Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 169 Zombie Empress (100)

(Outskirts of Heurn Province)

(Hidden Location- Secret Military Complex)


Qin Lan felt her arm tremble as she exchanged blows with the monster who had the face of her younger brother.

Subject 001 was an enhanced creature. He was stronger, faster, and more dangerous than her in every conceivable way.

Rather than fear, Qin Lan felt a small throb of excitement in her heart as she tilted her head to the side and narrowly avoided the black claw that swiped towards her location.

She quickly dropped to the ground and slashed at the creature's legs using the blade in her hand.

Subject 001 screamed in pain as Qin Lan's knife twisted deeply into his flesh and tore apart his ankle ligaments.

Qin Lan wanted to follow up with another attack but was forced to roll away as Subject 001 used his uninjured foot to stomp down on the ground.

The earth itself trembled as cracks appeared where the mutated human-zombie hybrid slammed its foot down.

Qin Lan narrowed her eyes as she saw the heavy injuries that she had just inflicted on Subject 001's body gradually disappear.

His regeneration was not as fast as Eve's… but it was still a problem.

The young woman could feel her heart beating steadily in her chest as the world itself began to slow down to a crawl.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A life and death situation.

This was the first time since arriving on this plane that Qin Lan genuinely felt a sense of danger.

She raised up her knife and narrowly blocked the black claws that shot towards her face. Subject 001's body blurred and then vanished from the spot.

Qin Lan wasn't sure how she was able to sense him since he moved too fast for her eyes to track but somehow her body reacted automatically.

She jumped away and grimaced in pain as several small open wounds appeared on her back. Subject 001 reappeared a few meters away and stared at her with an expression of disbelief.

"Human… how did you avoid that?" Subject 001 curiously asked.

"You were not the only one who was used as a test subject," Qin Lan sprouted some bullshit as she tried to widen the distance between herself and the monster.

She didn't need to win the fight.

She only needed to provide a distraction until Eve got here.

"No! That's impossible how could…" Subject 001's voice was interrupted by one that Qin Lan was very familiar with.

"What the hell are you doing?! KILL THAT BITCH! KILL HER NOW!" Qin Wei's voice appeared from the young teenage boy's mouth.

Subject 001 gripped his head in pain as he felt his mind begin to split apart from the inside. Qin Wei's hatred for his sister was making him irrational.

He could not even focus on the investigating what was the trigger that caused him to enter his true form.

Bang! Bang!

Qin Lan immediately reached for the gun strapped to her other hip and fired two bullets at her brother without hesitation.

Both shots accurately penetrated Subject 001's forehead and pieces of brain matter and black blood came out of the other side.

Subject 001's legs trembled slightly as he staggered forward. Qin Lan adjusted her posture and stood still.

There was a sense of tension in the air.

Qin Lan's finger curled over the trigger, and she fired a few more rounds into the zombie-human hybrid's body but this time Subject 001 did not react.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each bullet left a gaping wound in the young teenage boy's body but Subject 001 gave no indication that he was affected.

Suddenly his pitch-black eyes locked on to Qin Lan's figure and a bloodthirsty grin began to spread across his face.

He got down on all fours almost like a dog and scuttled towards Qin Lan with unnatural movements that were both terrifying and creepy.

The temperature immediately plummeted, and Qin Lan saw frost begin to creep up along her exposed skin.

This ability…

She remembered Qin Wei using an ice type ability during the gas station fight. Was Subject 001 able to use her brother's gift?

"I'll kill you… I'll kill you… I'll kill you…" Subject 001 growled darkly as he raised up his right palm and large shards of ice shot towards Qin Lan's location.

She ran for cover as the pieces of ice penetrated several inches deep into the ground. Qin Lan did not have to be a genius to know that if she got hit then death would soon follow.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The endless barrage of ice shards made it difficult to move around freely as Qin Lan was forced to hide behind the rubble and damaged buildings for cover.

The temperature continued to drop until every breath that Qin Lan exhaled, she could see a faint white mist.

(Eve… where are you?)

Qin Lan mentally sent out a command to her puppet for it to speak but did not have time to share her senses with the broken man.

"ARGHHH! THIS POWER! I… I LOVE IT!" Qin Wei raised up his head and shrieked towards the sky as the piece of ice that materialised above his palm got even bigger.

He flung the enormous shard of ice and this time there was no way for Qin Lan to avoid it completely.

She gritted her teeth and made a painful decision.

Qin Lan rolled to the side and the shard of ice only struck the side of her right arm.

Bits and pieces of her flesh were scrapped off by the projectile and the blood that flowed out was instantly frozen.

The young woman muffed her painful scream by biting down on her shirt. Her right arm was now completely numb and hung uselessly at her side.

Fortunately, it was at least still attached, and the wound seemed to have mostly caused damage to the surface of her skin.

"Come out… come out… don't hide like a little rat…" Qin Wei's and Subject 001's voices both overlapped as they mocked Qin Lan who ducked behind another pile of rubble.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Qin Lan refused to die quietly and tightly gripped the knife in her left palm. She could hear the footsteps of the monster as it walked closer and closer to her location.

She waited with bated breath until the test subject got within two hundred metres of her hiding spot before doing something crazy.

Qin Lan jumped up from behind the pile of rubble and flung her knife right at Subject 001's eye.

Without looking to see if it hit or not, Qin Lan turned around and ran desperately away from the monster.

Every muscle in her body screamed in agony as she forced herself to move despite feeling exhausted.

Judging from the cry of pain… it seemed as though her knife throwing skills were as good as ever.

A proud smirk flashed across Qin Lan's face, and it melted away to an expression of relief as she saw a humanoid figure appear in the distance.


Eve was here.

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