Sect Leader Is Under Great Pressure

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Is this an opponent?

When the dawn is approaching, the sea of ​​clouds is tumbling, and the strange peaks are rugged.

A giant tortoise as big as a palace slowly swims out of the sea of ​​clouds, leaning on the cliffs of mountains and clouds.

“Why it’s so long late, I can’t make the morning class anymore.” A female nun rushed onto the turtle back holding a booklet sealed by Bai Yu and complained.

“It’s cold.” Yungui opened his huge mouth and said slowly.

“It’s cold, we’re cold too!” The post-cultivators who came up behind were all in support, “It’s a delay in practice.”

“That’s right, Elder Bai’s class! We don’t even have a lot of ground to sit at night, we can only sit on pine branches!”

“The presence of pine branches means that it is not too late. We can basically only listen to the sound under the mountain now.”

“Big brother, I said earlier that I can’t save some money! Yungui has no time to watch.”

“If it weren’t for the other fast runners, I wouldn’t decide it.”

“If you want to hibernate, don’t go out and run the clouds!”

Yungui stopped calmly and turned a deaf ear.

After a few breaths, the people on the cliff were all there, and a faint light radiated from the periphery of the tortoise shell and enveloped the entire crowd. Yun Turtle shook his head and waved his tail and swam slowly to the distance of the sea of ​​clouds.

For about half an hour, Yungui stayed above another lush mountain.

“Chenghui Five Spirit Money.” Yungui said.

The crowd on the turtle’s back has no time to complain about one by one and put the scattered spirit money in a cavity in the turtle’s shell. They all gracefully jumped down from the turtle’s back, and other surrounding clouds and turtles. People rushed to the top of the mountain in the distance.

“Aren’t you going?” Yungui turned his head and asked himself the last teenager on his shell, “Bai Shui Yuanjun only speaks once a year. It’s a pity to miss it.”

The young man glanced enviously in the distance, then retracted his gaze: “I have something important, and I will go to Yangshuo Peak. I will also ask an adult to send it off.”

“I like the word’please’ you said. Those kids are not at all polite,” Yungui moved his body with satisfaction, wandering through the clouds, and said leisurely, “Looking at the vast world and the world, how can you be anxious about everything, Ignore the scenery around you?”

The young man nodded and said yes, and followed his words in praise and praised: “Korui Jun, you have a long life span and naturally conform to Taoism. After all, the seniors and sisters have short lives. It is common to be anxious occasionally.”

“That’s true. We Yungui live for tens of thousands of years. It’s a pity,” Yungui sighed faintly. “The world is difficult and dangerous. No matter how long the life span is, it can’t be equal to the greed of the world. Fate can never last long, my turtle clan How many will die?”

“I’m just kidding, you are not a ten thousand years old, Mr. Turtle, you have a strong cultivation base, and it is normal to live for another 100,000 years.” The young man said sincerely.

“What’s the use of living long? In the way of cultivating the Tao, your human race is blessed, like a true head, but with a life span of a thousand years, you can kill the demon sage a hundred years ago. The damage of heaven is more than enough to make up for the deficiencies. Reason.” Even though Yungui said this, he was still a little proud of his racial talent, “but why did you go back to Yangshuo Peak, kid? After entering the inner gate, you rarely return to the outer peak.”

“The base building competition will start from Yangshuo Peak, and the kid is going to participate in the competition.” He said politely.

“Zhu Ji Da Bi…I remember that the peaks have someone to send you off, why don’t you go with those birds?” Yungui wondered, Kun Lai has a spirit bird Yungui for the Zhuji disciples who can’t fly far without the golden core. It’s just that Yungui is much slower, but relatively, it’s also much cheaper.

“I’m Feng Qingxiu.” The young man smiled, not embarrassed by his strange way of being famous, “I haven’t entered the inner peak, so I can’t get it for free. It’s too expensive to pay Feiying directly, and I have to be frugal recently.”

“Hey, you are the unlucky person who has been deleted. Ji Mingyu has done too much on this matter. A lot of discussion,” Yungui said with contempt. “Before that Ye Han also grabbed a fire eagle and said that he wanted to contract a spirit beast. , Almost killed by the fire eagle.”

Feng Qingxiu was slightly surprised: “Why is this, no one pointed him to the monster race, not a beast?”

When Kun-Lai was first established, many demon races were taken down by the head, and they were contracted as servants. They performed well. Later, they cancelled the contract and let them go back.

However, these monsters felt that Kun-Lai was treated very well, and they did not want to leave, so they stayed.

Many monster races are negotiating with Kun-Lai high-level officials for their descendants to participate in the selection of dragons and phoenixes, and there are often small-scale conflicts.

Although the fire eagle demon clan is small in number, its speed is comparable to that of Yuan Ying monks, and its usefulness is high and the treatment is high. Ye Han wants to directly contract the master and slave, so he is lucky not to be sprayed to death.

“His nostrils are longer in the sky than the cattle clan, who wants to talk to him more.” Yungui said with disdain, “It’s not easy for us to come to Kun-Lai to work, but we can’t hate other people because of him.”

“That’s why I found you.” Feng Qingxiu smiled.

“That’s true. Earlier, our Yungui wasn’t so slow. It’s just that in recent years, many little cubs have grown up and are not greedy. Some slack off,” Yungui complained, “Those flying birds are said to be similar. Recently, they have all begun to carry goods.”

“It should be okay, they can’t bring too many goods.” Feng Qingxiu comforted him.

“I hope,” Yungui didn’t want to mention it, and changed the subject. “By the way, is the secret realm you mentioned, the one in the Wuling Sea?”

“Exactly, do you know that Guijun?” Feng Qingxiu asked curiously.

“Of course, when I was a tender turtle, the secret realm was there. Daxuan was still there. Wulinghai was a prince Daxuan who came to open up his territory. Later, he was killed by the monster clan and the tomb was built in That’s why it’s called Wuling Sea.” Yungui said proudly, “That secret realm was opened at that time, and many talented people came to take the test. It was very lively at that time.”

“Korui Jun is really knowledgeable!” Feng Qingxiu exclaimed.

“If you live a long time, you can understand a little bit more.” Yungui looked at no one on the left and right, and felt that the child was indeed pleasing to the eye, so he said a few more words, “Later, I was discovered in the Wuling Sea Secret Realm, and I went there together because I knew about it. I’ve seen it, I’ll tell you a little bit of attention.”

“This is not good, let’s not say it.” Feng Qingxiu refused.

“What’s wrong, then Ye Han will also go, he must know more than you, I told you, you go and teach the guy who does not distinguish between monsters and beasts, understand?” Yungui stretched his neck and turned his head. Asked him one hundred and eighty degrees.

“This…” Feng Qingxiu still hesitated.

“Then, from the entrance of the secret realm, there is…” Yungui said slowly, and elaborated on the situation inside the secret realm.

Feng Qingxiu also listened carefully.

An hour later, Yungui stopped on the cliff of Yangshuo Peak.

Feng Qingxiu thanked him and prepared to give money.

“No, just teach that kid well.” Yun Turtle put away the money slot on his back.

“I will try my best.” Feng Qingxiu walked down Yungui, thought for a moment, took out a small bag, and said sincerely, “This is the azure rice of Shennong Peak. It has the effect of unlocking the wisdom and softening the bones. You take it back, Mr. Gui Give your grandchildren a taste.”

“This is good, this is good!” Yungui stretched out his head and took away his pockets with great satisfaction, and swallowed them. Shennong Peak has many human valleys and few demon valleys. There are so many quotas for Tianqing rice every year. They have many descendants of the demon race, thinking It takes a lot of effort to buy, “I won’t delay you. Next time I need to come to Yujufeng to find me Guiqi. My granddaughter has just grown up. It’s just right for you to travel. No money is required. Just feed her two meals. I can also introduce you to any monster clan you like, so remember to come.”

“Definitely go to visit.” Feng Qingxiu nodded and agreed.

Yungui had already left, as if he was afraid of going back.

Feng Qingxiu smiled slightly, and ticked off the strategy “Ask the Elder of the Demon Race for Secret Realm Details” in his mind.

The results are gratifying, and it is not in vain that he waited one night to wait for the oldest cloud turtle.

Walking up to the Yangshuo Peak and the ancient bluestone road again, the disciples who rushed to the morning class took a shortcut and flew over the cliff. From a distance, it was like a pilgrimage to a hundred birds. It was a famous scene in Kun-Lai. In retrospect, there was something slightly A sense of inhumanity.

He walked to the main hall with familiarity. As he expected, the hundred of the foundation-building disciples who were in the same class with him in the main hall had already arrived in advance.

When they saw him, their expressions were complex, sympathetic, smiling, and happy, but only two or three were willing to come forward and talk to him. After all, he is now a person who “offended the daughter of the head” and is not strong. Friendship, will not take the initiative to get into trouble.

Feng Qingxiu didn’t care, and chatted with two former friends about the current situation, comforting them that they should have a better chance, and then began to talk about where the surrounding seniors were recently.

And then corresponded to the characteristics of each peak one by one…Before he got Wang Yu, he did enough homework to select the peaks, and he has been caring about his future for months. For example, the senior sister on the right has just entered Yu Beast Peak. They will choose a favorite beast for protection in the early stage. In the early stage, if there is no backstage, bees, scorpions, and snakes are the more insects and beasts they choose. They are cheap, don’t need too much food, upgrade easier, and don’t feel distressed when raising death. First choice for beginners… so he brought a lot of realgar today.

And the two acquaintances who have been chatting with me, who have beaten too many times, don’t need to be familiar with them.

Visually, there are no newcomers, except…

“Bah!” A Chinese-clothed teenager leaped from a huge fire eagle and landed in the open space in front of the door. The fire eagle didn’t wait much, turned and flew away.

“You’d better leave early,” the young man looked arrogant, the pressure was all over the audience, and the momentum of building the foundation was completely unreserved. “This time the competition, I must be the leader!”

A class of students was already outstanding in the early and mid-term of foundation building, but in front of his peerless talent, he couldn’t help being overshadowed.

It’s just that, undoubtedly dismantling everyone’s desk.

“Ye Han, the Fire Eagle was willing to take you just now, did you pay a lot of money?” Someone laughed.

“I hope you can say the same when you are in the secret realm.” Ye Lian coldly glanced at the man, and then fixed his eyes on Feng Qingxiu.

Feng Qingxiu smiled and gestured, and did not mention the previous agreement that the other party would walk around him.

Ye Han suddenly snorted and said to the leading teacher who had just entered the door next to him: “Go and call me!”

Then he walked out of the door automatically.

The surrounding foundation-building period immediately gathered around Feng Qingxiu.

“Sure enough!”

“Brother Feng, you must show him the color this time!”

Feng Qingxiu nodded in agreement and greeted them. He was very demeanor and had friendships in the past, so he naturally chatted with fellow initiates for speculation.

“A group of villains use each other, but so!” Ye Han looked outside coldly, disdainfully said, “Only strength is everything!”

His voice was not small, and there were all clever monks, who naturally glared at him.

Feng Qingxiu sighed in her heart, she couldn’t feel any pressure anymore

Ye Han was so on the road, making him very unfulfilled.

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