Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 7 – How about we form a group?

Liam and the others turned to look at the area where the training dummies were at. A group of people started gathering around one specific spot in the middle.

“I wonder what’s going on over there,” Avery said with a curious look.

“Let’s go check it out,” Blair suggested.

“Do we have to?” Artem asked.

The others stopped to look at him.

“I mean it has nothing to do with us. So, do we really have to go check it out?” Artem questioned with a sheepish look on his face.

Blair stared at him for moment, regarding what he said and replied, “You’re right. I let my curiosity get the better of me. I’m so used to checking things out when it seems like a fight is about to happen. Back on my world you’d have to always know what kind of trouble is brewing. I have to remind myself that I’m not on my world anymore.”

Artem gave a relieved smile as he looked at the others. He noticed Mercer was staring at Liam.

The others looked at Liam as well as Mercer asked, “What’s up?”

“That voice sounded familiar,” Liam began as he stared at the clumped group. “I was trying to think where I’ve heard it before.”

“I’m not giving up this spot! You guys can look elsewhere or wait your turn like everyone else,” the voice shouted with defiance.

“It does sound familiar,” Ariyana agreed with a nod trying to think of where she’s heard it from.

“If it sounds familiar to more than one of us then it could only be…,” Avery started until she and the others saw Liam start to move towards the scene.

Artem sighed as he followed behind the others.

Liam made his way around to an opening. He was curious on the voice and what was happening. He knew he shouldn’t let his curiosity get the better of him, but he just couldn’t help it.

Once when he got to the spot he saw a short young male with brown eyes, an athletic build and slicked back blonde hair. He was staring up at two other males and a female.

One of the young males stood taller with a slim lanky physique. He had oily slicked back black hair and seedy blue eyes. He wore a grey shirt with a blue jean vest, black cargo shorts and black boots.

The other male was a little shorter than his taller companion but was still taller than the one he was staring at. He had short blond hair, and an athletically fit body, much like a bodybuilder. His jaded green eyes looked playful. However, it was the kind of playfulness a predator held when they wanted to toy with prey. He wore a white shirt with the short sleeves rolled up to show off his toned muscles, black shorts, and black boots.

The female had blond and black hair held up in a short ponytail. Her icy blue eyes gazed condescendingly down at the male before her. She wore clothes in a similar fashion as her two companions, except she had a tank top on showing she had a sinewy figure.

“It’s Roman,” Artem quietly said.

“I thought I recognized the voice,” Avery stated with the same level of volume as Artem.

“I don’t want to wait. Waiting will take forever,” The athletically built male said. “So why don’t you just give me this spot and you can wait for another to open up.”

“Hell no,” Roman quickly stated. “I already waited for almost two hours for this one to open up.”

“And you can wait longer for another,” the taller male chimed in.

“How many times do I have to say no,” Roman argued feeling irritated.

“You can say no all you want. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to keep this spot,” the athletically built male added.

Liam could see the frustration starting to well up inside Roman.

“Looks like shorty here is getting angry,” the woman mocked with a wicked grin.

Roman glared at her.

“What do we do?” Ariyana asked. “Do we help him?”

“We don’t know him well enough to butt in,” Artem stated, firmly voicing his opinion.

“That’s a coward’s excuse. Are you a coward?” Blair chided.

“Very much so,” Artem answered without hesitating or shame.

Avery and Mercer looked at Liam.

He stood there, staring at the three troublemakers. He contemplated on what he should do. Artem was right. He didn’t Know Roman that well, but not doing anything didn’t sit well with him. As if his body made up his mind for him, it began to move on its own.

Artem, Ariyana, and Blair turned their gaze to Liam and watched him walk through the crowd.

Blair looked back at Artem before making her way to join him.

Roman clenched his fists together as he was about to lash back until a voice said, “What’s his height got to do with his drive to train?”

Roman turned to see Liam appear on the left side of him while Blair appeared on the right.

“If it’s not your turn then wait. Everyone else is doing it. You’re no more special than the rest of us,” Liam finished.

The athletic looking young man gave a harsh laugh. “Buddy, you might not be special, but you shouldn’t speak for the rest of us. I know for a fact, I’m way more special than second rates like you three.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. You are right. You are special,” Liam smiled. His eyes gave a look of pity as he continued, “You’re stupid with an over flatted ego. You’re the kind of special that makes yourself important when you’re not.”

The athletically fit male glowered as the taller man stated, “How dare you! Do you know who you’re talking to?”

“Yeah!?” the female chimed in.

“He doesn’t, but I do,” a calm and calculative voice joined in.

Everyone turned to see Mercer walking up next to Liam.

The two males and female looked shocked as they saw him.

“Mercer?” they said.

Mercer looked at the athletically built male and greeted, “Hello Theodore.” He then looked at the taller male. “Henry.” Then at the female. “Mia. I didn’t think I’d see you all here, let alone still acting like you’re bigger than you are.”

“We aren’t back in our old world anymore Mercer. Don’t think your family’s power can hold us back,” Henry quickly lashed out.

Mercer gave them a sad but friendly smile. “I wouldn’t dream that my family has any power to throw around here. That being said…I know you’re not naïve enough to think you have any here either.”

“What makes you think that?” Mia questioned as she glared at him.

“Because we’re all at the bottom of the barrel here. Raw material that just arrived on the production line,” Mercer explained.

“Speak for yourself you coddled brat. Still acting like you’re better than everyone else. I know where I stand and if you think you can whip me into place then I’ll make you regret that,” Theodore scowled.

“Is there no way we can resolve this professionally Theodore?” Mercer asked.

“There you go again with that high and mighty act. I’m tired of people underestimating me. If I want something I will get it and right now I want this spot. Now either you give it to me, or I make you give it to me.” Theodore threatened.

Mercer glanced at Liam who looked at Roman.

“There will be more time to train. I have a feeling it’s better to do so when small unnecessary distractions aren’t present,” Liam stated calmly.

Roman let out an irritated sigh as he released his fists and stated, “You might be right. I’m not in the right mind set anymore to practice.” He then turned around and walked away with Blair.

“That’s right walk away,” Mia goaded.

“Know your place weaklings,” Henry added.

Liam stared at the three. Without saying anything he began to turn around and walk away until Theodore threatened, “I don’t know who you are, but you’ll regret butting your nose into business that doesn’t belong to you.”

Liam slightly turned his head and stated, “You’re right about me regretting this. I don’t need petty little plebs causing more a headache than I need right now.”

Mercer stifled a laugh as he gave a quick glance before walking with Liam.

Theodore, Henry, and Mia shouted something indistinguishable as Mercer stepped in line next to Liam and whispered, “You’re an interesting person. I feel you will bring in some gains that I never knew existed if I stick by you.”

Liam gave a sigh as he said, “You might be a headache in disguise too.” He then gave a small chuckle as he added, “But not as bad as those three.”

As Liam and Mercer arrived to the group, Roman commented, “You know you didn’t have to do that.”

“I don’t have to do a lot of things. I just chose to do it,” Liam replied.

“Why?” Roman asked. “You don’t know me. We only met briefly today.”

“That’s what I said, “Artem stated then grew a bit timid as Blair and Avery glared at him.

“It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to and that’s all you need to know,” Liam answered. Deep down he wasn’t sure either why he did it. If he had to guess then he would say it might be because of something that happened back in his old world.

Roman stared at him. He observed Liam, looking for something. After a moment he relaxed a bit and said, “Thanks. Sometimes my pride gets the better of me. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t show up.”

Liam smiled.

“So now what?” Roman asked.

“Let’s grab some food and do an information swap?” Mercer suggested.

“Sounds good to me. I’m hungry,” Artem said as he rubbed his stomach.

“Alright,” Avery and Ariyana added.

Blair and Liam nodded.

“We’ll follow your lead then,” Liam stated as he looked at Mercer.

“Oh? And why would you do that?” Mercer asked with curiosity.

“Well, from what I’ve seen so far,” Liam began. “You’re more likely to know an establishment that have fair prices for their food.”

Mercer gave Liam a wry smile. “It’s like you know me or something.”




Lamp posts with glow stones started to brighten up as the giant glow stone above the city dimmed. Once when the brightness of the giant stone flickered out, a luminous blue slowly started to replace the darkness. Several smaller stones responded to the color and luminated across the ceiling, giving a night sky feel to it.

A light breeze blew across the city cooling down the people from their rigorous exercises. The light breeze also brought around wonderous smells from freshly made food wafting out from restaurants.

Liam and the group sat at a table in front of an outdoor restaurant. They heard the chatter of people who walked by mixed with shouts from the distance from stalls.

“That glowing stone up there still gets me,” Roman stated as he sat staring up.

“It’s called a Yooperlite,” Mercer stated nonchalantly before taking a sip from his drink.

“A Yoperite?” Roman asked.

“A Yooperlite,” Mercer corrected with a slight chuckle. He then explained, “A magical stone found underground that lights up in two different colors. A bright yellowish color and a luminous blue. Apparently, the stone follows a twelve-hour schedule. Twelve hours of bright yellowish representing the day and twelve hours of luminous blue for night.”

Everyone stared at him while listening to his explanation.

“How does that work?” Artem asked, confused by it all.

“Not too sure yet. When I asked about it that’s what they told me. When I asked how it works, all anyone could say was magic,” Mercer answered. “Ah, someone did say that there are researchers on subjects like these, but they are hard to find.”

“Where do you get this information from?” Avery asked. “You have all this knowledge and yet I could barely get the locals to tell me anything.”

Mercer gave her a warm smile as he said, “Getting the info isn’t as hard as you think it is. It’s a matter of figuring out who is willing to talk and for how much.”

“Well how do you figure out who is willing to?” Avery asked with much interest.

“A professional doesn’t reveal all his trade secrets right off the bat my lady.” Mercer winked.

Avery frowned as she sat back against her chair. She then brought her cup to her lips and said before sipping it, “Still, that bit of information you got at the Training Hall was amazing.”

“I agree,” Roman stated. “When you told me about it, I was shocked. It makes up for what happened earlier.” He leaned back and looked at the darkened make-shift sky. “Now I know I’m not stuck with what was given to me.”

“What do you mean?” Ariyana asked.

“When I got my class revealed to me, I was conflicted.” Roman started as he looked at Ariyana. “I mean the class is something I’m sure many people dreamed about, but my past experiences lead me to a different path. Now that I know I can gain other abilities to evolve it towards a direction that is better suited for me, I’m more willing to try it out.”

“If you don’t mind me asking. What class did you get?” Mercer questioned, seeing an opportunity.

Roman glanced at him and asked with a teasing smirk, “How much is that information worth to ya?”

Mercer laughed.

“I’ll tell you what…,” Roman started. He looked at the others before proposing, “I’ll tell you what class I got if everyone else also shares.”

“Sounds fair,” Mercer nodded then looked at the others. “What do you all think?”

“I’m fine with that,” Avery agreed.

“Same here.” Ariyana smiled.

Artem and Blair both nodded.

Everyone looked at Liam who sat there quietly. He was thinking it over and was about to decline but hesitated.

“Everything alright?” Avery asked.

“You don’t have to share if you don’t want to. You can decline if you’d like,” Mercer stated.

“It’s not that I don’t want to share. I’m going to have to share with whoever I team up with eventually,” Liam started. “It’s just…like Roman was, I’m conflicted with what I got.”

“Hm, alright then…how about we share ours and maybe by hearing ours it’ll help with you deciding on if you want to share or not,” Avery suggested.

Liam nodded in agreement as he said, “Alright.”

“So, who wants to go first?” Artem asked.

“Why don’t you, big guy?” Avery teased.

“Huh?” Why do I have to go first?” Artem asked.

“I’ll go first,” Mercer interjected. “I got the Mage title.”

Roman and Ariyana quickly looked at him as they said in unison, “So did I?”

Mercer looked at them as he smiled, “Yeah?”

Ariyana gave a surprised giggle, “How strange that the three of us got that.”

“Right,” Roman said.

“What do you mean by Mage title?” Blair questioned. “Isn’t Mage a class?”

“Yes and no,” Mercer started. “I found out that the Mage class or title is more profound than it sounds. Those with it must go to the Mage Tower to get their true class through a magical examination.”

“What do you mean by that?” Avery asked.

“Apparently,” Ariyana piped in. “The reason why they are given the Title,” Ariyana air quoted the word. “Mage is because the person has a higher aptitude for magic. However, there is just too many types, and it can be overwhelming for beginners like us. Causing people not to know where to start.”

“A magical examination helps show what magic a person can really excel at,” Mercer continued the explanation. “It changes your class to show that area, so you have a starting point to grow from.”

“So, you’re saying that the word Mage is being used loosely? And our true class starting point is what we find out through this examination?” Roman questioned.

“Yes,” Mercer answered. “Not only that, but even those who didn’t get the mage title can see if they have any aptitude in any magic.”

Blair, Avery, Artem, and Liam perked up.

“I want to try then,” Blair quickly said as she slammed her hands down on the table. She then gave a sheepish look.

“Same here,” Avery smiled wryly. “I can imagine myself wielding magic as I strike monsters down with my weapons.”

“Oh? What class did you get?” Mercer asked.

“I got the Swordswoman class with a rapier as my starting weapon,” Avery replied.

“That’s not bad,” Blair said.

“Not bad at all,” Mercer agreed. He then asked Blair, “What about you?”

“I got something called Defender,” Blair stated.

Artem chimed in, “I got that too.”

“I could see it with you, but me? I’m confused on how or even why that happened,” Blair grumbled.

“Maybe it has to do with how you conducted yourself before coming here?” Mercer suggested.

Blair thought about it before saying, “If that’s true then maybe I can understand the choice.” She leaned forward and placed her arms on the table. “I used to protect those who couldn’t and took a lot of beatings while doing it.”

Everyone turned to look at Liam.

Liam thought it over. He wasn’t sure how he would explain it or if he even wanted to. However, after looking at them he decided to take a chance and said, “There was a complication that happened during my trial and I ended up with a non-combat class called Crafter.”

“What do you mean a complication happened?” Avery questioned.

“Non-combat class?” Artem inquired.

“I’m not too sure of it myself,” Liam said. “All I can say is something tampered with my class reveal and changed to Crafter.”

“Is that even possible?” Ariyana asked.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t heard anything about it,” Mercer replied. He then looked at Liam and asked, “Did you ask Adva, Phorge or Nalia about it?”

Liam shook his head. “I don’t fully trust those three.”

“Adva and Phorge seem like they can be trustworthy,” Avery said.

“I was thinking the same thing, but that could just be a rouse,” Liam stated. “Nalia is definitely a no go. I don’t like her at all.” Liam stared at the table with much hostility.

“I agree,” Mercer said. “Something is off about her.”

“Still though, I’m sure your class has plenty to offer. I’d suggest checking out some of the crafters here in this city and see what you can gain from them,” Avery offered.

“You could also see if you have any knack for magic as well as train weapon skills,” Mercer stated. “What weapon did you receive?”

“I got two daggers, but I was only able to use one,” Liam replied. “Apparently, I need to raise my dagger weapon skill to level ten to dual wield them.”

“Level ten to dual wield a weapon?” Roman asked. “That’s good to know.”

“It is,” Mercer smiled. “That’s info I didn’t know about so great job finding that out. Now I can understand why you were hesitant to say something. Not many would allow a non-combat class to join them in fear of that person being a liability.”

Liam nodded. “I wasn’t sure how I’d get through this tutorial, but now that I know I can level up my weapon skills and gain non-class skills as well as magical abilities then I can make up what I’m lacking and hope some group accepts that.”

“About that…I have a suggestion,” Avery started as she looked at everyone. “How about we form a group when taking on the dungeon?”

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