Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 65 – With food it only takes once

“God damn I feel sore,” Avery stated as she and the others stood in the magical practice room they had reserved.

“You’ll definitely feel it in the morning,” Liam said with a chuckle as he looked inside his inventory and grabbed two yellowish orange vials.

He gave one to Avery and said, “Drink this. It’ll help bring your stamina back up to bring some of that soreness away. It won’t take it all away, but it’ll help.”

“Thanks,” Avery said as she drank the vial. “That tastes so good. Thank the gods you came up with a way to change the flavors.”

“It wasn’t anything special,” Liam said while shaking his head. He placed the empty vials back into his inventory. “The way to do it was already there. It just needed someone to do it.”

“Not anything special he says,” Alicia commented with a shake of her head. She looked at the others while hiking her thumb at Liam. “Can you believe this guy?” She looked back at Liam. “It took someone who does care what others thought to make this.”

Liam shrugged. “If that’s all it took then someone was bound to do it eventually.”

“True, but it doesn’t change the fact that you were the one who did it,” Mercer stated with a smile.

“Eh,” Liam said noncommittally.

“So, I have to ask,” Ariyana chimed in with a playful look. “Why did the two of you come together? Sorely, might I add. What were you two doing?”

Avery shook her head. “Not what you’re thinking. I can tell you that. Liam’s Dagger Instructor, Nabal had us do a joint training session.” She turned to Liam and asked, “By the way how did you guys know I was there?”

Ariyana frowned.

Liam let out a chuckle. “Nabal was testing my new heightened senses. While I was testing my hearing I heard your voice amongst the crowd.

Avery’s eyes widened. “You were able to pick my voice out within that big crowd of people? How? It was so loud that I was barely able to hear Lily sometimes.”

“With my race my hearing has grown a lot. At times a whisper sounds like someone is talking right next to me,” Liam explained. “The smell is the worst though.”

Liam shuddered as he remembered some of the smells his nose picked up throughout the morning and the night before.

Alicia let out a laugh. “You should have seen him last night at the Alchemy lab. He looked like he wanted to throw up so many times due to that heightened smell of his. It was hilarious.”

Liam frowned as he stated, “True, but thanks to that I can pick up what smell belongs to what alchemy material. I’ll have an easier time finding stuff out in the dungeon and field.”

Alicia’s laughter died as she realized what he meant. She then frowned and exclaimed, “That’s cheating!”

Liam let out a chuckle of his own.

“You better share if you find a lot,” Alicia pouted.

“Only if you share too,” Liam replied back.

“I have been. The things we made last night was not cheap to make for the both of us you know,” Alicia stated.

“Oh, I know,” Liam nodded.

“What did you guys make?” Mercer asked as Octavius looked at them curiously too.

After the race change, Liam was able to see how people’s appearances had changed.

Olivia’s new race had changed her body completely. Her curly red hair gave an autumn grass look with the way it bounced when she moved her head.

Her eyes had transformed into completely white orbs. Even though her irises were not there anymore, you could feel if she was looking at you or not. Her skin tone was now a dark green.

When the others saw her they had gasped and were curious what she was. She played the guessing game with them, but after a while when no one could guess she had told them she was half Dryad, half Human.

Octavius had changed as well. He grew in height as well as in bulk. He now stood six foot five and his muscles were more defined than before as well. He didn’t waste anyone’s time with a guessing game and had told them he was a half Goliath and half human.

Alicia brought a finger to her lips and winked as she answered, “That’s a secret.”

“You’ll find out during the dungeon run,” Liam said. “Galin, Alicia, and I came up with some ideas on how to use crafting in our battle strategies.”

“Oh?” Mercer said with a curious look. “That’s interesting. I look forward to seeing what you guys came up with.”

“Same here,” Octavius agreed. He then looked at Liam and added, “Except, Alicia, I hope its not done in a…gamble like fashion, that our friend here does.”

Liam gave him a look of mock hurt.

“Most things are. Can’t always use proven methods, especially when a life is on the line,” Alicia stated.

“Fair enough,” Octavius replied. He looked at Liam and said with a teasing expression, “I hope you’re not a bad influence on my teammate.”

“Me? Pfft, she’s the bad influence,” Liam stated with a playful grin. “Has she told you about how she tried setting me up to fail on my first poison crafted item?”

“What?” Everyone stated as they looked at her.

“No, I did not try to set you up for failure, I was just not going to fully explain to see if you could handle it on your own,” Alicia said with a blush. She then frowned, “I don’t want to hear about failures from you anyways. You’ve been more successful with first time crafting than I have.”

Liam waved a hand. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Okay, okay, let’s shift topics,” Olivia stated. “We don’t have all day here to help you guys practice and get settled with your new racial powers.”

“Fair point,” Mercer started to say.

“Before that,” Alicia interrupted before looking at Liam.

Liam caught on what she was wanted to do.

“We need to tell you what happened last night,” Liam continued.

“Last night?” Octavius asked.

“What happened last night?” Blair asked as she stared at Liam.

“Last night we kind of ran into Steve,” Liam informed as he looked at everyone.

“What?!” the others shouted.

“You too?” Olivia asked as she looked at Alicia.

Alicia nodded then corrected, “We didn’t entirely run into him. He walked out of the Bubbling Potion right before we got there.”

“Tell us what happened,” Avery requested as she looked between the two.

Liam and Alicia went into what had happened. From when Liam had gotten there and when Alicia arrived. He then told them what Galin had explained to them about what he knew of the man.

Mercer raised a hand to his chin and started thinking. “So, you’re saying he’s not sure how he’s changed, but it might be due to something he received as a reward?”

Liam and Alicia nodded.

“He’s after something, but we have no clue what it is,” Liam answered.

“That’s a scary thing though,” Ariyana said as she rubber her arms, feeling a chill. “To have your appearance change because you decided to go down a path not suited for you. I can’t imagine how it would change us or what damage it would do to our growth.”

“Indeed,” Octavius said with a stern nod. “It explains why the people here keep emphasizing about focusing on what we have an affinity in and not to focus on other stuff.”

“We’re going to have to keep an eye out even more now for you if he’s after you,” Blair stated.

“You think he’s after Jude as well?” Roman asked.

Liam nodded. “I believe so. I don’t know who else he’s after, but it’s safe to say it’s probably those who have come across the paths we have.”

“Hm,” Mercer muttered. “I think I might have an idea who else, but not sure.”

“What do you mean?” Artem questioned.

“Remember when we finished the second floor, and I went to ask those taking our dungeon about the monsters they had to fight?” Mercer asked.

“Yeah you said some told you while three other grou…,” Liam started to say until something clicked. “Was Jude’s group one of them?”

Mercer nodded. “The other two I haven’t seen around for some time though. I don’t know who they are, but my guess is they are the other two Steve is after.”

“So, we’ll have to warn them if we see them?” Blair asked.

“Can you tell us what you remember of their descriptions? Maybe we can help warn them if we come across them," Octavius offered.

Mercer nodded. “Yeah I’ll tell you what I remember later,” Mercer said. “For now, we should focus on raising our magic while we’re here so we can prepare for the next floor.”

“Oh, yeah, about the next floor,” Olivia started as the others looked at her. “Not sure if anyone has told you yet, but you’ll need to get some camping gear.”

“Camping gear?” Roman questioned.

Olivia nodded. “Yes, due to the increased size of the next floor, along with more E.F.M.’s it’ll take a bit longer than the other floors. They said this is something that happens when you face dungeons that have big floors or that wont let you out because you have to survive for x amount of days.”

“That’s pretty interesting and good to know,” Mercer stated. “So, you’re saying that the dungeons are all different and can range with the time needed to spend in it?”

“That and more. The sheer amount of dungeons would amaze you,” Olivia said. “They even said that not all dungeons have been explored so they aren’t sure if they have found every type there is.”

“That is fascinating,” Mercer replied as he wrote something down. “I’ll take a look around and see what I can find on tents.”

“I’ll go with you,” Artem said as he looked at him. “I’ll need some camping cooking stuff.”

Olivia looked at Artem. “You know how to cook?”

“Kind of. I’m still learning how to make certain things, but I’m progressing along in it,” Artem replied as he looked at her.

“He’s modest,” Avery stated.

“Very modest,” Blair added.

“He made these amazing muffins for us to have before we took on the third floor and let me tell you,” Ariyana chimed in. Her facial expression turned into one of pure ecstasy as she closed her eyes, smiled, brought her hands up in a fist, shivered and mutter, “Mmm.”

The others in Liam’s group besides Artem had a grin on their faces as well, agreeing with Ariyana’s review of the muffins.

“That good huh?” Olivia asked as she eyed Artem up and down.

“Not only that, but they gave a buff as well,” Liam added.

“A buff?!” Alicia, Octavius, and Olivia shouted.

 Alicia looked at Liam. “What is it with you guys. First you with your flavor potions and now this guy with food buffs? I swear, if there is ever an opening in your group I call dibs.”

“No fair!” Olivia complained.

Liam’s group laughed.

“Look at you, big guy,” Blair commented as she gave him a pat on the back. “You’ve got two girls arguing to join our group all over your ability to cook.”

“I don’t think it’s because of me,” Artem started with a look of skepticism and sadness. “I think its more because of Liam’s potions.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Liam butted in as he walked up to Artem’s side. “I’m sure flavored potions are great, but I’m just an after thought compared to your cooking.”

“I haven’t cooked anything else for you guys. So I don…,” Artem tried to say until Liam interrupted.

“Look, all it took was that one muffin and it instantly got the girls hooked. When it comes to food, all it takes is once. Potions aren’t always needed, but food. Now that’s where you can get someone to fall for you.”

Liam gave Artem a friendly and reassuring smile.

No longer going to try and argue, Artem relented and smiled back.

“Oh, speaking of potions and before we start this joint training session and I forget,” Alicia said as she looked away from a half angry, half teasing Olivia towards Liam. “Do you have a Potion Belt yet?”

Liam raised a brow at her. “A Potion Belt?”

“Yeah that look says it all,” Alicia responded. She then turned to reveal a leathery belt like holster harnessed to her right upper thigh with two straps running up to a belt around her waist.

The equipment had a square of leather where four strapped holding areas for very small vials and two small bag-looking things on it to place stuff in it.

“This design is not one you’d find in the market unless people who make them sell them for money. This is a Leather Leg Harness Potion Holster made by Kenny, one of our teammates,” Alicia informed as she started to explain the functions of it.

She pointed to the four vials strapped in and said, “Here you can have your toxins that you would usually throw.” She then unstrapped the bag to the right of the small vials to reveal it opened up completely to see three regular sized colored vials strapped in. “Here you can have your Health, Mana, and Stamina Potions.”

After she closed it up, Alicia popped open the top of the bag under neath the four small vials to reveal two rows of more vials. “Here you can put any type of poisons, potions, balms, whatever you want.”

Liam stared at it with fascination. “That’s amazing!”

Alicia gave him a knowing smile as she asked, “You like it?”

“Yeah, how did he make it?” Liam questioned with a lot of curiosity.

“He made it with a mixed effort of Leatherworking and Tailoring,” Olivia answered. “He made different types for us all customed to our classes. Except for Octavius.”

Everyone looked at Octavius.

Octavius gave them a smile and answered their unasked question, “Its hard to have a Potion Belt when you’re covering in armor.”

“Makes sense,” Liam commented with a nod of understanding. “Hm, Leatherworking and Tailoring huh?”

“No,” Avery and Blair sternly stated in unison.

“Huh?” Liam asked as he looked at them.

“No,” they repeated.

“No what? I haven…,” Liam started to say until Mercer clarified.

“You are not allowed to take on anymore crafting task than the ones you already have.”

“But I have Tailoring already,” Liam started to protest. “If I get Leatherworking then I coul…”

“No!” Avery and Blair said with a lot more force.

“You are already taking on enough crafting projects right now. More than anyone I know. You can work on the blacksmithing, Alchemy and Tailoring for now, but no more for now,” Avery scolded.

“I agree with them,” Roman said. “Focus on what you have now and get them to a point where you can take a break and work on other ones.”

Artem and Ariyana nodded their heads in agreement.

“Fine,” Liam pouted as he looked defeated.

Alicia looked at him and his team. She noticed they had a look of concern as they looked at him. Changing the subject she asked, “Do you want one?”

Liam’s eyes whirled on her. With a tone completely different from the one before, he said, “Hell yeah I do! How much does he want for making me one?”

“Good. He wanted me to ask you,” Alicia started. “He said no payment is necessary. He wanted to thank you for not only finding a way to change the taste of the potions, but also supplying our group with some.”

“Is he sure?” Liam asked, unsure how he felt about it. “It was nothing to make them and you also had a hand on making those potions.”

“I told him you’d say something like that,” Alicia laughed. “He’s sure. It’ll take about two days to make it. Do you have a preference on the color?”

“Black,” Liam answered with no hesitation.

Octavius laughed, making everyone look at him.

“What’s so funny?” Roman asked.

“Alicia told him that if Liam said yes he’d want one in black,” Octavius stated.

“Am I that predictable?” Liam asked as he looked at his group.

“Not always,” Blair started.

“If it takes two days to make then that’s perfect,” Mercer commented.

“Why’s that?” Ariyana asked.

“I’m thinking we take at least four days to shore up our new abilities and magic, while also getting our supplies in order before we take on the next floor,” Mercer suggested. He looked at Liam and asked, “What do you think?”

Liam thought about it. Taking four days would allow him to work on raising his magical abilities, work on his crafting, and taking on the first floor to get upgrades on his armor, and getting used to his newly heightened senses sounded like it would be a good plan.

He looked back at Mercer and said, “That sounds good to me.”

“Alright, then let’s get to work on what we’re supposed to be doing here,” Mercer stated.

“Yes mother,” Roman teasingly said.

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