Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

97 Meetings and Greetings

Sorry about the delay (sleeping pill mishap). Here's about 3,050 words.

When I showed up for work, I was told Karen needed my help in the secured server mainframe room. Jubadi knew she wasn't allowed inside, so she took up the sentry post at the hallway outer door. I went inside and used my palm and agent code to gain access. Karen looked delighted to see me and my assigned station already had several stacks of papers on it.

I felt a tingle from my spider-sense and knew something was going on as I approached my desk. I stayed standing as Karen explained the differences between the stacks and she went to her own station to get back to work herself. I waited until no one was looking before I ducked my head under my desk and saw Maria Hill's startled face. Maria made the hand signs for 'keep quiet' and 'proceed'.

I stood up and wondered what she was thinking by sneaking under my desk. I also wondered why my spider-sense was warning me. What danger did Maria represent? I asked myself and sat down at my desk. Her hands fumbled with my pants and the slowly unzipped zipper was quite loud in the quiet space.

It wasn't until Penis Parker was engulfed in Maria's very warm mouth that I understood the danger. It wasn't about being caught, because I was sure Karen was in on it. She hadn't reacted at the zipper sound, either by asking me about it or looking over at me, and that was a dead giveaway. No, it was because Maria would now have access to my DNA in a controlled environment.

I couldn't let her gather it, even if it was freely given. I hadn't had a chance to check my blood or fluids myself, so I didn't know if there were any changes from a normal person's blood. I was tempted to visit one of the many labs here at SHIELD, only the results of any tests would be available for anyone else to examine.

My sigh was barely contained as Maria did her best to make me finish. She apparently didn't learn from the last time, because I had quickly become used to holding back for as long as necessary. It really was some impressive conditioning that the Wakandan women had put me through, just so I wouldn't disappoint them. Ejaculating too soon was quite a disappointment for them.

I would need to be careful and would have to let Maria get frustrated, then I could take control and make sure she swallowed it all. There would be no spitting or saving any of it today.

It took Maria fifteen minutes and a whispered complaint that her jaw was getting sore, before I knew she was ready. I stopped my work and reached under the table, grabbed her by the ears, and then pulled her in and out quickly. The startled sound she made told me I had picked the perfect time and I felt myself build up.

Her hands pat my thighs to stop and I ignored it as I thrust in and pulled on her ears at the same time. I let my load go and her protesting sounds died as she was forced to swallow it all. I didn't let go until I was empty and I quickly pulled out and tucked myself away. I pretended to drop a piece of paper and gave her a hand signal for 'stay' and then for 'go'. Maria just glared at me.

I smiled at her and made the hand signs for 'sorry' and 'stop'. Her eyes widened at that and I sat back up straight. I continued my work and she didn't try again. I was done two hours later and I left a very happy Karen and a frustrated Maria behind.

Jubadi's nostrils flared when I left the hallway and I ignored it until we were out of the administration office and in the elevator.

“Before you say anything, my boss was hiding under my desk.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “I wasn't sure why until she opened my pants and started going at me with her mouth.”

The elevator opened on the fourteenth floor and we remained quiet until we were in my office. I took out a signal scanner from my backpack and went to each camera and microphone to disable them. Espionage on a foreign ambassador was not allowed.

“I don't know why she wouldn't just ask for a meeting...” I paused and gave a pointed look right back to Jubadi. “...never mind. I figured it out.”

“She did not want me there to help.” Jubadi said.

Or interfere. I thought. “She probably wanted some alone time with me.”

I didn't say that Maria probably wanted my DNA for testing, because that would immediately have the follow up question of why.

“I am not your keeper, Royal Consort. I am your guard.” Jubadi said.

They are the same thing. I thought and smiled at her. “Can I give you the day off tomorrow and go walkabout on my own?”

Jubadi gave me a mocking smile. “Of course, sithandwa. I will gladly enjoy a day off.”

I barked a laugh and sat down at my desk. “I almost believed that, Jubadi. Almost.”

Jubadi gave me a mocking salute and walked around the desk to stand at my side.

I spent the next hour of my shift designing my aluminum suit that was so compact that I could easily add it to the bottom of a backpack and no one would ever suspect I had it. It would also let me integrate the backpack into the suit as well, so anything I carried was still accessible and also disguised. It would be perfect for what I needed it for.

Jubadi watched me attentively and didn't comment on the simple design.

A stop in R&D later and I had an aluminum sheet practically devoured as I used a plasma cutter to slice it up like a hot knife through butter into the parts I needed. I still had to make the housing, supports, and connections from steel, or it wouldn't hold up when deployed. It would still work, though. I quickly added the right colorations and then designed the helmet.

Jubadi remained silent as I worked. Her eyes diligently watched everything I did.

It didn't take me long to assemble everything and the programming was a simple derivative of the normal suit. Since it was only a display model suit and not a full one, it didn't need the full suite of commands. I put the backpack on a mannequin and remote deployed it. It was slightly off in the chest, so I had to make a few adjustments and then tried again. It was still off, so I checked the programming.

I had forgotten to remove the chest adjustment for the arc reactor, because it didn't have a receptacle to shoot out a chest beam. I chuckled at the simple problem and deleted that series of commands and deployed it again. It worked perfectly and I deactivated it and put the backpack on. I deployed it and after ten seconds, I was covered from head to foot.

Jubadi gave me a once over with her eyes and raised her eyebrows at me.

“You'll understand what it's for when it's time.” I said and deactivated it. “We need to go home. I have another lonely school day tomorrow.”

Jubadi nodded and followed me from the lab and out of the building.


I didn't like Thursday mornings and this one didn't change my opinion. Lunch was once again barren, even though I knew Betty and Cindy didn't have a news broadcast to handle. Shuri's sad and understanding smile made me feel bad about the whole thing, because we were all supposed to become friends.

Robotics class and lab that afternoon was also a sombre affair, because the club had lost the final round in the competition. I tried to cheer them up and congratulated them for reaching the finals, and they all just nodded and looked depressed.

Needless to say, the whole day sucked.


Friday morning I had biology lab and surprise, surprise, Sally wasn't there that day. So, I spent the whole morning essentially by myself and Jubadi's calm presence wasn't the balm it should have been.

Lunch was still bereft of friends and I was starting to feel frustrated. None of them were answering my calls or texts and I just wanted to know why. I suspected it was because of my new status and I would have liked the chance to explain.

I had hoped that the afternoon gym class, that everyone in the school had to participate in, would finally give me the audience I had been trying to get all week. Unfortunately, the coach shuffled us all off with our homeroom classes and fully separated us.

It wasn't until I was placed near the wall that I realized that I had been singled out specifically because of my new status. The special passes we wore told everyone we shouldn't be interacted with, unless they wanted to face the consequences.

I let my eyes scan the gym and looked for the individuals I wanted to see and none of my so-called friends, that noticed what I was doing, would look at me. I took out my cell phone and waved it around, which made sure that everyone saw me, even the coach, and I typed a simple sentence and sent it.

“Let's go, Jubadi.” I said and walked out of the gym without looking back.


Val took out her cell phone and she read Ben's text. Tears came to her eyes and she let out a soft sob.

“Val, you know we can't be friends with him anymore.” Liz said.

“He's engaged and he's getting married. We can't keep doing what we were doing.” Max whispered.

“I'm too embarrassed to meet his fiancee.” Gina whispered. “If she's even half as pretty as his guard...”

“Ben doesn't care about that.” Val said and wiped at her face. “We're supposed to be his friends!”

Liz sighed. “Look, I know I didn't handle any of this right, and I'm sorry. I screwed up and there's nothing I can do to make it up to him.” She said and lightly brushed her fingertips over the bangles on her wrist. “We all know there's no way we can be a part of his life now. We're graduating this year and...”

“So is he!” Val spat and they all looked surprised. “He said he's working his ass off to get the credits for enough courses to qualify.”

“There's no way he can do that.” Liz said.

“No? He caught up from knowing literally nothing to being better than most of the students in his classes in just a month! What do you think he can accomplish in six?” Val asked and the others didn't say anything. “Did he tell you he was working with Stark Industries to get us all scholarships?”

“WHAT?!?” The other three gasped.

“I guess it doesn't matter now, huh?” Val asked and looked back at her phone. “We ignored him all week because we were scared of his guard and all he wanted to do was talk to his friends.”

“Val...” Liz started to say.

“You know, I'm sorry I ever met you.” Val said and looked at her surprised friend. “We agreed that if you screwed up again, you would be the one left out... and here we are, hiding beside the bleachers, because none of us were brave enough to tell Ben how we felt. Now he's the one that was left out instead of you.”

The other three looked guilty and Val shook her head.

“We are so pathetic.” Val said and tried to send a text. It bounced. “He blocked me.”

The others tried to respond to the text Ben sent and they bounced, too.

“Us, too.” Max said with a sigh. “What are we going to do?”

“We?” Val asked with a laugh. “We has gotten me nothing but trouble. You can go do whatever you want.” She said and put her phone away before she walked around them towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Liz asked.

“Nowhere, thanks to you.” Val said. “No college, no home, and no job. I'm going nowhere.”

Max and Gina exchanged looks, gave Liz a sad look, and they followed Val out of the gym. Liz was stunned. She stood with her cell phone clutched in her hand and Ben's text on the screen.

'Thanks a lot for not being there when I needed you. Goodbye.'


I booked off work for the night, considering I didn't really have anything to do there, and spent the evening with Aunt May on the couch. Jubadi had been considerate and stayed in the kitchen. It kept her close and also out of the way, which was perfect. May and I could pretend she wasn't there and we had a great evening.

I went to bed with Jubadi and did her as hard as she liked. After she fell asleep, I pressed on the artery on the side of her neck to make sure she stayed unconscious for a while. When she was out, I equipped up with some spy stuff and donned my old Spider-Man costume once more, probably for the last time.

I went out the window and up the fire escape and stood on top of the building as I stared out over the city. I needed to work off some anger and I wasn't sure where to do that. The docks might be a good place to start, probably because of the many warehouses that contained shipments of everything. I was bound to find a criminal or two around there.

I leapt off the building and swung hard around the next building and closed my eyes as I let the peace of free-falling fill me. I shot a webline and kept my eyes closed as I let my spider-sense keep me safe. It was an odd experience, to not use my eyes. It was a very visual world I lived in and being blind would mute so much of it.

I felt my spider-sense tingle and I twisted in mid-air and let my webline go, shot another to arrest my momentum, and then dropped down to land on the hood of a speeding vehicle. I opened my eyes and saw three ski-masks and staring eyes.

Fuuuunnnnnn!” I growled and pushed off as hard as I could from the hood and did several flips in the air, giving myself a lot of centrifugal force, and I landed on the front of the hood and drove both of my fists down into the engine block.

The crash and bang of the engine smashing into the pavement was fairly loud in the street and the car skidded to a halt after a hundred feet of dragging the engine along the now partially torn up pavement.

The three guys pulled guns out and I laughed as I leapt to the side, snagged the roof of the car with a webline, and then kicked with both feet as I went right through the driver's side window. I plowed into the two men in the front seat and crushed them against the passenger side door to the sound of broken bones.


The gunshot was loud in the interior of the car and the guy that fired it yelped in pain. I grabbed the gun and stuck it to his forehead and then broke both of his arms. I didn't bother gathering evidence this time and just stood the car on its rear bumper against a lamppost and webbed it there.

I didn't feet satisfied, so I took off back towards the docks. I was sure that I was going to find something and I never went against my gut when it told me something. Yes, I knew it was odd to do something like that; but, because of the way my body was adapting and getting stronger, I would pretty much accept anything reasonable that helped me become better.

I made it to the warehouse district and I barely passed two of them when my spider-sense blared at me. I curled up into a ball and let it guide me as I fell from the sky. At the last moment, I shot a webline and kicked out with a single foot and crushed the arm of a thug with an AK-47. He started to scream and I webbed his mouth shut.

I investigated the warehouse and inside was a gang gathering or something. I went with the 'or something', because there were too many machine guns to account for a normal gang. I easily infiltrated the warehouse and slipped into the gathering, mostly unnoticed. When I was, I simply grabbed the thug and threw him into his fellows and then had a blast pounding on everyone.

When everyone was down and most were unconscious, I checked the closest crates... only to find they were the same crates I had liberated from Klaue's stash. That meant this was a SHIELD setup and I was going to be in trouble. That is, if anyone knew about it.

I went to one of the still conscious men and picked him up with one hand and shook him several times. “Whooo worrrk forrr?

The guy looked angry and gathered spit in his mouth to spit it at me.

I backhanded him across the face and broke his jaw. “Whoooo?

“K-k-kingpin!” The guy said.

I froze, because I had completely forgotten about him. It also mean there was some kind of SHIELD operation in place to either gather information about him or his organization. I knocked the guy out and brought him and everyone else outside, tied them up, and then tore a gas tank off of one of their cars. I doused everything I could and lit the place on fire.

That should provide a big enough of a distraction for me to make it back to downtown without being followed, because I had a crime lord to visit.

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