Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 19 – Slowly Growing

A light breeze blew over the cavernous town. A calmness exuded from the silent city as the majority of the people were still sleeping. The giant Yooperlite stone hanging over started its warmup process while a small handful of people began to walk about.

In one part of the town within a walled off area with a dojo-like building, two individuals scurried about within a square of compacted dirt.

The shorter of the two threw a one two punch combination. Both strikes landed against the taller male’s forearms as he blocked the punches. He then threw a two-punch combination himself against the smaller foe as the smaller man blocked it back. They both went back and forth for as long as they could until they couldn’t move any more.

“Thanks for agreeing to this,” Roman said as he panted as he placed his hands on his knees.

“No problem,” Liam responded as he took in some air while keeping his hands behind his head. “This helps me out just as much as it does you.”

A notification message appeared.


“Congratulations! Weapon Skill Unarmed Combat is now level 4!”


Liam waved the message away.

Sweat rolled down both of their faces.

“Either way. I appreciate it.” Roman gave a slight smile. “I think you’re the only other person in the group who gets up this early.”

“I used to do a light exercise to keep me fit every morning back in my old world, but doing it here…,” Liam said as his breathing began to even out. “It feels like I’m sorely out of shape and just starting to exercise for the first time.”

“I know what you mean,” Roman agreed as he straightened and pulled out a water bottle. He took a quick sip and then said, “It’s a pain, but it’s got to be done. Those floor monsters showed me that cutting corners won’t do it here.”

“Tell me about it,” Liam stated as he wiped away the sweat about to get into his eyes. “I was completely spent after each fight.”

“We need to be at a level where we won’t be as tired after fighting in case we get surprise attacked,” Roman said.

“We’ll get there eventually,” Liam commented as he took a swig of his own water. He looked at his internal clock and noticed it was 6 a.m. “I better head out and make it to the smithy before anyone else gets there.”

“You’ve got it rough man. Didn’t you also start Alchemy training last night?” Roman asked.

“Yeah, but I can prep my ingredients by letting them extract in a vial and then work on the rest over at the Alchemy training lab in the evening. Blacksmithing I can only do at the smithy right now so I need to go there as much as I can,” Liam explained as he stretched his arms and legs.

“Still sounds a lot to me,” Roman said as he looked up at the cavern ceiling. “Do you have another craft in mind next?”

“Not yet. I’m going to focus on my blacksmithing for a bit then try go to the library to grab a couple of books then do some Knowledge Theory studying before working on my Magic Practicality. Then I’ll end the day with Alchemy training.” Liam stated then asked, “What are your plans?”

“I’m probably going to work on my Magic Practicality after doing some more unarmed combat training. Since I got my Field of the Elements, I want to try some things out. I might do some Knowledge Theory studying but not sure yet,” Roman replied. “You going to meet up with us for breakfast?”

“Probably not. I’ll grab a light breakfast and lunch in between, but I’ll meet up with you for dinner,” Liam said as he extended a fist out.

Roman looked at it with a confused expression. “What are you doing?”

Surprised by Roman’s question Liam replied, “It’s a fist bump. It’s a way of greeting and farewell back in my old world. You just bump fists lightly.”

Roman stared at him with an eyebrow raised. He then bumped his fist against Liam’s and said, “Huh, I didn’t know there was such a thing.”

Liam was shocked at Roman’s reaction. Out of all the things he could think of, he thought that fist bumps would be universal in any world. He’d have to check with the others and see if they knew what it was too.

“Don’t overthink it man,” Liam chuckled as he started jogging away. He called out, “I’ll catch you later.”




Friendly shouts and chatter danced in the air as people walked around doing their business in the city. The Yooperlite stone shined brightly giving a warm midday feel.

Two people walked into the library, passing others by as they made their way over to a specific table. This table had three books stacked propping up an open book.

The name on the spines of the stacked books read from top to bottom: Purge the Impurities, Exordium Arcanum, and Calming the Storm Vol. 2. The open book cover leaning against the books read Forging a Craft. A male was sitting looking at it and then turning his head to another open book in his left hand.

“Studying hard I see,” Mercer commented as he smiled and pulled a chair out next to Liam.

“I’d call it more of a hard-core study session,” Blair said as she sat down across from him.

Liam looked at the two as he laid the open book down pages first trying not to lose his page. The cover of the book read Extract to Distill, My Potion be Still. “Hey guys what’s up?”

“Not much. Roman said you might be here during lunch, so we decided to do some Knowledge Theory studying and check up on you,” Blair stated.

“Have you had lunch yet? If not, we brought a sandwich for you,” Mercer asked as he looked at him.

Liam shook his head. “Not yet. I’ve been here for a few hours studying. I was going to get something light after I left here.”

Mercer pulled out and handed Liam a small sandwich that contained hot chicken, lettuce, tomato, and a local sauce that tasted a lot like honey mustard. The dressing, not the mustard version.

Liam grabbed it and said before taking a bite into it, “Thank you.” He let out a happy moan as the taste filled his mouth.

“Why are you reading two books at once?” Blair questioned. “Wouldn’t that hinder your Knowledge Theory progression?”

Liam shook his head as he chewed. After swallowing he answered, “I found out that some books can coincide with other books making your understanding on certain Knowledge Theories stronger. For example.”

Liam pointed to the book he had open pages down. “This Extract to Distill, My Potion be Still book works well with this,” He pointed to the open book leaning against the stack of books, “Forging a Craft book. The Forging the Craft book talks about how certain crafts can help with Sub-stats, weapons, armor, etc. But it also shows that if you change techniques then you can get different outcomes. It’s like a connect the dots sort of book.”

“That’s an interesting find,” Mercer said with a shocked expression.

“That book also works with Purge the Impurities, and I’m going to take a gander and say that other crafting books work with it too.” Liam added before taking another bite.

“So, you’re saying that there are books that help connect other books thus creating a better understanding and strengthening your Knowledge Theories?” Blair asked.

Liam looked at her with a confused look. A piece of bread stuck from his cheek. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

Blair glared at him for a moment. “I just wanted to make sure that was what you were saying.”

Sheepishly, Liam apologized, “Sorry, my mind was all over the place and wanted to make sure I did say that and not just thought I said that.”

Mercer gave a chuckle at the exchange causing the two to look at him. He calmed himself before asking, “How did you come across this?” He pointed to his cheek as he looked at Liam.

Liam wiped the crumb away as he answered, “I hit a wall while studying my Exordium Arcanum and decided to grab a few books. After grabbing this book, I noticed something that made me think about what I read in the Purge the Impurities book and after comparing them I made the connection.”

“That’s amazing,” Mercer said as he wrote this all down.

“Not really,” Liam waved a hand. “I’m sure a bunch of people already made the connections.”

“Either way. This can help our studying out as well as help make connections to things we’re trying to figure out,” Mercer stated.

“He’s right,” Blair started. “Even if others already found this trick. We wouldn’t have figured it out if you hadn’t.”

Liam shrugged.

Blair and Mercer eyed him.

“I heard you started working on Alchemy,” Mercer said.

“Yeah, I started last night,” Liam answered. “It’s an interesting craft. Has a lot of potential.”

“Yeah? Have you looked at other crafts yet as well?” Blair questioned.

Liam shook his head. “Not yet. I want to get my Blacksmithing and Alchemy to at least level ten before I start another.” He then finished the sandwich.

“Ok, good plan,” Mercer said with a nod. “Just don’t overdo it.”

“I’ll try my best,” Liam said with a faint smile.

“So, what’s your plan now?” Blair asked.

“I think I’m going to pack it up and head over to the Mage Tower and get my Magic Practicality up. I’m close to getting it to level ten.” Liam said as he placed a folded-up piece of paper into each of the open books. “What about you guys?”

“I’m here to get Beginner’s Magic Volume two,” Blair stated. “I want to continue my Arcane studies while I work on some gravity. Did you know that gravity magic is a kind of utility and crowd control magic?”

Liam’s eyes widened. “No. I didn’t. That’s pretty interesting. If you can, can you make some notes that I can read later. I want to see if I can incorporate magic into crafting. However, the best way for me to do that is to get a better understanding as well as see how others view it.”

“That would be cool,” Blair smiled. “Yeah, I’ll write what I can. Can you do the same with your findings?”

“I’ll be more than happy to.” Liam smiled.

“I’m going to study up on some Bard Knowledge Theory before heading over to the Entertainment area,” Mercer said.

“Entertainment area?” Liam raised a brow as he turned to Mercer.

“Yeah, it’s a place where people with Bard magic, Charm magic, and other entertaining style magic are practicing their skills for others to listen to. It’s also where the instruments are. I need to find a starting instrument before I can decide on a new weapon,” Mercer explained.

“Interesting,” Liam said as he brought a hand to his chin. “I’m going to have to check it out.”

“We’re going to go tomorrow night,” Mercer started. “Ariyana found a good restaurant over there and we’re going to check it out.”

“That sounds good,” Liam nodded. “I’ll catch you guys later.”

“Later,” Blair said as she walked towards the bookshelves.

“Good luck,” Mercer called out.




A target dummy exploded as a small violet sphere collided into it.

Liam panted and wiped away a bead of sweat that rolled down his forehead. The target dummy that he was practicing on reappeared in the empty dark colored room. Yooperlite stones were spread out evenly to give appropriate lighting.

A chime and a couple of familiar notification boxes appeared as he took a drink from his water bottle.


“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Magic Practicality has reached level 10!”

“Congratulations! Seed of the Arcana has reached level 10! +5% to Arcane and all Magic spells.”


“Sweet! It’s about time!” Liam shouted.

A warm sensation started to pulse where his heart was as a fanfare suddenly rang in Liam’s mind and a new notification appeared.


“Congratulations! Your Seed of the Arcana is ready to spread its roots. Open a Field of Study or 2 to allow the roots to spread.”


The Seed of the Arcana is ready to spread its roots? Liam thought as he stared questionably at the notification. He quietly muttered to himself, “I wonder how you do that and open a Field of Study.”

He opened his menus to see if he could just click something, but nothing looked promising. After closing everything he said to himself, “I guess I’ll go find someone to help me.”

As he walked out of the Magical practice room, he saw a familiar person walk by. He waved at her and said, “Elara.”

Elara turned and smiled as she greeted, “Hello Mr. Liam.”

“Just Liam is fine,” Liam said. “Do you have a moment or are you busy?”

“For you I’ve got some time,” Elara responded then asked, “How can I help you?”

“I was wondering if you could tell me how to open a Field of Study,” Liam said. “I just got a notification saying to open a Field of Study or two to allow the roots to spread.”

Elara gave him a big smile as she started, “Congratulations! That’s great news to hear. Yes, I can help you with that. Please follow me to the Seed Rooting Room.”

“Seed Rooting room?” Liam questioned as he followed her.

The name sounded ridiculous to Liam. If he was back in his old world and someone said they were going to take him to a place called the Seed Rooting room he would have called the cops on them. That or assumed it was a plant room.

“Yes, it’s where the Seed of Arcana can open up and begin to spread the roots. Remember my description of how magic is view here?” Elara asked.

Liam nodded.

“The focus points in the Fields of Studies are the roots that begin to spread to nurture the base or the foundation of what will be your Magical plant, in a sense,” Elara explained. “You’ll start with one or two fields of studies with a couple of focus points to begin rooting your magic inside of you, allowing you to get a better feeling for magic before advancing it further.”

“Why only start with a one or two? Why not start with more?” Liam asked.

“It’s best not to overdo it,” Elara began. “Like plants and trees, depending on the type, not all require the same amount of roots to grow. As beginners your body can’t take too many Fields of Studies just yet because it hasn’t nurtured much magic in it. Not only that but picking too many can lead to a waste since you’ll only work on those that truly interest you. Also, once when you open a field of study and focus point you can’t undo it.”

“Hm,” Liam started as he thought it over. “Is that what the Magical examination is really about then? It’s not just to give a person a starting point, but to help them not get any unnecessary focus points and not waste their time on magic they won’t further study?”

“Exactly!” Elara said as she pointed at him. “I’m so glad you’re quick to pick these things up.” She let out a sigh as she added. “Some people keeping asking the same question over and over and just don’t get it.”

They came to a stop in front of a door.

“This is the room,” Elara said as she stood next to it. “I must ask if you’d like me to help you through the process and advise what to start with.”

“I’d like that,” Liam nodded as they entered the dark colored room.

The room was smaller than the other rooms he’s been in. Lining the walls were glow stones shining with different colors giving a club lighting feel to it. A metal disc sat in the middle of the room with four poles that reached hip height. On top of the poles were clear orbs.

The door closed behind them as they made it a quarter of the way in.

Elara stopped and asked, “Do you have an idea of what Fields of Study you would like to open up?”

“I do,” Liam responded. “I would like to start with Field of the Craft as well as whatever gravity magic is in.”

Elara nodded. “As a crafter I can agree with starting with the Field of the Craft since there will be some useful magic to help advance yourself with, but I would like to ask why Gravity?”

Liam looked at her and replied, “I was doing some Knowledge Theory study and came across a book that mentioned the best way to make better items, whether it be consumable or equipment, is to use them. By using them you can get a better understanding of said items. The better the understanding the better item can be crafted. That being said I have a feeling that the same can be said with magic.”

Elara gave him a thoughtful look. “That is an interesting theory. I haven’t come across anyone who has talked about it so I can’t confirm if it’s possible or not. But I ask again, why Gravity?”

“I remember you saying that Gravity magic is not highly sought out due to how patient you have to be with it. Since this theory is going to take a while to prove, patience is all I can have to trial and error it. That, and I found Gravity magic cool when I heard its more of a utility and crowd control kind of magic.”

Elara nodded after listening. “As long as it is something you find interesting and willing to put time in, I won’t sway you from it. That will be in the Field of the Elements.” She then pointed to the middle of the room and added, “When you’re ready, please step onto the disc and close your eyes.”

Liam walked over and stepped onto the disc. As he turned around to face Elara, he took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.