Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 86 – Dreams and Goals

As the final chord echoed throughout the air, the others remained silent.

Mercer, who was totally focused on his playing and singing, didn’t watch the others’ reactions as he played.

He knew it wasn’t as good as when he first heard the song. The orchestra that played this song had other instruments and a couple more singers. He couldn’t hold a candle to the professionals who made this song.

He was shocked though when he finally looked at his group of comrades. Their emotions were spread out.

Ariyana and Artem, who looked like they were on the verge of crying. Avery, Blair and Roman, who tried to school their emotions, but weren’t good enough to, gave Mercer the impression they were sad and had some longing for something or someone.

It was Liam, who Mercer couldn’t read. His facial expression remained evened. He couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

As he waited for someone to say something, he was even more surprised when Liam clapped.

It was a slow clap at first, but when the others joined in, the rhythm of the clapping speed up and weren’t in unison anymore.

Mercer blushed a darker purple than his skin.

“That was amazing!” Ariyana stated as she fought back the tears. “You’re a jerk for tugging at a woman’s heart strings, but it was still amazing.”

“Surely you jest,” Mercer stated, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“No,” Roman and Artem said.

“It was really good,” Blair agreed as she gave him a warm smile. “I haven’t heard a song that good in a long time.”

“I’m nowhere near where the professionals who originally played this song is,” Mercer said. "One day I hope to be able to hold a candle to them.”

“You will one day,” Liam stated with confidence. “With talent like yours. I believe you will one day.”

“Talent huh?” Mercer questioned. His smile faded as he added in a somewhat sad tone, “What if that talent is only because of the Bard Magic?”

“Then that’s even more proof of your talent,” Liam began. “I remember Elara said the Bard class is very much suited for you. It is a class that deals with music. If you’re able to create music like that and add your Bard talent to it, then just imagine what you can do. You can help those who are sad deal with their emotions. You might be able to help bring out others’ emotions that they were forcing to hide.”

“But,” Mercer tried to argue. He thought that his Bard talent mixing with his music wasn’t fair.

“Back on my old world, the best musicians were able to use their music to help others,” Liam interrupted. “Whether it was an outlet to release the pent up emotions or to motivate them. It was a powerful tool. Some musicians were regarded almost like gods with their talent. Could you imagine motivating others before a fight with your music? To be able to stop others from doing something they would one day regret just with the sound of your instrument? I’d say that would be wonderful to see. I want to see what you’re capable of and what you can do in the future.”

Mercer looked down at the lute he was holding. A warm and emotional smile slowly crept on his face as he thought, That isn’t fair to say that you idiot. I’m the one who wants to see what you’re capable of doing in the future. So, for you to say that to me…that’s just playing dirty.

Mercer let out a breath of air as he looked at the others. As he placed a hand on his instrument he started, “This is one of my goals that I want to do when we get out of here.”

He looked them all in the eyes and continued, “I want to make a song that not just my friends hear, but one that the whole world hears and loves. I want people to enjoy the music I make and sing it proudly. A song that no one could replicate or catch up to no matter how hard they try.”

“That’s a good goal,” Avery stated with a smile.

“Hell yeah it is!” Roman grinned.

“What are your other goals?” Blair asked. “You said this was one of your goals. What are your other goals?”

“My other goals?” Mercer started back up as he looked up to the ceiling.

To Liam it looked like Mercer was thinking about something. The sad smile that formed on his face told him he was right.

“I want to travel and gain information that is hard to get. I want to find new discoveries and I want to start an information business. I want to learn what others don’t know and spread it to others who need it. Information is vital to live. If it can save a life, then I want to gain it and share it,” Mercer stated.

“Damn,” Roman started. “You put a lot of thought into it.”

Mercer nodded. “What about you guys?”

“I have a couple of goals in mind,” Ariyana started up. “I want to live freely. I want to dance wherever I want to. I want to sing to the best of my ability, but more than anything I want to tame as many interesting creatures as I can.”

She hugged the book she was holding onto as she said, “After reading this Taming book and gaining the Field of the Tamer, I realized that there are many different types of monsters I can tame. Since I wasn’t allowed to do anything I wanted to nor have any pets I want to make up for that.”

“That’s an interesting goal,” Liam said. He thought about Ariyana being surrounded by different types of monsters and then shuddered at the thought that many of them could be dangerous. “Just remind me not to piss you off.”

Ariyana let out a small chuckle. “Just buy me drinks and I’ll be happy.”

“If you want to sing then maybe you and I can work together,” Mercer said. “My music plus you singing could create a great show.”

Ariyana’s eyes shone brightly. “That would be great!”

“I want to get stronger,” Roman jumped in. “I want to find a fighting style that suits me and prove that I’m not as weak as my siblings claimed that I am. I want to be able to be strong enough that they can’t hold a candle to me in a fight.”

“Sounds just like you,” Blair commented.

“What about you, Blair?” Mercer asked. “Do you have any goals in mind?”

Blair thought about it. Everyone waited for her to speak again, eager to hear what she wanted.

“I wouldn’t really say it’s a big goal nor is it as good as your guys’, but after all the fighting I did back in my old world I want to just relax more,” Blair stated. “After coming to this world and learning more about magic, I found myself thinking how amazing it is. So, I guess I want to learn more about magic and as much as I can. Also, after watching Liam use magic in ways not many of us thought of, I want to find new ways to use it as well.”

“That’s not a bad goal,” Liam smiled.

“I think magic is amazing to,” Avery chimed in.

Everyone turned to look at her.

“I have also had a lot of responsibility and have grown tired of it. Just like how Ariyana wants to be free, I want to go on as many adventures as I can. Learn new ways I can fight, like Roman, and learn as much as I can about magic just like Blair,” Avery finished.

“That’s an exciting goal,” Ariyana grinned widely.

“Um…,” Artem started as the others turned to him. Having their gazes turn on him, he suddenly felt a bit shy and embarrassed.

“What do you want to do?” Ariyana asked, trying to encourage him to continue.

“As you know, I want to learn how to cook so I can make great meals for my family,” Artem started back up. “However, I don’t want it to end there. I want to learn many different ways to cook. I want to use as many ingredients as possible and one day make a meal that everyone would enjoy.”

“Make sure to invite us when you do,” Mercer said.

“I volunteer to taste test,” Roman swiftly stated.

“No fair! I was going to say that,” Ariyana pouted.

“Ha, beat you to it,” Roman teasingly said as he stuck his tongue out at her.

Liam laughed at their childish antics. As he laughed he told Artem, “I can help you out on that. In exchange for introducing me to your mentor I’ll introduce you to mine so we can get you to learn how to extract flavors.”

Artem beamed as he heard this. “Would you really?”

Liam nodded. “Also, if I come across any interesting things that can be used for cooking, I’ll be sure to send them your way. However, I think maybe Alchemy might have some synergy with cooking so I think learning Alchemy would benefit you.”

“Thank you,” Artem said warmly. “Oh, and the other thing I want to do is learn more about healing magic. I think it would also benefit my cooking, but I find the Field of the Healer very interesting.”

“Sounds very noble,” Blair approved. She then turned to Liam and asked, “What about you? Do you have any goals in mind?”

Liam looked at each of them. They all had some idea or clear goals they wanted to reach one day.

What did he have?

Like what he was thinking about earlier he had things he’d like to do, but they weren’t goals. They were more hobby-like than anything. Something to immerse himself in when no one was around or if he needed to make to help everyone out.

So, what was it he really wanted to do?

Liam closed his eyes and thought hard about it.

He tilted his head back and opened his eyes. His sight on the ceiling. Maybe if he put his thoughts into words they would form some idea.

As he looked back at them he started, “I have my crafting, but it isn’t something that I want to lose myself into. My Cat Sith race would thrive in it, but that’s more to help myself grow. The same with training. Learning new abilities and magic sounds great, but once more I don’t want it to be my end all be all.”

“So, what do you want to do then?” Ariyana asked curiously.

Liam looked at her. What she said earlier did have an appeal to it and he agreed that living freely was something he’d like to do.

He looked at Artem. Even though he said he didn’t want to lose himself to crafting and he did feel like it was more hobby-like, he did find it fun to make things and find different uses for it.

He then looked at Blair and Roman. Even though he didn’t want learning new skills and abilities to be his end all, he did have fun finding new ways to use skills and abilities.

He looked at Avery. What she said did resonate with him. He had a lot of responsibilities back on earth but didn’t live up to them. Adventuring did sound like a lot of fun, but he felt that adventuring without a goal was just wandering without purpose.

Finally, he looked at Mercer. What he had said about acquiring new information about things no one knew to help others had made him remember what had happened during the test his Dagger Instructor, Nabal, made him do. The look of learning something he didn’t know was possible to help him grow had made him felt great.

Then there was this place they were currently in. The forgotten history this place contained and learning about it made him feel excited.

After thinking about it all, he concluded they each had something that he wanted to do.

With a smile he finally added as he looked at Ariyana, “I want to have fun, just like Ariyana and be free.”

He turned to Artem and added, “I want to make new things that no one thought was possible, just like Artem wants with his cooking.”

His gaze turned to Blair and Roman as he continued, “I want to discover new ways to use skills and magical ability uses like Roman and Blair.”

He smiled at Avery. “I want to go on adventures and forget about responsibilities like Avery.”

He then gave Mercer a warm smile. “I want to help others grow. If by discovering new ways to train or fight or even to craft will help save a life then I want to do it.”

Liam stood up and looked around the area. “However, one thing I really want to do is…” He threw his arms out and finished, “I want to explore more Forgotten Realms and learn their history. If something is forgotten then it is worth rediscovering them so the world can remember.”

The others stared at him with surprise.

Mercer was the first to make a noise. He laughed out loud as hard as he could as smiles grew on the others’ faces.

“That sounds so greedy,” Mercer commented.

“You want to do everything we want to do and more?” Roman stated as he started to chuckle as well. “Seriously?”

Blair and Avery shook their heads at the audacity Liam had. However, they did it with a smile.

Ariyana was too busy giggling to say anything.

“You seriously want to enter more dungeons like this?” Artem questioned giving Liam a look like he was crazy. “What is wrong with you?”

“I like it!” Mercer shouted as he slapped his knee.

Liam sat back down and looked at them.

“That is one hell of a goal,” Mercer stated as he tried to control his laughter. “If you seriously want to dive into more dungeons like this one, you’re going to need a team you can trust. I don’t mind joining you though.”

“Willingly going into dungeons like these that people fear just to retrieve the lost history sounds like one hell of an adventure. I wouldn’t mind joining in on it too,” Avery said.

“These kind of places are tough, but they really test out your skills and paths. They would be the best place to grow in,” Roman said with a grin as his fluffy tail swished with excitement.

“Magic is hard to train up in normal dungeons,” Blair started as her tail moved up and down. “So, trying out new magical abilities and learning new ways to use them in these Forgotten Realms would be the best way to test against strong opponents.”

“You can probably find interesting monsters you can’t find in normal dungeons,” Ariyana said. “I could only imagine what kind of monsters I can try and tame in them.”

“I swear you all are crazy,” Artem began. “These dungeons aren’t a training ground or a walk in the park.”

The others looked at him.

“However,” Artem started back up with a smile that betrayed how he really felt. “They are the best to get ingredients and to test how well my healing magic will work as I grow. So, I’ll join in on this death march of an adventure.”

Liam smiled at them all.

“There was a saying I heard back in my old world that I loved,” Liam said. “Always Dream big and Forever Reach beyond those Dreams.”

“I like it,” Mercer stated. “That is something we should all live by.”

Liam smiled as he looked at how cheery they were. They weren’t even sure if this group was going to be together after they left, but acted like they weren’t separating.

How great would it be if we were able to stay together. Liam thought to himself. This happy thought lasted for a minute until another came into his mind. Only time will tell if they do stick around. However, if they ever found out what I did in my past… I think they would change their mind.

This thought made Liam sad a bit. He schooled his emotions so it wouldn’t show, but the smile he did have did change to an evened look.

“You alright man?” Mercer asked as he looked at Liam.

Liam nodded. “Yeah, I think I’m just getting tired after everything that has happened. I think I’m going to go get some sleep.”

“That might be a good idea for us all,” Mercer agreed. “We still have one more E.F.M. to defeat and a Floor Boss.”

Liam packed all the ingredients and completed potions he had made into his inventory and cancelled his Mobile Crafter ability.

Upon canceling the ability, he heard two chimes echo in his mind. He didn’t need to look at the information, knowing his Class ability had leveled.

“Alright, I’ll catch you all in the morning,” Liam said as he waved his hand and walked over to his tent.

“Goodnight!” The others shouted before chatting again.

That’s right. Liam started thinking as he entered his tent. We still need to survive this floor before we even think about getting out of here.

He changed into his pajamas and crawled into his sleeping bag before muttering to himself, “Let’s leave all that for tomorrow.”




Eri stared into the bowl of water watching Liam and his group.

Those really are some interesting goals you have there. Eri thought to herself. Wanting to share new ways to approach skills and magic. Some of those are secrets some of the Gods and Goddesses don’t want to be leaked. Not only that but willingly wanting to enter Forgotten Realms is something no sane mortal would do.

A big excited grin slowly spread on Eri’s face as a shiver ran through her body while she thought of the things her chosen soon to be Champion could do just by doing what he wanted.

Oh, the Chaos this will create. She thought. This is more than what I would hope for in a Champion. I have a feeling you would stop at nothing to get what you want or do what you want.

Eri stared happily into the image of Liam closing his eyes and starting to fall asleep.

In a happy, but very soft tone of voice, Eri cooed as she rubbed the side of the bowl, “Hurry up and accept me as your Matron Deity. I promise I will make sure you will do all that you want regardless of what the other Deities want or will allow.”

After saying that she cut the connection off and decided to lay down herself.

As she stared at the pitch-black stoned ceiling her thoughts started to swirl at the things she would see or have him do. However, there was one thought that appeared in her mind.

This thought was one she had given up on and didn’t want to ever think of again. It was one that brought hope to her and now after hearing what Liam said, it was burning hot in her mind.

Once when you have the right amount of power. I can finally be released from this prison. This prison strong enough to hold the strongest Deities. And when I’m free, I will have my revenge.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.