Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 91 – Loot and Level ups


“Vial of Ectoplasm x 2 has been sent to your inventory.”

“Demonic Dybbuk Chest piece has been sent to your inventory.”

“You have received 15 Silver coins.”

“You have received 98 Copper coins.”


A few chime sounds echoed in Liam’s mind as he let out a sigh of relief.

He wasn’t sure if something would happen if he tried to recreate the special effect with the opposite of what he did to the Askith Wight Commander. It was a gamble, and he was happy it paid off.

“Was that another special effect?” Mercer asked with a look of excitement as he raced over to Liam. “And what was that spell you used? Was it a new Shadow magic? Also, how did you get that creature to come out of hiding?!”

Liam, feeling the excitement off of Mercer, took a step back. “I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I used Lunar Exposure to try lure it out of hiding. I used my Mana Sight to see if any creature was hiding itself with mana and when I found it I thought I’d see if it would work.”

“Lunar Exposure huh?” Mercer muttered as he took out a notebook and started writing. “What about that new Shadow spell?”

“That was Shadow Swarm. I got it when my Focus Point Shadow Control leveled up to ten,” Liam explained. “As for if it triggered a Special Effect, let me check.”

Liam looked back at his battle log and scrolled for what he was looking for. He noticed several notifications showing how many times Shadow Swarm hit the creature as well as the notifications showing the additional damage due to lingering Lunar Mana on the target.

He kept scrolling until he found what he was looking for.


“Attention! Conditions for special Shadow effect, Shadow Engulfment, has been met: 1. Lingering Lunar magic has been detected on Demonic Large Dybbuk. 2. Demonic Large Dybbuk’s health is under 10% allowing special Shadow effect to be triggered.”

“Shadow Engulfment – Special Shadow effect. Activates only when a target has been hit with or has some sort of Lunar magic on them as well as health at 10% or lower. When activated, a swarm of Shadow mana will encase the entire body of the target and then engulf it, bringing it to the shadows.”


“Looks like it was a special effect called Shadow Engulfment,” Liam started. “The Shadow mana pretty much wraps around the target and swallows it up.”

“That’s pretty badass,” Roman stated as he approached Liam and Mercer with the others.

“I’ve got a question,” Artem started up as he looked at Mercer and Liam. “That last creature was the real EFM right? If so why did it feel so weak compared to the others.”

Everyone looked at him with a confused expression.

Artem swiftly put his hands up with an embarrassed smile as he added, “I mean those beasts were nasty and all and that Beast Tamer was no joke at the end, but it felt like that last creature was pretty weak after all that.”

That’s actually a good question. Liam thought to himself. He then directed his thoughts to Eri and asked, Why was that, Eri?

It was a Demonic Large Dybbuk right? Eri questioned. Normally Dybbuks don’t lose their health when possessing other creatures, however this one was special.

Oh? How so? Liam asked as his brows furrowed.

Avery, Blair, and Mercer watched Liam as he furrowed his brows.

The hint is in the word Demonic. Eri started. I don’t know how one got here, but this Dybbuk must have possessed a demon at one point and evolved. Since it became a Demonic type being it needs dead demon bodies to be able to possess without taking any damage. Since there were no dead demon bodies and took over these creatures then it took some damage as you guys whittled down each of its creatures. After fully killing each creature it weakened it to the point where it was almost dead.

Are you serious? Liam started in his mind towards Eri with his eyes widening.

Yup. Consider yourself lucky there weren’t any dead demon bodies around or else you would have had a much more harder time than you did. Eri informed. Still though, it’s strange for a demonic being to be here. I don’t remember hearing anything about demonic type creatures actually appearing here.

Do you think it might have to do with what that Necromancer was trying to summon? Liam asked.

Maybe…that could be it. Eri said almost like she was trying to piece something together. I remember that man was trying to summon something that was higher than it could handle but during its summoning it caught the eye of something even more powerful. Maybe this creature was summoned by the Necromancer before all that and it followed him to this place…

Sounds like a good theory. Liam said. Honestly the only theory we can go on here.

True. Eri said nonchalantly. It’s been so long though I can’t fully remember all the details.

Hey, the amount you are able to tell me has been helpful so I appreciate it. Liam told her before looking at the others.

“That thing was a Demonic Large Dybbuk,” Liam started as he thought of a way to explain it without them questioning how sure he was. “My guess is, that thing possesses dead bodies and moves them around like puppets. I remember back in my old world of these types of creatures in a game. They weren’t demonic at all though.”

“A Demonic Dybbuk?” Mercer questioned as his eyes widened.

Liam nodded. “Do you know about them?”

“I found a book on Undead creatures, and it was in there,” Mercer began. “It didn’t say anything about being Demonic or whatnot, just that it could possess dead bodies and could cause a fear attack on the mind if it does something unnatural.”

“That explains why I was frozen in place,” Blair stated as she looked at Mercer with a stoic expression.

“It’s possible that this thing evolved by possessing a dead demon body and since there weren’t any around it took these normal dead bodies, but since it’s a demonic creature it took more damage than it should have as we killed each body it possessed. However, that’s only my guess,” Liam said.

“That could be it,” Avery chimed in.

Liam looked at her and remembered something that happened during the fight. He then looked at Roman before saying, “Speaking of something unnatural.”

The others turned to look at him with confused expressions.

“What was that attack you did to that Scorpdread?” Liam asked Avery teasingly. He then looked at Roman too and questioned, “And when did you pick up Field of Illusions?”

Avery and Roman both tensed up and gave an embarrassed look.

“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. I’m just curious is all,” Liam said with a light smile.

Roman scratched his cheek before looking back at everyone. He then said with embarrassment, “I forgot that I had it.”

“Really?” Ariyana questioned before laughing. “How could you forget about something like that?”

“I got it as a racial benefit when my race awakened,” Roman started, cheeks brightening up a bit. “I didn’t think it would come in handy, so I forgot about it.”

He then looked at Ariyana and added, “However, when I saw you use it on Artem I remembered it and took another look and thought that there was some use to it. Especially the Illusory Combat Focus Point.”

Ariyana gave Roman a smug look before saying, “So you were going to discard something, but when you saw how great I was at using it you decided not to?”

“Oh, shut up,” Roman grumbled as Ariyana let out a laugh. He then turned to Avery and asked while trying to take the attention off of himself, “What about you Avery? What was up with that whole blood thing?”

Everyone turned to look at her.

As soon as everyone stared at her, Avery averted her gaze. “About that…,” she started as she started to look embarrassed. “It’s an ability called Acidic Blood.”

“Acidic Blood huh?” Mercer muttered as he wrote in his notebook. “What Field and Focus Point does that come from?

“It comes from…,” Avery started but hesitated.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell us,” Liam interjected as he watched her struggle to tell them.

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you,” Avery started as she looked at him. She gave him a slightly worried expression.

“Then what is it?” Mercer questioned.

“It’s just I don’t want you to think that I’m some monster,” Avery said as she rubbed her left hand on her right elbow.

“Why would you think that?” Ariyana inquired as she placed a hand on Avery’s shoulder.

“Because when I first saw it I thought about the monsters that could have ties to it,” Avery replied. “They were the worst kind that appeared on my planet.”

“What monster are you thinking about?” Artem questioned.

“You might figure it out after hearing the field and Focus Point,” Avery started again. She steeled her nerves as she continued, “I got it from the Field of Bood, Focus Point Blood Manipulation.”

Everyone tried to make a connection to what she was talking about as she said this, but Liam instantly knew what she was talking about.

“Are you talking about Vampires?” Liam asked curiously.

“Vampires?” the others questioned with confusion.

“You know about them?” Avery inquired.

“We have myths and lore as well as they are a popular race in video games as bad guys or a race you could play, but I have never seen one before,” Liam stated. “But you said they existed on your planet?”

Avery nodded.

“That’s interesting,” Liam said as he stared at her, connecting everything together. “You think because you have this field that we would think you are a Vampire?”

Avery nodded.

Liam let out a laugh. This made Avery scowl at him while the others looked at him with their confused expressions growing even more.

“What’s so funny?” Avery demanded.

“Avery,” Liam started as he tried to calm himself down. “I don’t think you have to worry about us thinking you’re a Vampire.”

“What makes you say that?” Avery asked while swinging her right hand out, looking frustrated.

“Well, for starters,” Liam began. “I don’t think the others know what a Vampire is, judging by their looks right now. Also, if what I know about them is the same as they are back on your world, then there is no way you are one.”

“I’m curious what this Vampire is that you’re talking about,” Mercer chimed in.

“Blood sucking humanoid creatures. They have fangs, will die in direct sunlight, and cant enter a room without permission,” Liam stated.

Mercer looked at Avery and asked with a curious look, “Do you hunger for blood?”

“No!” Avery shouted as her cheeks reddened.

“Then I don’t think you have to worry about us thinking about if you’re a Vampire or not,” Mercer stated with a smile.

“But…,” Avery started.

“No buts,” Liam said. “You are you. Whether you have vampire like abilities or were a vampire. You have fought with us, shed blood, and more. We’re not going to abandon you over something like that.”

Liam then grew a teasing look and added, “Or is it your plan to make us think you’re our ally so you can eat us up one by one? That’s it isn’t it. You want to fatten us up before you feast huh?”

Avery’s eye twitched before she walked over to Liam and punched his arm as hard as she could. “You’re such a jackass.”

Liam rubbed the area she hit as he let out a chuckle. “I was just kidding.”

“I know,” Avery said as her facial features softened a bit. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” Liam smiled back.

“Ok, now that we figured out those mysteries,” Mercer coughed. “Let’s solve the mystery we’re all waiting for. What loot dropped?”

“Ah right,” Liam said almost forgetting it as he pulled up his inventory.

He looked for the items that dropped and said as he pulled out two vials, “The first item that dropped was this. It’s called Vial of Ectoplasm.”

Liam assessed the item.


“Vial of Ectoplasm. Item Type – Material (Crafting). Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Average. Ectoplasm from a Dybbuk. Can be used in several different alchemical recipes for potions, toxins, etc. Can be used while crafting weapons and armors. Needs Advanced Alchemy and Advanced Blacksmithing knowledge.”


“Looks like it’s a crafting material for Alchemy and Blacksmithing,” Liam stated.

“Interesting,” Mercer said as he wrote it down. “That of course will go to you. What’s the other item?”

Liam pulled out the chest piece that had dropped and took a look at it.

It wasn’t that heavy, but felt light to hold compared to other chest pieces he had seen. The color of the armor piece was a dark silver with purple lines spreading around that looked a lot like tentacles to Liam.

Liam assessed it.


“Demonic Dybbuk Chest Piece. Item Type – Armor (Chest, Plate). Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Average. + 20 Armor. 10% Resistance to the following: Lightning, Poison, Acid, and Fire. Effect – Random Dybbuk Gift. Random Dybbuk Gift – Can trigger a special effect during battle. Cooldown is five hours. Depending on what gift is granted will depend on how long it will last. Random Gifts – 1. Whitering Touch – two tentacles will reach out from the back of the armor and touch the closest target draining their stamina for five seconds. 2. Fear Mist – sprays a small amount of mist at the target creating a chance to cause the target to be hit with a Fear Debuff for 10 seconds.”


“Damn,” Liam said with wide eyes. “What is up with these effects these loots are coming up with?”

“That is good,” Mercer agreed. “It has to be because of the dungeon we’re in. I don’t think this is normal in any other type of dungeon.”

He is right. Eri stated. Due to the difficulty and the type of monsters you have been fighting the loot has to be of equal value. However, it also has to do with the Rarity of the loot.

What do you mean? Liam asked.

Each level of rarity on an armor or weapon has a certain percent chance of getting an effect on them. It also depends on the craftsman who make them plus materials. Eri explained. For now, be glad you guys have been getting Rare Rarity items.

I’m not complaining. Liam said to Eri.

“Who should get this?” Mercer asked as he looked around.

“That’s a tough one,” Liam said as he thought it over.

Liam looked at the others.

He had no use for it since it was a plate type of chest piece. He looked at Ariyana, and Mercer and ruled them out as well. Blair already got a piece yesterday from the Askith Wight Commander while Roman…Roman was still figuring out his armor set.

That just leaves Avery and Artem. Liam thought. This could be a good piece for Avery when she rushes in, but her speed and agility helped her dodge most attacks. While Artem…

“I think Artem should have it,” Liam stated with certainty.

Everyone looked at him.

“Oh?” Mercer said almost like a question.

“He’s been taking a lot of hits lately and his current armor piece is looking kind of ragged,” Liam started. “Since this has some resistance to acid, fire, lightning, and poison, I think it would help ease his mind when going against creatures with those kinds of elements. Not only that, but the effect could help him out as well.”

“That’s true,” Avery stated as she looked at Artem.

“Are you guys sure?” Artem asked with a confused look.

“You’ve been putting in a lot of work and haven’t been requesting any of the items so I agree you should have it,” Mercer said with a smile.

Liam handed the armor and gave him a smile while saying, “You deserve it big guy.”

“Thank you,” Artem stated as he switched his armor pieces.

“Ok now that we have all this done we should rest up a bit to get things in order before we fight the final Boss of this floor,” Mercer stated.

“I agree with you,” Liam said. “I have some things I need to go over anyways.” He then looked at the others and announced, “If you’re low on potions let me know now so I can make more before we head out.”

“I’m good,” Blair and Avery said.

“Same here,” Artem and Roman agreed.

Ariyana gave Liam a thumbs up and a smile.

“I think we should have enough,” Mercer finished up. “You take care of what you need to for now.”

“Alright,” Liam said as he pulled up the notifications he had been ignoring.


“Congratulations! Body Stat Constitution Sub-stat Vitality has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Luck Sub-stat Lucky Soul has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Recovery Sub-stat HP Recovery has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Weapon Skill – Daggers has reached level 17! Progression to level 18:0%!”

“Congratulations! Ability - Shadow Hand has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Ability - Shadow Hand has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Ability - Shadow Swarm has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Ability – Lunar Exposure has reached level 8! Progression to level 9: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 7! Progression to level 8: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Non- Combat Ability – Mana Sight has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability – Mana Control has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability – Mana Manipulation has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 0%!”

“Congratulations! You have received a new Mental Resistance to Fear! Mental Resilience – Fear has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Fear has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Fear has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resilience – Fear has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 0%!”


“So, this is what I gained while that Possessed Askith Beast Tamer did that weird thing,” Liam muttered to himself before pulling up the description.


“Mental Resilience – Fear – Helps prevent a person from freezing up, trembling, or losing themselves to Fear.”


“Not much of a description,” Liam muttered with a frown. He then went back to a couple other notifications and smiled. “Glad to see that while using Shadow Hand I can train my Mana Control and Mana Manipulation.”

He then looked at the Shadowy hand that was floating close by him. “This has definitely been helpful, but I need to get it to a level where I don’t have to focus so much on getting it to appear. For now, I’ll need to get it ready before any fight.”

Liam took a glance towards Avery’s back while she was talking to Blair.

Blood magic huh? Liam thought to himself. It doesn’t seem like it would be a normal type of Field to have. I wonder if that is a racial benefit. If so, what kind of race besides Vampire uses it?

Liam looked up at the ceiling of the room they were in.

I shouldn’t overthink it for now. Liam thought. She’ll tell us when she wants to how she got it.


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