Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

15. Train ride

The day came and I found myself inside platform nine and three fourths after entering through the floo network. Unfortunately for me, there was no way my father, brother and mother would go through the muggle station. After all, they needed to avoid and I quote “The nasty muggle germs floating in the air”. 


Because of this I couldn’t wait next to the entrance for Harry and Sophia. Instead, I would need to find them once inside the train. Not much of a problem really but it did mean I would cut it close. Afterall, even though Harry and Ron would meet entering the station, they wouldn’t really talk until they sat together inside the wagon. 


“Silver? Where are you going?” Draco asked since I walked past the room he had chosen for himself and his cronies, I mean, friends.


“I want to find an empty room for myself, since I would rather sit in silence instead of listening to you endlessly talking the whole ride. I love you as my brother Draco, but you never shut up.” With that said I continued walking ignoring Draco’s indignant huff. 


It didn’t take long for me to find Harry and Sophia alone in one of the back-most rooms. The two were chatting excitedly about their experience so far. Seeing as Ron was nowhere in sight I sighed in relief. Knocking on the door I opened it before speaking. 


“Hello, can I sit with you? The rest of the rooms are too cramped with people for my liking.” Not the best excuse but they were kids with no reason to doubt me so it worked. The two looked towards each other before giving me a small nod. 


“My name is Silver Malfoy, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” The two looked lost for a moment. I wondered why for a single moment before realizing I had automatically deferred to my noble training which ended with me talking in an overly respectful manner. 


“Harry Potter.” Harry answered a bit unsure. 


“Sophia Potter” His sister's answer was less so but she still seemed a bit uncomfortable. It is however, to my utmost delight that she did not react to my last name in any way whatsoever. Meaning she either has no clue what it means and therefore is not reincarnated or she is a great actress. 


“Ah! The-twins-who-lived you two are quite the celebrities for something I am sure neither of you remember.” Once again they nodded somewhat unsure. Guess they aren’t used to someone as eloquent and confident as me. No surprise there, living under the tyranny of the Dursleys would do that to any kid. 


“To tell you the truth, I don’t see why everybody hails the two of you as heroes. That honor should go to your mother.” At that both of them looked like I had revealed the holy scriptures or something. 


“You know about our mother?” Sophia asked with an excited tone, stars almost shining in her eyes while her brother just nodded along. 


“Not much really. But I can infer a few things. For example, did you know kids have no magic until they turn three? Meaning there is simply no way either of you could have done anything at the less than a year old you were at the time.” Both of them were listening with rapt attention.


“No, instead I believe your mother must have done something to protect the two of you before her death which ended in you-know-who’s death.” I said calmly while studying their expressions. Sophia had a light in her eyes, not literally, making them shine. Harry had a small smile of pride. 


“But, then why would everyone give us the credit?” Hearing Harry’s questions I sighed. 


“Because the magic society of Britain is bigoted, corrupt and backwards. After All, Lily Potter was a muggle-born. While the two of you could be argued to be pure-bloods. So political BS got in the way of proper recognition.” The two seemed confused when I brought up blood purity and were about to ask when a knock was heard at the door. 


“Hello, could I sit here? The train is full.” On the door stood a ginger who obviously to any Harry Potter fan was Ron Weasley despite looking different from the movie’s actor. Harry too looked different, not overly so mind you. If he were to walk around back in my world he would for sure be mistaken with Daniel Radcliff, well if they were the same age that is. 


At that the twins looked towards me as if asking for permission to which I responded with a shrug. They were here first after all so it was up to them, not like I cared really, my excuse was just that. Seeing as I didn’t have any complaints Sophia spoke.


“Sure, go ahead.” With that Ron sat by my side seeing as the opposite seat already had two people and three would make it slightly cramped. I couldn’t help the small smile that formed as I imagined his reaction to my family name. 


“I am Ron, Ron Weasly.” He introduced himself obviously to Harry and Sophia first as he had sort of met them before, or so I would assume. Next Harry and Sophia introduced themselves which resulted in Ron’s surprised expression. Before he could ask about the scar I decided to introduce myself otherwise I would never get to do so.


“I am Silver Malfoy, a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr.Weasley.” I decided to go for the most formal form of speech I was capable of as a small dig to his blatant disregard for my presence a moment prior.        


Hearing my last name, the poor sod paled slightly. I am sure he has heard plenty of how awful my father is from his dadums. After all, it is no secret my father despises Arthur for a myriad of reasons. 


I could literally see the war between the scathing comment he wished to unleash upon all present and the fear he felt towards my family's name. Seeing this and the way he seemed to contain said comment I assumed he was his movie version, that is until. 


“What would a dark witch like you want with the twins-who-lived.” I couldn’t help the twitch of my lips as a predatory smile tried to escape my Oclumensy shields, clumsy as they currently were. Looks like the little twerp has some spine, a combination of movie-Ron and book-Ron it is then.   


“I believe I have been perfectly polite with you Mr.Weasley. Nor have I ever used any forbidden spell. Therefore I can not understand why you are so confrontational with me.” Hah! Bullshit of course I knew, but the more he behaved like a brat the better for me. I could already see Harry and Sophia frowning in displeasure at Ron’s behavior.


Unlike what I expected, this version of Ron Weasley seemed to have some extra neurons as he opted for shutting his mouth. Instead, he ignored me once more to talk to the Potter twins. Either he is socially inept or he simply ignored the twin’s expression as he began talking.


“So, is it true? Do you really have the scar?” He asked Harry since  there was no mention of Sophia having one. That brought the thought to the forefront of my mind. Would Sophia be involved in the prophecy or not? Before I could ponder further about this I saw how Harry was about to say something scathing towards Ron.  


“To tell you the truth Harry, I am also curious. You too as well Sophia, do you have one or is it only your brother?” To my amazement both of them pulled up their bangs showing a scar each. Harry’s was in the shape of an N, kinda, while Sophia’s looked more like a simple line that disappeared somewhere in her hair.


Sophia’s was harder to see as it was both smaller and less pronounced. It started somewhere above her left eyebrow and disappeared behind her hair. If I had to guess it looked like a glancing blow from a blade or something. Now, the question is: Is there a piece of baldy in there or not? Unfortunately I can’t answer that right now. 


“Wow.” Ron stared at both scars while Harry and Sophia smiled a little. I smiled as well seeing as I had managed to dispel the tension Ron’s confrontational attitude had created earlier. Not a moment later a lady with a cart full of candy passed by asking if we wanted anything. The same scene as the movies played out with the small change of me paying for some candy as well. 


As we ate Sophia went ahead and took the chocolate frog that would escape in the near future. As she opened it the frog predictably, at least for me, jumped out the window, or tried to. Instead I had been ready and so I had caught the little escapee wannabe with the levitation charm in the nick of time. 


“Not the first time one of these has tried to escape.” I said with a smile as I levitated the frog back into Sophia’s hands. In my second childhood my first chocolate frog had jumped into a nearby pond. My disappointment at the time had been immeasurable and my day had been ruined. Because of this I always kept my guard up when opening the little scoundrels boxes. 


“Thanks.” Sophia’s smile at that moment was so pure it felt like a physical blow. My heart began beating a bit faster and my mind blanked for a second. After I recuperated from the impact of her cuteness I cursed the hormones that were now coursing through my veins. 


Though my latest glyph formation worked to dampen the effects of puberty it only worked to normalize the more volatile side of things. The horny all teenagers feel is still there and because I had used the thing early my puberty also started early, great. At least I didn’t feel any actual sexual attraction to her. It was more like what you feel when you see a really cute puppy or kitten. That feeling of wanting to pamper and spoil the hell out of a little sister, something like that.


“That was awesome!” Harry exclaimed as his sister nodded enthusiastically with full cheeks and chocolate stained lips. Ron also nodded along with some excitement though not as much. Afterall, unlike the twins he had lived all his life with magic as well. 


A while later after the twins calmed down we continued with our little feast while Scabbers or better yet Pettigrew ate some of the remains. Seeing as both twins' gaze landed on the rat Ron decided to introduce him as well.


“This is Scabbers. Pathetic, don't you think?” After that I tuned out the rest as Ron attempted to turn the rat yellow with a hogwash spell. Seeing Ron fail so miserably I decided to show the little shit how better I was. Childish? Of course! But then again, I am a child so sue me.     


“Let me. Recoloro.” I said and an instant later a yellow bolt of magic impacted the rat turning him monochromatic in yellow. 


“The recoloration charm, useful in the fashion industry. I used its simplest version allowing me to turn an object or being monochromatic for a while. The more advanced versions allow for more colors as well as differences in the saturation, contrast, intensity and more.” I said with a small smile. Ron for his part looked like he just sucked on a lemon. Wonder if he ate a lemon flavored bean. 


“Excuse me.” Since we all were concentrated on the now yellow rat we didn’t hear when our room’s door was opened by a girl with frizzy hair. One Hermione Granger stood at the room's door to ask for Nevil’s toad, not that anyone in the room besides me knew about that.


“Have any of you seen a toad? A kid named Nevil lost it.” As we gave her a negative as a response her attention was deviated towards my hand which was currently holding Cherub. Her eyes dilated a little bit as her excitement became evident to me, though she did try to hide it. 


“Oh? Were you doing magic?” I smiled a little seeing as I just stole Ron’s role for this segment. Not minding it even a tiny bit I pointed towards the yellow rat before speaking. 


“Yes, I just turned the rat yellow using the recoloration charm. That reminds me, Decoloro.” A moment later a white bolt of magic impacted the rat turning it back to its original color. It would have faded back to normal anyway after an hour or two. 


“Nice, I have also practiced some simple spells. Let me show you.” Saying that she sat next to Harry before pointing her wand right at his face. I had to stifle a giggle as I saw Harry’s and Sophia’s slightly concerned expression. 


Reparo.” A small spark flew from her wand towards Harry’s cracked glasses, fixing them in an instant. I clapped a little before speaking. 


“Well done Miss?” I knew her name but I couldn’t just use it without her introducing herself first. Unless I wanted to play the diviner or come off as a weirdo. Also because of my intervention she hadn’t realized yet who’s glasses she had just fixed. 


“Hermione Granger.” She said and once again we all introduced ourselves. Hermione of course became surprised once she realized who she was sitting next to. Thankfully she didn’t react to my last name, not like I expected her to. After all, as a muggle-born chances are she hasn’t had the time to investigate the political landscape, not with how deep she must have kept her nose buried in the school’s books. 


“Well done Miss Granger though next time I suggest you ask for persimmon first before pointing your wand towards someone's face. From Harry’s expression at the time I think you gave him quite the scare.” I enjoyed her flushed embarrassed expression for a moment before talking again.


“I must say, it is a pleasure to meet someone as enthusiastic about magic as myself. I believe the repairing charm can be found on page one hundred and seventy three in the charms book for this year.” I said with a placid smile. Hermiony for her part was effectively vibrating in place with excitement at meeting someone as intellectually invested as herself. 


“Yes! I have read the whole charms book thrice over. Though there are some spells I still can’t get right. Magic is amazing! isn’t it? I was surprised when I got the letter of acceptance! To think magic was real all along.” I share her enthusiasm very much. She reminded me of me in my first life. Unfortunately I still need to keep appearances. 


“I see. From your words I guess you are a muggle-born right?” At that Ron seemed to freeze like a deer in headlights. Looks like the dimwit forgot who I was until just now. Hermione for her part looked confused as well as Harry and Sophia. With a fake tired sigh I began speaking. 


“Let me educate you for your own good. This goes for you two as well.” I said nonchalantly while giving Harry and Sophia a look. 


“In the political landscape of Britain something called blood purity rules. Those whose parents are both magi are called pure-bloods. Magi by the way, is the gender neutral way of calling witches and wizards. Anyway, those who have one magi parent and one not are called half-bloods. Finally, those whose both parents are muggles, or no-magi are called muggle-born. Be warned however, that the more radical faction calls muggle-borns as mud-bloods as an insult. 


There is a lot of discrimination from the radicals against muggle-borns and half-bloods. Even those that are neutral or supportive aren’t much better either. Sure, you won’t get insulted to the face by them but they won’t help you out either. Just look at the ministry. No one, and I mean no one in a high position of power is either half-blood or muggle-born.” 


After my little speech Hermione became depressed. It was harsh, sure, but unfortunately it's the truth. In the current political landscape Hermione’s bright mind would get buried in political idiocy wasting her gifts and potential. Just thinking about it makes me want to kill someone. So much potential, so much knowledge, so much magic that she could uncover, wasted by fools. 


“Then what should I do?” The girl asked in a meek voice. Looks like this revelation hit her hard. However, not all is lost. 


“You have two options, well three but the third is kinda bad. First, you move out of Britain once you graduate. The international scene is far better in this regard than Britain. With Hogwards being lauded as one of the best, if not the best school then you should easily get a well paying job with future prospects for promotion.


Second, you could use your time at Hogwarts to make friends, powerful friends, friends that could help you fight your way through the political BS. Though this would help you acquire a higher position you would never get one too high or too powerful, the opposition would never let you.


Finally, you can keep your head down, live like a simple worker in some random shop, wasting your gifts and potential.” That last part came out a bit more toxic than I wanted to. It is just that the mere idea infuriates me to no end.       


“Fortunately for you, you are already on your way with the second option.” I smiled at her as she processed all that I said while everyone else listened to every word I spoke as if it were gospel. With how old internally I am it might as well be. 


“What do you mean?” Hearing Hermione’s questions I gave a small giggle as I pointed towards Harry and Sophia. 


“Twins-who-lived.” Then I pointed towards Ron. “His father works at the ministry in a somewhat high position. His brothers also have some important positions in their fields. The rest will probably also get good positions. He is a mine of connections through his family.” Hearing my words Ron smiled at the praise. 


“Finally there is me, Silver Malfoy. Daughter of Lucious Malfoy, one of the richest men in Britain as well as the de facto leader of the dark faction. In other words, through me you would have an in within your strongest detractors.” I gave her a wicked smile. 


“You heard me right, I, by blood, belong to the radical faction that would want you and your kind gone. The whole blood purity sounds like hogwash to my ears. I believe myself better than you because I have the skill and conviction to prove I am right, not because my blood is purer or something stupid like that.” What I just said could very well get me into a veritable shitstorm with my father and his ilk. Not like it matters, who would believe them if they were to tell?


“Prove to me that you are worth my time and attention through your actions and you will have said time, attention and maybe support.” With that I finished my speech by putting some candy in my mouth. As I chewed I spoke one last time. 


“By the way, shouldn’t you be looking for a toad?” 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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