Senior Green Tea Turned Into an Abused Heroine

Chapter 22

Chapter 29 Retreat

During the day, Lin Xiaocha would put her bedding away, so Han Yu put her directly on the bed where she slept.

She was wearing the clothes left by the original owner. She said she washed them repeatedly and dried them for a long time.

But for her, the clothes were obviously bigger. When she lay down, her placket collapsed on both sides, revealing not only the slender and snow-white neck, but also the delicate collarbone.

A corner of his belly was also exposed.

He frowned slightly, and with his slender fingers, he drew a little closer to her skirt.

She was panting hard, her slightly raised chest rising and falling, and her breath was hot.

He put his hand on her forehead, let his hand condense a thin layer of ice, and cooled her hot forehead.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, she helped her sit up, the teacup flew into her hand, and fed the teacup held in the other hand into her burning mouth.

Lin Xiaocha slowly opened her eyes, only to find that the other person’s eyes were unusually cold.

There was a twitch in her heart, but her face remained unchanged, and she looked at him in a daze.

Softly yelled “Xianjun.”

The other party did not answer, her eyes were extremely cold, as if waking up in the buried ground that day, the feeling of pressure made people breathless.

Something is wrong.

She, who is good at observing words and colors, instantly felt strange.

Lin Xiaocha felt a little flustered, but tried to calm herself down.

I don’t know where she is showing her feet. Although she can’t figure it out, she knows that only by taking the initiative at this time can the situation be reversed.

She couldn’t think that Han Yu could hear people well. When she left his sight, he would listen to the movement around him, fearing that there would be monsters infesting him.

But last night she made a faint hissing sound in the bath, which made him quite puzzled.

After a while, he realized that it was the sound of cold water being poured on his body.

He didn’t know why at the time, but now he understands three points.

In order to seduce people to do such cruel hands on him at a young age, what a great effort.

If I hadn’t heard people well, I was really deceived by her.

Lin Xiaocha pushed away the teacup in Han Yu’s hand with her small hands.

As if not seeing the chill in Han Yu’s eyes, he bit his lip: “Xianjun don’t be so kind to me.”

Han Yu looked at her faintly, his Qing Jun’s face was like a thin layer of ice.

Asked coldly, “Why?”

Lin Xiaocha bowed her head and shook her head, biting her lip and refused to answer.

The color of Han Yu’s eyes became lighter, and he said coldly, “Say.”

I have always felt that she is innocent and innocent, so I have to indulge her again and again.

I don’t want her to be like this!

Lin Xiaocha’s shoulders trembled lightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

His face was red and white.

She took a deep breath, then forced her tears back.

She knew that she was already suspicious of Hanyu at this time, so instead of sitting still and waiting to die, she would take the initiative to attack.

Don’t let him feel that he is a thoughtful person who will self-mutilate his body in order to seduce him.

“The better Xianjun treats me, the more I like Xianjun.”

Han Yu thought she would quibble, but when she was so bluntly showing her heart, he paused.

Even when she heard that she liked herself, her heartstrings trembled.

He thought it was the first time he met such a straightforward woman.

At this time, her eyes and nose were red, desperately holding back the tears in her eyes to prevent them from popping out.

Lin Xiaocha hugged the quilt tightly in front of her body, shaking gently all over her body.

“Thinking that Xianjun will leave after he is injured, I am very sad…I will, I will not want you to go.

She whimpered, tears falling.

“Yesterday, I had a dream while taking a nap. I dreamed that Xianjun said that he wanted to join hands with me and be inseparable. I was very happy at that time.”

“After waking up, I knew that I was in love with Xianjun. After that, as long as I saw Xianjun, I, I would think of me, me, us, the first time we slept together.”

At this point she covered her face.

This time, Han Yu’s eyebrows jumped.

I remembered the appearance of her standing at the altar in the Burial Ground, wearing a moon-white bellyband, remembering that when he opened his eyes that night, he saw her sleeping naked next to her, and remembered the appearance of her clothes slipping only two strands of hair covering her front. …

“But I, a small refugee, dare to think about the power of Tianyu Mountain. Isn’t this wishful thinking?”

Speaking of this, the whole body trembled terribly.

“So I specially poured cold water to wake myself up, so I don’t have to daydream…uuuuuu”

She buried her face in the quilt in front of her.

Han Yu’s fingers moved slightly. She took a bath with cold water last night because of this?

“I was wrong, I shouldn’t admire Xianjun, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.”

She cried more and more sadly, as if she had committed an unforgivable sin.

At this time, the coldness in Han Yu’s eyes had receded, but he was silent.

“Xianjun, will you blame me?”

“What’s the blame for you?” Han Yu’s voice was no longer so icy, but still cold.

“Blame I like you.” Lin Xiaocha carefully looked into his eyes, thinking about doing something wrong.

Han Yu stood up, turned and left her bedside.

“Seven emotions and six desires, human nature.”

Although he said that, his tone sounded as if he had escaped from his emotions and desires, without any disturbance.

Little did he know that the slender fingers in his wide sleeves moved.

Lin Xiao prepared to finish the performance of the young girl’s first love affair in one effort.

She said loudly: “Then can you like me?”

As soon as she uttered her words, Han Yu’s heartstrings seemed to be fiddled, and the hand that was about to touch the teapot was tightly pressed against the hot teapot.

Slowly turned his eyes to the **** the bed.

She squeezed the bedding tightly, and the joints turned white.

Her face was red with burning, her eyes were firm, and her lower lip was bitten as if bleeding from her.

It’s hard to imagine that such a timid little girl who broke in one break could actually say such bold words.

The needle fell in the whole room suddenly and quietly.

It was gloomy outside the window, and black clouds pressed against the top to destroy the city.

Until a gust of wind blew open the door, Lin Xiaocha’s jar with wild flowers was blown to the ground.

However, the sound of breaking was concealed by a thunderstorm, and then a heavy rain poured down.

Han Yu did not answer Lin Xiaocha’s question, but turned and walked towards the chaotic wind and rain outside the door.

The wild wind blew his white robe dancing wildly, and also blew his black hair like ink.

He walked out of the room and saw a thunder burst through the air.

The night is bright.

The back in the wind and rain seems more lonely and repellent from thousands of miles away.

The pouring rain couldn’t get close to him at all.

In fact, his injury has almost healed.

Long ago, she could be sent back by Yujian or by opening a talisman.

But maybe the time here is too leisurely and peaceful, making him addicted for a while and forget his mission.

It is superfluous to have children’s love for him.

Lin Xiaocha should be an empty goose to him.

That’s it.

He did not return to this room this night.

This night, the wind and rain concealed the footsteps of the monster beast.

After the wind and rain, it is dawn, and the sky is like washing.

Seeing that the door was wide open, he hesitated whether to go and see if her fever had subsided.

Suddenly I could not hear any sound inside, including breathing.

His always steady heartbeat began to accelerate.

Walk quickly into the room.

The petite figure was not seen in the room.

There is a bedding torn by the sharp armor of the monster beast.

There was a pool of bright red blood remaining on the ground, and there was a fragment of an earthen pot in the blood with **** fingerprints on it. It was small and slender, and it looked like hers.

At that moment, his brain was blank, and his fingers were paralyzed when he touched her blood stains.

The fallen jar on the ground was blown by the wind and fell to the ground with fragments.

He remembered that during this time she would pick different wildflowers and put them in a jar every other day.

She smiled and said: “The house is someone else’s, and life is yours.”

“Xianjun, does this flower look good?”

This abandoned house has become alive because of her.

He unknowingly picked up the fragment on the bed.

But I don’t want to be so sharp.

In an instant, sharp fragments cut between his fingers.

It was a trivial matter, but he found that the cut wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He frowned, and suddenly remembered that when he was buried in the bone, his life should have died, but the wound had miraculously recovered.

I remembered the two new injuries on her palm that night when she was drunk and helped her apply the medicine.

Can her blood save people?

The place where the bones are buried is that she saved herself with her own blood?

She warmed him up all night on her own initiative, which was superfluous to him, and he was not afraid of the cold.

So he didn’t think he saved himself.

But she didn’t expect that she was really her own savior.

Then why didn’t she say?

His brain is blank.

The temperature in the body rose rapidly, counteracting the coldness of the body.

Then the coldness suppressed the scorching heat in the body.

It was like ice and fire against him.

A pair of glazed eyes glowed with fire.

A blue light flashed in his hand, holding his Shuangyu Sword and ran out of the house.

“Little tea!”

He called her name for the first time.

The voice was like a broken glacier, but with a trace of hoarseness, echoing in the boundless loneliness.

At this moment, the pale face of Lin Xiaocha in the distance slightly raised the corners of her lips.

A meaningful smile appeared on Qingli’s face.

The biggest trick between men and women is retreat.

What is better in this world than lost and recovered?

The time of goodbye is the day I stand up.

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