Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 110 – Attuning a Mana Type

“Please attune a Mana type to complete the enchantment?” Liam muttered to himself. His brows scrunched as he questioned, “Fia, what is this about? Why did you give me an incomplete weapon?”

Hearing Liam mutter Fia’s name made Mercer remember the message she wanted passed along. “That’s right, Fia stated to tell you to channel the mana you wanted. I don’t know what she meant by that though.”

Liam looked at him then back at the dagger.

After a moment, it clicked what the message about attune a Mana type meant.

A grin slowly grew on Liam’s face. “Fia, you always complained about doing things above what I am supposed to do and now you’re telling me to finish this enchantment? You sly woman.”

“What do you mean?” Ariyana asked with some curiosity and confusion.

Liam sat down in a cross legged position as he pulled out the rest of the daggers on the floor to count how many there were.

There were a total of eight of them. All of them had unattuned Enchantments, waiting for a mana type to be added to complete the process.

“She made me these daggers that have both Runes and Enchantments on them,” Liam stated. “They are incomplete because the enchants do not have any mana types attuned to them yet.”

Mercer’s brows furrowed as he looked at Liam. “What are Runes and Enchantments? And why are the weapons incomplete without any mana types attuned to them?”

“I still don’t know a lot about Runes and Enchantments, but if I had to make as accurate of a guess…Runes enhance the weapons physically while Enchantments enhance magically due to the mana type.” Liam gave him a toothy smile as he added, “So in retrospect, she made me magical throwing daggers with Runic enhancements.”

Mercer and the others looked surprised and amazed as they looked back at the weapons.

“So, what about the incomplete part?” Blair asked with some confusion.

“They are incomplete because the Enchantments aren’t attuned yet to any Mana Type,” Liam answered as he looked back down at them. “I’m guessing I need to channel enough mana into them to complete the enchantment.”

“Have you done that before?” Avery inquired.

Liam shook his head. “No, Enchanting is something I was told I could learn more about after leaving the Tutorial Area, so I didn’t get to look much into it.”

Roman shook his head. “So, what I’m hearing is you’re about to take a step into something you know nothing about and with no knowledge. Just gut feeling?”

“Pretty much,” Liam responded as the others started laughing. He looked at them with a puzzled expression and asked, “What’s so funny?”

“That sounds so like you,” Ariyana stated as she shook her head trying to stifle her laughter.

Liam frowned as he stated, “You make it sound like I make a habit of this.”

“You do,” the others said in unison.

Liam gave them a faux look of hurt. “I’ll have you know that I…”

“Don’t even try to defend yourself,” Avery bluntly stated. “Just do what you have to do so we can move on.”

Looking both perplexed and shocked, Liam looked back at the items and thought about what to do.

I have eight daggers and four mana types, not adding Lunar Mana since I still can’t get it down. Liam thought. Should I just attune all of them to my Shadow Mana since I use that one a lot?

Liam shook his head. As helpful as it would be, he didn’t want to just have them all as one type, he liked diversity, and it seemed like someone else agreed with him.

You should do two Shadow, two Lightning, and two gravity. Eri suggested. Leave the last two for when you can grasp Lunar Mana.

Yeah? Liam questioned.

It’s good to have weapons with different mana types in case you come across enemies that require it. Eri stated. You don’t want all of your eggs in one basket. To be able to catch someone or something off guard will help you in the end.

Liam agreed with her. The logic was sound and much like the fighting style he wanted to go with. He didn’t want to be a one trick pony and during his fights on all the previous floors it did seems like having different surprises would be needed.

Alright I’ll go with that. Liam agreed as he started to channel some mana around him.

He went through the process of chanting a Shadow Orb and cutting off the chant halfway through and pulling the mana towards his hands. He noticed something different this time as the shadow mana wrapped around his hands and made it up to his elbows.

He heard a chime sound echoed, but didn’t take the time to check it. He figured he’d look later since he still had a slew of notifications from his fight earlier.

He activated his Mana Sight and looked at the weapon before him. He noticed the silver barrier that wrapped around the weapon. Within the barrier was Arcane Mana that didn’t fill the weapon, but instead filled the gap between the barrier and the weapon. He also noted that the Arcane Mana didn’t touch the weapon, there was still some space between them.

There’s Arcane Mana there so why didn’t it seep into the weapon? Liam thought as he stared at it. Is it because she didn’t push it to connect? Or maybe…

Liam remembered something Fia had told him. It was about the fact that Arcane had no affinities.

If Arcane has no affinity then maybe it’s there to act like the middleman to help fuse the mana type with the weapon? Liam concluded as he thought about it.  It’s worth a shot.

Liam grabbed one of the daggers with his right hand as he hovered his left, open palmed, over it.

He closed his eyes and started to focus the Shadow Mana on his left hand into a thin line and snaked it around the barrier around the dagger.

As his mana wrapped around the barrier of the weapon, he tried poking and prodding to test how strong it was.

The barrier was strong, but he did notice a couple of weak spots. That was where he focused his Shadow Mana at. He molded the Shadow Mana to create a sharp triangular shapes, just like he did when Bone Smelting.

As soon as they had formed, he slowly pushed the mana into the weak spots.

The barrier around the two sharp pencil like forms started to bend a bit, but didn’t hold up as a hole formed, allowing his Shadow Mana to seep in and connect to the Arcane Mana that was inside.

Liam grinned as he felt this wasn’t too hard. If it was this easy then Enchanting was going to be easy for him.

As soon as he thought this, the two holes suddenly closed up, blocking any more Mana to enter.

Liam frowned as he stared at it.

What the hell? Liam thought as he stared at the barrier around the dagger.

As he stared at it, he thought what went wrong. He was able to make the holes to allow his Shadow Mana to connect with the Arcane Mana, but as that happened it felt like the barrier closed back up.

He tried again and watched as the Shadow Mana connect with the Arcane Mana, but shortly after that the barrier closed up once more.

Liam’s brows scrunched as he tried again, but this time focused hard around the barrier and where the two mana types connected. As he watched he realized what the issue was.

As soon as the Shadow Mana connected with the Arcane Mana, the thin line of Shadow Mana around the barrier thinned out a bit, allowing the barrier to cut it off.

It was like when two water droplets connected. The two areas that connected sucked in allowing those spots to thin out more than they were before.

“Okay. It looks like I’ll have to thicken that area once I get it through the barrier,” Liam muttered to himself.

The others watched with confused looks. Out of all six of them though, Mercer, and surprisingly Roman understood what he was muttering as they watched him do this process with their Mana Sight activated.

Liam pushed through the barrier once more with his Shadow Mana. As soon as it connected with the Arcane Mana, he forcefully thickened the two lines that had pushed through, making the barrier push back some before it could cut them off again.

Liam grinned as he watched his Shadow Mana mix with the Arcane. The violet color darkened as the raven black color started to take over the space between the dagger and the barrier. Once when the color fully took over, Liam allowed the barrier to cut off his Shadow Mana from entering it and just stared at it.

He still wasn’t sure how to properly enchant anything, let alone weapons. Was he supposed to let it sit there and it would complete the process by itself, just like Extraction would do in Alchemy?

Liam didn’t think that was the case. He knew he had to do something. He could feel his mana around the dagger, but he didn’t feel any changes to the weapon. He assessed it again and just saw the same thing as last time.


“Enchanted Runic Curved Throwing Bone Dagger (Unattuned and incomplete). Item Type – Enchanted Runic Weapon (Throwing). Item Rarity (Weapon) – Unusual. Item Quality (Weapon) – Above Average. Rune Quality – Common. Enchant Quality – Common. Runes placed - 3 – Endure, Fatal, Swift. Enchants placed – 1 – Unattuned. (Please attune a Mana type to complete enchantment). + 20% Durability, + 20% Damage, + 20% Speed.”


How the hell am I supposed to get the enchantment attuned? Liam thought as he continued to stare at it. It’s not like channeling any more of my mana will do any…

A sudden thought popped into his mind as he thought back to when he was trying to learn how to control and manipulate Shadow mana for the first time.

He tried to pick up a dagger, but accidentally threw it over his head. As he went to grasp it, a shadow hand had appeared to grab the flying weapon. The Shadow Mana that was coating his hand had disappeared when the Hand was created. Why did that happen?

He hadn’t known it at the time, but when he went to grasp the weapon, he had channeled the Shadow Mana that was in his hand to give form to something. He had channeled the Shadow Mana to create a Shadow Hand to grasp the weapon.

If channeling mana was what led to creating the Shadow Hand, then maybe channeling the Shadow Mana inside the barrier was what was needed to create the Enchanted attunement?

Liam felt he was on the right track, but still felt like there was something he was missing. Just simply channeling the mana wouldn’t be all that was needed. Maybe there was different rules when it came to this. If that was the case then what was it?

Liam stared at the dagger that had the pitch raven-black mana surrounding it. After staring at it for a few seconds it clicked. That space between the mana and the dagger. He needed to channel the mana into the dagger.

Without second guessing himself, Liam felt his connection to the Shadow Mana inside the barrier and started channeling it. As he channeled it, he tried pushing the mana towards the dagger and felt some push back.

“So, you wanna play the hard to get game do you,” Liam muttered with a grin. He forced his focus on channeling a little harder, pushing the Shadow Mana closer to the weapon. Each time he pushed the weapon pushed back harder.

Liam could feel his mana draining as he forced the mana closer and closer, not allowing the mysterious force pushing him back to win. After a minute of straining, Liam felt the mana touch the weapon and watched as the pitch raven-black colored mana get sucked into it.

A couple of chime sounds echoed in Liam’s mind as he opened his eyes and saw the color of the weapon had changed.

Instead of the eggshell white color of the bone, thin black lines were marked around it. Wisps of black smoke wafted off of the weapon as well.

Liam assessed the item.


“Shadow Enchanted Runic Curved Throwing Bone Dagger. Item Type – Enchanted Runic Weapon (Throwing). Item Rarity (Weapon) – Unusual. Item Quality (Weapon) – Above Average. Rune Quality – Common. Enchant Quality – Common. Runes placed - 3 – Endure, Fatal, Swift. Enchants placed – 1 – Shadow. + 20% Durability, + 20% Damage, + 20% Speed. + 20% extra Shadow damage. 15% chance to activate Effect – Hidden Whispers. Hidden Whispers – Whispers plague the target’s mind causing distractions and confusion. Can stack up to seven times. Each stack will make the whispers louder, causing the target to become more distracted and confused. Lasts for 30 seconds.”


Liam’s eyes widened at what he had read. After reading it all, he said in an almost quiet voice, “Holy shit.”

“Holy shit is right,” Mercer agreed. “That is a nasty debuff.”

“You’ve got that right,” Liam said as a smile grew. “If a Shadow Mana enchant can do that then I wonder what Lightning and Gravity can do.”

Without wasting any time, Liam pulled out a mana Potion, drank it and got back to work.

It took Liam another thirty minutes to complete the enchantments on the other five daggers. He grinned wide as he stared at them with complete amazement at what he just did.


“Lightning Enchanted Runic Curved Throwing Bone Dagger. Item Type – Enchanted Runic Weapon (Throwing). Item Rarity (Weapon) – Unusual. Item Quality (Weapon) – Above Average. Rune Quality – Common. Enchant Quality – Common. Runes placed - 3 – Endure, Fatal, Swift. Enchants placed – 1 – Lightning. + 20% Durability, + 20% Damage, + 20% Speed. + 20% extra Lightning damage. 15% chance to activate Effect – Static Pulse. Static Pulse – sends a small pulse of static up and down the limb of the target every ten seconds. Each pulse will make the limb feel numb for 5 seconds while doing bits of lightning damage with each pulse. Can stack up to five times. Each stack will make the pulse stronger and make the numbing last a second longer with each stack. Lasts for 1 minute.”

“Gravity Enchanted Runic Curved Throwing Bone Dagger. Item Type – Enchanted Runic Weapon (Throwing). Item Rarity (Weapon) – Unusual. Item Quality (Weapon) – Above Average. Rune Quality – Common. Enchant Quality – Common. Runes placed - 3 – Endure, Fatal, Swift. Enchants placed – 1 – Gravity. + 20% Durability, + 20% Damage, + 20% Speed. + 20% extra Gravity damage. 15% chance to activate Effect – Weight Increase. Weight Increase – Each successful strike on a target makes the area struck feel heavier. Can stack up to 8 times. Each stack will make the area struck on the target heavier than the last. Lasts for 1 minute.”


“This is amazing,” Liam said with glee. He then looked at the others and said without thinking, “I need to test these out! We need to head to the dungeon and take on…”

His words died out as he noticed their expressions. He then remembered where they were as he looked around them. With slight embarrassment, Liam let out a cough and said, almost as if he never said anything before, “When we get the chance against some monsters on this floor, I want to test them out.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.