Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

4. Waiting

Once I woke up I felt uncomfortable. Like I had been shoved inside a container that was too small. Once I tried to move or do anything really I felt like my body was ignoring me. The only reason I wasn’t panicking was due to the fact that I was still alive, or at least I think I am. 


Suddenly like one of those intrusive thoughts a memory began playing in my mind. It wasn’t a memory though, not really. It felt foreign to my mind, like something or someone had placed it there without my consent. 


“Hello there Samantha, you are probably confused right now. Let me explain a bit for you” As the memory-but-not begin playing I heard Lucy’s voice loud and clear. I was just about to ask some questions when she beat me to it. 


“Before you start asking questions, think of this as a pre-recorded video so I can’t hear you. With that out of the way, you may be wondering what is happening. Simply put, and if I’m not wrong, which I’m not, you are a baby in your mother’s womb. It should take around a month or so before you are born.


Don’t worry, you won’t have to spend a month doing nothing. Your body is too weak to remain awake all of that time. You will probably drift in and out of consciousness. Right now you are still conscious because I want you to be for the sake of this message.” 


Well, that last part was a relief, I would hate to spend a month doing literally nothing. 


“I will give you some context before I let you go. For starters, how about some info about my little gift?” Like that a rush of information invaded my mind. 


Suddenly I knew what the SCP foundation is, what SCPs are and who SCP-049 is. It just so happens that the number I had given Lucy was for this very reason. From the information Lucy implanted into my mind I knew that she had given me some of SCP-049 powers. 


“As you can see, I had to modify some of its powers. After all, I wouldn’t want to let you just kill anybody with a simple touch, where is the fun in that? Instead you will steal people's magic with direct contact.”


Well, at least this restriction lets me touch other’s without worrying about killing them. From the info it seems I don’t have the good doctor’s bag full of stuff. Though I seem to be able to access a pocket dimension through any bag with some restrictions. I also seem to know how to concoct a variety of the doctor’s strange formulas. Finally, but not least important, zombies. Looks like I can still reanimate corpses like the doctor. Though I will need the appropriate tools and concoctions. 


“Last but not least. I have decided to reincarnate you in a very interesting family. Of course you will be born in the same year as the main cast. As for your family, it will be a surprise! Enjoy!” Like that the memory-but-not ended and I was left alone with my thoughts.


With nothing better to do I decided to review my new powers. Being able to steal magic is pretty good if I say so myself. Unfortunately it’s nothing permanent. If I were to put it in video game lingo, I would steal mana not magical power, still useful though.


Being able to make my own little army of zombies also sounds super useful. Though I am sure I would be labeled a dark witch instantly for it. Necromancy and all that, though this isn’t necromancy, not really at least. Finally the assortment of concoctions I now know how to create look extremely useful.   


There is stuff for pretty much anything. Muscle growth? Yup. bone growth? That two. Organ regeneration? Simple. Organ mutation? You got it. There are some very nasty ones too like skin melting stuff, and whatever else you can imagine.


After reviewing some other concoctions for a while I began feeling tired, like really, really tired. Like, I just ran a marathon tired. As exhaustion took hold of me I began falling asleep. 


I don’t know how long I slept, but the next time I woke up, that uncomfortable feeling of being in a space too small for me had grown. Not only that but I could feel something. Unlike before I felt like I was suspended in warm liquid. Guess my sense of touch finally came online.


Another thing I realize is that I could move, if only a little. Once I tried to move I felt like my leg hit something fleshy, woops. A moment later I heard… something. If I had to guess my mother didn’t like me moving too much. Not like I would listen to her, though I will try and not kick her again. 


Before I could try and move again a wave of exhaustion assaulted me, sending me back into a peaceful rest. Once again, I don’t know how long I spent asleep but now that I became aware once more I couldn’t help but complain about the cramped space, in my mind of course.  


Wanting to stretch a little I decided to move my legs and arms, not like I could control them that well anyway. This time however, I felt something a little different. Instead of feeling my legs impact my mother’s flesh I felt like I touched something else. I don’t know why but I could instinctively tell this wasn’t my mother. 


Thinking about it for a moment I made a pretty good guess. This is probably my sibling. Looks like I have a twin. At least that was my best guess. I wanted to try and touch my sibling again to try and get more info but unfortunately I was out of time. Sleep took me once again without my consent. 


After that I continued drifting in and out of sleep every so often. Each time I would wake up the feeling of being squished inside a space too small for me became worse. Guess having a roommate here wasn’t the best. As for my siblings, I had no idea what gender they were. Though I hope it's a boy. That way I can be the onee-san in the relationship. What? I liked anime as well in my last life. There were a lot of them with magic in it. 


Day three hundred ninety five. I still don’t know how long I’ve been here, I just felt like saying that. Am I losing my mind to the point of talking to myself? Yes, I think. Come one you need to understand, humans are social creatures. Even though I wasn’t a social butterfly in my past life I at least interacted with other people. Yes, reddit, discord, and chat rooms count. 


When are we going to be born!? This is driving me mad and the fact that this cramped space is getting even more cramped by the day, not like I know if even a day has gone by, doesn’t make it any better. Mom! Push us out already! Otherwise your cute babies will become neets!      


It happened! It finally happened! Mom 's water broke! How do I know? I got woken up to the constricting feeling of being pushed out of my home! It’s the absolute worst! Of course I am being born first. Don’t ask how but I made sure to get in position so I would be first. How did I know where to go? No idea. How did I get there? A lot of flailing I guess. To tell you the truth I think I just got lucky but I will never admit it. 


Flash bang! My eyes turn down the damned lights. This poor baby hasn’t seen light in her whole life! How do I know I’m a she? Because otherwise I will hunt down Lucy to the end of the omniverse if necessary! 


Oi! Mister doctor what the hell! Don’t hit the baby! It hurts! I know I need to cry so you can check if my lungs are working but you didn’t need to hit me! I am a smart baby! In other news my eyes finally stopped hurting from the light. Though I can’t see anything, everything is blurry. I have baby o’vision, in other words, bad eyesight! 


Oh, looks like miss nurse is handing me to my father while we wait for my dear brother to be born. How do I know it’s a brother and not a sister? I don’t, if I’m mistaken I will just change how I refer to them. Now let's see how my father looks. Everything’s still blurry but I hope father is handsome and mother is pretty. I would hate to be ugly.  


Let’s see, Blond long hair, a square jaw. Those blurry green orbs in a background of white I assume are his eyes, nice. Overall, I think he is handsome in a villany way, nice indeed. Though I am more worried about my mother. After all, as a daughter I should look a lot more like her. 


A while later I hear brothers loud wales after being smacked in the but. I say child abuse! Call the cops! Yes, sir officer this mine right there! He touched my brother inappropriately! What do you mean he is just doing his job! This system is corrupt! I demand to speak with your superior! 


While I continued with my little play in my mind Brother got handed to father as well. Even though my vision is still blurry I could see a red ugly grape being held in my father’s other arm. New born babies are ugly as fuck. 


Wait, does that mean I am also a wrinkled red raisin? No! Don’t look at me! Give this young lady some privacy! Anyway, now that mother is done shitting two ugly red raisins we get to see her! Yey! Though I wish my vision would get better already, not being able to see things in detail is annoying. 


Once father hands us to mother I begin my study of her facial features. First off, she looks like shit. No big surprise there, I bet anyone would look like shit after pushing out two watermelon sized lumps of flesh out of their huha. Aside from that, she is a looker. 


High cheek bones, pouty lips. Her face shape looks stern, so I bet she will be hella scary when she does THE mom face. You know the one, that one face all moms do when you are in trouble. Anyway, black and white hair, does she dye it? Overall, my future looks good. 


Mom? What are you doing? You shouldn’t touch me with your naked hand, I will suckle you dry if you do. Once mom’s hand comes in contact with my cheek I feel a nice tingly feeling flowing from it. If I had to guess, this is magic. 


I become worried for a moment until I realize there isn’t a problem. The amount I, as a newborn baby, can drain from mother is minuscule for her. Now that I think of it, both mom and dad look a bit familiar for some reason. 


“Have you thought of a name for them yet?” Suddenly I heard mom talk to dad. I mean dad had talked with the nurse while holding me and the medic in charge had also said a few things but I hadn’t paid attention while lost in my own little drama, oops. 


“Yes, Silver, and Draco.” Hold up, wait a minute. I can guess my name is silver but Draco? I am getting a bad feeling about this. 


“Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Malfoy, congratulations. The two babies are healthy” Motherfucker! Lucy you bastard! Why the Malfoys!    


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