Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

77 Promises to Keep

Another double chapter day, another chapter with 3,100 words in it.

Also, for those that think there's been too much sex lately, there's sex in this chapter and that'll be it for a while. You can't begrudge Penis Parker wanting to give out his own presents for Christmas, can you? LOL

I successfully hid my tiredness from May as we spent the morning together. We cooked breakfast, we opened presents, we carried on, and joked around before we relaxed on the couch. All in all, it was the perfect Christmas morning.

May must have thought so as well. The happy and slightly goofy smile on her face and her fierce hold as she cuddled with me, was pretty much a dead giveaway. If I had a mirror, there would have been a matching goofy grin on my face, too.

“So, have you decided if you want to be paid your ridiculous salary by-weekly or monthly?” I asked.

May laughed and shook her head. “I'm going to wait until the new year before I decide.”

“Uh huh.” I said with a smirk. “Have you figured out what I meant about the job only being life changing if you want it to be?”

“You mean that absolutely horrible lie when I asked you about it and you answered 'nothing'?”

I nodded and she shook her head. “You're the head of a company that makes a ton of money from royalties and the taxes from bringing in so much money so quickly is going to be horrible to manage... unless we have a non-profit charity to make donations to, which will create as much tax deductions as possible.”

May blinked her eyes at me for several moments and then they widened. “You... can't mean...”

“How much does it cost to open a homeless shelter and to provide free basic healthcare?” I asked her with a waggle of my eyebrows.

May looked stunned for about three seconds, then she let out the girliest squeal I had ever heard come from her mouth before she tackled me. I quickly had my face completely covered with kisses and lipstick marks and the both of us were laughing pretty hard when she was done.

“I think... the only place... you don't have lipstick... is on your lips! Ha hahaha!” May said between laughs.

“I actually... made that joke... at the party.” I managed to say between my own laughs.

We both calmed down a couple of minutes later and May pulled me in close again and hugged my head tightly to her chest.

“That reminds me. I need to get the full story from you.” May said and her fingers combed through my hair. “What happened when you surprised them with your gifts? You know, the ones I warned you that they were not going to expect?”

I chuckled and relayed what had happened with everyone, while leaving out all of the sex. I was being responsible for the most part, even when I had been with multiple partners. May nodded several times as I told her the story and her fingers kept rubbing my scalp, even when I was done talking. We stayed like that for several minutes and just held each other quietly.

“I'll have a little talk with Doris when I go back to work tomorrow.” May said.

“You don't have to do that.” I responded.

“I won't start anything, Ben. I just want to see if she'll mention anything. If she doesn't...”

I lightly laughed. “Are you going to defend my honor, brave healer?”

“I won't have to, good sir.” May said in a haughty voice and laughed, too. “Just telling her I know what happened should embarrass her more than enough to satisfy your honor.”

I nodded without lifting my head, so she knew I agreed with her. “I hope she apologizes and doesn't try to hide from you instead.”

“Me, too.” May said and we both fell silent once more.

It was really nice that we could do this again, because we both had started to miss it. With the both of us working all the time, our alone time together had been dwindling like sand through an hourglass. Now that we both had evenings off once more, I wasn't going to miss the chance to spend them with her.

We made simple sandwiches for lunch and then spent the entire afternoon lazing around the apartment together. It was the best relaxing day that the both of us had experienced in a long time.

After we cooked supper together, it was time for my visit to Max's place for a few hours. May made sure I was dressed properly, had my cell phone on, and wore a jacket and took my backpack. I made her promise to not do any chores and to take her long relaxing bath while I was gone, because she deserved to keep relaxing, even if I wasn't there to stare at her.

May had laughed and tapped her cheek with a finger, so I kissed her cheek and left the apartment. The buses were running again on a light schedule and I rode one to near Max's place. I was looking forward to our date and I was sure that Max was as well. That ball gag was going to be well used after three hours, I promised myself.

Max's mother Denise opened the door when I knocked and she stepped back with a blank look on her face. I wasn't worried, because my spider-sense hadn't gone off. I stepped inside and she shut the door and she stood there as I took off my backpack, jacket, and shoes.

“Is Max in her room?” I asked, because I couldn't hear the television.

“Max is visiting with her father to have their own Christmas Morning.” Denise said in a voice without inflection.

“Oh.” I responded and then realized something. We were completely alone and I suddenly had three solid hours free.

Denise didn't say anything as she reached into her baggy jeans and pulled out the ball gag and handed it to me. I immediately took the blatant hint and applied the gag to her mouth, adjusted the strap to fit, and took her hand to lead her into her bedroom.

I quickly learned that the women in Max's family all had screaming orgasms, when they were real. It had been a bone of contention with Max's father and he grew tired of it after Max's birth. Their sex life quickly died off, with the marriage dying off soon after. Denise had tried dating a few times and they hadn't stuck around after they found out how vocal she was in bed.

“Just so you know.” I said and folded a now naked Denise in half and put her ankles on my shoulders as I positioned my condom covered erection at her desperately waiting and dripping opening. “I'm only using the gag so your neighbours don't call the cops.”

Denise's eyes widened and she hummed at me.

“Why?” I asked and she nodded. “I really enjoy listening to my bed partner's reactions.” I said and shoved myself into her.

“MMMMMHHHHHH!!!!” Denise screamed into the ball gag and she gushed as she had an orgasm.

“Yeah, this is going to be fun.” I said and started to thrust into her at a blisteringly fast pace. By the pleased look on her face, I knew that she thought the same thing. The screams every couple of minutes had been huge clues, too.

We took a break half an hour later and I removed the gag so she could drink some water and talk. Her voice was hoarse as she berated me for being a degenerate. She hadn't been screwed so hard in her life and she hated that it was by her daughter's boyfriend, even if it was the best sex she had ever had.

“Two things.” I said and drank some water as well. “One, not her boyfriend. Just a friend that's also a boy. No expectations, remember?” I asked and she made a huff sound. “Second, that was just the warm-up.”

“Wh-what?” Denise asked, shocked.

“I allocated three hours for this and we've just passed thirty minutes. I learned recently to not waste time when it's important, so I'm going to make sure you enjoy this as much as possible.”

“B-but... we... you just...” Denise looked at the tied off condom on the nightstand.

“I've got a lot of stamina from working out at a ridiculous pace.” I explained. “Getting off once is nowhere near my limit.”

“You're serious?” Denise asked.

“I'm serious enough to ask what you want me to do to you to get you off quicker.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “What do you want to try next? Doggy style? Cowgirl? Sixty-Nine? We already did the Lawn Chair, so I'll leave it up to you.”

Denise looked thoughtful for a moment and then she blushed. “I... um... want to try... The Lotus.”

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

“You don't have to if you don't want to.” Denise said and looked away from me.

“Hey, it's not that.” I said and used a hand to turn her head back to face me. “It's quite intimate to do it that way and it's not possible to do it rough enough to get you off.”

“I don't have to have rough sex to get off.” Denise said, halfheartedly.

I chuckled. “It's okay to think that sex isn't fun unless it's rough, Denise. People like what they like and there's nothing wrong with that.”

Denise nodded and looked at the middle of the bed. “This should be sturdy enough for it.”

“If you don't mind me sitting on them, we can use the pillows on the floor.”

Denise smiled and grabbed both pillows. “That's a much better idea, Ben.”

I grabbed a sheet and laid it down on the floor and she stacked the two pillows on top of each other. I carefully sat down and bent my legs at the knees and crossed my ankles. I didn't get into the full Lotus position, since we were going to have sex and not meditate.

Denise had an odd look on her face as she looked down at my freshly wrapped member. She didn't say anything, even though I was sure I knew what she was thinking. She wanted it bare when she sat down, probably to relive whatever memory she wanted to reenact.

I leaned back slightly and held myself steady with a hand as she straddled my thighs, then she gently eased down to slip me inside of her. She moaned loudly as she fully sat down and nestled me deep inside of her, then she wrapped her legs around my back and her arms around my neck.

I gripped her ass tightly and her breasts pressed into my chest. Her face was right there in front of mine and it was close enough that we shared the same breaths of air. We stared into each other's eyes and Denise blushed cutely. She didn't say anything, though.

“I'm sorry you won't get pregnant from this.” I said as a guess about when she had done this pose the last time. Her blush intensified, which pretty much confirmed my guess, so I lifted her up an inch or so and let her settle down again.

Denise moaned loudly and the look in her eyes was a mixture of loss and desire.

“Close your eyes and you can pretend I'm him.” I whispered.

“B-Ben, I... no, I'm doing this with you and...”

“I don't mind if you use me for your own pleasure, Denise. If I can help you recapture even a little bit of happiness, our time together will have even more meaning than it already does.”

“Ben, you're too good to be true.” Denise whispered and moaned when I lifted her and settled her down again.

“Maybe.” I said with a smirk and made a bit of a show of it as I sucked on and slobbered over my index finger. “Guess where this is going?”

Denise's eyes widened briefly, then she did as I asked and closed her eyes. Her lips touched mine and I wasn't surprised when she started to slowly make out with me as if she was deeply in love with me. It was similar to the way I had kissed Liz and Val to show them that I cared about them, too. I raised her up slightly and then settled her down and poked her puckered hole with my fingertip at the same time.

“MMMMMHHHHH!!!” Denise screamed into my mouth as she had an orgasm.

I guess I was wrong about not getting her off quickly while doing this. I thought and lifted her up again.

I continued with my slow administration of the double stimuli while Denise continued to kiss me lovingly and occasionally screamed into my mouth. Her nipples were rock hard as well and dug into my pectoral muscles. If my skin wasn't so resilient, I would probably have those imprints for hours.

Needless to say, when Denise had a dozen screaming orgasms, I finally finished myself and she had one more strong one as the condom filled her up. She didn't move off of me, however. She stayed right there and kept kissing me like she was never going to stop.

I didn't mind it at all.


May looked over at the apartment door when it opened and snorted with a laugh at the 'after sex' look on her nephew's face. “Please tell me you used a condom.”

Ben nodded. “Even though we both wanted to try it without one, we couldn't take that chance.”

“Good.” May said and pointed up the stairs. “Go grab a shower and clean up.”

“I'll be quick.” Ben said and disappeared upstairs and did as he was told.

May really was glad that he was being responsible. The last thing her nephew needed was to be so young and also be a father. Not that he wouldn't be a good one, because she suspected he would be the best, considering how much he valued family. It was because his life was just starting out and it didn't need to be derailed with having a child so soon.

“I am ready to be cuddled!” Ben exclaimed as he came down the stairs wearing comfortable flannel pyjamas that matched her own.

May gave him a teasing smile. “And what, exactly, are you wearing under that?”

“I'm not wearing a thong! I swear!” Ben lied badly and May laughed.

The pair relaxed on the couch and pretended to watch television as they cuddled and talked about where they could set up the homeless shelter to provide the quickest services and to reach the most people. The plan was quickly expanded to include a soup kitchen that would provide a free meal every day at suppertime and May couldn't hide how happy she was about it.

“I told you I wanted you to be happy.” Ben said and kissed her cheek. “We'll call Matt tomorrow night and we'll get him and Foggy to start looking for places with reasonable rent in or near the area you want. If we find a building that's too run down, maybe we can buy it outright and then recover the costs with donations or something.”

May nodded and hugged him close. He really was making her happier than she had ever been in her life. They were going to be able to help so many people when the combination shelter, soup kitchen, and clinic opened.

She had already planned on hiring some of the nurses part time to give them extra cash and to make the work at the clinic that much easier. All they needed was a doctor to show up one day a week for occasional visits. Or a different doctor each day for constant visits. There were a lot of people that needed their help, after all.

Yes, that would be much better. May thought happily and drifted off to sleep with visions of hundreds of happy people eating warm meals every day.


I tucked May into bed and went to my room to put on my Spider-Man suit. I hadn't worn it in a while and it felt lacking. I knew I could improve it a lot and I just needed time, resources, and ingenuity. I chuckled at that thought and slipped my third web shooter into my disguised backpack and left my room through the window.

I climbed up the fire escape and jumped off of the roof of the building to swing over to the parking garage. I went to my rented truck and unlocked the back, grabbed the first rack of camera devices I had made, and carefully stuffed them into my backpack. The first batch of them would be seeded all along the block that SHIELD's New York office was on.

I would need to set up small solar panels to keep the batteries charged or I could add a connecting wire and tap into each building's power when necessary. That would require a power converter for each camera device, though. My decision made for wireless solar panels, I swung towards downtown at my best speed, or about a mile every minute.

That was about twice as fast as the world's fastest runner that could run a mile every two minutes, if they could maintain their top speed at a constant rate. The thing was, I knew I could go faster if I really pushed myself while working out and made my arms stronger. That was going to be my goal for my last week working days at the office.

I smiled at that, because I had the mornings to work anywhere I wanted and then had training with Melinda in the afternoons. It was going to be so much fun.

I arrived downtown and made my way to the end of the block where the office building was and took out an untraceable cell phone. I permanently webbed each camera in place and logged each camera's address and added them to the overlay map I had already done on the server in my office.

By the time I emptied my backpack, most of the block was under surveillance and the feed was going directly to my server. Anonymously, of course. They were also locked to only have one point of access, mine, and I went back home to fill my backpack again. I would make a slow circle of the surrounding blocks with the cameras and increase the monitoring grid as I did so.

Hopefully, I would have most of the downtown completely wired and monitored by the end of the week. If any crimes were going to happen in the area, I was going to know about it.

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