Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 75 – Finish him

As Liam was watching Blair knock back the Askith Wight Commander, he felt two pairs of hands suddenly grip his arms around the shoulders and pick him up.

He shifted his head to the left and right to see Avery and Roman helping him move to the back where Mercer and Ariyana were.

Artem rushed over, placed his shield in front of him, and back step making sure the monsters from both sides didn’t rush them.

As the they approached Mercer and Ariyana, Mercer eyed Liam.

After a moment had passed, Mercer asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Like shit, that Life Drain is no joke,” Liam laughed but then coughed during the middle of it.

“Life Drain?!” the others repeated.

“Yeah.” Liam nodded. “It doesn’t only drain your health, but your stamina as well,” Liam informed.

“Holy shit,” Ariyana gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth.

“How’s your health looking?” Artem asked.

Liam looked at the corner of his eye to see his health bar had dropped to less than twenty percent.

“I could use a refreshing breeze if anyone’s got one,” Liam commented.

Mercer looked Liam over once more, looking for any sign of that strange behavior he exhibited earlier. His horrible jokes were a good sign that he was back to the same version of himself he had shown them, but he was still able to see something he couldn’t pinpoint.

“Artem, can you use your healing aura on him?” Mercer asked.

“Yeah I can,” Artem was saying until Liam chimed in.

“Don’t use it on me,” Liam protested as he pulled out a Stamina Potion and drank it. After finishing off the potion he added, “I can heal back up with a couple of potions. Save your heals in case an emergency happens.”

“Are you sure?” Artem asked, unsure what to do.

Liam straightened his posture as he felt the Stamina Potion start to ease the soreness and take the fatigue away. Liam then nodded and said, “Like I said his Life Drain is no joke. In case any of us get caught in that, they will need that heal to keep they alive while we try and break them free.”

Everyone turned to look at him and gave him a confused look.

“You mean keep us from going unconscious right?” Artem questioned.

“We can’t die in this dungeon since it’s a Tutorial one remember,” Ariyana corrected.

Mercer and Avery eyed Liam who looked at them with an even expression. Without giving anything away with his face, he said, “It feels like death when you get that close. You don’t want to experience that.”

Before anyone could say anything they heard Blair state in a cold and icy voice, “Shifting the Scales.”

They turned to see her standing next to her Great Axe, covered in scales and crossing her arms.

A giant translucent silver balance scale suddenly formed above her head. As the scale fully formed, the pans moved a bit causing a ripple in the air to wave out. This ripple made all the Elite Skeleton Soldiers and the Askith Wight Commander turn their attention upon her.

  Liam and the others watched as the monsters’ bodies shook as they turned to face her and charge at her.

“Is that a taunt ability?” Artem asked with wide eyes. “I’ve never seen that before.”

“It is and it isn’t,” Liam said. “I’m glad I told you to hold off on that heal.”

Everyone turned to look at him.

“What do you mean?” Avery asked, curious to know what was going on.

“It’s her Zodiac ability,” Liam replied. “She had informed me about what it is and what it does yesterday. She’s about to take on a lot of damage though.”

As Liam said this, the Elite Skeleton Soldiers and the Askith Wight Commander arrived in striking distance and started swinging their weapons down on her.

Gasping, Ariyana shouted, “We need to do something.”

“We’ll start healing her now then…,” Mercer stated as he brought out his violin.

Artem lifted his mace and was about to release his healing aura, but was stopped as Liam instructed, “Hold off on that.”

Everyone turned to look at him with a look of bewilderment on their faces.

“What do you mean, hold off on that?” Avery questioned, frustration building up inside her.

Liam pointed to the scale above Blair’s head.

Everyone turned their gazes on it and saw one of the pans start to fill with small and medium sized lead weights.

“Every time she gets hit the scale will start to fill,” Liam explained. “That pan being filled represents the damage she is taking. Once when the time limit is over all the damage she has taken will be sent back to all the enemies that have attacked her, with interest.”

Everyone’s jaws dropped at what he had told them.

“However, if you heal her, the other scale will start to fill, counteracting the damage she is accumulating,” Liam added. “So, wait until it has finished and then heal her. Do not, I repeat do not take away the chance she is giving us.”

Artem gulped as he turned his eyes back on Blair, who was starting to bleed through certain spots of her scales.

He was in awe at her determination. He always respected Blair. She was determined, head strong, and willing to take any kind of hit for anyone in the team. He, however, only made split decisions when it mattered. He wasn’t one who would run head long at any given time. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to.

If I had an ability like that, I’m not sure I’d use it. Artem thought.

As he thought this, he felt his hands tighten on his mace and his teeth clench.

I need to change. Artem thought as he started to feel frustrated. These guys are willing to protect not only themselves, but each other without thinking about it. How can I worry about getting hurt when they are not hesitating to get hurt if it means protecting others.

He continued to watch as Blair stood firm and unwavering. Every hit that struck her scaled body was hard enough that it would knock anyone down, but she still held her ground.

Liam watched her health bar plummet with each hit she took. He remembered how much time she said the ability lasts for. Since he didn’t notice her activate it until some time after, he wasn’t sure how long it had been.

However, the number of seconds it did last, made it feel like an eternity to him.

Hold out, Blair. I know you can outlast the damage being done to you. Liam thought as he continued to watch.

Shortly after thinking that, he noticed the scale start to tremble.

“Artem, Mercer! Get ready to heal her!” Liam shouted.

Artem and Mercer snapped out of their thoughts and readied themselves.

“Avery and Roman, if she needs to be moved away then make sure he gets away safely. Artem will join you in protecting her as he releases his Healing Aura.”

Artem, Avery, and Roman nodded.

“Ariyana, if any of them try and charge at them, use your binding spell to hold them in place,” Liam stated as he looked at her.

“Got it!” Ariyana replied.

Liam turned back and continued to keep an eye on the scale.

After three seconds had passed, the shaking pan filled with lead weights dropped down onto Blair. As they collided onto her, Blair tensed her body, threw out her arms and roared loudly.

All the damage that had built up into those weights was sudden shot right into the Elite Skeleton Soldiers, and the Askith Wight Commander.

As if the damage that was sent back to them was too much, all the Elite Skeleton Soldiers suddenly exploded, along with the Askith Wight Commander’s cracked armor. The force of the armor exploding sent the EFM flying backwards, blood gushing out through the many cuts he was sporting.

Blair dropped to a knee, her head barely looking up at the last monster who was getting back to his feet. Blood ran down her face, arms, and torso as some of the scales she was covered with disappeared.

“Heals out!” Liam shouted. “Artem, Avery, Roman! Take her out now! Ariyana, get that bind out now!”

“What?” Ariyana said with a bit of confusion. However, after a moment had passed she noticed the Askith Wight Commander glaring menacingly with his teeth baring at Blair.

Without wasting another moment, she started to chant her Entangling Roots spell.

Mercer started playing his Health Pulse Song. A sound wave echoed out, sending a healing melody to Blaire as Avery and Roman reached her. Artem stood in front of them and started chanting as he readied his shield for the charge the EFM in front of him was starting to make.

“O’ Heart beating inside me, I beseech you to pulse loud. Release the healing sensation. Wash over and refresh their spirits again. Refreshing Aura!” Artem chanted.

Artem’s Refreshing Aura ability had a change at level ten that made it a lot more helpful. Instead of making him stay in place, he could now move around while the ability was being used. The only downside was he couldn’t move fast while having it activated.

That downside, however, didn’t matter since he was slowly moving with the three he was protecting.

He watched as the Askith Wight Commander roared with rage as he started to pick up speed.

Artem braced for impact, but then relaxed as Ariyana finished her chant and roots suddenly shot up, wrapping around his arms, legs, and torso.

Frustrated from having his movements restricted, the Askith Wight Commander yelled out, “How dare you filthy worms get in my way! First that despicable dragonkin, now a cunning Nature Fae Temptress?! Each and every one of you are nothing but scum! Lowly beings not worth living! I will kill each and every one of you in the name of the Askith Nation?!”

After he said the words, pitch black tendrils shot out from his shadow, over lapping the roots that were already wrapped around him. One extra tendril wrapped around his mouth, replacing his words with the sounds of muffled noises.

“I think that’s quite enough out of you,” Liam stated with a calm tone as he took a step forward. The tone of his voice was so calm it made everyone tense.

Everyone watched as Liam walked out and placed himself between them and the Askith Wight Commander.

“I think we’ve had enough of that filthy mouth of yours,” Liam continued as he raised his Moon Blade dagger and pointed it in his direction. “Mercer, I forgot to tell you about a discovery I made the other day.”

Mercer, staring at him as he continued to play his Health Pulse song, listened as Liam continued, “I found out that some magics can trigger something called Special Effects.”

Hearing this caused Mercer to suddenly stop playing.

Eager to learn more, he waited as Liam added, “To have Special effects trigger, you have to meet certain conditions. First condition for this particular Special effect is the target’s health needs to be at or under ten percent. The second condition is the target needs to be hit with Shadow magic or have any lingering shadow magic still on them.”

The Askith Wight Commander’s eyes suddenly widened as he realized what Liam was saying.

Liam looked at Blair, who was standing up and staring at him. “Great job on getting his health to nine percent. You don’t mind if I finish this do you?”

Blair shook her head. With a cold and precise tone of voice she stated, “Finish this asshole.”

Liam turned back at the creature and started chanting, “O Moon, majestic and beautiful. I call upon thee to show how painful you can be. Bestow this orb with your radiance and allow it to fly true. Lunar Orb!”

Everyone watched as the pale white orb shot out from Liam’s dagger and slammed into the Askith Wight Commander’s bare chest.

As the orb exploded, a pale white light suddenly engulfed the entirety of the Askith Wight Commander.

Liam and the others watched as the shadow of the EFM brought back its head and let out one last long painful scream before disintegrating before them.

As the pale white light disappeared, chime sounds echoed in Liam’s mind, bringing with them a slew of notifications.


“Congratulations! You have defeated Askith Wight Commander!”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Endurance Sub-stat Body Endurance has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 2%!”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Strength Sub-stat Body Strength has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Luck Sub-stat Lucky Break has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 12%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Recovery Sub-stat HP Recovery has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Recovery Sub-stat Stamina Recovery has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Will Sub-stat Will Power has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Gravity Well has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 10%!”

“Congratulations! Field of the Lunar has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Focus Point: Lunar Control has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Lunar Orb has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! +2.5% damage increase. Can now summon two Lunar Orbs at a time. MP cost lowers to 5 MP.”

“Congratulations! You have received Focus Point: Lunar Control magic ability – Lunar Swarm.”

“Lunar Swarm – Creates 5 Lunar Orbs that releases a swarm of Lunar energy that shoots to a single or multiple Targets. Costs 20 MP. Single or multiple target spell. Spell type: Chant.”

“Congratulations! Focus Point Shadow Control has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 10%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Orb has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 10%! +2.5% damage increase. Can now summon two Shadow Orbs at a time. MP cost lowers to 5 MP.”

“Congratulations! You have received Focus Point: Shadow Control magic ability - Shadow Swarm!”

“Shadow Swarm – Creates 5 Shadow Orbs that releases a swarm of Lunar energy that shoots to a single or multiple targets. Costs 20 MP. Single or multiple target spell. Spell type: Chant.”

“Congratulations! Grasp of Shadows has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! Single target spell turns into a 15ft radius Area of Effect spell. Mana cost lowers to 10 MP.”

“You have received Bone Gauntlets of the Askith Wight Commander.”

“Bone Gauntlets of the Askith Wight Commander has been sent to your inventory.”

“You have received Bone Breastplate of the Askith Wight Commander.”

“Bone Breastplate of the Askith Wight Commander has been sent to your inventory.”

“You have received 2 gold coins and 75 silver coins.”


Liam was about to pull out the loot, until he noticed everyone rush over to him with an excited look upon their faces.

“What did you just do?!” they all shouted.

Liam jumped back with a startled expression upon his face. The energy they gave when they approached him snapped him out of the funk he was feeling earlier.

“What are you guys talking about?” Liam asked, confused.

“That thing you just did!” Roman started.

“Was that a new ability?!” Ariyana questioned.

“What did you mean Special Effect?!” Mercer inquired.

“Ok, ok, one at a time,” Liam started to say, trying to calm them down.

He looked at Ariyana and addressed, “First, no it was not a new ability.” He then looked at Mercer and answered, “Special effects are things that can be triggered when you meet certain conditions. For example, if a target’s health is at or under a certain percentage and you use a magic that’s opposite to one that is used then it will trigger a Special effect.”

Mercer took out his notebook and started writing.

“Since I used a Shadow spell and the monster’s health was under ten percent, I was able to trigger the Lunar Orb’s special effect, Lunar Burst,” Liam informed. “The results are just as you saw.”

“When did you discover this?” Mercer asked, excited to learn this.

“I found this out by accident when I went back to the first floor to test myself,” Liam answered.

“This is amazing!” Mercer shouted.

“I’d say,” Blair stated with a grin.

“Leave it to Liam to figure something out by accident,” Avery said with a roll of her eyes, trying to hide the smile that was forming.

“Hey guys?” Artem started, getting them all to look at him. “I don’t mean to rain on the excitement, but what happens to the loot when a monster gets disintegrated like that?”

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded. They were so focused on what had just happened that they forgot the most important thing. The monster was disintegrated leaving nothing behind.

Everyone slowly turned to Liam to see if he knew the answer.

“Ah, yeah, about that,” Liam said as he rubbed the back of his neck. As he pulled his goggles up to his forehead, he replied, “All loot goes to my inventory since I killed it.”


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