Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 29 – What’s Guano?

“How do you not find that weird?” Artem asked as they walked out of the web filled tunnel.

After defeating the Black Widow Matriarch no monsters appeared to challenge their way back.

“I never said I didn’t find it weird,” Liam replied.

“Then why did you say it was interesting and then walked away?” Artem tried again.

Liam sighed as he stopped and looked at Artem who was behind him. “Look, I don’t know what else to say. Did I find it interesting? Yes. It’s not every day I see skeletons and zombies drag a giant spider away instead of scurrying their legs towards us. Especially a size that big. Did I find it weird? Yes. For that same exact reason.” Liam paused for a split second before finishing, “I don’t know what’s going on and I’m sure we’ll find out sooner or later. Until then…I’ll move on.”

Artem watched Liam turned back around and walked away. Not wanting to be left behind Artem walked towards the empty bowl closest to them. He hurried over, placed the stone in it, and waited for something to happen.

Nothing happened.

“Hm,” Liam muttered as he looked around.

“Maybe nothing will happen until we get the other one?” Blair suggested.

“That’s what I was thinking too,” Liam agreed as he stared at the other opening. He then looked at the others and asked, “Anyone want to take a guess on what we’ll have to fight next?”

“Maybe another insect monster?” Roman questioned.

“I hope not,” Ariyana said. “After that last one I’m done with bugs.”

“Tell me about it,” Artem agreed.

“Well, only one way to find out,” Mercer said as they started for the creature made hole.

As they walked up to it, they peered inside.

The tunnel was dimly lit, making it a little harder to see. What they did notice was there was no spider webs lining the walls, the floor, or the ceiling.

Liam pulled his goggles up so he could look inside without them, then compared it again with them on.

“What’s up?” Mercer asked.

“I wanted to see if there was a difference between having them on and off,” Liam replied as he settled with placing them on his forehead. “The dim lights make it harder to see with them on.”

“Of course they would make it harder to see. Those goggles are tinted,” Blair said as she shook her head while entering with Artem close by.




After walking for a few minutes Roman relaxed his body and placed his hands behind his head while saying, “Are there no monsters going to show?”

“Roman…what did we talk about before?” Ariyana asked with a brow raised.

“What? Oh, come on its not like…,” Roman started to argue until a faint noise was heard.

It was undistinguishable at first, but as the sound got closer the noise started to sound familiar.

“Does that sound like flapping to anyone?” Artem asked as he looked back.

Ariyana glared at Roman. “It looks like we’re going to need another talking after this.”

Roman groaned as he looked around for the source.

Nothing was in sight.

They continued to walk forward, but at a more cautious pace.

As they turned the corner Artem shouted as three figures slammed against his shield, “What the hell!?” The force of the collision caused his shield to bring his arm up over his head allowing the three creatures to fly behind him.

They moved swiftly pass Roman and Avery and straight at Ariyana who paled and let out a loud high pitch scream.

An arrow sailed through the air and crashed into one as a dagger plunged into another. Avery quickly sped to the other and slashed it with her new rapier. The three creatures stopped making their way to Ariyana and floated where they were. They stayed hovering there as they flapped their wings vigorously. High pitch squeaks escaped their mouths as they looked for a target.

They were brown short haired mammals with leathery wings. They had long pointed ears, long legs with 3 sharp claws. Their faces looked a little like a Bulldog’s face with droopy skin around the snout. They were the size of a medium sized dog.

The creatures’ hesitation to pick a target was their downfall as Liam and Roman attacked one of them. Blair, and Artem cornered one and slashed at it while Avery and Mercer took on the last one.

After a few seconds the three flying creatures fell to the ground dead.

Liam assessed one.


“Lesser Bulldog Bat. 0/50 HP. 0/0 MP. Crafting material available. Harvestable.”


 “Well, that explains why they reminded me of a bulldog,” Liam muttered as he reached a hand out and said, “Harvest.”


“You have received Bulldog Bat hide x 3.”


A chime sound echoed in his mind as Liam smiled. He swiped away the notifications and quickly turned as he heard a panicked scream.

“Get away! Get away! Get away!” Ariyana shouted as she swung her arms around wildly with her eyes closed.

“It’s okay Ariyana!” Avery called out. “They’re dead now.”

Ariyana didn’t hear her.

Blair walked up to her and grabbed her arms after taking a couple of wild swipes.

Ariyana’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Blair.

With a soft voice Blair said, “It’s alright. They are dead.”

Out of breath Ariyana stared at her then at the others. Realization dawned on her as she relaxed then straightened her hair down. She blushed as she said, “Oh…I see.”

“Oh,” Artem started as he began raising an eyebrow.

Ariyana swiftly glared at him and said with a firm, but dangerous tone, “Not one word out of you.”

Artem closed his mouth and stopped himself with a slight grin forming on his face.

“I’ll say it,” Roman ventured as he voiced what Artem wanted to say, “You’re afraid of bats.”

“Don’t say that word!” Ariyana clenched. “Never say that vermin name around me. Those are rats with wings. Abominations. I want to find the one who thought it was a good idea to create them and make them wish they never did.”

Liam held back the laugh building up as he looked away from Ariyana’s death glare.

“Ariyana,” Mercer started as he eyed her. “Is the monsters being bat like creatures going to be an issue?”

Ariyana glared at Mercer as he said the despised word. She took a couple breaths in and then out. “Since Artem handled the spiders…I think it’s only appropriate that I…,” She shuddered at a thought that came across her mind. “Try to do my best as well.”

Mercer nodded. “That’s all we can ask.”

Ariyana thought of something then glowered at Liam and added, “However, if someone gets the bright idea of having a group of those…vermin.” She said with much venom. “Then I will have to take it upon myself to properly educate him on what he should not have a proper lady do.”

Liam kept his back to her and raised a thumbs up. “I won’t make any promises, but I’ll do my best. But with that being said…you better steel that resolve.”

Ariyana stiffened as she asked dreading the answer, “Why do you say that?”

“Because I see several groups of them up ahead,” Liam replied.

A long whiny groan escaped her lips as she frowned and slumped her shoulders. “I knew karma was going to catch up to me.”

Artem let out a quick laugh before turning it into a cough without looking at her.

“Let’s get this done with quickly,” Ariyana said as she glared at Artem’s back.




After the last Lesser Bulldog Bat fell to the ground, the group gathered. Each of them took out a bottle of water and started drinking while Liam harvested the dead creatures.

“Let’s rest up a bit before we go inside,” Liam stated as he pointed towards the hole a few feet away from them.

Ariyana rubbed her arms as she said, “Is it just me or does it feel a bit cold?”

Blair wiped away the sweat that rolled down her cheeks as she set her helmet down. “I don’t know about cold, but that breeze feels good. All that moving around built up quite the sweat.” She then leaned her head back and gave a look of relief. “It gets a bit stuffy after a while wearing this armor and that helmet.”

Liam stared at the hole.

“What’s on your mind?” Mercer asked as he noticed Liam’s expression began to frown.

“I was just thinking,” Liam started. “Why is there a breeze? I don’t remember seeing any holes anywhere that allowed wind to pass through.”

“Now that you mention it, you’re right,” Roman agreed. “It is quite strange.”

“Who knows, but I’m not going to complain,” Artem replied. "I agree with Blair though this armor can get a bit stuffy after a while. I’m going to need a shower after we get out of here.”

“No, no, no. Artem get down wind. I can smell you from here,” Avery said as she gagged.

Looking affronted, Artem argued, “Hey, I don’t smell that bad.”

Avery was about to say something, but Mercer cut him off, “That isn’t him.”

Liam took in a whiff. It was a foul musty smell with a hint of ammonia. He then backed Mercer and Artem by agreeing, “The smell is coming from that area.”

“What is it?” Ariyana asked as she plugged her nose.

“I think its Guano,” Liam answered trying to think if he could recognize the smell.

“What’s guano?” Artem asked.

“Bat droppings…poop,” Mercer reiterated.

“Ew,” Ariyana frowned with a look of disgust.

“It is gross, but it’s a natural thing,” Liam stated as he looked at them and asked, “Are we ready? If so then, Artem will you do the honors?”

“Sure thing,” Artem replied as he passed out another round of muffins. “These are the last ones. I’m going to have to make more now that I know they are useful.”

Everyone ate their food and washed it down with the water from their bottles. After they were done, they readied themselves and got into position.

As they entered the room, they noticed how big it was.

The room was wider than the Black Widow Matriarchs and taller. Several Yooperlite stones lined the walls. The light emanating from them were dimmed even more than the ones in the tunnel as some had a stacked white substance spotting over them. Others were chipped and scratched making them flicker. A blanket of darkness covered the ceiling blocking their sight.

On the other side of the room the floor dipped a bit. In the dipped section was piles and piles of the same white substance that spotted some of the glow stones.

“Well, the good news is that that we found the source of the smell,” Liam coughed.

“Don’t you dare say anything else,” Artem complained.

Before Liam could reply, something fell from the darkness blanketing above them and dropped between the defenders and the attackers.

A foul smell exuded from it causing them to stagger for a moment.

“OH god!” Ariyana coughed before slightly dry heaving. “That smells so bad.”

Everyone coughed in agreement as a notification appeared before them.

“You have been afflicted with Foul odor. Disorientation and a 5% chance to vomit for 10 seconds.”

Before anyone could say anything, a high pitch chirping sound danced in the air. Two more responded to it.

Then several more.

Soon the entire room echoed with the noise.

This went on for almost a minute until a much louder deep click and chirping sound answered the high pitches.

A gust of wind suddenly blew down making the group bring their hands up to cover their faces. Then an object the size and length of a greyhound bus dropped down to the ground creating a rippling in the rocks and dirt causing everyone to bounce off the floor for a moment.

After Liam regained his balance, he assessed the creature that was now in front of Artem and Blair.


“Greater Bulldog Bat Patriarch. 290/290 HP. 90/90 MP.”


It had a short tannish fur coat that covered its body, head, and ears. Its wings, that were folded up, were a dark brown. It looked like two legs as it used them to hold itself up. A claw protruded from the edge of both of the forearms of the wing digging into the stones. It perked up and shifted around picking up any sound as its snout sniffed.

Ariyana let out a loud and fear induced scream.

As if answering back, the Greater Bulldog Bat Patriarch released a shrill sound as it opened its terrifying fanged mouth.

Everyone covered their ears from the sound.

After the ear-splitting noise ended the creature lifted its right wing up and swiped at Artem, who swiftly brought his shield up to his left side to block the attack. The attack slammed into his shield causing his feet to slide across the stone floor.

Blair swung her great axe up horizontally making the claw and wing fling back away from them. As the creature’s wing touched back down, a violet ball and an arrow collided against its chest and forehead.

Mercer pulled out another arrow and knocked it back as Ariyana shakily readied another chant.

As Ariyana stared at the EFM she felt fear start to crawl up her spine causing her to fumble on the spell making it sizzle out.

 Mercer released his arrow and said as he turned to Ariyana, who was cursing herself, “Its ok Ariyana. It’ll happen. Take a deep breath and try again.”

Ariyana took a shaky breath in and slowly released it. She set her eyes on the monster and felt her knees shake. She tried lifting her arm up to point her wand at it but couldn’t. She just stared at it wide eyed.

“Damn it,” Mercer swore under his breath. He then called out, “Liam! Ariyana is going to need a moment before she can cast any more spells.”

“What!” Liam shouted as he jumped into a roll to dodge a swipe from the right clawed wing.

As he got to his feet, he turned and looked at her. He saw her staring at the EFM, her body was shaking.

Her eyes were wide, and her mouth quivered.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said under his breath.

“Incoming!” Roman called out as an attack from the left wing came whooshing by.

Liam rolled again, but this time he rolled backwards to get away from the action. As he rolled to his feet he sprinted to Ariyana.

Ariyana didn’t see him coming. Her eyes were glued to the cause of the fear freezing her in place.

“Ariyana!” Liam shouted as he approached her.

No response.

He grabbed her shoulders and turned her away. Her face was still glued to the monster. He then placed his right hand on her cheek and turned her head to face him. Her eyes locked on him.

“Liam…I…,” Ariyana tried to say.

“Listen to me,” Liam started with a calm tone.

She waited for what he was going to say. A scolding, reprimand, chastisement for claiming she’ll handle this like Artem? She wasn’t sure what she was going to get. His calm, collective tone was not what she expected.

“I know you’re terrified right now,” He began. “It’s not easy to just push away any fears you have, but I need you to rethink and prioritize your fears. What’s more frightening, this winged creature? Or your teammates getting hurt badly and getting taken out of the fight?”

Ariyana tried to think about his words. She tried her best to fight through the fear that was clamping tightly on her every fiber. Forcing herself to do so, she looked back at the giant winged rat and then at her companions who were fighting against it. She then said without taking her eyes off the scene, “My teammates getting hurt because of my inaction is more frightening.”

Liam nodded. “It might not take away all your fears, but close your eyes, take a deep breath, and recite the words Calm the Storm. It’ll help calm you down.”

Ariyana looked back at him and did as he said. As she recited the words with shaky breaths, she felt the fear that was causing her to tense, lessen a bit.

Liam watched as the shaking slowed down a bit. It was still there, but not as pronounced as before. “There you go,” he encouraged.

Ariyana opened her eyes. A faint smile appeared on her face as she said, “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything. That was all you,” Liam smiled back. He then asked, “Think you’re able to get back into the fight?”

She nodded as she replied, “I’ll mess up some spells, but I’m better now.”

“Good,” Liam nodded. “If you feel the fear gripping you again just repeat what I told you to do.” He took a couple steps back as he walked away from her. “You’ve got this. I believe in you.” He then spun around and dashed back to the Greater Bulldog Bat Patriarch. As he ran, he threw a couple of daggers at the monster, plunging into the side of its face.

Ariyana took a breath in and slowly released it as she quietly whispered, “Calm the Storm.” She did this a couple more times, calming her nerves down. When she felt she was ready she pointed her wand at it and chanted, “Gather forth, Oh, vast Arcana. When single is ineffective, dive in with numbers! Release the pent-up anger of the mass. Arcane Swarm!”

She watched as a dark violet sphere the size of a coin appeared. With each word the coin sized sphere grew larger and larger until it became the size of a beachball. The sphere then started to swirl quickly. Seven-coin sized spheres appeared around the edge of the swirling dark violet beachball. Lines connected with the smaller spheres before streams of arcane power swiftly shot out in different intervals. The streams of arcane power crashed against the chest of the monster.

“Yes!” Ariyana shouted, feeling better.

The smile that was forming on her face disappeared as the Greater Bulldog Bat Patriarch sucked in a massive amount of air and released a shrilling call. It then pushed its body up as it expanded its wings fully and started flapping, rising higher into the air out of their reach.

“Oh no,” Ariyana gasped.

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