Senior Brother is Number One In the World

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Guanyu Mainland

Chapter 10 Guanyu Continent

Dusk is approaching.

After Gu Qingyuan greeted several elders and the Patriarch, the Catch Week Banquet was over.

Before leaving, Elder Wuhai was still secretly regretting that Gu Yan’s children must have good qualifications. He thought that he might not be able to accept two, but he could accept one. Unexpectedly, the other child, Gu’s family, did not let him in. His plan to join other fairy sects.

Fortunately, it’s okay, the head of Guiyan Sect and the child of his junior sister are about to be born, and when he sees if it is possible to be accepted by him, he thinks of this and organizes the things in the storage ring, thinking of giving it to the head Go, please the two of you.

After the banquet was over, the two children were carried back to their respective rooms.

On the other side, Gu Subai was placed in the cradle bed, and a little maid rocked her gently beside her to coax her to sleep, probably because it was a child’s body, and today she was tired all day, she fell asleep in a while, while the next door Gu Susheng asked the nanny to cuddle him to sleep, and it was another difficult day.

At this moment, Bai Liuxian came in to look at Gu Subai lightly, the little maid was about to salute, when he put his index finger on the red lips, a dazzling smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It means no need, just be quiet.

The little maid blushed from that smile, leaned over and stepped aside.

Bai Liuxian’s face is indeed attractive enough, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with raised eyebrows, charming but not girly, and it will scratch people’s itch when the eyes are raised.

He flipped off his white robe and sat beside the cradle bed, looking at the white and fat little person inside, he was very satisfied. After all these years, he found an apprentice who fit his heart, and he was also the son of his senior brother. He was even more satisfied, even his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, and the little maid on the side watched secretly, her face turned even redder.

He patted his palms with a paper fan, got up, the smile on his face never stopped, told the little maid to take good care of Gu Subai, and then went out.

Gu Subai unconsciously operated the exercises in her sleep, and the spiritual power flowed into her body like flowing water, and was transformed by the exercises in her body into her own original power, which then repaired her body. Lingmai.

The little girl fell asleep lying on her bed beside her cradle, and she didn’t notice this phenomenon. It was already night, and Gu Yan and the others went back to her room after visiting her once.

At night, there will be little maids and nurses taking turns to take care of them. Taking care of her is the easiest job, so when the servants take care of her, they always secretly rest. Gu Susheng’s side is much more troublesome.

“Lan’er, I have found the definite news that there will be a secret place in Dongyuan two months later, and we may have to leave early.”

In the room, Gu Yan embraced Su Lan, frowning slightly. He thought that the secret realm would only be opened in two or three years at the very least, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast. It would take half a year to fly from Yujian to the East Realm, and he had to fly all the way Only by using the thousand-mile talisman can you reach where the secret realm is opened.

Su Lan has been able to see how Su Lan treats the two children in the past few months. He has been staying with the two children even without meditating. Whenever he has time, he will take the children with him. Little one, I’m afraid she doesn’t want to.

Sure enough, Su Lan felt a sense of rejection in her heart. She was reluctant to part with her two children. The two children are still so young, and it is the time when they need their parents to accompany them.

“Lan’er, I am also reluctant to have two children, but if you don’t go out to practice as soon as possible, it may be difficult for your cultivation to recover.”

Su Lan’s cultivation was voluntarily transferred to the two children, and it is not enough to rely on pills to recover.

Due to the catastrophe that Gu Subai experienced in his birth, it is understandable that his body has no cultivation base, but Gu Susheng has a six-level cultivation base in the Qi training period, and ordinary people may not be able to reach the sixth level after practicing hard for more than ten years , but the children of high-level monks already have such a high level of cultivation when they are born.

“Let’s think about it.” Su Lan was already lying on the bed as she spoke. A monk doesn’t need to sleep, but she doesn’t want to practice now, and she is not in the mood.

Gu Yan understands her feelings, because he is also the same, but without a good cultivation base, how can he give the two children a smooth future in this cruel cultivation world.

The next day, Su Lan still agreed to the matter. On the day she left, Su Lan hugged her two children and cried so hard that she almost died.

This trip may not be able to come back for decades. Will the two children recognize them by then?

Gu Susheng is still young and doesn’t know what parting is. Su Lan was crying, but he was smiling happily, looking heartless.

Gu Subai understands, but what she doesn’t understand is that going out to practice and improve one’s cultivation is a progressive thing, so why would she be sad.

Don’t understand, don’t understand, really don’t understand, she tilted her head, her small face was full of big doubts.

No matter how reluctant they were, Gu Yan and Su Lan flew away with Yu Jian.

In the next few days, the two children should eat and drink, and Gu Subai also got a lot of information about this small world during this time.

This small world is called Guanyu Continent. There is a realm of comprehension and a realm of mortals. People in the two realms live on two sides, separated by a film. It seems that this world was specially set up to protect the mortal side.

The mortal side does not know the existence of the cultivation world, but the cultivation world knows the situation on both sides.

There are five top sects in the cultivation world, one of which is the Yunxu sect that Gu Yan belongs to, regardless of ranking, they are all well-known sects in the cultivation world, and the other four are Guiyan sect, Fuyao sect, Buddha sect, etc. Yinzong, Yijianmen.

There are also large and small forces, among which the alchemist guild is the most powerful. All alchemists in the cultivation world must go to this guild to be certified as an alchemist, so that they can make alchemy and sell it. The alchemy guild was founded by a soaring alchemist in the cultivation world, and it has continued to this day.

There is also the Refining Master Guild, which is the same as the Alchemy Guild. A refiner can only be regarded as a real refiner if he has obtained the Refining Master Identity Card issued by the Refining Guild.

These two guilds have a great status in the cultivation world, and even the five major factions have to be cautious about their existence. What is cautious is not their strength, but their influence. Almost all the famous alchemists and weapon refiners in the cultivation world come from these two guilds.

There is also a rich and powerful Jubao Pavilion. Almost every city in the cultivation world has their auction houses. Their business involves every business in the cultivation world. their participation.

There is also the Loose Cultivator Guild, this is the place where those monks who do not want to enter the sect and those who cannot enter the sect gather. It is more free than the sect, but the competition is also fiercer than the sect, and the scale is very large, even bigger than all the sects and the two major guilds , but undisciplined and undisciplined, nothing to fear.

The territory of the cultivation world is larger than the ten mortal worlds on the other side of the mortal world, and the entire continent’s cultivation world accounts for seven tenths.

Now the realm of comprehension she lives in is divided into east and west. She is located on the east border, and there are still forces on the west border, but now she accidentally understands that the two realms are separated by a boundless sea, vast and boundless. , so both sides know very little about the distribution of forces in various circles.

Although Guanyu Continent is a small world, it is a small world that is preparing to be promoted to the big world, so the aura is very strong, and the cultivation of people in this world is generally high.

There is another race in the world of comprehension, the monster beast clan. There are monster pills in monster beasts, which are divided into attributes. The three monster beast beads on Gu Yan’s natal sword are monster beasts with ice attributes. Cultivators can only use their spiritual roots. Belonging monster bead.

There are monsters in forests big and small in the realm of comprehension, so don’t go into the mountains without cultivation, otherwise you will become the rations of monsters in minutes.

The most common ones in the cultivation world are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth spiritual roots, and there are also rare mutant spiritual roots, such as wind, thunder, and ice, which are rare spiritual roots, and once a mutant spiritual root appears, it must be a single spiritual root. That is the root of heaven.

The fewer spiritual roots, the better. The only one is the heavenly spiritual root, and the cultivation speed is more than ten times that of ordinary spiritual roots. Even if you sit still, the spiritual energy will automatically come in.

The five spirit roots are miscellaneous spirit roots, and it is very difficult to cultivate. Basically, it can be concluded that this person has not made any great achievements in his life. If he works hard enough to break through the golden core, there is still hope. Opportunity to break through Nascent Soul, but it is limited to this.

(end of this chapter)

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