Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 129 – The Other Group

The Lich’s physical body suddenly dropped to the floor. The door they had entered from opened as a rumble stirred behind Liam. He felt the cloak and mask disappear without warning.

A few chimes echoed within Liam’s mind, but Liam ignored them as he stood there still confused about what had just happened. Was that a part of his Soul Harvest ability? Was that what the execute does? If so why did it create a figure that was able to stare back at him? And why did it feel so…familiar?

Eri? Liam started as he projected his thoughts to her. What was that?

For a brief moment, besides the whispers that entered his ears, there was silence from Eri. Then with just as confused of a voice as Liam, Eri answered, To be honest I am not too sure. Your new class and its abilities are ones that haven’t been seen for many, many years. So, I’m not sure if what just happened is an effect of your ability or…something else.

Eri’s response didn’t help the shiver that ran down his spine.

Before he could respond to Eri, Liam felt a massive amount of weight suddenly rushing into him from behind as several people shouted, “You did it!”

He let out a shriek of surprise before falling to the ground.

“Oh shit! Sorry!” Liam heard several people say.

He turned around to see all of his team members huddled around him with wide grins.

Artem reached a hand out and pulled Liam to his feet. As he got up, he took a moment to look around and take everyone in.

Not only his team, but the other three teams were a mess. Hair was disheveled and faces were covered in dust, sweat, and dirt. Some had armor pieces that were dented while the cloth and leather armor had tears.

Even though they looked like shit, they each had a smile or a relaxed look on their faces.

They had beaten the sixth floor boss of this Forbidden Path. Even though it was a tough fight, Liam knew that if the boss didn’t have its level partially sealed then they probably wouldn’t have had any chance of winning. But they had won.

“We did it!” Ariyana shouted with a wide grin as she wrapped her arms around Liam.

“Holy shit, what was that?!” Mercer cursed as he stared at Liam with excitement. “What was with that cloak too!?”

“Great job finishing him off,” Avery laughed with a warm smile.

Blair and Roman patted Liam on his back without saying anything.

Artem grinned a toothy grin as he gave Liam a thumbs up.

Liam stared at them through his goggles as he took everything in. He didn’t say anything due to being at a loss for words. He didn’t even realize he was smiling along with them until he felt his cheeks start to hurt.

“Liam!” Jude called out as he made his way between Avery and Mercer to stand in front of him.

Jude had a smile on his face. However, Liam recognized it as not one of happiness to be done with everything, but one of excitement and curiosity. It was one a fighter gave when he saw someone he really wanted to fight.

“I want to fight you as soon as we get back. Those new abilities of yours aren’t weak and… hey!” Jude started to say until Inyis pushed him off to the side.

“Yes, yes, we all know how much you like to fight,” Inyis stated before adding with an annoyed sigh, “Damn musclehead. I swear you and the guys in my group are so much alike I’m surprised you all aren’t in the same group.”

She then coughed into her hand and tried to recompose herself before saying, “Great job Liam. I wasn’t sure if you understood what I was getting at when we got separated, but I’m glad you were keener than I gave you credit for.”

Liam gave her a smile. “It was nothing. I wasn’t sure at first if I would have been able to distract him. With out my new ability I don’t think I would have been able to get the job done.”

“Give yourself a little more credit than that,” Aranis suddenly said as he appeared next to Inyis. “Not only were you able to distract him and take on his powerful spell all by yourself, you were able to kill him when we couldn’t get back to him.”

Aranis reached a hand out as he gave him an embarrassed smile and added, “I want to apologize for doubting you from the start. I wont look down on a Crafter class again.”

“I told you not to underestimate him,” Jude chimed back in. “He might not be a front line fighter like us, but he still has tricks that, if left to his own devices, will pack a powerful punch.”

Aranis and Inyis nodded agreeing with Jude.

“Speaking of a powerful punch,” Jude started back up. “What was up with those two weird hands. When they came together they created that powerful explosion that sent even me on my ass.”

“I’m quite curious about that as well,” Inyis said as she eyed Liam.

“That…,” Liam started. “Is a secret.” He gave them a wink after finishing.

“You’re not going to tell me?” Jude questioned with a grin.

“Nope.” Liam shook his head. “I can’t give away all my secrets. Especially if you’re going to challenge me to a fight again.”

Jude’s grin grew even more from hearing that. “Fine. I’ll accept that answer.”

Inyis rolled her eyes as she muttered, “Men.”

Everyone let out a hardy laugh at that.

However, that laugh died quickly as Liam’s Danger Sense suddenly flared up.

Before he could say anything though, six eggshell white spikes suddenly shot up all around him. The objects then moved to encase his body. They squeezed right into him, but allowed his arms to dangle out and his head to see outside of the entrapment. The objects pinched in so tight they brought his body off the ground.

“What the fuck,” Liam heard a few shout in confusion.

Liam looked around and saw he wasn’t the only one who was trapped like this. Everyone else had the same happen to them. As he stared at the objects that entrapped the others he got a better look at them. They didn’t look like they were made from stone or earth. They looked like they were made from…bones.

What the hell? Liam started to think. Didn’t we defeat the boss? How could…

That was when Liam remembered what Ariyana had told him earlier. There was a group of two in this dungeon floor besides their groups. He had forgotten about them with all that had happened.

Since they were in the room with Aranis, Inyis, and Jude, he had pushed it out of his mind. It turns out they were just waiting, biding their time for the perfect moment to make themselves known.

Liam turned his head to look at the open door. Standing there were two hooded figures wearing dark brown cloaks.

“Amateurs,” one of the hooded figures stated.

“Quite the haul,” the other said. “I didn’t expect so many to still be alive.”

Liam’s blood ran cold as he recognized both voices. The first belonged to the man who tried to kidnap him earlier. The other belong to someone he had discarded since he thought it to be impossible with all that was going on.

“Steve,” Liam growled as he narrowed his eyes.

“Oh?” Steve said as he took his hood off. “I didn’t think you’d recognize me so quickly. What gave me away?”

“That oily voice of yours,” Liam glared as the two figures made their way in towards Liam and the ones closest to him. “Who’s your friend?”

“You don’t recognize him?” Steve asked with a crazy look on his face. “I heard you both had a bonding experience until Nalia butted in.”

“We aren’t on a name to name basis,” Liam replied. “He was quite rude too. Wanted to take me somewhere without buying me dinner first.”

“I see you’re using sarcasm to keep your fear from showing,” Steve stated.

“Huh?” Liam replied with a confused look. “I’m not afraid.”

Steve made a tsk tsk noise as he waved a finger in front of him. “You don’t need to hide it. Its okay to admit in your situation.”

“No, seriously. Confused, yes, but scared? Not really,” Liam stated. “Besides its not like I can’t…”

Liam went to use Lunar Step to escape, but nothing happened. Liam’s eyes widened at this.

What the fuck! Why didn’t it work?! Liam thought as he tried to wiggle.

It’s because your Lunar Step is only available to you when you’re using Soul Weave with your daggers. Eri answered his thoughts. Your Lunar Magic isn’t at a knowledge level high enough yet that will let you use it without that ability.

Are you fucking serious? Liam cursed. Damn it!

Steve was about to say something else but the other figure cut in, “Don’t waste your time trying to escape.” The figure looked at the others who were struggling and trying to muscle their way out of their restraints. “You guys aren’t at a high enough level to break the Bone Entrapment spell we used on all of you.”

“How?” Inyis said as she grunted. “How did you guys get in here? I thought those who aren’t new couldn’t enter the Tutorial Dungeons?”

“Oh that?” the figure started as they looked at Inyis. “Some of that is true. However, it is not fully true. There is a contingent for each dungeon. Anyone can enter the Tutorial Dungeons if they are at a high enough level of mana manipulation that associates with that dungeon. Since those fools have no mana manipulation related to the Black Dungeon, they can’t enter here. No one except us.”

“And who are you?” Jude growled, frustration laced within his voice.

“Who am I? I’m hurt to hear you ask that. Especially since each and every one of you have met me before. Though none of you ever came to me I was always around you whenever you came to the place I worked at,” the figure stated.

Everyone looked confused at the figure’s words. They had no clue what he was talking about.

Before anyone could say anything else, the figure took his hood off to reveal who he was.

Liam’s eyes widened as he grew shocked at who it was he was staring at.

The man had copper hair combed back neatly and brown eyes. Sticking out a little at the collar of the cloak was a uniform Liam recognized from the Tutorial Town.

 It was the man who always stood next to Menera in the Training Hall helping the new people that were summoned to this world. Liam never saw him actually help anyone though. He remembered him scowling at anyone who approached him, but he was there.

He was also there when Steve tried to approach me that day. Liam thought to himself. His name was… Liam drew a blank as he tried to remember the man’s name. He then realized he never got it any time he went there. He also realized that he never smelled the nasty smell of death from the man whenever he went to the Training Hall.

“How?” Liam said without realizing he said it out loud.

The man turned to look at him. “Didn’t I just…”

“No,” Liam shook his head. “How did you mask your nasty stench? I didn’t smell it like I did off of Steve.”

“Oh that?” the man said with a grin. “Let’s just say that I have a magical item that helps hide the smell.”

“I must say,” Jude started as he gave the man a venomous glare. “I wouldn’t have pegged you to be in cahoots with Steve, Gary.”

So, his name is Gary. Liam thought.

“And why would you?” Gary questioned as he gave Jude a confused look. “Although I must admit, I was a bit scared I almost got caught during that incident when this guy here…” Gary hiked a thumb at Liam. “Caught on that I told Steve when he was at the Training Hall.”

Liam glared at him.

“So, what is it that you want?” Aranis asked.

Gary and Steve looked at Aranis.

“You obviously want something or else you wouldn’t be here in this dungeon with us and wouldn’t have gone to so much lengths. It also didn’t help when your partner over there kept saying something about keys,” Aranis added.

“There is something that we want,” Gary started to say.

Liam’s mind tried thinking of what it could be that they were after. He didn’t have much to go on. The only thing he could think of was what he knew about Steve.

Galin had told him about what happened when he, Steve, Lici, and the rest of their team came across a Forbidden Path. About how a weird portal appeared and…

Two other memories came to mind as he recounted what came out of the portal during Galin’s dungeon dive. It was the last picture on the wall outside of the room and Eri’s words.

He tried to summon something, but something more powerful answered instead.

“You’re trying to call upon the twisted monstrosities and that shadowy being aren’t you?” Liam whispered.

Gary and Steve looked to Liam and were surprised at what they heard him say.

“I must say, you are well informed for someone who recently came to our world,” Gary commented.

“It was Galin who told you. Wasn’t it?” Steve frowned.

Liam just glared at him.

“That…creature,” Steve spat with anger. “It took everything from me. My teammates and my will to continue to adventure. I want…No, I need to kill it. To get revenge…”

Gary placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Steve turned to look at him.

“You’ll get it don’t worry,” Gary said in a reassuring voice. “But first, go and check the circle out and see if it got damaged. I’ll take care of things here.”

Steve’s eyes narrowed at him. After a brief moment had passed, Steve gave a huff and walked over to the raised platform.

“Okay, but what does that have to do with us?” Inyis questioned, confused on what he was talking about. “Why drag all of us in your revenge? And how were you able to get into this Forbidden Dungeon? I thought not everyone was able to get into it?”

“To answer your first question…Let’s just say there are…ways to open a Forbidden Path and to find certain... people suited for it. As for why you?” Gary started. “That’s something I need to correct you on. It’s not why all of you. Its why you four.” Gary pointed to Aranis, Inyis, Jude, and Liam. “The others are here because of you four.” He then looked at the members of each of their groups. “If you four are anger then be angry at the fact you choose to be in their groups. If you hadn’t chosen them you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Each member of Aranis, Inyis, Jude, and Liam’s group glared at Gary.

Gary ignored them and turned his attention back on the four as he continued, “We have knowledge of certain Forbidden Paths. Knowledge that let’s us know what happened in them and how they came to be a Forgotten Realm.”

“This one in particular caught my attention. The Lich you had slain was trying to summon a powerful demon. Pride of the Seven Immoral Vices. However, in doing so he didn’t realize that four people he had slain were…special.”

“How special?” Jude questioned.

“They had something very similar to you four,” Gary replied.

Liam looked at Aranis, Inyis, and Jude who were looking at him and each other as well. He then remembered Eri had said something about a few people being similar to him. But what it was it that made them so similar, he wasn’t sure of.

“They had something in their blood that mixed with the summoning circle which changed the location of the summon. Instead of opening to the Realm of Demons, it opened to a different place. A more…dark and cold place.”

Liam watched as a smile formed on Gary’s face. It wasn’t a warm or happy one. Instead, it was a dark and twisted one.

“Anyways,” Gary started back up. “You four have the same blood of those four he didn’t realize he had killed.”

“So, you’re going to kill us. Just to use our blood to open a portal to some location?” Inyis asked, her face drained of most of its color.

“Not quite,” Gary started to answer. “You see, if this does work then you are more valuable to m…to us alive than dead.”

“And if it doesn’t work?” Liam asked.

Gary turned his eyes on him. “I don’t think I need to answer the question you already know the answer to.”

“What about us?” Lapis asked.

Gary looked over at her and the others. “You guys? Why you guys are the bait to lure out what we are trying to summon.”

Liam’s brows furrowed at what he said.

“That doesn’t make any sen…,” he tried to say until Steve interrupted him.

“The circle is still in good condition,” Steve called out. “We can cast the spell to charge it up, but it looks like it only needs one more soul to fully open the portal once when it’s fully charged.”

Gary turned to look at him.

 “Alright then. Let’s get this started shall we?” Gary announced as he snapped his fingers.

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