Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 155 Zombie Empress (86)

(Heurn Province- Fagong City)

(Outskirts- Hidden Location)

On the edge of the city was a warehouse located near the manufacturing district. It was surrounded by buildings that were either partially or fully destroyed.

One could see men walking around the nearby streets holding make-shift weapons in their hands.

Some were holding wooden bats, other were carrying knives and there was even one carrying what appeared to be a home-made firearm.

There were tense looks on everyone's faces since it was impossible to predict when a zombie would show up.

This constant state of fear and tension placed these men under constant stress.

If it weren't for the fresh supply of women… they would have already gone mad.

Speaking of which… the last batch had died so the boss had sent out a few teams to capture any female survivors left in the city.

Of course, the teams would not venture too far inside in order not to cross the territories of the rival gangs and factions in the city.

Food and water were a big problem.

The only goods left were dried up noodles, canned food and what was scavenged from the nearby supermarkets.

"Boys… we got some beautiful women!" a playful voice yelled. One could hear the sounds of several loud engines as five cars drove towards the warehouse.

The men patrolling outside the warehouse glanced in the direction of the noise and saw a man casually jump out of a speeding vehicle.

He landed on the ground with a heavy thump and cracks began to spread on the asphalt beneath his feet.

He had a vicious scar running across the side of his left cheek and the wretched look on his face displayed his true twisted nature.

The second in command of the blood hound gang… a man by the name of Huang Xiaoming.

A convicted murderer who escaped from prison when the end times occurred.

He was blessed with a powerful ability of enhanced strength and had once crushed a woman's skull using only his bare hands.

He clapped his hands the other cars parked along the side of the road.

The doors opened up to reveal ten heavily armed men and five captured women who were kicking and screaming.

The clothes on their bodies were made from high class materials and it was clear from their unblemished skin that these were rich folk.

Rope was tightly wrapped around their bodies to prevent them from escaping. They were tied up like mere cattle but that is what they were.

A sadistic smile spread across Huang Xiaoming's face as he tried his best to resist the dark urges rising up in his heart.

These women were untouched… at least for now…

The boss always liked to have the first taste. Huang Xiaoming walked up to the women and looked them directly in the eyes.

"Did you have a safe trip?" Huang Xiaoming whispered in a sweet tone.

"Why don't I tell you what's going to happen next… we are going to bring you to our boss who is going to rip off those clothes and…"

His unspoken words hung in the air and every one of the women knew exactly what he was implying.

"When he's done… all of us are going to get a turn… does that sound good?" Huang Xiaoming whispered.

There it was…

Huang Xiaoming's lips gently curved upwards as he saw the fear in their eyes. This was it… the feeling of having the strength to make these bitches cower in terror.

"No… please…" the oldest woman in the group pleaded.

"My daughter… she's only fifteen… she can't… take me instead…"

"Mom!" a young frail girl desperately pleaded but her mother refused to look at her and begged her captor to at least free her daughter.

"Okay…" Huang Xiaoming pretended to be touched by the woman's cries and then began to stroke his chin.

"But you need to give something up… why don't you…"

"I hate how you get to have all the fun before we send them to the boss," a low voice interrupted Huang Xiaoming's speech.

The second in command turned around to see who dared to interrupted him when a heavy object struck the side of his back.

"You think you are better than us just because you have an ability… you are nothing more than human garbage… I DESERVE AN ABILITY!" another voice shouted in rage.


Huan Xiaoming staggered forward in shock and looked down to see a large open wound in the middle of his chest.

It came from the man patrolling nearby who was holding a home-made firearm.

The captured women screamed as blood splashed across their faces. What happened next would forever be imprinted in their mind.


"So what?! You going to do something about it? You think I don't know you stole one of the girls for yourself?!"

"Fuck off!"

The men unsheathed their weapons and rushed towards each other with madness dancing in their eyes.

The captured women were forgotten, and they huddled together as their captors began to fight among themselves with the aim to kill.

Blood and guts splattered on the ground as the men fought desperately with no concern for their injuries that were beginning to pile up.

Several hundred meters away, Qin Lan was hidden behind a nearby building with her eyes completely closed.

She had decided to use her ability in a new way and her experiment turned out to be a success.

Instead of turning her enemies into puppets, she decided to amplify the jealousy and anger in their hearts that they felt towards each other.

In a gang there was no sense of loyalty or comradeship, so it was easy to exploit the past grievances that had built up in their hearts.

"What the hell is going on?" a large voice roared from the direction of the warehouse.

The heavy metalloid doors swung open to reveal a massive muscular man with several men around him.

He was fairly good looking, but his handsome face was twisted with an expression of anger and rage.

The man stretched out his palm and a fierce wave of fire erupted from his fingertips. The temperature in the surrounding area instantly rose by around ten degrees Celsius.

He punched out and the wave of fire shot in the direction of two of the men who were killing each other.

They both died immediately as the flames turned their bodies to ash.

If the leader hoped that his display of strength would send a message, then he was sorely mistaken.

A vengeful smile spread across Qin Lan's face as she manipulated the black threads to send feelings of anger and resentment towards the man with the fire ability.

There was already some level of fear in the gang members' hearts towards the man who claimed to be their leader thanks to his powerful ability.

And Qin Lan found it easy to turn that fear into hatred…

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