Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 125 – New Class, New Moves

Jude, Aranis, and Inyis stared at him.

“Are you serious?” Jude questioned with a somewhat look of pity.

Liam looked over the information that was right in front of him again.


“Congratulations! You have evolved your Main Class – Crafter into Main Class – Spirit Weaver. Harvest the souls of the fallen, collect them in the Spectral Lantern, and weave them into weapons, armor, consumable and alchemic items to create powerful variants. Wield the spirits you weave into your items in ways long forgotten in this world.”

“Health, Mana, and Stamina have increased due to class evolution.”

“Congratulations! You have unlocked a new resource pool, Spirit Pool. Spirit Pool – like your Mana Pool, Spirit Pool is used when using Spirit abilities!”

“Congratulations! New Spirit Stat and Sub-stats have been revealed!”

“Warning! Due to certain requirements not fully met, new Spirit Stat and Sub-stats’ have been locked.”

“Congratulations – Class ability Harvest has evolved into Spirit Harvest. Level of Spirit Harvest will remain the level it was at when it evolved. Spirit Harvest – the ability to harvest the soul of a fallen enemy and place it into user’s Spectral Lantern.”

“Spirit Harvest Level 10 update – can harvest multiple souls of fallen enemies at once within a twenty foot radius!”

“Spirit Harvest Level 20 update – ability now has an execute effect. If a creature is at 5% health user can call upon their soul to leave the body and end the creature’s life instantly.”

“Warning! Crafting Focus Point -Gathering Craft ability – Harvest has separated from Main Class ability – Soul Harvest and will level up separately.”

“You have received the ability Anima Forge. Anima Forge – Creates a small Soul Forge for user to use to craft the collected souls into weapons, armor, alchemical items, and more.”

“You have received the ability Soul Weave. Soul Weave – When using a piece of armor or weapon with a soul imbued inside it, user can gain limited abilities and equipment appearances from the creature(s) soul inside item. Limited abilities and appearances are limited to level of ability as well as the spirit(s) fondness to the user. Ability cost – 10 SP. Additional 5 SP is used for every 10 seconds. Target Ability – Self. Ability Type – Instant (Non-Chant).”


Liam looked at the black metaled lantern with the creepy aura seeping out of it.

This must be the Spectral Lantern. Liam thought as he turned it around. His eyes scrunched as he thought, Am I supposed to always hold onto it during battle or can I put it away?

Almost as if it was hearing his thoughts, an ethereal chain formed on the handle of the lantern towards his belt loop on his freed side.

Liam released it as he felt a tug and watched it shoot to his hip and dangle there. It didn’t have any weight and almost felt like it wasn’t there.

Hm…neat. He thought before looking at the others.

“I say that, but I think its better to say it relies on crafting,” Liam stated. “I only have one ability that I can use during battle and another that can be an execute.”

Jude’s eyes widened. “An execute ability is still useful no matter what.”

“I agree,” Aranis nodded.

“Well shall we try and see how better we have become with our newly evolved classes?” Jude said with a wide grin.

Liam and the others nodded.

Before Liam closed out the notifications he had read and pushed the others he was going to read later, a new notification popped up.


“Soul crafted weapons detected. Set items user can weave - Shadow and Moon Blades of the Lunarian Shadow Cats. + 15% to Shadow magic and skills. + 15% to Lunar Magic and skills. Mana Manipulation to Shadow and Lunar will increase 10% while weaving the souls. Abilities granted with Soul Weave – Lunar Step, Shadow Double. Would you like to use Soul Weave with set items – Shadow and Moon Blades of the Lunarian Shadow Cats? Yes No?”

“Lunar Step – Allows the user to blink right in front of a target within 6 feet. As the user disappears from where they stand and where they reappear, a swift flash of Lunar light will appear, blinding the target and whoever stares at the spot where the user once was, for a second. Ability Cost - 10 MP. Cooldown – 2.5 seconds. Ability type – Instant (Non-Chant).”

“Shadow Double – Creates a shadowy double of the user from the shadow of a target the user is facing. The Shadow Double can inflict real physical and Shadow damage. When fighting multiple targets can create up to 5 Shadow Doubles at a time. Shadow Double(s) last for 30 seconds. After last Shadow Double has been called upon a cooldown of 45 seconds will be incurred. Ability cost – 50 MP (10 MP for each Shadow Double created). Cooldown – 45 seconds. Target – Single or AOE. Ability type – Instant (Non-Chant).  


“Hello,” Liam quietly muttered to himself as he read this. He pulled his daggers out from their sheathes and stared at them.

He had forgotten that these daggers were given to him because the cats deemed him worthy back on the fourth floor. He didn’t think he’d have anything he could use the skill on, but it presented itself right to him, almost like the daggers were wanting this to happen.

“Alright, let’s give this a go,” Liam said in a low voice as he accepted.

Both of his daggers started to shine brightly right after he accepted. A cold sensation washed over him as he felt something start to cover his arms, mouth, nose, chest, and back.

Aranis, Jude, and Inyis was about to start attacking until they noticed something shining behind them. They turned to see a raven black shadow-like hooded cloak with pale white splotches form over Liam. On top of the hood were two pointed spots that looked like cat ears. One was the same raven black color while the other was a pale white. A black cat-like tail formed from the back with pale white spots. A thin black mask covered his mouth and nose.

Surprised by this Inyis stared at him before saying with an excited and adoring tone of voice, “You look just like a cat like that.”

Liam looked over at her and raised a brow.

Her look grew even more excited as she said, “Your cat eyes are more pronounced like this too!”

Jude let out a humph of irritation as he jumped in, “Looks don’t matter when it comes to power. Tell me is it suitable for battle?”

Liam grinned under the mask before he said, “I believe so. There’s only one way to find out.”

Jude grinned wickedly at Liam’s response as he replied back, “Now that’s what I like to hear.”

“Ok here’s the plan,” Liam started as he pulled his googles down over his eyes. “Aranis take the right side of the group, Jude you’re in the middle. I’ll take the left side of the group. Inyis you’ll be behind us. I don’t know what all new abilities you guys got, but let’s try and take as many as we can without over reaching. Inyis, let us know if one side is going too far.”

“Our goal is not to wipe out everything, but instead to either clear a path to the others or to the Lich. Don’t waste your mana if you can, but don’t wait around for perfect moments. We all know there is hardly any chances for those.”

Jude and Aranis let out a grunt in affirmation while Inyis nodded before they faced the mounting army of undead heading their way.

Liam waited as Jude and Aranis started channeling mana all around them. As Jude did this, the color of his skin started taking on a dark orange to reddish hue. Aranis’ body started to ripple as parts of his body started to flicker in and out.

Once when they accumulated enough mana, Aranis said in calm collective tone, “Illusory Field.”

Jude on the other hand, threw his arms out and let out a might roar as he shouted, “Burning Frenzy!”

A wave of fire pulsed out from Jude as he rushed in and started swinging his tomahawk-like axes in a fast and furious manor at the first monster near him. The flames pulsing out from him washed over the monsters that were surrounding him taking in fire damage while trying to figure out what to do. Some tried to back up, but ended up backing into other monsters that caught on fire as well from the flames that covered the monsters that were in front.

Aranis suddenly appeared in front of an Elite Skeleton Soldier and started slashing as fast as he could. The monster as well as the couple next to it, tried swinging their swords down upon Aranis, but missed as their swords went right through him. His body looked like an illusion, but he was right there still attacking the monsters and taking them down slowly.

Inyis scanned the area and started channeling some mana. After reaching the amount she felt was right she started chanting, “Oh trees, strong and resilient, heed my call. Sprout from the earth my enemies stand upon and restrict them where they stand. Willow Entanglement!”

Liam watched as several small seed looking objects were thrown out over their heads and into the crowd. A few seconds after they disappeared, Liam felt a light rumble in the ground as several willow trees sprouted and grew four feet taller than the tallest creature in the room was. The branches from the willow trees then started swaying until they shot out and wrapped around groups of monsters and pulled them up off the ground.

“Geez, you attack specialized classes sure know how to show off,” Liam jokingly muttered before facing the monsters in his area. “Oh well, time to test out these new abilities.”

After Liam said that, his body suddenly flashed and disappeared before reappearing with a bright flash in front of a Mummy Guard. This caused it to bring its muddy brown colored hands up to its eyes. The Rot magic covering it’s hands touched its face allowing the Rot magic to seep across and start to damage it.

Liam then kicked it in the chest causing it to fall backwards and touch other monsters it collided with, spreading the rot onto them.

He then turned to his left and flashed to a Rotted Zombie. This monster covered its eyes as well. However, instead of kicking it, he stabbed it in the stomach and channeled some mana and sent it to the creature’s shadow.

A Shadowy version of Liam emerged from the shadow of the creature. It had two daggers that looked exactly like the ones he had. Liam tried to peek within the hood of his Shadow Double, but he wasn’t able to see anything. That was until an unnatural smile with bright sharp looking teeth formed where the mouth was.

Seeing this made a shiver run down his spine as he thought, Well that’s not creepy as fuck.

The Shadow Double then stabbed one of its daggers right into the Rotted Zombies’ back, making the creature turn and try to attack it.

Liam didn’t wait to see how the fight continued as he flashed out towards an Elite Skeletal Soldier and repeated what he with the Rotted Zombie. He did this three more times with monsters that were spread out before flashing to the spot he started at.

He scanned the areas his Shadow Doubles were and saw groups of monsters were focused on them. He watched how they fought, and he had to admit, their movements and attack patterns were almost exactly like his.

They were as fast and agile as he was as he watched them dip, dive, duck, and dodge through the crowds they were accumulating. The way they wielded their daggers showed that they were capable to take down monsters within due time.

He turned his attention towards areas that had monsters still making their way towards him and Inyis.

He started channeling mana before chanting, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous. Bring the Force down upon my enemy slowing its movements. Gravitational Force Increase!”

After he finished chanting he went right back into channeling more mana before chanting, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous. Condense into a single spot. Pull to you and Keep any and everything that tries to escape. Gravity Well!”

He sent the orb towards the group of monsters he had used Gravitational Force Increase on and watched as the Gravity Well pulled in the crowd of monsters.

He then turned to another area with free roaming monsters and started to channel Shadow Mana. As he did this he was shocked. As he channeled the Shadow Mana he was able to tell the difference than when he channeled Gravity Mana. It was smoother and easier. He was able to channel more mana in than he was able to before.

I guess that’s what an additional ten percent to Shadow Mana Manipulation can do for you. Liam thought before chanting, “Hidden within the dark, I call upon you to bind my target. Grasp them with the tendrils you possess. Remind them why they should fear their own Shadow. Grasp of the Shadows!”

As he released the spell towards his targeted area he watched as the shadowy tendrils that usually came out looked a lot thicker than normal.

Excitement started to grow as he saw this.

He then looked at his Moon Blade dagger and thought, If Shadow Magic is buffed this much then I wonder what Lunar Magic would look like. He shook his head before looking back at the battlefield before him. Not yet. I may need to save that for later.

After that he flashed towards a free roaming monster. After appearing in front of it, he started attacking.

After striking a few times he felt his Danger Sense light up to his right. A sword came swinging down over his head. Right as the sword struck down, Liam’s body dispersed into a puff of black smoke.

Liam reappeared behind the monster that had tried attacking him. As the creature spun to swing, Liam’s body flashed, blinding the creature momentarily as well as the monster he was attacking before this one interrupted him.

He finished that monster off and then turned his attention back on the other monster and killed it before another three monsters approached him.

He was amazed that he was able to keep this up. Before his main class evolution and weaving the two spirits into him, he would have started to be really tired as his stamina would have been drained quite a lot. However, right now he had plenty to spare. And he was loving this.  

He was able to take out four more monsters before he felt his Shadow Doubles suddenly disappear. Losing his focus, Liam flashed out from the area of monsters he was in back to an open area.

He looked at his mana pool and saw he still had plenty to spare. While looking at his MP he noticed the new addition to his resources, his Spirit Pool. It was slowly ticking away, but it was just reaching three quarters.

Before he took his eyes off of his resources he noticed something else.

Avery’s, Roman’s, and Mercer’s mana was fluctuating back and forth.

This confused him because it looked like it was draining, but at the same time it was replenishing at a fast rate.

However, before he could think more into it, a loud boom rumbled through the air as well as the sound of something shattering. Three seconds later he felt his Danger Sense start to tingle right before a massive fire arrow flew through the crowd of undead and slammed into the Elite Skeleton Soldier next to the wall a few feet away from him and explode.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.