Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 24 – Shush You

Liam sat comfortably at a table enjoying the light emanating from the giant Yooperlite stone hanging from the roof of the cavern. He listened to the people walking by one by one or in twos or threes. His thoughts began to wander as random thing popped in.

How do the Yooperlite stones work? Why do I feel like I’m under the sun while inside this sealed off location? He thought. Then his thoughts turned to something else as a flash back from the night before appeared. A frown formed. What exactly was that last shot? It tasted a lot like cheap Vodka.

“What’s with that sour faced look?” Ariyana asked as she took a seat across from him.

 Liam shook his head as he responded, “Nothing was thinking about something.”

“Must have been something bad to make that face,” Mercer stated as he took a seat next to her.

Roman, Avery, and Blair let out a groan as they took a seat and covered their faces with their arms on the table.

Artem took a seat next to Liam and gave him a nod for a greeting.

“To be honest if anyone has a sour face it’s those three,” Liam chuckled slightly as he pointed to Avery, Blair, and Roman.

“Someone is on Ariyana duty when we drink,” Avery said as she let out a burp. “Woo, excuse me.”

Mercer laughed before looking at Ariyana and asked, “Where did you learn that saying from?”

“What saying?” Ariyana asked innocently.

“The Sun is down but our Spirits are high. Last one to finish, is the Next one to buy,” Liam recited.

“No!” Blair, Avery, and Roman shouted as they looked at him with panicked expressions.

Ariyana, Liam, and Mercer rolled at their reaction.

“It was something we used to say back at the bar my friends and I used to visit on my old world,” Ariyana responded.

“How are you guys fine?” Roman asked sounding annoyed as he leaned back on his chair.

“I’m a heavy drinker,” Ariyana winked.

“I didn’t drink all night like you guys,” Mercer answered.

“I paced myself,” Liam replied nonchalantly.

“I really don’t know,” Artem said with a shrug.

“Ugh, I hate you all,” Blair groaned.

“After some food you should feel better,” Mercer started. “After we eat, we’ll discuss what our next step is and where we’re at.”

“Sounds like a plan, “Liam said as he looked over the menu.

“Before I forget,” Mercer added as he reached into his inventory. “Blair and Roman grabbed these after you ran. I have to say the way their shaped is very interesting.”

Liam looked to see him pull out the daggers he threw at Mia during the fight.

“Oh these?” Liam asked as he placed them back into his inventory. “They’re just the trial models I worked on yesterday morning. Their Crude Talon Curved Daggers. Once when I level up my Weapon Smithing, I’ll be able to add better designs and make them…less crude.”

“That last part was very articulate,” Avery smirked as she rested her head on her arm.

Liam narrowed his eyes and commented back as he pointed at her, “Shush you.”

“Still, I’m amazed that you even thought to make them like this,” Mercer started back up. “Many of the freshly crude weapons all look the same boring design. Have you made anything else that doesn’t fit the same design status quo pro?”

Liam gave him a slight smile as he replied vaguely, “Maybe I have…maybe I haven’t. Speaking of which, have you restocked out potion supply?”

“I was about to do that today,” Mercer answered as he eyed him. “I figured I’d also get some antidote potions, and some others while I’m doing it.”

“Don’t worry about the Health Potions. I’ve got us covered there,” Liam stated with a smug look.

“Oh?” Mercer asked. “Did you make them or buy them?”

“If I said I made them would drink them?” Liam asked.

“I wouldn’t,” Roman and Blair said in unison.

Liam gave a mock hurt expression as he scoffed and said, “Well fine. No potions for you.”

The group let out a good-natured laugh.

“Come on let’s eat we got a lot to talk about,” Mercer stated as he called out for a waitress.




“Oh man…I feel so much better,” Roman said as he let out a long deep burp.

Avery and Ariyana stared at him with an aghast look.

“What?” Roman asked.

Mercer shook his head. “Ok, now that we have our bellies full. Let’s get down to business.”

“Ok,” Liam started. “What did you find out?”

“So, it turns out each floor gets a little harder like you thought,” Mercer began. “As we take on more floors more E.F.M.’s appears. The number floor determines how many big monsters are there.”

“So, Floor two, one E.F.M., one Floor Boss. Floor three, two E.F.M.’s., one Floor boss?” Roman asked.

Mercer nodded.

“Great, that Withered Treant was tough, now we essentially have to fight two of them on the next floor then three and so on?” Artem asked.

“It won’t be the Withered Treant we come across,” Mercer said. “I have come to the decision that our dungeon is…different.”

The others stared at him.

“Explain,” Blair inquired as she stared at him intently.

“So, I asked the others, that are tackling the same dungeon, about their experiences on the second floor. Each stated their portal was at the end of the dirt road where the Floor Boss was.” Mercer said as he waited for them to understand what he was saying.

A moment passed before their eyes widened.

“But our portal appeared in the ground where the Floor Boss was at in the graveyard…,” Artem said breaking the silence.

“Yup,” Mercer agreed. “I don’t know if we found a secret area or something, but ours will be both fundamentally and widely different than the other groups assigned to the Black Dungeon. Going forward we will need to be very careful because we will be going blind.”

Artem threw his hands up. “Great. Just great. I should be happy, but I’m not.”

Liam had a hand over his mouth as he began to think.

Mercer looked at him and stated, “It’s not your fault.”

Liam turned to look at him. “Huh? That’s not what I was thinking.”

“What were you thinking?” Avery asked.

Liam shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t have enough to form a theory.”

They looked at him.

“That being said. How is everyone with making their changes? Did you all get to where you wanted to be before we attempt another run?” Mercer asked.

“I’ll need a couple pieces of gear to make a sloppy attempt of what I’m going for, but as for my magic and solidifying a base for fighting I should be good,” Roman replied. “I’m sure you noticed from that fight yesterday, but I’m going to help out in the front lines. I can still use spells so I can switch between the two depending on the fights.”

Liam pulled out a notebook and started writing notes. Mercer noticed it and gave a small smile.

“I’ve worked on my magic enough to be able to use it. I can help with buffs and debuffs along with the two Arcane attack spells I have, but as for a fighting style I haven’t really worked one out because I haven’t figured out a weapon I’m interested in yet,” Ariyana joined in. “However, I can take another look after the next run. I don’t want to rush it.”

Mercer nodded.

“After that fight yesterday, I bought a crude Great Axe and practiced with it,” Blair chimed in. “I’ve decided I’m going to forgo the sword and shield defender style and go with a more damage dealing style Defender. I know it might be a bit unorthodox and I might be a little slower though. I’m still rough with my foundation so I won’t be too effective.”

“It’s not as unorthodox as you think,” Liam commented as he continued writing. “It brings diversity to the group. The more damage you can do in front as a defender the more you will catch its attention towards you. That will help the attackers to be able to attack more without any issues. Also, with the slow attack speed it, Artem can use taunt like abilities to get the monster’s attention as you get ready to hit it again.”

“Hm,” Blair muttered. “I didn’t think about it like that.”

“Also, Blair, I unlocked my Gravity magic and I have some ideas we can try out in the dungeon. I wrote them down in a notebook I’d like you to check out and tell me what you think,” Liam remembered as he pulled out a notebook and handed to her.

“I wrote some ideas down to and wanted you to see what you thought,” Blair said as she traded her notebook with his.

“Sounds like a plan,” Liam smiled.

“I’ve been working on something I think can help as well as other things so I’m good to…try,” Artem said. “I’ve also got my healing magic and I got a mace yesterday and worked on leveling my weapon skill on it. I can’t do a lot of healing yet, but I can manage during the fight. However, for heavier attacks I won’t be able to replenish you quickly. Some healing abilities also require me to get closer so if you’re far away I’ll have to run to you.

“I should be at a level where I can be a bit more versatile on the field,” Avery nodded. “I’ve been practicing with Fire, Water, and Wind magic so I can use different abilities for different situations.”

“I decided on using a bow to be able to do more damage from the back when I’m not using my bard abilities,” Mercer informed. “Like Aryana I have a couple buff and debuff abilities, but I can also use some attack spells. However, they are mana hungry. Right now, I can use a couple of spells only twice during a fight before I have to drink a potion.”

“Duly noted,” Liam said as he wrote it down.

“What about you?” Avery asked.

Liam looked up from his notebook and asked, “Huh? Oh, I’m not at the level I want to be with my dagger, but I’m close to it. As you guys know from yesterday, I tried figuring out ways I can be helpful with. As a non-combat class, I don’t get to pack that extra oomph like you guys can. I’m almost at a level with my Alchemy where I can test some things out, but for now I focused on fixing some…distractions.” Liam grinned as a thought popped up.

“That’s not creepy at all,” Roman remarked.

“Does one of those ways have to do with that Knowledge Theory you were talking about last night?” Aryana questioned.

Liam shook his head still holding that grin. “Yes. I’ve been thinking about strategies and positioning of the team. I’ll need to get a list of what you can do so I can readjust some things and come up with some plans. If you guys are alright with?”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Artem and Avery said.

“Sounds good,” Ariyana smiled.

“Alright,” Roman and Blair stated.

Liam stared at them as they answered without hesitation.

“Why the confused look?” Mercer asked.

“Well, I guess I didn’t think you all would be willing to share stuff like that,” Liam replied.

“You’re our strategist. Our Control Tower. If we plan on getting through fights, it’s only natural you’d need to know what we can do to make the best use of us. To create the best possible outcomes in battles,” Mercer explained as he handed him a notebook. “I’ve already got a list of everyone’s current spells and abilities.”

Liam eyed him. “I don’t know if I should be impressed or worried. It’s almost like you knew I would ask.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mercer smiled.

“You’re a sly one, Mr. Mercer,” Liam said with a little laugh.

“It’s like you know me,” Mercer said while keeping that smile. He then looked at the others. “Anyways, it sounds like we’re ready to attempt another run. What do you guys think? Do we try today?”

“I suggest we don’t,” Liam argued. “I say we work on some things to get a little more foundation with our current skills and weapons then get some rest. Late tomorrow morning or afternoon is when I think we should try it. Especially since we’ve got three lightweights that still need more rest.”

“Hey now!” Roman and Avery quickly said with a glare.

The others laughed.

“That sounds like a good plan,” Mercer said. “That being said you should also take it easy today as well.”

“What do you mean?” Liam asked.

“You’ve been working as hard or even harder. I know you’ve been busting your ass off at the Smithy and Alchemy Lab. Have you picked up another craft on top of that?” Mercer questioned as he stared at him.

“I’ve been working just as hard as everyone else has. No more no less,” Liam stated. “And not yet. I was thinking about…”

“Idea rejected,” Avery said.

Liam quickly looked at her. “What?”

“After getting a good look at your room and seeing those daggers, you clearly have been putting in more hours than the rest of us,” Avery replied with a stern look.

“I agree. If the potions you’ve made are on a different scale like these daggers, then you need to focus on these for now,” Mercer said with a concerned look. “Besides, when do you sleep? I keep hearing about how the others see you from morning to night all over the place.”

“I get plenty of sleep thank you very much,” Liam interjected. “Besides these daggers are just crude quality. They aren’t on some figurative scale you made up to make them sound better than they are.”

Mercer and Avery gave him a concerned look without saying anything.

“Fine, I try to get a little more sleep than I usually do, but I won’t hear any complaints if my contributions to tomorrow’s dungeon run is minuscule,” Liam grumbled.

“We need you to be in top condition tomorrow to lead us in battle,” Mercer said with a caring tone.

“Yeah Mr. Control Tower. You need to be able to focus so you can guide us minions properly like that weird game of chess,” Roman stated.

Everyone looked at him dumbfoundedly.

“What?” Roman asked.

Blair brought a hand to her forehead as she corrected, “Those are called pawns. Not minions.”

“I know,” Roman stated. “I don’t like the term pawn, so I used minion.”

“Even though they are technically the same thing, it’s still best to use the correct term when talking about chess,” Avery said. “Or do you want to lose to me again for the thirty-eth time.”

“Nope, I’m good,” Roman quickly said. “If there’s one thing, I hate more than losing, it’s losing to you. Somehow you make it feel like I’m just a bratty child when I lose to you.”

“That’s because you can be a bratty child when you lose,” Avery smiled wickedly.

Liam looked at Mercer then Blair as he asked, “Did I miss something?”

“Nothing worth mentioning,” Blair answered.

Mercer was about to say something until Blair swatted his arm and repeated, “Nothing worth mentioning.”

Surprising everyone, Artem answered, “She beat everyone here who’s challenged her, very badly. The only ones she hasn’t played yet is me, because I refuse to, and you.”

“Artem!” Blair said as she gaped at him.

Artem shrugged as he said, “It’s true.”

Liam let out a laugh. “Once when we get out, I have to play her then.”

“You can play me as many times as you’d like to,” Avery started. “You’ll just end up like the others. Shocked, unsure, and pissed off.”

“Sounds like a challenge,” Liam commented with a playful grin.

“Oh, I can be,” Avery winked holding back a chuckle.

“And on that note, I’m heading out.” Blair stated. “Mercer you still need to do some shopping right?”

“Yup,” Mercer answered as he stood up.

“I’ll join you guys I want to check some things out,” Liam said.

“Alright, we’ll catch you guys later then,” Blair said as the three walked off.

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