Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 117 – He has a presence that makes others fall to their knees.

Liam stared at the corpses that were dropped on both sides of the room. The skeletons that dragged the dead bodies already leaving the room back through the doors.

As Liam stared at the bodies he noticed they weren’t in pristine condition. The Spider Tailed Horned Viper was missing parts of its skin while the Black Widow Matriarch had dents throughout its body. Several crack lines were seen on the back abdomen.

The Lich raised both arms up and started channeling mana as a sickly green and black color started to build up around him.

“What’s the plan here?” Aranis shouted out as he turned to look at Liam.

Liam noticed everyone had turned to look at him. Hesitating, Liam decided to think the situation through.

He looked up to see the creepy floating orbs were still swimming around above them. He looked back at the Lich. They needed to reach the Lich and defeat him, but the barrier was still intact preventing them from attacking him. Not only that, but it was also not allowing them to race over to the corpses to try and hack them down.

It was starting to look inevitable that they were going to have to fight these two creatures before they could attack the Lich.

Liam looked at the groups of people spread out.

There were four groups and two large monsters. It would be wise to have a couple of the Defenders taunt and keep one of the monsters’ attention while they try to kill off the other. Each of these people have had experience against them before and was able to defeat them back on the third floor, however there was a problem.

These monsters would mostly like be stronger thanks to not only the Lich’s power, but also thanks to them being on the sixth floor where all the monsters’ powers have risen more than the previous floors. It would be wise not to underestimate them now since they would be tougher.

After thinking it over, Liam came to a decision.

“Jude and Aranis!” Liam yelled out. “Both of your groups will handle the Spider Tailed Horned Viper. Inyis’ and my groups will take on the Black Widow Matriarch…”

“Are you serious?!” Artem yelled out.

Ignoring Artem’s sudden panic, Liam continued, “We may have defeated them before, but that was back on the third floor. I don’t know what’s going to change especially since they are going to be Undead type monsters now, but we will need to be careful. However, we should also not take too long. I don’t know what that Lich is planning, but it can’t be good. Mica and Rez, don’t forget to communicate with each other and with Inyis and I as well.”

Mica and Rez nodded as they moved over to the left side of the room, giving each other enough space to be able to see the room better on their side.

Inyis turned to Liam. “What is our approach?”

“Before that, Artem,” Liam started as he looked over at the Lich. It looked like the spell he was preparing for was going to take some time. “Do you have enough for everyone here?”

Confused, Artem scrunched his brows before realizing what he meant and looked into his inventory. He then nodded and informed, “I have just enough for everyone.”

“Okay pass them out while I explain the plan,” Liam said.

“What are you talkin…,” Inyis started to say until Artem pulled out three different colored bars and started passing them out to everyone.

The people in Inyis’ group stared at the oddly colored bars before looking at Inyis.

“These are what I like to call Buff Bars,” Artem answered their unasked question. “They give out a buff depending on the bar you eat.”

Inyis’ groups eyes widened after hearing what he said before eating them.

“Which one is your defender? Or are both your Defenders?” Liam questioned as he pointed to the two lion-folk who stared at Liam with their arms crossed after eating their buff bars.

“Marco is technically our defender,” Inyis replied between bites. “Although he doesn’t look like it, he has body strengthening type magic that helps him defend and strengthen his body better when taking hits.”

Liam nodded then looked back at the two Lion-folks. Their looks were so identical that he couldn’t tell them apart.

They both stared at him looking stoically. Neither revealed who was Marco.

 Liam frowned before letting out a sigh and asking, “And which one of the two is Marco? They look so similar I can’t tell them apart.”

Inyis let out a small giggle before saying, “The one on the left is Marco. Next to him is his twin Danny.”

“Well, that explains why they look so similar,” Liam muttered under his breath. “Marco, I need to know what kind of Defender you are?”

“What do you mean?” Marco asked as he uncrossed his arms.

“I mean are you like a guardian type that focus more on defensive abilities? Or are you a vanguard type that has a lot of offensive capabilities? I want to say you’re more the latter than the former, but I need to make sure,” Liam explained.

Marco narrowed his eyes. “Why do you need to know? Who are you to…”

“Marco, don’t be difficult,” Inyis chastised with narrow eyes. “We all have our roles to play and Liam here will be the main Control Tower who will be yelling out the orders. So don’t play the dick measuring game you usually do and just answer.”

Marco’s stoic expression faltered a bit before he sighed and said, “Fine. You are right. I have focused more on being an offensive type Defender due to my race and the type of magic fields I am suited for.”

“What type of magic fields do you have?” Liam asked as he side eyed Inyis before looking back at him.

“As Lady Inyis has mentioned, I have the Field of Reinforcement with my main focus on Body. I have self buffs that can overlap with other buffs. Whether they be offensive or defensive.”

Liam nodded.

“I also have the Field of the Berserk and Field of the Elements with a focus in Lightning,” Marco added.

“Alright, are comfortable with being our main tank?” Liam asked.

Marco gave Liam a wide grin. “Most definitely.”

“Good,” Liam started. “With you being an offensive type Defender you can easily get and keep aggro.” He then looked to Artem and Blair and said, “Blair you’ll be off tank. You and Marco will be rotating aggro to keep that creature’s attention confused. Make sure you both aren’t too close to each other and are spread out.”

“Artem you’ll tank whenever they can’t hold aggro. You’re our back up if they both lose or can’t keep aggro. However, your other job besides attacking is to heal and cure any poisons that we get afflicted with, whenever we need it.”

Artem nodded still hating the fact they had to fight the dreaded spider.

“Danny, since you know how your brother fights and you are a close ranged type fighter I’ll leave you to fight close by your brother,” Liam continued. He then looked at Roman and added, “Same with you Roman. You’ll be next to Blair.”

Danny and Roman nodded.

“Avery and…,” Liam continued as he pointed to the Rogue-looking Fairy and the female lion-folk with the spear.

“Lector is the rogue and Nidy is the lion-folk,” Inyis filled in.

“Thank you,” Liam said. “You three will spread out behind the Black Widow and attack there. You will need to be careful for any attacks back there. Inyis and I will spread out so we can still see you, but we wont be able to see everything.”

The three nodded as well.

Liam then turned to the last three he hadn’t addressed yet and relayed, “Mercer and Ariyana, same as usual. Buffs and Illusion magics when needed. Use your other spells if you think it’ll help or listen for my call for them. As for…”

“Lapis,” Inyis said.

“Lapis, I don’t know every magic you have, but buff when needed and use your spells accordingly.” Liam said before looking at Inyis. “I know you said I will be main Control Tower here, but since I don’t have full knowledge on all your teams magics I will let you handle them. I’ll keep an ear out whenever you mention who has what magic during the fight and relay to you what we need when we need it, but for now you have control over your team.”

Inyis nodded understanding and approving his decision.

Liam felt a sudden spike wave out from the Lich, indicating he was about to release the spell and yelled out, “Alright everyone get ready. Marco, you have the opening shot so make it flashy. Everyone else get ready. Buffers start buffing when I give the single.”

Everyone in their group released a loud yell as they spread out and got into position.

Liam turned his attention to the Lich whose body pulsed with the sickly green and black colored mana.

Liam watched as the mana started to snake out from his hands and slither their way to the two corpses to his left and right. Once when the mana touched the creatures’ corpses their bodies started glowing with the same colored mana as the Lich.

After a few seconds their bodies glowed brighter. Once when the brightness of the mana over their bodies shined intensely, the Lich said with a commanding tone of voice, “Arise my minions.”

The Mana covering the Black Widow Matriarch’s and the Spider Tailed Horned Viper’s bodies suddenly pulsed as it seeped into them.

After the last bit of the glowing mana disappeared inside them, there was silence.

Everyone stared at the two bodies with anxiety and eagerness to get this fight over with already. Without having to wait long, the two bodies suddenly twitched.

A sharp leg from the Black Widow moved slightly as a part of the Viper’s stomach jerked to the left.

Then all of a sudden both of their bodies jerked and convulsed almost like they were getting a shock to bring them back to life.

The Black Widow Matriarch’s legs started to rise and fall, clattering in a way that reminded Liam of someone taking a thin poker and constantly stabbing a slab of ice.

The Viper’s tail twitched up in the air and slammed down a few times as well.

This kept going for at least twelve seconds until they stopped and became still.

Then at the same time, the Viper lifted its head up high and stared at the group in front of it as the Black Widow lifted her body up and looked at Liam and the others.

“God you’re still as ugly and frightening as the day we killed you,” Artem involuntarily stated.

Liam assessed both creatures to see what they were dealing with.


“Raised Black Widow Matriarch. 9750/9750 HP. 0/0 MP. Level 18 (Partially Sealed).”

“Raised Spider Tailed Horned Viper. 9750/9750 HP. 0/0 MP. Level 18 (Partially Sealed).”


“Ooof. That is a massive increase in health compared to when we first fought them,” Liam grimaced after seeing those bars. He then thought, I guess our only saving grace here is that their powers are still sealed. I tell you these damn checks and balances are getting skewer and skewer in every damn fight in this dungeon.

“As much as I would love to play with you all, I have more important matters to attend to,” the Lich stated in an almost dismissive tone.

“Damn bastard,” Liam heard Jude scowl. “He doesn’t even see us as actual enemies.”

Jude was right. The way the Lich was looking at them made Liam believe he didn’t believe they would reach him. He looked like they were some minor annoyances that he could have someone, or in this case, two creatures, handle them while he was trying to achieve some goal.

It must be because of that hubristic portion in its name. Liam thought with a frown. He looked back up at the orbs. What is he trying to accomplish? What is so much more important than dealing with us? And what are those orbs’ role in all of this?

Liam racked his brain trying to think what the Lich was trying to do so he could make some sort of counter plan against it.

However, before he could try and figure something out, he was taken out of his thoughts and back to reality as the two massive creatures started to move forward.

After taking a few steps they were suddenly rebuffed by the invisible barrier.

The Lich frowned before turning into a look of disapproval. “No matter how intelligent they used to be, after death had consumed them and being reanimated by my great powers, their minds have become dumb as rocks.”

He then flicked his hands out to the sides.

“Get the buffs out now,” Liam ordered as loud as he could so the other combined group could hear him as well.

Ariyana started chanting along with the other vocal buffers. Mercer waited for his buff before he started playing his violin.

Marco closed his eyes and quietly chanted something as several colors flashed over his body. His muscles bulged a bit before they tightened and looked like they compacted slightly. After that, he moved back a bit and got into a runner’s starting stance with both hands on the ground in front and his legs back, one under his stomach and the other stretched out a bit.

As this was going on, Liam watched as two sections of the invisible barrier suddenly became seeable as they flicked a few times. To Liam it was like a panel of glass suddenly appeared and disappeared a few times before shattering.

“You can now go play with these pathetic creatures,” the Lich ordered as he turned back around and stared at something.

“Marco, charge!” Liam roared as the Black Widow Matriarch rushed forward.

Instead of letting out a taunt, the muscular Lion-folk pressed down on his back foot before jolting forward as fast as he could.

The giant spider stopped her run and raised her two front sharply pointed legs back and struck them towards Marco.

“Artem, Blair!” Liam yelled.

Inyis and the rest of her group watched with shock as the two appeared beside Marco. Blaire swinging her rock hardened axe, and Artem swinging his shield. Both parrying the Black Widow’s strikes with ease.

After picking up enough speed, Marco leaped up as he turned and leaned his body enough for his right shoulder to stick out.

Liam watched as Marco did this and was curious how it would end. The results surprised him as Marco slammed right into the Black Widow Matriarch, causing her to slide backwards and falter enough for her to lose her balance as her legs slide out from underneath her a bit.

Liam looked at Inyis and said with a grin, “I guess that’s another great way to make an entrance.”

Inyis nodded as she gave him a grin. “What can I say. He has a presence that makes others just fall to their knees.”

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