Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

1. Magic?

When I was four I experienced magic for the first time. In reality it had been some tricks and sleights of hand, nonetheless I was mesmerized. This had happened during my birthday and I swore myself to magic, as in I would learn it and be the greatest witch of all time. Of course back then I didn’t know it had all been just tricks and what not. 


 After the party I had asked my parents about magic saying I wanted to learn. My parents back then to keep my innocence lied to me saying that magic was hard to learn and I was too young. This only delayed the inevitable. 


My love for magic didn’t die with time but only became stronger as I became older. Once I learned how to use the family's computer I began watching videos about magic and looking up everything related to magic. I was eight years old back then and it was then when I learned that magic wasn’t real. 


I cried a lot. For four years I had believed wholeheartedly in magic and now I was faced with the truth. My sadness became anger and soon enough frustration. I couldn’t believe my parents would lie to me for four years straight. That is when I became disillusioned with them and soon learned other truths. 


It took the better part of a year for me to recuperate from the blow. However, my conviction only grew. The fact that none else knew magic didn’t mean that it didn’t exist. For example, gravity existed before Newton discovered it. The earth was round before other scientists discovered that. Then I would just need to discover magic.    


At the time I was nine years old. With renewed vigor I began studying anything magic related from ancient times. Rituals conducted by the Mayans and egyptians. Japanese folklore involving magical creatures like onis and youkais. European tales of fairies and monsters. Anything that could be even slightly magical I dedicated myself to it. 


Of course my parents grew worried with my obsession and so I had to attend a therapy session. I masked it all by saying it was a hobby of mine to the therapist. With some sessions and time my parents gave up. After all, I was the kid with the best grades in class. It was rather rare for me not to get perfect scores. 


Either way, time continued going by as I continued my studies and experiments. That's right, I began experimenting with what I had learned. I would write some runes from ancient norse mythology or some egyptian script that I had learned and attempted to get some effect. I failed but that didn’t diminish my conviction. 


By the time I graduated from highschool I had tried many times to perform some sort of magic. Every time it resulted in failure. However, I had a feeling that I was close. Something was missing but I couldn’t tell what. 


I began creating my own runes and symbols as well taking references from all over the world, I called it the Noctus glyph system.


Today I was doing an experiment again, however I had done some modifications. The usual ink I would use for writing the glyphs, which was made of charcoal and some plant based oils, was mixed with some of my blood. I had been reluctant all this time to involve blood but as of now I was desperate enough to try. 


The glyph I wrote on the piece of paper represented fire. The idea behind the experiment was simple. I would burn an empty piece of paper as a control. See how fast it burns, how bright, and how much heat it would produce. Of course I didn’t have dedicated instruments to test all this so I had to go by my own senses. Should any of these things suffer a drastic change with the paper on which I wrote the glyph then I would know I had succeeded.


Like always I wrote the glyph using the ink and lit it up. Like usual nothing changed as the paper burned. That is until it reached the ink. Suddenly The ink lit up and burned the rest of the paper in a bright flash releasing a lot of heat.


I could only stare at the ashes with my mouth open while my mind went a mile a second. Had it worked? Had I somehow figured out the secrets behind magic? After all, even though the ink had oil in it from all other experiments I knew it wouldn’t react like this. I needed to recreate it, if this happened again then I could be sure. 


With quick movements I wrote the glyph on a new piece of paper before lighting it up. Just like before nothing happened until the fire reached the ink. Then the paper lit up and burned instantly. 


“Success!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Finally, after years of trying I had made it! This was it, this was magic!  

Hello there stranger. I just wanted to say that this chapter is much shorter than all others. This one being 800+ words while the later ones will be 1800~2000 words each.



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