Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 104 – Answer these questions

Liam and the rest of his group were shocked by what they had heard.

Wait does that mean there is only four groups here too? Is that why they are stopping our conquest of the sixth floor? Liam thought as he processed what he heard.

“Only four groups remain for our dungeon and the other two who are having the same issue?” Ariyana repeated.

Adva nodded.

“We are currently working with the other Overseers of those Tutorial Areas to see what is going on, but since there are restrictions on the dungeons we can not enter them,” Phorge started. “We know that the remaining groups have no way to cause this, but we do have to ask some questions to see if we can make any connections to this phenomenon.”

“What questions?” Mercer inquired.

“First, has anything strange happened to you while facing each floor in the black dungeon?” Adva questioned. Her usual calm smile was gone and was replaced with a serious expression.

“What do you mean by strange?” Mercer asked. His tone of voice not betraying that he knew what they were hinting at. “Since this is our first dungeon we don’t have anything to compare it to. So, we don’t know what would be considered strange in a dungeon.”

What Mercer had said was true. This was their first dungeon and in the beginning they couldn’t compare it to anything, but with Mercer’s information gathering skills he was able to tell the dungeon path they were on was different.

Everyone else stayed quiet as they let Mercer do the talking. They tried to make themselves look confused to the question Adva and Phorge had asked them, trying not to give anything away.

Adva and Phorge eyed them carefully.

Liam wasn’t sure they were convinced by Mercer’s misdirection, but he knew they believed what Mercer said was true about it being their first dungeon.

“That is true,” Phorge finally said as he thought about it. “You wouldn’t have any dungeons to compare yours to, to be able to tell if something strange has happened.”

Liam relaxed his body a bit.

“So, I’ll have to ask if you have faced these known EFMs and Floor Boss monsters while taking on the Black Tutorial Dungeon known as The Graveyard,” Phorge continued, making Liam tense a bit.

Mercer and the others swiftly glanced at Liam before looking back at Phorge and Adva.

“Okay,” Mercer responded.

“Have you fought any Skeleton Butchers, Skeleton Warriors, or Thrashing Zombies?” Phorge asked.

“Yes we have,” Mercer answered.

Wait…Skeleton Butchers, Skeleton Warriors, and Thrashing Zombies are considered EFMs or Floor Boss monsters in the regular path? Liam thought with some confusion. I mean they were hard to beat at first, but they really aren’t a challenge any more. But them as EFMs or Floor Boss monsters? Theres no way right? Also, the dungeon is called The Graveyard to them? Can they not see the name we see?

“Ok,” Phorge said with some confusion. “How about any Skeleton Mages?”

I mean we were about to fight a Deathloc on the fifth floor so we could consider it a Skeleton Mage… Liam internally commented.

“One, yes,” Mercer answered.

“Only one?” Adva asked with surprise.

“Yes…,” Mercer repeated with some confusion. “It was an EFM on the fifth Floor.”

“That’s a bit unusual, but not worth anything alarming,” Adva muttered as she began to think.

“Ok, my next question has to do with what you said after coming out from the second floor,” Phorge started up again. “You said that the portal disappeared, and you fought a tree monster. Is that right?”

“We thought a tree was a monster due to how the wind blew the branches. It was our first time going into a zombie filled area mixed with skeletons so we were on edge and mistaking things,” Mercer commented. “As for the portal disappearing, we ended up going to the wrong place where we thought the entrance portal was, but were turned around.”

Adva and Phorge narrowed their eyes as they stared at Mercer before looking at the others.

Phorge’s eyes landed on Artem before asking, “What about that shield you had when you came out? It wasn’t a normal one that you would get from the Tutorial Dungeon.”

Artem looked at him and gave him a confused look. “What shield?”

“I think it was a wooden shield?” Phorge said, questioning his memory of it.

“Hm,” Artem muttered as he brought his hand to his chin. “I don’t remember having a wooden shield, but I do remember getting a crappy one that I sold not too long ago.”

Adva watched Artem’s demeanor as he spoke.

Liam was watching him too. He was surprised that he was lying so blatantly about it. Artem didn’t seem like someone who would lie, but he also recognized that Artem was trying to keep up with Mercer.

He wasn’t sure if not telling them about the Forbidden Path they were on was the right choice. These two were looking out for them and both Galin and Nabal vouched for them. However, because he didn’t know these two fully, yet he didn’t want to tip their hand on what was going on till he knew if he could fully trust them.

Liam knew he was probably overthinking things again, but him overthinking things has always kept him alive while on Earth and he probably wouldn’t break the habit since this world was full of powerful people and dangerous things.

“Is that so?” Phorge stated as he looked at Adva.

“The last question we would like to ask is, have you guys heard or notice anyone acting strangely?” Adva questioned.

“I mean there are plenty of people who act strangely compared to where we’re from,” Ariyana started until Liam interrupted.

“There is one person who has been suspicious.”

Adva and Phorge turned their attention to Liam.

“Who? And what have they done that is suspicious?” Adva asked.

“Not too long ago there was a guy named Steve who tried approaching me and was asking around trying to get information on me,” Liam stated. “He approached me at the Training Hall and tried to forcefully take me somewhere.”

“Steve?” Adva repeated.

Phorge looked equally confused as he asked her, “He’s that Mage Tower guy we had complaints about right?”

Adva nodded as her brows scrunched. “Yeah, but I think he disappeared a couple of days ago, didn’t he?”

“That’s what I thought too,” Phorge agreed. He then added, “I don’t think he’d be able to cause this though. His level isn’t high enough to be able to tamper with Deity level magic.”

“Deity level magic?” Mercer questioned with much interest.

Phorge looked at him and responded, “It’s a level of magic. Too powerful for you to learn it and too much to explain exactly how powerful it is.”

Mercer frowned at the inadequate answer but didn’t complain.

“Um so what are we going to do now?” Blair asked, concerned with the next step for them.

Adva looked at her and answered with a half warm smile, “We are discussing that with the other Overseers to see what they are planning to do, but for now we are leaning on you guys entering a different dungeon.”

“Are we going to have to start over from the first floor?” Roman asked, displeased with the possibility.

“That is what we are trying to figure out right now,” Phorge replied. “Normally you can’t skip floors in a dungeon, but these are the Tutorial Dungeons. With the help of certain Deities, it is possible to enter a floor despite not doing the other floors. However, we are still waiting for a response. So, for now you will have to wait till we get an answer.”

“Why can’t we just leave this place?” Mercer asked.

“The Portal to go to the surface is a bit complicated and complex,” Adva started. “The magic and runes placed on it is designed to stop any who haven’t completed six floors of a Tutorial Dungeon. This is to make sure there aren’t any who try to fake their way out without doing the work and stop them from dying the moment they leave because they decided to jump into something they have no knowledge of.”

Everyone frowned at the answer.

They could understand what they were saying, but they still felt like it was stupid they couldn’t leave since they were being forced not to finish their dungeon due to the issue. They were also dissatisfied with the possibility of having to start all over in a different dungeon.

“You will tell us when you have an answer, right?” Blair asked, frowning.

“As soon as we get it,” Phorge answered. “So, for now I’d advise you to train as much as you can while you wait.”

“That’s really the only thing we can do isn’t it?” Roman commented.

“What will happen if everyone here in the Tutorial Dungeon leaves while we wait for an answer?” Avery asked. “Are we going to have to figure out what we’re going to eat and get repairs and stuff?”

“You won’t have to worry about that,” Adva answered with a smile. “We will make sure all of your accommodations and needs are met until you leave here.”

Avery nodded in relief as she said, “Thank you.”

“It is the least we can do,” Adva said with a melancholy tone. “We will leave you to eat and do what you must to prepare.”

“If you hear or come across any information that is related to what is going on in the Black Dungeon please let us know,” Phorge added as they walked to the door and exited out of the room.

After the door closed, everyone turned to look at each other.

“What do you guys think?” Mercer questioned.

“I don’t know where to start,” Avery started.

“There are twenty other Tutorial Areas and out of them all only three are having issues with the same type of dungeon?” Blair said. “I don’t like that. It’s not big enough to be a coincidence, but it’s also not small enough to write off as a simple malfunction of magic.”

“Especially if its Deity level magic,” Avery added.

“I agree,” Mercer nodded.

“Not only that, but all but four groups have died in the dungeons. That can’t be a coincidence,” Artem added.

“That is also something important to note,” Blaire agreed.

“Was it alright that we didn’t say anything about finding a Forbidden Path?” Ariyana questioned. “Maybe that’s what triggered all of this?”

“It isn’t,” Liam stated as they all turned to look at him.

“Why do you say that?” Roman asked.

“I met with Nabal earlier and he already told me about the issues happening in our dungeon,” Liam answered. “He didn’t tell me about other Tutorial Areas and the problems they’re having, so that was new to me. However, he more or less told me the same thing they said, but with less information.”

“That doesn’t explain why you said us finding a Forbidden Path didn’t cause all this,” Blair commented.

“I thought that maybe us finding one did cause it, but after asking if a Forbidden Path would he told me it wouldn’t,” Liam replied waiting for their response.

“You told him about the Forbidden Path we found?” Mercer asked.

Liam nodded.

“What did he say?” Artem asked.

“He said that we should tell Adva and Phorge as well as train as much as we can in case they still had us go back in,” Liam said.

“Then why didn’t you say anything and allowed us to lie to them?” Artem questioned.

“Because you think there is a chance they are hiding something. Don’t you?” Mercer asked.

Liam nodded before saying, “Both Nabal and Galin have vouched for them, but I still don’t fully trust them yet. It might be a bad habit of mine, but I don’t know them well enough to just divulge everything.”

“It’s not a bad thing to be cautious about,” Blair said as she agreed with Liam’s logic. “Just because they are…what was the word? Overseers?”

Liam and Mercer nodded.

“Just because they are Overseers of the Tutorial Area doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance they could be behind it,” Blair continued. “Until we know they have nothing to do with this we should be cautious about what we tell them.”

“I agree,” Mercer stated.

“So, what do we do now?” Roman inquired as he looked at everyone.

“First…we eat,” Liam replied. “I am starving. After that we will need to train and get stronger in case anything happens. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that only four groups have survived in three Tutorial Areas that have been tackling the Black Tutorial Dungeon.”

“I agree with you,” Mercer stated while he and Artem pulled out the food they had received from the Dancing Baboon. “There are still too many factors we don’t know about yet. However, the odds of all twelve groups finding a Forbidden Path and have survived this long because they have gotten stronger than the ones who didn’t is not non-existent. And if they did find one then it could all be tied together somehow.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Liam agreed. “So, for now we are going to need to get stronger and find out if the other three groups here in our Tutorial Area have found a Forbidden Path.”

Liam turned to look at Mercer and asked, “Do you think you can find the ones who are still alive from our dungeon and see if that is the case?”

Mercer brought a hand to his chin as he began to think. While he was thinking he muttered, “I can try, but they wouldn’t speak to me before.”

“Still try and see,” Liam said.

Mercer nodded.

“Alright lets end the talks for now and get some food in our bellies,” Artem said as he passed out the food.




Adva and Phorge walked out of the Mage Tower.

No one was around as they walked down the street.

“How much of what they said do you think was the truth?” Phorge asked.

“That Mercer child did speak the truth, however he did so in a roundabout way to evade telling the whole truth. His skill as a Bard is tremendous,” Adva replied. “However, that Artem is too honest for his own good. He can’t lie to save himself.”

Phorge nodded agreeing with her.

“It is a shame that your friend couldn’t come here to help us investigate what they had to go against while they were taking on the floors in the black dungeon,” Adva continued. “However, it is fortunate that what is going on here is also going on over at the Tutorial Area he is overseeing.”

Phorge’s face grew a stern look as he said, “He said he will tell us what he finds out, but it will be a while. Apparently there’s some issues he came across while trying to scry into the dungeon there.”

Adva stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. “An issue with scrying a dungeon? That is not good.”

“No, it is not.” Phorge agreed while shaking his head.

“What’s even more of an issue is the information about that Steve fellow Liam had mentioned,” Adva continued as she grew a grave expression. “After getting some complaints from a few of the newly integrated people, I took the liberty to ask an information guild to look into him for me.”

“Oh? What did you find out?” Phorge questioned.

“Apparently, many who knew him thought he was dead since he vanished from their lives after an incident that had happened to him and his group,” Adva started. “He resurfaced a couple of weeks before the Tutorial Areas were about to open up for this new batch of people. They said he was very adamant about volunteering to help out.”

“It’s not strange for people to strongly volunteer to help newly integrated people in a Tutorial Area,” Phorge said with a look of confusion.

“You’re right, but the list to volunteers was already full at the time he appeared. He originally wasn’t going to be accepted until someone came forth to vouch for him and he was then accepted,” Adva continued.

Phorge’s brows scrunch as he listened to Adva. “Someone vouched for him to be accepted even though the list was full? That can’t be true. Those old coots at the Adventurer’s Association are sticklers for rules. The only way for someone to get him without them kicking up a storm would be…”

“Someone with a lot of power. Enough power to shut those stubborn fools up,” Adva finished for him. She then looked at him and added, “That’s not the only thing. Apparently, there were two others that got in the same way. All having classes that were similar in mana type.”

Phorge’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean…”

“We need to find Steve and see if he is the one responsible for this,” Adva stated.

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