Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 36 – Discussion at the Baboon

Liam felt the liveliness of the atmosphere as he entered the establishment.

The fast-paced beat gave a lively and friendly ambiance as people talked, laughed, or even danced around. Even though the scene in front of him was great he still felt annoyed.

 His run in with Jude left a sour taste in his mouth. He was reminded as to why he wanted to avoid those from Earth that came here at the same time as him.

Alicia was a different case. He felt that she was similar to him. Wanted to forget the last couple of years, but not foolish enough to think others were the same.

Maybe that’s why I felt so comfortable with her. Liam thought as he thought about her. He didn’t get a feeling that she was fake with him nor that she wanted to do harm.

She genuinely felt like she wanted a new start. Not only that but working on Alchemy with her was great. He forgot what it was like to do something he and another found interesting.

Liam thought about his temporary group.

They were interesting. They were all so different, personality wise, but so far, they have worked well together. They weren’t like the group of friends he had before they disappeared.

He shook his head to stop his train of thought. I can’t compare them. It wouldn’t be fair. It also wouldn’t be fair to drag them into my duel. I’ll just keep it to myself.

After coming to a conclusion, he took a deep breath in and relaxed his body as he let it out. He then looked around to see if he could find the group. After a moment he saw a hand raised up in the air waving about.

Liam let out a chuckle as he recognized who the hand belonged to. It was Ariyana.

“There he is!” Ariyana shouted over the music playing as Liam approached the table.

“I thought we told you not to do any experiments,” Avery stated as Liam sat down next to Roman and Artem.

“I didn’t do any experiments,” Liam replied with slight annoyance still laced in his voice.

Mercer stared at him. He noticed something in Liam’s eyes. He wasn’t sure if it was irritation, annoyance, or anger. After coming to a quick conclusion, he asked, “Did something happen?”

Liam was surprised by his question.

Sure, Jude made him think about a lot of negative things he wanted to forget. But he took a moment to calm his irritation before heading to the table and thought he held his usual calm even expression he trained himself to have when going about his day.

Before coming to this world, he learned to school his facial expressions when emotions like annoyance, irritation, or frustration rose within him.

His step mother always made comments while growing up to wipe that look off his face whenever she scolded him and his two brothers over something they didn’t do.

He thought he had mastered the mask he crafted over the years. No. His facial expression was a calm and evened one. So how did Mercer know?

Liam narrowed his eyes on Mercer and inquired, “Why do you ask?”

Taken aback by Liam’s gaze, Mercer responded, “I’m just curious. I felt like something was off about you.”

Maybe Mercer has really good intuition. He thought to himself and then remembered Mercer’s interactions with those around him.

The guy was able to tell who could give information, who was lying about prices, and more. So maybe it’s not that strange if he is able to pick up on emotions.

Liam concluded that he was going to have to be more careful around him from now on. He didn’t want him nor the others to see that other side of him.

“We will talk about that later,” Liam stated as he let out a sigh. “There’s something else more important that we should discuss.”

Everyone at the table looked at him.

“What is it about?” Ariyana questioned.

“It’s about what happened earlier,” Liam replied.

‘Which part? The looks we were getting or with Adva and Phorge?” Roman inquired.

“It’s the attention we brought upon ourselves, isn’t it?” Mercer asked, giving a knowing nodded.

Liam looked at him.

Since the beginning of this group being formed Liam felt like he and Mercer were similar when it came to wanting to know things when irregular situations occurred. The difference between them was the way they got that information and the speed they got it.

  “I was given some advice by my Alchemy Mentor, but I have a feeling you have a basic idea of why we look different coming out of our dungeons versus what the others look like right?” Liam stated.

“I have a vague idea, but I want to hear the advice given to you to see if it matches with what I was looking into,” Mercer countered.

“I was told that if we come across any rare or higher items during our attempts on the dungeon floors then we should not let it be known,” Liam informed.

Everyone furrowed their brows as they listened.

“Why though?” Ariyana asked, genuinely confused.

Liam looked around to make sure no one was approaching their table. When he was certain they wouldn’t have any eavesdroppers he replied, “Because rare items do not drop in Tutorial dungeons. The highest rarity that should drop is Uncommon.”

“But that doesn’t make sense. Some of our items are rare in rarity,” Artem commented as he looked perplexed.

“I know,” Liam sternly said. “We already confirmed that the monsters we’ve fought are different than the others, right?”

“Compared to the ones that have been willing to talk to us,” Mercer confirmed.

Liam nodded. “He said that if people knew about those items it could create a commotion. It might catch the eyes of the wrong people. Even he didn’t want to press more into how we got it. I believe we found a path in the dungeon we weren’t supposed to.”

“Is that a good thing or bad thing?” Blair asked as she thought it over. “I mean, it gets us ahead of the others so it should be good right?”

“I don’t know,” Liam shrugged. “Galin’s reaction tells me it’s bad, but I have nothing to compare it to.” He looked at Mercer who was silent and looked to be going over things in his head. When Mercer looked back at Liam, Liam asked, “What do you think?”

“I agree that we should probably keep our findings to ourselves. After our run on the second floor, I decided to look around to see if I could find any information on irregular monster sightings on floors,” Mercer started. “I couldn’t find anything in the library. There was hardly any information about dungeons there. So, I went to see if I can ask the lady at the Mage Tower.”

Everyone listened intently as he continued, “She wasn’t there, but I was approached by a guy, wearing the Tower uniform with a black robe. He asked me questions that I wasn’t comfortable answering.”

“What was he asking?” Avery asked.

“He asked if I was in a party with a certain crafter,” Mercer stated as he looked at him.

Everyone turned to look at Liam.

“Me? Why me?” Liam inquired as his eyes narrowed.

“I don’t know. He was vague, trying to offer me coins for information on you,” Mercer stated. “I’m not sure if it has to do with the dungeons or what but he was very adamant about wanting to know more about you.”

Liam looked at the table. After hearing what Mercer had to say he felt that Jude’s timing with his duel was too coincidental.

Liam’s thoughts started to swirl as he thought to himself. What would be the odds of them working together? It wouldn’t be strange, but why? What is their goal? What would they gain from getting information on me?

“You didn’t give him anything right?” Blair asked as she eyed Mercer.

Mercer frowned at her. Shocked by the accusation. “No. Why would I do that?”

“I was just asking,” Blair replied feeling ashamed for questioning him.

“I didn’t give him anything. He rubbed me the wrong way.” Mercer scowled. “There was one question in particular that made me very wary of him.”

“What question was that?” Avery asked, curious.

“He wanted to know what your magical examination results were,” Mercer answered as he looked at Liam.

Liam snapped out of his thoughts when he heard this. With a brow raised he inquired, “Why would he want to know what my magical examination results were?”

“Don’t know.,” Mercer shook his head. “He gave me a feeling that it was pointless if I lied so I told him that was none of his business and walked out.”

“Did you get his name?” Roman asked.

“I think he said his name was Steve,” Mercer said as he thought back on it. With a nod he continued, “Yeah, it was Steve. A tall slim fellow with hazel eyes and combed oily black hair. Had a very bad smell around him.” Mercer shivered. “He was a total creep.”

“Why didn’t you say something about this before?” Avery asked with a stern look.

“To be honest, with everything going on I got busy and just forgot about it,” Mercer answered.

“You expect us to…” Avery started to argue until Liam interrupted.

“He told us now and that’s what matters. We all have been busy with this tutorial thing. We can’t fault him for this.” Liam looked at Mercer. With a slight smile he said, “Thank you for not giving him my information.”

“Not a problem. We’re a team, right?” Mercer stated.

Liam nodded as he began to think to himself. The timing of Jude’s approach and now this Steve guy is too close. Are they working together or is it just coincidental? There’s too many unknowns.

Liam looked at everyone at the table. Mercer’s comment helped to strengthen his resolve to not bring them into the duel. He didn’t want Jude to have his eyes on his team.

“We need to decide what our plans are for the next floor,” Avery stated.

“We are in agreement that going forward whatever we find must not be revealed then, yes?” Mercer asked.

Everyone nodded.

“Good. Then I suggest we buy items to use as disguises for when we enter and exit the dungeon,” Mercer stated.

“What are we going to do about getting our rare equipment fixed?” Artem questioned.

Mercer looked at Liam.

“I have my Blacksmithing level high enough that I can start learning how to repair weapons and armor. I’ll talk to Fia and see if she can guide me through that,” Liam started. “Tomorrow I’ll stop by the Tailoring shop and see if I can start learning the craft. I’ll also ask her about if there is a bowyer too or if that is tied in with Blacksmithing.”

“Sounds good,” Mercer commented. He then looked at the others and said, “I think we have spotted some things we need to work on before attempting the next floor. Roman, what do you plan on working on?”

Roman thought it over before replying, “I’m going to focus on working on my Lightning and Earth Focus Points.” He looked at Liam. “The way you instructed me on when and how to use my abilities made me think that I really don’t know them that well. I want to be able to do that without you prompting me.”

“You’ll get there,” Liam stated.

“Can I make a suggestion for you?” Avery asked.

Roman looked at her. With a brow raised he responded, “Sure?”

“I think you should look into the Air Focus Point as well,” Avery suggested. “The first ability unlocked is called Light as a Feather. It gives a two point five percent buff to the Agility Sub-stat. It lasts thirty seconds and is a self-targeted spell, but as a melee fighter I think it can be essential for you.”

Roman brought a hand to his chin. He looked to be going over some things in his head. He then asked, “How do you know about that ability?”

“I have it myself,” Avery answered. “I haven’t had the chance to use it much, but I was thinking that I need to.”

Liam had forgotten about that ability. He had a list of everyone’s current spells and tried to remember them all. He made a mental note to try and memorize them all so he could properly utilize their skillsets. As he was thinking this, a thought occurred.

“I wonder if that can stack with a Gravity ability Blair and I have,” Liam said.

Blair looked at him. After a moment passed, she asked, “Are you talking about Feathery Upforce?”

Liam nodded. “That’s the one.”

“What’s that ability?” Roman questioned as curiosity started to grow.

“It’s an ability that is used on the target’s weapons,” Blair started. “It basically gives a two point five percent buff to the Agility Sub-stat. However, it gives a two point five percent debuff to the Power Sub-stat.”

“I haven’t used it since it comes with a debuff, but if we can stack both Feathery Upforce and Light as a feather, you might be able to strike faster and the debuff will seem negligible,” Liam stated waiting for some input.

“We can try it out in the practice room at the Mage Tower,” Roman stated as he nodded, liking the idea. “I also want to practice some more unarmed weapon skills with you.”

That last part reminded Liam of what one of his notifications said.

He looked at his group and asked, “By the way I got a notification that I can start learning Weapon Arts? Anyone have a clue what they are?”

“I can help with that.” Mercer raised a hand. “Weapon Arts are skills or formations you can learn for Weapon skills you have at or above level ten. You know what skills are, formations are basically foundations for weapons. How to use that weapon better. It can also range from how you hold your weapon, swing it, when to swing, etcetera.”

“Good to know,” Liam nodded.

Mercer looked at Ariyana and asked, “What are you going to work on?”

“I want to find a weapon I feel comfortable using. Staying in the back all the time using magic is draining and I feel like I’m wasting potential,” Ariyana stated. “I also want to work more on my Focus Points. Especially my Plant. I feel like I can do more with it.”

Mercer nodded in approval.

“I want to work more on my Rapier Weapon Skill. Maybe learn a Weapon art or two,” Avery said without being prompted. “I also want to raise my Fire and Air Focus Points. I want more abilities to work with. I don’t want to be a one trick girl.”

“I feel you there,” Blair commented. “I need to get my Great Axe Weapon Skill up to ten so I can get more use out of my weapon. I also want to get my Gravity Focus Point up. Lastly, I’m thinking about getting a new Field of Study.”

  Liam and Mercer gave her a questioning look.

“What Field are you thinking about?” Mercer inquired.

“Field of Inner Strength,” Blair replied. She then looked at Artem and said, “I think you should look into it as well. It has a lot to do with body strengthening.”

“I didn’t know there was a Field of Study like that?” Mercer commented.

“It is not a well-known one here in the Tutorial Area,” Blair shook her head. “Everyone here is too focus on power that they don’t see the potential of other types of magic.”

“I can agree with that,” Mercer nodded.

Everyone looked at Artem who was staring at the table.

When he felt the gazes of his group he quickly looked up and said with an anxious tone, “I want to focus more on my healing abilities as well as my Chef craft.” He then quickly added as he looked at Blair, “I’ll look into what you said Blair and probably get it too, but I feel like we can’t rely too much on Liam’s potions.”

Mercer nodded in agreement. “I agree with you. Those health potions are great, now that the taste isn’t so bad, but we need more than that. I’m also going to work on my healing ability to help out there.”

Artem gave Mercer a sheepish smile.

“I’m also going to pick up a couple new Focus Points from the Field of the Elements. Water and Ice. Of course, I want to work on my Bard focus points on top of that.” Mercer continued. “I feel comfortable with a bow, so I want to get it leveled to ten for Weapon Arts. Lastly, I want to get my Flute skill to ten and pick up a new instrument.”

“Have any idea what instrument you want?” Ariyana asked.

Mercer shook his head. “Not yet, but I’m thinking of a string type instrument to help with my Fine Motor sub-stat. I think the bonuses from leveling that sub-stat will help with my String Instruments and bow."

Every nodded as they agreed with the statement.

Mercer looked at Liam and asked, “What about you?”

“Besides what I said about Tailoring and learning repairs,” Liam started as he thought over what he wanted to do.

He felt that there was a lot he wanted to get done. There was always something new to learn, something new to do, something new to level up. He decided to do what he always did in the past. Make a list with all he needed to get done and figure out what he could focus on more than the others.

He needed to work on his crafts. That would always be a high priority. However, Liam knew he needed to break that down as well. Learn repairs and ask about other types of Weapons Craft. He wanted to learn Poison Craft, but that could be done at night. He needed to figure out a schedule for Tailoring, he could figure that out when he got more information on it.

After that would be his Weapon skills. He wanted to learn a Weapon Art for daggers. He also wanted to see if he could learn one for his Throwing Weapons as well. He could work on unarmed with Roman, but he still couldn’t figure out what he would do with that.

After weapons, came his magic. He was proud that he found out he could use an aspect of his crafting magic in battle. He needed to figure out more ways to utilize that. Maybe he could do that during his time at the Bubbling Potion. He felt his Gravity magic held potential and wanted to work on that, but he also felt that he could open another Focus Point or two. He could figure that out at the Mage Tower.

Then there was his Knowledge Theories. He could work on them as well as pick up more in between all of his training or at night when he rested in his room. There was also his duel with Jude. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to do it, but the news about that Steve guy made him rethink it.

“I have a lot I need to get done,” Liam finally said as he took himself out of his thoughts. “Crafting, weapon skills, Knowledge Theories, and forming new plans and strategies. I’ll need to link up with you guys to work on some things, but I’ll get with you when the time is right.”

Everyone gave him a concerned look.

Liam furrowed his brows as he asked, “What?”

The others looked at each other before Mercer stated, “I know you said you have a lot to do, but don’t overdo it.”

  Liam waved a hand trying to dismiss their concerns. “I’ve got it all handled.”

Mercer frowned at Liam’s attitude but didn’t comment on it. Instead, he said, “Okay, just make sure you’re in top shape for our next dungeon run.”

“When do we want to do that?” Avery questioned.

“Okay, let’s work on all we just said for the next three days and then attempt the floor in four?” Mercer suggested.

“Sounds good,” Avery said.

“I agree,” Blair chimed in.

The others nodded their approval of the plan as well.

“With that out of the way,” Ariyana butted in with a wicked smile directed at Liam. “I believe someone owes me some drinks.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Let’s get some food in us first.”

“Alright, just don’t think you will get out of it,” Ariyana giggled.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Liam groaned.

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