Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

9. Mussings on the future

Damn it all, I forgot to upload chapter again! Oh well, better late than never.

As father said, two days later my tiara was delivered to our house before being handed to me by father. The tiniest of smiles adorned his lips as he handed the object alongside a paper I recognized as my sketch. Without saying I word I took both objects before inspecting them. First I looked for any imperfections or wrong bends in the tiara. Finding none I felt satisfied with the work. After that I decided to check my sketch just in case father had indeed messed with the materials somehow. 


“This…” I couldn’t contain my surprise once I finished scanning the sketch. It just so happens that father indeed messed with the material list. Fortunately he did so by adding the word goblin before the word silver in the instructions. That’s right, in my hands I held an iron tiara with goblin silver plating. 


Seeing my surprised face, which wasn’t all that different from normal really as I kept my facial expressions to a minimum, father’s smile grew the tiniest bit wider. “Don’t be so surprised. I could tell you wanted the tiara for more than just vanity. It was easy to tell you wanted to enchant it yourself.” Though my father hit the nail on the head he had missed the most important part of it and I was thankful for the fact. That doesn’t mean I don’t consider this a boon. 


“Thank you father, truly. With this my enchanting endeavors should become easier.” I decided to continue with his narrative. This however brought the problem of me having to enchant the tiara with normal magic now. Not like it would be too troublesome to do so. The problem lies in how powerful I could make the enchantment. With the sheer amount of knowledge I have hoarded inside my head I was sure I could put some pretty neat enchantments in the thing. However, doing so would attract some unwanted attention from my parents. 


“I want you to run your enchantments through your tutor’s before trying to use the tiara.” With that he left. I understood he was worried for me and his last order was just for my safety’s sake. For now I decided to ignore the problem that had just popped up as I still needed to finish the Glyph sequence. For that I had been preparing for a while by having Gurry find and buy some necessary materials. As you might have guessed I had him gather what I needed to create vital crystals. Unfortunately the ones I managed to make were rather small. Thankfully I had figured out a way to drastically extend a vital crystal’s shelf life using enchanting. 


“Really, even with the advancements I’ve made using these little things is a bother.” I grumbled to myself as I socketed the necessary crystal in its rightful place. As soon as I did I felt a small hum of vitality travel through the tiara before settling down. If my calculations were correct then these crystals made from critters would last a month at most and that without actively protecting me. Then again, I wouldn’t know if this thing actually worked unless I tested it. 


Say what you want but learning legilimency is far easier than learning occlumency. While occlumency requires you to restructure your mind using magic before even building defenses, legilimency is just a matter of constructing the proper magical tendrils for mind invasion. Passive legilimency is harder than that though as it required a lot more fitness and control. Anyway, thankfully for me I didn’t need to learn either to test my tiara.  


There are a lot of spells that affect the mind in one way or another that wizards use. One of the simplest of them all is the stupefy charm. It has two components really, one being the mental one and the other being the physical one. While I don’t have a wand to use the charm I can make a rough copy using my own system. With that in mind I had a small squirrel tied with my tiara placed around it. Hopefully this would be enough to trigger the tiara’s effects otherwise testing would become far more bothersome. 


Not wanting to waste any more time I went ahead and used my modified stupefy spell on the poor squirrel. To my delight the little critter got flung away very much awake if the incessant screeching was anything to go by. With its purpose over I walked over to the little thing before bitting it and draining it of blood. With this I concluded that the tiara worked, at least against spells involving vitality, I still needed to test it against magic. 


“For the time being there isn’t much I can do without a wand.” Thankfully father had decided to start training us with a wand when we turned ten. This meant that I would get to have a wand for myself for at least a year while inside the mansion. Pushing that out of my mind I began glaring towards my tiara. I still needed to figure out what enchantments I would put on it. For starters, a resizing one would be very convenient. I could add more later when no one is watching.  


With that plan in mind I began working on the enchanting part. Without any wand I couldn’t enchant the thing by myself. After all, a wand is required to infuse magic into the enchantment during the process, at least that is what all the books I read said. Though to be fair I very much doubt it being a necessity, more like a convenience. I still believe the usage of wands and chanting is nothing more than a crutch to aid in casting. Otherwise accidental magic wouldn’t be a thing. 


Either way, with this project finished or more like shelved for the time being I got to work in another one. This one I have been working on for the better part of two years now. I still want to become an animagus. However, I refuse to believe there is no way for my animal to be a magical creature. It is because of this that I have been abusing the knowledge the good doctor has provided me. I have been trying and mostly failing to modify the potion used in the animagus ritual because no matter what the minister or the department of mysteries would want you to believe it is as a matter of fact a fucking ritual. 


Really if there is something that has been setting me of like a firecracker is the fact that the bloody ministry and Albus bloody Dumb-as-a-bull-or-a-door have banned rituals overall except for a few that are ‘not’ rituals but news flash the fucking are. Anyway, with that little rant done let's go back to the topic at hand. Modifying the ritual and the concoction used in said ritual has been, is and probably will be a pain in my ass. The amount of mathemagics I have had to go through is simply mind boggling. The entire thing is a mess that barely works. No wonder so many people fail so horribly while trying to perform this madness of a ritual. 


I have been trying and failing, mostly, to stabilize the thing before even trying to modify it. Some aspects I have managed to stabilize like the need for the tea spoon of dew and whatnot. Thanks to this I have actually managed to figure out a lot about the stupid ritual. For example the need for the mandrake leaf in the mouth for a month. 


It just so happens that this procedure is nothing more than a simple genetic gathering exercise. The mandrake leaf reacts with the saliva decomposing due to the enzymes in it releasing a special chemical. This chemical then reacts with the dead tissue inside the mouth. The reason why this fails if the mandrake is taken out of the mouth is due to the rapid decomposition of the special chemical and the subsequent product of its reaction with the dead tissue. In theory the same outcome could be acquired by having large amounts of saliva stored being drip fed to a mandrake in a vacuum which is placed on top of a lot of dead skin. In other words, not worth the trouble. 


It is my hypothesis that this special chemical extracts certain genetic factors from the tissue which later reacts with the rest of the ritual. It is my best guess that it is this material that defines what creature the animagus will transform into. However, that begs the question of how and why. If any wizard were to ever hear what I am about to say, specially the blood supremacist I would be shunned and probably killed. I believe that in the distant past a muggle or a group of them fucked magical creatures. Their offspring then got the ability to use magic like their magical parents. Fast Forward a few thousands of years and these half breeds reproducing with each other led to the creation of what nowadays are wizards and witches. 


So what does that have to do with becoming an animagus? Well, here is the fun part. I think animagus transform into a non-magical version of the magical beast their ancestor’s fucked and the one they have the most blood conection with. Of course I could be very wrong but I will assume otherwise as doing so has never bitten me in the arse, please do note the sarcasm. As to why it has to be a non-magical version I think it is because of the conflict of magics within the wizard. As I said they probably have a lot of different magical creature’s blood mixed in. In other words, if I want to be able to transform into a magical beast I will need to somehow stabilize all of the different magical energies within or at least that is my theory anyway. 


I also want to somehow integrate lycanthropy into the whole mess because if I am going to do something crazy I might as well go the full on insane route. That does not mean I won’t be careful. Unfortunately I won’t be able to start with this part until I reach Hogwarts as there are no werewolves anywhere near our mansion. Oh forbidden forest, how do I wish to meet you. Now that I think about it I could also add some acromantula and basilisk into the mix… food for thought.    


Aside from that I have also been researching flesh inscribing. I still want to add some new glyph formations to myself but I’m not going about it as wantonly as I had before. I wanted to figure out what had happened and how to prevent it. Well, not exactly prevent it but more like control the outcome. Though I hated the result at the time it has grown on me. The thing became undetectable even when someone stares at my naked back. It is a bit more powerful than what it should originally be. Not to mention it feels a lot more natural like it has always been a part of me. 


“At this point I might just say screw it and go for it.” I said to myself as I looked in the mirror. I might or might not have developed a bit of a narcissistic complex but can you blame me? I am fucking gorgeous, like a extremely well crafted porcelain doll. Yeah, there are still no curves to appreciate but that doesn’t matter. What matters is how my skin is unblemished and smooth. How my hair is like strands of the most pure silver while my silvery-blue eyes shone with the slightest tint of eerie red. I would kiss myself if I could. However, above all else I couldn't stop admiring my back where the ethereal cyan markings of my work floated milliliters off my skin. I was a canvas waiting to be painted by the masterful artist that is me. 


“I have already worked on a bunch of formations already, the only thing stopping me is the possibility of death.” I sighed thinking about this. I really wanted to carve formations all over my body. Like the very same formation my tiara uses to defend the mind. Or one that would turn my vocal cords into a magical instrument capable of enchanting those that hear it, like the sweet yet treacherous call of the sirens. 


“If I don’t figure something out by the time I reach my second year at Hogwarts I will risk it.” By then I should have managed to gather a lot of vitality to prevent my death should something go horribly wrong.   


“Oh, what I would give to have human guinea pigs” Unlike my past life I would be easily detected by the magical community should I start kidnapping people. Doubly so if I kidnap wizards or witches which are the kind of people I would need to experiment on. Not bothering with the matter for longer I sank into the warm water of my bath.  


“Now that I think about it, should I try to steal the philosopher’s stone?” After asking the question to myself I laughed to myself. Yeah right, as if that is the real philosopher’s stone. Dumb-as-a-bull-or-as-a-door be dumb but even he or rather, specially he, wouldn’t give Baldymort even the slightest of chances to get his hands on it. At least that is what I would like to believe. I could always give snatching the thing a try. Though like baldy I would need Harry’s help or Sophia’s.


Who is Sophia? Well let me tell you. Sophia Lily Potter, twin sister of one Harry James Potter, known alongside her brother as the twins-who-lived. So yeah, I guess Lucy decided to do some cosmic balancing or something as now both Draco and Harry have twin sisters. I do hope however that she isn’t a reincarnation like me otherwise I could be saying good fucking bye to the plot that is still alive and kicking. 


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the Weasley twins got genderbent or Hermione also got a twin brother. I do wonder however how having a sister will affect Harry. I do know that Draco is a bit less of an attention whore despite my parents best efforts to make him such. I do not know if they are doing it knowingly or not, my bet would be on the former. Either way, they have throughout our lives, with the use of subtle manipulations, nudged us towards becoming loyal to a fault towards them not to mention wanting their praise. This of course hasn’t worked on me to my parent’s… pride? It is weird as they seem both proud and annoyed at the fact. While at the same time they feel disappointed yet happy at the fact it has worked on Draco. 


My best guess would be that their familial love wars against their shrew, blood-supremacist, political upbringing. Not like I care much, all parents try to manipulate their offspring in one way or another be it knowingly or not. It is Draco’s fault for falling so easily to it, then again he is just a kid. 

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