Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 99 – Different Groups and Crafting Levels

Liam opened the door to the lab inside The Bubbling Potion and saw Galin and Alicia sitting there talking.

As soon as the door opened they both looked at it to see Liam and were surprised.

“You’re back,” Alicia said as she gave him a happy smile.

Confused Liam looked at them and said, “I was only gone for a day and a half. I haven’t been gone that long.”

“True as that might be. We were still worried since we don’t know what you would have to face inside your dungeon,” Galin replied as he hopped down his step stool and walked over to Liam.

“That’s true,” Liam said as he thought it over. “It’s starting to become normal every time I go in there that I forget the difference between my dungeon versus everyone else’s.”

“I’d be a little worried if it’s starting to feel normal to you,” Alicia commented.

“It just shows that he’s starting to get used to his new life here,” Galin stated. “But I agree you shouldn’t get used to how difficult this dungeon is because majority of the ones out in the world are much easier to handle if you know what to do.”

Before Alicia and Liam could say anything, Galin turned and waved Liam to a seat and said, “Come, come. Tell us how it went. I’m curious to know what monsters you fought.”

“I just want to know if you found anything interesting for us to use to make new potions,” Alicia remarked as she followed them.

Liam gave her a smile as he stated, “Then you’re going to be really happy to hear what I found.”

“Oh yeah?” Alicia asked as her face lit up. “Then what are you waiting for? Tell us. Tell us.”

Liam shook his head as he sat down and recalled all he had gone through while taking on the fifth floor. There were some things he kept out like his teammates Zodiac Abilities and his Shadow and Lunar magic.

As he talked about each monster, Alicia and Galin’s mouth opened wider and wider.

“Dude, I am so glad I’m not on your team,” Alicia commented after Liam finished. She then hurriedly added, “I mean during this Tutorial run that is. I would be ecstatic to be a part of your team after this is all done.”

Liam let out a chuckle. “It’s okay, I don’t wish anyone this kind of hassle.”

Liam noticed Galin was staring at him. The stare he was giving him, made Liam feel a bit uncomfortable.

“Is everything alright Galin?” Liam asked.

“Liam…,” Galin started with a seriousness in his voice. “I know I didn’t ask you before because I felt like you would tell me eventually, but I have to ask now.”

Liam felt goosebumps start to form as he waited for Galin to continue.

“Is the reason why you are fighting monsters that no beginner should go up against is because you stumbled across a Forbidden Path?”

Alicia turned her gaze on Liam as she waited for the answer as well.

Liam tensed as he heard the question.

“Your silence says it all,” Galin stated as he stared at him. “I was hoping it wasn’t, but I figured that was the case. Have you told the Overseers about this?”

“The Overseers?” Liam questioned.

“Adva, Nalia, and Phorge,” Galin answered. “They are the Overseers of this Tutorial Area.”

Liam shook his head. “No. Especially not Nalia.”

“You need to tell them,” Galin stated with a serious tone in his voice.

“I don’t know if I can…,” Liam started to say.

“Your life is danger here!” Galin shouted, interrupting Liam. “You need to tell them. A Forbidden Path is too much for newly integrated people like yourself, even if there is the magic placed on the dungeon.”

Liam stared at Galin. He knew he wasn’t scolding him for any reason other than he was worried for him. Liam couldn’t blame him. Especially not after what he had told him about his experience with a Forbidden Path.

“I will think about it,” Liam answered. “I need to know if I can trust them. Since Nalia has been treating me like crap I feel like even if I did say something she wouldn’t do anything about it. As for Adva and Phorge…”

“You can trust them,” Galin stated with a firm tone. “They wouldn’t do anything that would harm you or the other newly integrated people. They would look into the matter and do something.”

“I will talk to my teammates and make a decision with them since this involves them as well,” Liam said.

Galin threw a hand up as he grumbled, “Bah, this is so much more than you guys can comprehend.” He then looked at Liam and saw the resolve in his eyes. After a moment he released a sigh and added, “Fine. So what kind of Forbidden Path did you find?”

“It’s a Forgotten Realm,” Liam replied.

“A Forgotten Realm?” Galin repeated as his eyes widened.

“Have you heard of them before?” Liam asked.

“Yes,” Galin nodded. “They contain forgotten history of different races from our world.” Galin brought a hand to his chin as he muttered, “If it’s a Forgotten Realm and the monsters have the name Askith Nation…maybe…”

Liam looked at him and questioned, “Does the name ring a bell?”

Galin shook his head as he replied, “Not as a nation. But I do remember a desert called the Askith Arid Desert. It’s a hard place to live, but many people have found ways to live there.”

“Why does no one remember that nation?” Liam asked. “If there is a desert with that name someone should have known about the nation.”

“I don’t understand it either, but there are plenty of people out there who are looking for lost history,” Galin stated. “If I remember correctly there’s a guild called the Lost Records Guild who are always looking for discoveries on lost knowledge.”

“Guild?” Alicia and Liam questioned at the same time.

“Ah that’s right you guys are still learning about the world outside,” Galin remembered. “You’ll have more information on it after you defeat the last floor and it’s not a restricted thing, so I’ll tell you. There are many types of groups out there that you will need to know about and will have to choose to join.”

Alicia and Liam listened as Galin continued.

“The first type of group you’ll need to know are Associations,” Galin stated. “These are Adventurers Association, Crafters Association, Merchants Association, and Magical Association. Each of these are fundamental to what you want to do.”

Liam took out his notebook and started writing as he continued to listen.

“Adventurers Association is a place where you must get your Adventurer ID from if you wish to enter dungeons. Your Adventurer ID, or AID for short, keeps track of all the floors and dungeons you have entered and beaten. It also shows what kind of monsters you have killed as well.”

“The Crafters Association is a place where you get your Crafter’s Identification or CID. This allows you to join crafting businesses so you can earn a living. You could also use it to find a Crafting Business that is willing to sell your work. The CID is proof that you are legal in the craft and aren’t selling another people’s work. You’ll have to have the CID show all crafting professions you are doing so there’s no hassle.”

“If you don’t want to have a crafting business sell your crafted items and want to do it yourself then you’ll apply at the Merchants Association for a Merchants ID or MID. With something like that you can legally open a shop and sell your wares anywhere you want.”

“The last Association is the Magical Association. It’s a place where you can learn more about magic as well as research new magics. This place doesn’t require an ID unless you want to work for the Magical Association. If you want more information on it you can talk to the people at the Mage Tower.”

“So, there are Associations we’ll need to get ID’s for?” Alicia questioned. “You said this was the first type of group. What are the others?”

“I was just about to get to that,” Galin said with a slight smile. “The other types of groups are: Parties, Guilds, and Clans.”

“Parties, Guilds, and Clans,” Liam muttered as he wrote it down.

“Parties are just a small group of people who are given a name or make a name and don’t want to separate,” Galin continued. “They start off unaffiliated to any Guild or Clan or they make one while being inside them.”

“Guilds are organizations of people that have a related interest or goal. Guilds utilize parties and have them take on jobs or quests. There are mainly Adventurer Guilds, but there a few Crafters and Merchant guilds. Very high reputable guilds can get quests from the Adventurer Association if the association deems the guild capable.”

“Lastly Clans. They are kind of like a guild but much bigger in infrastructure. In many cases they are an organization of people united by actual or perceived kinship or descent. Not all clans are like that though. If you are not part of a clan and a clan wishes for you to join them and you accept then you are forever bound by loyalty and will be placed in the clan.”

“Like a guild but different in infrastructure?” Alicia asked. “What do you mean? If the only difference between a guild and a clan is heritage then what makes them so different?”

“There is a big difference between the two,” Galin started back up. “A guild is limited to a build of people. They can not have more than one building to their name. While a clan has no restrictions. They are anywhere between a town to a nation if they are that big. Not only that, but a clan has more power behind the name. Normally a clan only focuses on their own kin, but sometimes they find one who doesn’t belong to a clan and have them join theirs and help them grow.”

“What?” Alicia said as her eyes widened.

“A clan can have guilds, associations, and more in them. They allow families to be together as well versus a guild where all of your family can’t be a part of it unless they meet the criteria to be welcomed,” Galin explained.

“Damn, clans sound like they would be more beneficial to be a part of,” Alicia stated.

“Not necessarily,” Galin said. “Clans may not be as restricted as guilds, but they place restrictions on their people.”

“How so?” Alicia asked.

Galin shook his head. “That is something I will leave you to learn. If we continue this conversation we will be here all night and I’m sure Liam is pretty tired.”

“Ah, you’re right,” Alicia stated, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Sorry, Liam.”

“It’s all good. This is some good information,” Liam said. “So, you were saying something about the Lost Records Guild?”

“Ah yes,” Galin muttered as he remembered what they were originally talking about. “The Lost Records Guild is a guild full of people who are scouring the world for lost knowledge and history. They are sometimes met with hostility from certain Deities who don’t like that people are doing this, but they don’t care. They don’t require people to join their guild, but instead hire them to go out and find new things. Also, if you come across something you think they would love to know, then they will sometimes pay double for it.”

“It sounds like an interesting guild,” Liam stated.

“There are some interesting people in it, but just like any place there are some people who are…,” Galin looked like he was trying to find the right word, but then settled with, “Not the best to deal with.”

“What do you mean?” Alicia asked.

“Some of the people are skeptical about lost information that’s been brought in. Even if it’s something the guild has asked you to look into, these people try to make it seem like what you brought is fake.” Galin explained.

“Theres always someone like that somewhere,” Liam sighed. “Always making things difficult for others.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” Galin said with a nod of his head. “I do have an acquaintance in that guild though. So, if you’re wanting to pass along anything you find to him then I’d suggest you talk to him so you can ignore those types of people.”

“Who’s your acquaintance?” Liam asked.

“His name is Alvis,” Galin replied. “He is a Fehlpowl Beast kin.”

“A Felhpowl Beast kin?” Alicia and Liam both questioned at the same time.

“A Felhpowl Beast kin are a race of Beast kin that are short and look younger than what they really are. They have a racoon tail and ears and are a highly intelligent race that love magic and mysteries.”

“Interesting,” Liam stated. “So do I just say your name when I speak to him or is there something I have to do in order for him to let me meet with him?”

Galin let out a laugh as he pulled something out from his inventory.

It was a silver coin.

It didn’t look like one of the coins you’d use for money, but instead it had a unique design on it. The side he was able to see had a what looked like a scroll on it.

After Galin passed it to him, Liam assessed it.

“Lost Records Token. Item Type – Token. Item Rarity – Uncommon. Item Quality – Average.”

“This is a Lost Records Token,” Galin started to explain. “It doesn’t have anything special. It’s just a token made to use when you go to the Lost Records Guild. You can present it and ask for Alvis and whoever you show it too will take you to him.”

“Alright,” Liam said as he put the item into his inventory. He then had a curious thought and asked, “Why Alvis though? Is it because he is your acquaintance?”

Galin shook his head. “No. His specialty research lies in lost history and knowledge found in Forbidden Paths.”

Liam’s eyes widened as he looked at Galin.

“I know what you want to say,” Galin started. “Even though I am worried about what you are going through and don’t want you to tell anyone about it, I feel like there are some benefits in those dungeon that can be shared. He is a good man and will welcome any information you have to help his research along. He is the best one to talk to about your findings and discoveries.”

 Liam looked at Galin. He tried to figure out the best thing to say, but was coming up short. So instead, he just said, “Thank you. What knowledge I find in this dungeon I will share with him.”

“Thank you,” Galin replied then scolded, “However, this is not me telling you to jump into any and all Forbidden Paths you find. They are dangerous and can kill you without any proper training or preparations. Do not and I repeat do not go head first just because that old coot tells you to.”

Liam let out a laugh. He knew Galin’s worries for his safety were genuine and he liked that. Back on Earth it was rare to find people who wanted you to be safe instead of just running head long into danger just because they felt it was your obligation.

“So…,” Alicia started bringing both of their attentions to her. “I don’t mean to interrupt what you’re talking about, but I remember you said you had something I would be really happy to hear about?”

Liam and Galin both laughed as they looked at Alicia.

“Alright, alright,” Liam said as he opened his inventory. “Go grab me some gloves and a container while I pull out the first thing I found.”

“Fine,” Alicia said with mild annoyance as she went to grab the items.

Liam pulled out a vial and placed it on the table as she returned.

“The first item is this,” Liam started as he showed them it. “Vial of Ectoplasm. It dropped off that Demonic Dybbuk I told you about.”

Alicia and Galin stared at the vial. Galin’s eyes widened as he read what he assessed.

“My boy, your luck is amazing,” Galin stated.

“What can you make with this?” Alicia asked as she grew curious of the possibilities.

“You can make a lot of things with it,” Galin started. “This is an ingredient used for Magical Potions like Invisibility, Elemental Resistance, and more.”

“Magical Potions?!” Alicia stated as her eyes widened and lit up with excitement.

Galin nodded. “However, you need to have your Magical Potions in Alchemy leveled to at least thirty to be able to make any of those potions with this ingredient.”

Both Alicia and Liam clicked their tongues in annoyance as soon as they heard the level requirements.

Galin let out a hearty laugh at his two apprentices. “I know you’re both eager to grow your knowledge in this craft, but it takes time, patience, and repetition to be able to make better things. It may be tedious after a while, but once when you reach my level it’ll be worth it.”

“What is your level, Professor Galin?” Alicia questioned.

“I am at level sixty five in Alchemy,” Galin stated. “I could have been higher if I just focused on my specialty, but I decided it was best to level all of my Alchemy as much as I could.”

“Sixty five?!” Alicia and Liam both exclaimed.

“What did you specialize in?” Alicia asked.

“Magic Potions,” Galin said as he looked down. “I was originally specialized in Chemicalized Creations, but switched it to Magic Potions after the death of my love.”

Alicia’s and Liam’s excitement dimmed as they heard what he said.

“I’m sorry,” Alicia started to say until Galin shook his head.

“Don’t be. I decided to switch so I could continue learn to how to best kill those creatures and help anyone who decides to take them on.”

Liam nodded. He was impressed with Galin’s dedication. He didn’t think he’d be able to do something like that.

“Wait I have a question,” Alicia started. “You said you switched specializations right? You can do that? You’re not fixed to one after you choose it?”

“That’s right,” Galin stated. “You are not locked into a specialization once you are able to pick one. However, there are requirement to be able to get specialized into a certain part of your craft.”

“What are they?” Alicia asked.

“You’ll know more about it later, but I will say one of them is you have to be at level thirty in one of the categories in a craft,” Galin said. “The level requirement to be able to specialize is to make sure when the specialization option is opened you don’t switch to a lower leveled category you don’t have full knowledge in.”

“But why level thirty?” Liam asked.

“It is said that by the time you reach that level you’ll have the fundamental knowledge of the section of craft you’re working on and can specialize it,” Galin started to explain. “Think of it this way, once when you hit level thirty in a category of a craft you are no longer a beginner in the craft. You can view it as level one to twenty-nine is a Beginner Crafter. Level Thirty to forty-nine is an Intermediate Crafter. Fifty to seventy-nine is an Advanced Crafter. Eighty to ninety-nine is an Expert Crafter. Level one hundred is Master Crafter.”

“Damn. I didn’t know there were different levels to crafting,” Alicia stated.

“Theres a lot to crafting not everyone understands,” Galin said. “You’ll learn more as you grow.”

“If that’s the case then I’m probably still too low leveled to use this next item,” Liam stated, bringing their attention back to him.

Liam put on the gloves Alicia had brought and placed his hands into his inventory.

He then pulled out a foul smelling organ and placed it on the container that was on the table.

All three of them gagged as soon as the stench reached their noses.

“What the hell did you just pull out?” Alicia complained as she plugged her nose with her hand. “It smells like something died and rotted three times over.”

Galin was about to agree with Alicia until he took a good look at what Liam had pulled out. His jaw dropped as he recognized the material and stated out loud, “An actual Mummy Lord Liver!”

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