Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 78 – Fatal Misstep

Avery stared in horror as the jaws came closer to her body.

She closed her eyes and readied herself for the pain that was about to come.

After a few moments had passed, Avery was confused. The pain that she was expecting never came. As she opened her eyes, they widened at the scene before her.

Roots were wrapped around Binky’s top and bottom jaw. Not only that, but black tendrils were wrapped around intertwined with the roots.

“Avery! You alright?!” Ariyana yelled.

“You need to get out of there. Now!” Liam shouted, sounding a bit strained.

Shaking head to clear it, she stood back up and ran out from where she was and turned towards the others.

As she made her way over to them, she noticed the roots only wrapped around the jaws while the shadowy tendrils wrapped around the legs, body and tail.

Binky’s massive form writhed and squirmed, trying to free itself from the hold.

“Thank you,” Avery said as she felt her heart pounding against her chest.

“No problem,” Ariyana smiled tiredly.

Liam turned to see Artem and Blair getting back up and rushed over to them.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t realize my taunt had already worn off,” Artem stated with a look of shame.

“Don’t worry about it,” Liam said waving it off. “I got distracted and didn’t realize it myself. I’ll do better.”

Mercer and Blair looked at Liam.

Mercer was about to comment until loud snapping sounds echoed within the cavern.

Everyone turned to see Binky arching its back as far up as it could go. It then pushed its head and tail to the ceiling while slamming its abdomen down. It did this as hard and violently as it could, causing the tendrils to stretch too far out.

The roots were the first to start ripping apart. After a few more tantrums one of the shadowy tendrils started to snap.

“We don’t have much time,” Liam called out. “Are your taunts ready to go when that thing breaks free?”

“No,” Artem replied as he finished drinking a potion. “I still have fifteen seconds till I can use it.”

“Same here,” Blair announced.

Liam clicked his tongue as he thought about what they could do.

We need something that can keep that creature occupied till Artem and Blair’s taunt is ready. Liam thought.

More snapping sounds echoed in the air making Liam turn to look at Binky. As he looked at the creature he noticed one of the tendrils that was wrapped around its head. The more he looked the more something nagged at the back of his mind.

Liam’s eyes widened as he thought of something that could help gain them the time they need for the defenders’ taunt to be ready.

He pointed his Shadow Blade at the massive head and started chanting, “Shadows so dark come forth, pierce through this pour creature’s sight, temporary blinding it with a pain it never knew existed, Blanket of Darkness!”

Before Binky could break free from the last tendril, it released itself from the massive shadow underneath it and snaked its way around the scales to finally wrap around its eyes. As soon as it started to grip tightly the shadowy material shot spikes into Binky’s eyes.

A terrifying growl escaped Binky’s jaws as it started to thrash around. Its feet stomped around as its tail flailed about, trying to hit a target.

“Everyone back up and fire your attacks at it!” Liam yelled out, feeling better being able to blind the monster. “Mercer and Ariyana, land your Ice and Plant spells across Binky’s side. Avery try and land your fire spells where theirs hit as best as you can.”

“Got it!” Avery, Ariyana, and Mercer shouted.

“Artem and Blair, keep an eye out for any wild attacks. Especially that tail!” Liam instructed. “If Binky gets too close then try and block or parry the best you can. Don’t push yourselves too hard though. If you can’t take it then don’t! We can’t afford you to go flying again!”

Artem and Blair grunted as they got into a stance and eyed Binky’s movements.

Binky’s thrashing movements sent tremors throughout the ground making it hard for them to keep their balance. However, the group held on through the uncomfortable experience and pressed their attacks.

Avery successfully shot off two fireballs at the spots Ariyana’s Leaf Projection and Mercer’s Ice Orb landed. As the spells landed, two explosions erupted against Binky’s side, causing the massive beast to pushed off to the side.

Lifting its head up, still blinded by Liam’s spell, it turned left then right.

To Liam it looked like the creature was sniffing.

After finding what it was looking for, Binky curled its body enough to be able to turn around without issues. Without waiting, it charged for the river and dove right in.

“What’s it going to do now?” Roman questioned as he stared at the water.

“What do we do now?” Artem asked as he turned to look at Liam and Mercer.

“Everyone take a breath,” Mercer replied. “We don’t know what that creature is going to do so it’s best to be ready for anything!”

“Got it!” Everyone yelled back.

Liam scanned the water, looking for any signs of resurfacing.

Everyone grew tense as they waited. The longer Binky didn’t come up the more they started to get antsy.

After a minute of nothing happening, Liam decided to try something. He reached down and grabbed a lose rock on the ground. Looking for a spot, aimed, and threw it.

The rock flew in an arch and landed right by the edge of the river bend, bouncing twice before entering the water.

Ripples expanded from where the rock dove.

After a brief moment of nothing happening, those small ripples slowly started to calm. When the last ripple was about to disappear, bubbles started to rise up. Along with the bubbles, giant ripples started to wave around.

Binky suddenly jumped out from the water, landing on the ground with an earth rattling growl.

The Blanket of Darkness that had wrapped around the Crocolisk’s eyes disappeared. As the shadowy material vanished like a puff of smoke, Binky’s eyes narrowed with bloody rage.

We need to finish this. Liam thought as he stared into Binky’s eyes. I’ve got a bad feeling that if we don’t finish this as fast as we can something bad will happen.

Liam eyed Binky’s massive form. Water started to roll off its body and began to harden.

As Liam watched the scales on top start to harden, he looked at the wet smooth scales and had an idea.

“Ho, looks like Binky is pissed!” Roman stated as he popped his knuckles. As he continued he went to turn his head to look at Liam. “How are we going to star…”

Before Roman could finish, a flash of purplish-yellow started sparking on Liam’s right hand.

Before anyone could react, Liam raced over as fast as he could.

Binky noticed Liam heading its way, crouched down and swung its body around, whipping its tail towards Liam.

At the last second, Liam pushed off his feet, slammed a hand on the edge of the tail as it swayed pass him using the momentum to do a one handed cartwheel over it and landed in a crouched position.

Without hesitation, Liam rushed over to the last bit of wet surface Binky had and punched his lightning covered fist as hard as he could.

The lightning covering his fist swiftly spread out across the slick surface, causing Binky to let out a massive growl.

Liam quickly jumped back to dodge one of the creature’s feet from stomping down on him.

Binky’s stomach curled in a bit as the effects of the lightning strike caused the muscles in it to clench.

As Liam made it back to the others, he looked at them and informed, “When it has the other scales, Lightning is its weakness.”

“That was awesome!” Roman roared with some excitement in his voice.

Avery, Blair, and Mercer eyed Liam. They noticed his heavy breathing and his antsy movements.

The three looked at each other and nodded.

Liam turned to face Binky and assessed it.


“Binky the Giant Albino Crocolisk. 632/5000 HP. 0/0 MP.”


We’re almost there. Liam thought.

Even though they were close to defeating this EFM, Liam couldn’t shake off this uneasy feeling that was growing inside him.

A faint whisper tickled his ear, making his body tense.

He looked around but didn’t see anything.

His eyes were on high alert as he felt his heart pound against his chest.

He took in a deep breath and slowly released it as he thought, Calm down Liam. Everything is going to be fine. You just need to concentrate on this last push, and it’ll be over.

He looked at the others and noticed Avery, Blair and Mercer giving me looks of concern.

“What?” Liam asked.

Eyeing him carefully, Mercer finally said, “Nothing.”

Binky let out a loud growl as its body unclenched and readied itself to strike, causing everyone to focus their attention back on the giant creature.

Hissing loudly, Binky lowered its head scanned the area, locked on a target and then charged.

Artem rushed forward with Blair right behind him.

Artem turned to his left and got into a spot he felt comfortable with, slammed a foot down, sucked in some air, and let out a taunting roar.

At first it looked like the taunt had failed, but after a brief moment, Binky stopped its forward momentum, turned its head and body, and charged right for Artem.

Seeing his taunt work, Artem started kiting Binky as far as he could away from the others. When he felt the distance was just right he stopped and readied himself.

Binky’s massive jaw flung open as it leaped forward.

Artem watched as the sharp teeth gleamed from the Yooperlite Stones scattered around. He felt his knees shake a bit while taking a gulp as he felt his nerves fray from staring at them.

Come on Artem. Get it together. Artem chided himself.

At the last second Artem jumped to his right as Blair slammed her Great Axe against Binky’s bottom jaw, causing it to miss Artem.

Blood lightly oozed out from where the blade of the great axe had struck.

Artem rushed in and slammed his mace against the creature’s throat before jumping backwards to dodge a clawed foot from swiping at him.

Binky whipped its head around and tried to chomp back down on Artem’s upper torso but missed as Artem crouched down and rolled back.

Blair jumped as high as she could, swinging her weapon directly over her head and down as hard as she could on the tip of Binky’s snout.

As this was going on, Mercer and Ariyana fired their spells across the monster’s body, allowing Avery’s Fireball spells to cause extra damage.

Liam watched as his team proceeded with their attacks and defense. He kept his eyes locked on the river and the monster, making sure nothing else appeared during their fight.

Feeling angry and frustrated, Binky let out a loud growl and lifted its body up onto its back two legs.

With as much force as it could, Binky slammed its body down hard enough to send a ripple through the stone.

This ripple caused everyone to stagger and lose their balance.

Shit! Liam thought as he fell onto his stomach, smacking his forehead hard against a rock.

The pain shot through his skull, causing his vision to blur.

As he tried to reorient himself, a sinking feeling started to swell up. Whispers began to tickle his ears again, making Liam unsure what was going on.

Liam placed a foot forward to stop himself from falling back down. As he did this, he could hear his team yelling out what he thought they were doing. However, as things started getting clearer, the scene in front of him made his heart sink into the bottom of his stomach.

Mercer was behind him with blood running down his forehead and over his left eye. Avery was pinned down by some rocks that had fallen from the ceiling. Roman laid unconscious next to the river on the right side of the cavern.

Blair was swimming as fast as she could from the other side of the river. Artem was slowly getting to his feet after moving a rock away from on top of him.

What happened? Liam thought. How did everything get so scattered?

Everyone who was conscious were all yelling and shouting out one name. Liam was searching frantically to find where Ariyana was until he finally saw her.

She was getting out of the water and back onto the wet stone surface. While she was doing this she didn’t see Binky had been charging at her with its mouth wide open.

Her eyes widened as the massive form of Binky loomed right before her, freezing her body in place.

It was then that Liam realized his team was trying to warn Ariyana, screaming for her to get away, but it was too late for her.

Feeling drained from swimming back to the shore and her body tensing up from fear, Ariyana felt her legs shake uncontrollably all while giving a pleading look for someone to save her.

Starting to give up, Ariyana let out a scream as Binky’s jaws began to cover both sides of her.

To everyone’s surprise, Binky’s mouth was suddenly pushed up before they closed.

Liam started to feel his mind clear as he saw Artem standing in front of Ariyana with his shield moving up and away from his body.

After Artem’s shield swung back to his side, he slammed his foot down and let out a deep deafening roar, causing Binky’s gaze to lock back on him. Once when he saw his taunt working, he ran away bringing Binky with him away from Ariyana.

Blair was finally able to swim to Ariyana and pull herself up to shore. She checked her out to make sure everything was alright and then scanned the area for her weapon she had dropped.

Great job! Liam thought as he started to feel his body fill up with motivation. That’s what we needed! You not only saved Ariyana, but you are fulfilling your role as a…

As Liam was thinking this, Artem’s foot suddenly slipped over a loose rock, causing him to be off balanced. He corrected himself as quickly as he could, but that brief moment was all that it took for Binky to catch up and close its jaws over him.

“No!” Ariyana, Avery, Blair, and Mercer screamed as Binky lifted its head up triumphantly, keeping its massive mouth closed.

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