed his body to Gun and run away. No matter how pretty she was, her boyfriend must be a gangster! His life was more important!

“Looks like you’re in a good mood?” Crystal curiously asked him. Gun let out a hummed and continued to drive her home. Geez, what a cold man, she thought. Unexpectedly, Gun added his own answer a minute after the silence, “I just played a good game.”

“What game?” She asked interestedly. Honestly, she always wondered about Gun’s private life, but the other always made a strict boundary between work and personal life. He would only talk about work with the other geniuses and her dad. Also, another thing that picked her interest was that she could never read his mind. He’s just too mysterious.

“A drinking game.” Gun smirked at the other from the rear-view mirror.



To be continued…

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