Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 94 – Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Liam swore as he stared at the boss monster starting to get out of his sarcophagus.

He stood tall and looked to be even taller than Artem. His entire body was wrapped up in eggshell white bandages that were in better condition than his guards. He wore the striped Nemes that covered the top of his head and went down to his shoulders.

A black and red kilt was around his waist that went down to his knees. A necklace with the shape of a snake head dangled around his neck and stopped at his chest. One hand was empty while in the other was that snake headed scepter.

“An Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord huh,” Mercer muttered as quietly as he could. He looked at Liam and added, “Looks like you were right about it being the lord of this land.”

Liam turned to Mercer. “Start buffing us now. If its anything like the Askith Mummy Guards, then we’re going to be in for a long fight since it’ll be resistant to a lot of our attacks.”

“Got it,” Mercer stated as he started playing his violin.

“Who said you could make such pitiful noise in front of me?” the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord demanded with a raspy voice. A look of disgust was given as his disgusting mouth curled into a sneer.

The giant man lifted his snake scepter and pointed it at Mercer.

Liam sensed a lot of mana starting to build up around the scepter. He quickly turned to Mercer and shouted, “Look out!”

However, before Mercer could react the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord chanted, “Cancel all sound that surrounds the target. Silence thyself!”

The air around Mercer shivered as the sound of his instrument ceased to be heard. Mercer opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. A look of panic rose inside him as he turned to Liam.

Liam noticed something appear next to Mercer’s name and status bar. He mentally looked at it and saw a notification window appear.


“Silence Debuff. Silences all noise, whether it be instruments, spell casting, talking or even the ground moving around the target for 5 minutes. Cool down 5 minutes.”


“What did he do?” Avery asked as she looked at Mercer.

“He was hit with a Silence Debuff,” Liam stated. “It lasts for five minutes, but that monster has a cooldown on it for five minutes as well.”

“It must be an advanced Senses Focus Point ability,” Ariyana said. “I don’t know how high into that Focus Point you need to be, but it’s almost similar to my Silence Thy Spell ability.”

Liam nodded as he agreed. “We’re going to have to watch out for that spell. Ariyana, you’ll need to try and cancel his chanting whenever you get the chance.”

“Ok,” Ariyana said as she placed her Chakrams away and pulled out her wand.

“Avery and Roman, for now use Fire magic to try and see if that is still its weakness,” Liam called out. “Artem and Blair, try and see if you can gain its aggro and defend the back line as much as you can. However, if it uses Rotting Fist do not try and block, but dodge it instead. It’ll destroy any armor or weapons within seconds.”

“Got it!” the four yelled back.

“Mercer, for now, use your arrows to try and do as much damage as you can,” Liam said as he turned to Mercer.

Mercer nodded as he mouthed the words okay.

Artem and Blair rushed in as close as they could. When Artem got within range of his taunt ability, he slammed his foot down and let out a loud roar.

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord’s eyes looked down at him and narrowed.

Artem’s eyes widened as the Pharaoh stated in a mocking tone of voice, “Do you think shouting like a wild animal would provoke me?”

“He’s immune to taunts,” Artem yelled out.

“Of fucking course, he is,” Liam muttered as two arrows sailed towards the creature’s arm.

Each arrow sunk in, but the boss monster simply ignored them as he turned his gaze back at Mercer who glared back.

As he was staring at Mercer, four basketball sized fireballs slammed into the left shoulder and body.

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lords swirled his gaze to Avery and Roman while letting out a raspy hiss.

“Fire is still his weakness!” Avery and Roman informed everyone.

“How dare mere cretins cause harm to me with such despicable magic!” The Pharaoh roared out. “I shall let you rot for burning me!”

Mana surged around the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord.

Liam activated his Mana Sight and saw that instead of the mana shifting to scepter it grew around his body. He then turned to Ariyana to see she was chanting her spell, but it was taking too long.

Before she could finish, two bandages snaked out from the Askith Pharoh Mummy Lord’s body and shot towards Avery and Roman.

When they were a quarter away from their targets, two arrows collided into the tips, making their aim miss both Avery and Roman.

As the bandages shot back, Avery and Roman noticed the ground close by where the tips hit started to sizzle and smoke.

Liam could smell a rotting stench as a small portion of the carpet they stood on melted away.

Liam turned to Mercer and stated, “Good aim, keep that up!”

Roman and Avery split up and started chanting again as soon as they got to a new spot.

He then ran to Ariyana who had canceled her spell and was looking both annoyed and frustrated with herself.

“I tried to cancel it, but he’s too fast,” Ariyana said as Liam approached.

“I know,” Liam stated. “It just means you’re going to have to learn how to time your spell with his.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Ariyana questioned as she stared into his eyes.

“You have Mana Sight right?” Liam asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t use it much,” Ariyana replied.

“Well, you’re going to learn the wonders of it right now,” Liam said with a smile. “Have it activated and watch when he channels mana. Don’t react a few times, instead learn how fast it goes. When you get the feel for his mana channeling speed, then time your spell with it. You will need to learn fast though. Can you do it?”

“Do I have a choice?” Ariyana asked.

Liam gave her a smile as he said, “Nope. Back up some and watch as closely as you. Don’t take too long though.”

Ariyana let out a sigh before activating her Mana Sight and running back a few steps.

Liam turned back to see Avery and Roman were able to land a couple more fireballs against the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord. Its health was already close to three quarters.

However, right as his health reached the three quarter mark, the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord let out a raspy scream of anger.

“I didn’t think pitiful worms like you would be able to hurt me as much as you have,” the Mummy Lord angerly stated. “To think I would need to rely on this.”

Confused, but ready for anything, Liam watched as a bandage from the Askith Pharoh Mummy Lord’s back shot out and crashed into one of the glassed cased shelves on the far left side of the wall. It then grabbed the jar and pulled it into his back, melding the jar into its body.

Liam’s eyes widened as its health started to regenerate.

He watched as his health grew to five thousand two hundred and fifty.

It might not have fully refilled his health, but a seven hundred and fifty health regen is nothing to scoff at. Liam thought as he started at the bandaged wrapped monster in front of him. Especially since he has so many of those jars still left.

“Holy shit!” Mercer suddenly exclaimed making everyone turn to look at him.

The Silence Debuff must have expired. Liam thought. Which means he’ll be able to use it again.

Without wasting any time, the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord started channeling mana into his scepter as he chanted, “Cancel all sound that surrounds the target. Silence thyself!”

Everyone looked at Mercer, who was the target the first time, but were confused as he stated, “It didn’t hit me?”

Liam’s eyes widened as he realized that the Boss wouldn’t prioritize someone who buffs, but rather someone who caused a lot of damage. He swiftly looked at Roman, but he was muttering to himself.

He then looked at Avery and noticed her stomping the ground looking like she was throwing a tantrum, but no sound was made. And by the way her mouth was mouth, it looked like she was cursing up a storm.

Yup. She’s pissed. Liam thought to himself. He then shouted out, “Mercer, get those buffs out! Make sure to keep doing what you were doing if those bandages fly out again. Roman keep firing those fireballs! Avery, take this time to regain your lost mana.”

“And what are we supposed to do?” Artem asked, still keeping his eyes on the massive form in front of him.

“Try and get some attacks in,” Liam stated. “You might do some damage, but some damage is better than none at all. Make sure not to get hit by those bandages.”

“Got it!” Artem and Blair shouted as they ran in.

Liam scanned the area to figure out what to do.

Avery backed off as far as she could, but was still within range in case she needed to run in.

Mercer was playing song after song, sending out as many buffs as he could while keeping an eye out for the bandages.

Artem and Blair were rushing in and out, swinging their weapons at the creature while trying to dodge any swipes from his hand or scepter.

Roman sent fireball after fireball trying to bring down the Boss’s health as much as he could.

Ariyana was close by Avery. She sent out an Echoes of Sound spell, buffing Roman every time it came close to disappearing. She also kept an eye on the boss monster watching his every move.

What can I do? Liam thought as he tried formulating a new plan. I can use my Light and Burn spell, but it’s only effective when I soak the enemy in oil. Other than that, I don’t think I have any other fire…

A sudden thought emerged in Liam’s mind.

I might be able to do something with that if I can get close enough. Liam began thinking as he looked in his inventory for a certain bottle.

Once when he found it, he pulled it out and looked at it.


“Enchanted Runic Bottle of Liquid Fire.”


My Mana Control and Manipulation has risen quite a bit since my trial with this. Liam thought as he replaced one of the vials that was strapped openly to his potion strap on his leg. It was awkward due to the size, but he made sure it wouldn’t slip out.

He then channeled some of his mana into it to make sure he could control the liquid inside whenever he needed to.

He then looked up just as the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord started to channel that same muddy greenish mana into its body.

He looked over at Mercer and saw he was drinking a potion to replenish his mana.

Shit! He’s not paying attention! Liam cursed mentally as he started sprinting towards Roman.  Time to take this for a forced test drive.

After the Mummy Lord finished channeling his mana into his body, he shot out a bandage full of the rotten magic straight at Roman.

Roman noticed it and tried to move out of the way, but suddenly tripped.

Roman cursed out loud and was trying to get back to his feet, but as he watched the bandage getting closer, he resigned himself to getting hit and hoped it wouldn’t hurt that much.

However, before the bandage could get any closer to him, he watched as a small line of dark reddish-orange liquid shot through a part of the bandage, cutting it like scissors and suddenly lit up in flames.

The part of the bandage that was cut off lost all mana inside it as it dropped to the ground, swiftly becoming ashes.

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord quickly retracted his bandage as he let out a loud raspy scream of pain.

Roman watched as the liquid that shot through the bandage swiftly floated back into a bottle by Liam’s side.

Liam looked down at Roman and asked, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah thanks man,” Roman stated as he stood back up.

“No problem, but I have to ask,” Liam started as he looked at him.

“Ask what?” Roman questioned.

“Why aren’t you utilizing that one field?” Liam questioned.

“Field?” Roman looked at him with a confused expression. “What do you mea…”

Roman gave Liam an oh face as a light bulb clicked. “I didn’t think about that.”

Liam gave him a smile. “Well now’s the best time to start thinking about it.”

Liam looked back at Ariyana who was staring at them with a confused look.

“You too,” Liam shouted. “You don’t need to just stand there and watch anymore. I think this is the best time to use that field too.”

Ariyana’s brows scrunched as she stared at him. After a brief moment passed she realized what he was talking about and smiled. “You got it!”

Mercer rushed up to him and asked, “What are you talking about? And why are you saying it so cryptic like that?”

Liam looked at him and stated with a hush voice, “This guy has some form of intelligence and wisdom right?”

Mercer nodded.

“Then why broadcast what they should be doing when he’ll know about it?” Liam said.

Mercer brought a hand to his chin and nodded. “I understand. That’s pretty smart.”

“It’s only common sense,” Liam corrected.

Before Mercer could say anything, they heard a loud crash.

Liam and Mercer turned to see the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord had slammed a bandage wrap into one of the glassed areas and grab a jar, pulling it into him.

Liam watched as his health regenerated back to five thousand health.

Liam clicked his tongue as he stated with some irritation, “We really need to do something about those jars.”

“Should I try and see if I can break them?” Mercer inquired as he looked at them.

“If you think you can reach them from here, be my guest,” Liam stated. “If you don’t think you can then don’t waste the arrows.”

Mercer nodded as he placed an arrow and pulled back on the string. He then aimed for the closest glassed area and released the arrow.

Liam and Mercer watched as the arrow soared quickly pass the Mummy Lord’s head and towards its target.

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord turned his head around to look at the arrow as well.

Liam was about to congratulate Mercer on the nice shot but stopped as the arrow bounced off the glass. Not even a scratch was on it.

 “God damn it,” Liam cursed.

“You fools thought you could destroy my Canopic Jars?” the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord questioned as he slowly turned his head to look at them. A wick grin grew on his face as he added, “Your pitiful strength is not enough to destroy the protections placed.”

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord was about to continue his rant but then let out a painful and frustrated grunt as four fireballs slammed into him from both sides.

“Take that you stupid son of a bitch,” Avery yelled, frustration evident on her face. “Do you know how annoying it is to not be able to speak!?”

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord snarled as he turned his head to look at Avery. With anger flashing over his eyes, the creature scolded, “Wenches like you need to be silent when in the presence of a Pharaoh. I will make you stay silent and realize your follies.”

Mana started channeling to his scepter as he chanted, “Cancel all sound that surrounds the target. Silence thyself!”

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord grinned triumphantly as he sent the spell over towards Avery.

That smile lasted for a few seconds until he watched Avery’s form suddenly disperse into a puff of smoke.

“What happened?” the Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord demanded as he looked at the spot he sent his spell. “What manner of trickery is this?”

“So, you don’t like a woman who talks back to you huh,” a voice yelled out.

The Askith Pharaoh Mummy Lord turned his gaze to the back of the room to see Avery standing next to Ariyana.

“But how?” the tall bandaged wrapped man questioned.

“How you ask?” Avery smiled devilishly. “That’s simple.”

“A couple of talkative women out smarted you,” Ariyana stated. “You may have been a Pharaoh back in your time. However, your time has ended. You stand before a couple of queens. And these queens are pissed.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.