Senior Green Tea Turned Into an Abused Heroine

Chapter 7

Chapter 9 dispute

Banquet room

The coveted pieces are staggered, and the silk and bamboo are pleasant to the ear.

The lord was resting on the lap of her concubine Tao Ji, watching the dancing girl dancing gracefully, Tao Ji peeled grapes and delivered them to his mouth.

At this moment, he saw a young girl in light green gauze being led by.

It is the refugee who claims to be Xiaocha.

He disapproved as usual and continued to take the grapes in Momohime’s hand.

Suddenly remembering that she said he was “wise and martial,” he immediately stood up and sat calmly.

The grapes peeled in the hands of the concubine were knocked off by him, and there was a burst of tension in his heart, fearing that he would suddenly become angry.

But he waved his hand without saying anything, causing the dancers to retreat.

Lin Xiaocha bowed to him from a distance. Although her posture was good-looking, she was not standard, but she felt normal if she thought she was a refugee.

So she sat down at the end of the banquet.

Feng Ziying felt that this banquet was completely meaningless without singing and dancing.

But thinking about his image of being “wise and martial arts” in front of Lin Xiaocha, he gritted his teeth and forbeared it.

He looked at the girl in the green shirt at the farthest point. She was eating slowly and looked very beautiful.

I don’t know which thing with no eyesight arranged her so far.

He knocked on the table with his hands and said a few words to the waiter.

Soon, I saw that Lin Xiaocha’s table was moved to the seat closest to Feng Ziying.

Feng Ziying looked at her clearly, with a hazy mist hovering around her body.

It seems that even if they are so close, they still can’t see clearly.

She has a very small skeleton, and with her thin wrists, she can catch her with one hand.

Thinking of this, his Adam’s apple rolled.

It’s better to let her sit next to her and serve the wine and live faster.

Feng Ziying was about to speak and call Lin Xiaocha over when a loud voice sounded.

“My Lord, does the porridge cooking start tomorrow?”

It was Lieutenant Zuo who rode Lin Xiaocha.

A huge displeasure swept across Feng Ziying’s heart.

He didn’t even think about porridge, besides, it was still a hundred days.

But after all, I agreed in public, and it is inconvenient to deny it myself.

He looked up and winked at his confidant eunuch.

The **** immediately stood up, walked around his banquet table, fell to the ground, and said: “City Lord! Never!”

Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows and narrowed her narrow eyes, “Oh? Why not?”

“The city owner is about to build the Vermilion Terrace in Dongling City. It takes one year to build a thousand people. At that time, it will be a huge expenditure of rice to feed and labor. Where can there be so much food in Dongling City to squander?”

Xiao Xiaowei Zuo was so angry that his face was full of purple and blue veins, but he was speechless.

The **** continued aggressively and authentically: “Suzaku Terrace symbolizes my Zhu Yunguo’s heavenly majesty. How can there be any difference?”

Captain Zuo blushed and said angrily: “The city lord promised this in front of the refugees. Do you want the city lord to turn back?”

The atmosphere is tense.

Feng Ziying’s awl face kept twitching when she heard the words “returning”.

Of course the concubine Tao Ji knew that Feng Ziying didn’t want to serve porridge, so she knocked on the orchid and pointed out that the golden bottle was filled with wine.

“Taoji remembers that she also encountered porridge in other cities, but it turned out that many city bullies pretended to be refugees to receive porridge, but the real refugees did not receive it.”

The **** hurriedly said: “Ms. Tao Ji is extremely saying that if you really do porridge for a hundred days, someone will pretend to be a refugee. As the saying goes, there will be riots and riots will be caused when the generals will bear the consequences?

Lieutenant Zuo took the case and stood up, “According to you, do you mean not to do it? Want the city lord to break his promise in front of the people?”

Feng Ziying glanced at Lieutenant Zuo with his narrow eyes, with killing intent in his eyes.

At this time, a soft voice sounded, “The city lord is wise and martial, and he will definitely not break his promise.”

Everyone was taken aback, only to see Lin Xiaocha smile at Feng Ziying.

Feng Ziying was suddenly speechless.

The feeling of being admired is naturally good, but not to mention that he doesn’t want to give porridge to those untouchables, even if he thinks, what the **** Gang said is the truth.

He calmly said to Lin Xiaocha: “Don’t talk if you don’t understand.”

Lin Xiaocha nodded, “If you go back to the city lord, Xiaocha doesn’t understand these important things. I only know that I’m hungry. I want Xiaocha to do anything.”

Feng Ziying suddenly laughed when she said this, and asked ambiguously: “Anything is really okay?”

Lin Xiaocha nodded innocently as if she didn’t understand his suggestion at all.

“If I am hungry and have food, I am very willing to repair the Phoenix Terrace.”

Everyone recalled her words.

If there is food, would she be willing to repair the Phoenix Terrace?

Feng Ziying also put away her unkind expression looking at Lin Xiaocha.

Although he has no heart, he is not foolish.

In order to repair the Phoenix Terrace, labor and labor are inevitable, and the people complained that he didn’t know it completely.

It’s just that he never cared.

And these refugees are precarious, they may starve to death at any time, just to survive, and to be able to take care of three meals a day, it must be grateful. Moreover, only those who work can share the porridge, and there is no need to worry about someone pretending to be a refugee.

In this way, there is no need to break one’s promises, and no need to be conscripted in the civil service. The best of both worlds!

“Naturally, the city lord will not break his promise, as long as they are willing to repair the Phoenix Terrace and guarantee them three meals.”

As soon as the words came out of the banquet, the civil servants and generals whispered to each other, and there was an uproar, because Feng Ziying’s decision to consider such public opinion was really surprised.

The **** who opposed it at the beginning knelt down at the rudder, “There are nearly two thousand refugees in the city, and the construction period can be completed in less than a year. The city lord is smart and wise! Resourceful!”

Lieutenant Zuo thought that although the refugees did some hard labor, they had food and a place to live for a year, so they couldn’t ask for it.

He also knelt down, “The city lord is wise!”

Feng Ziying was very useful at this time, and suddenly felt that it was not bad to be a wise city lord.

Lin Xiaocha guided Feng Ziying to make such a decision, but he didn’t take any credit for it.

Just patted two plain hands on his chest and gave him a palm.

A pair of shiny eyes looked at him with a smile, and his whole body was full of praise and admiration for him, as if to say: It’s the city lord! Just wise!

Feng Ziying’s heart swayed slightly.

There was a trace of scorching heat in Lin Xiaocha’s eyes.

Give Lin Xiaocha a pot of wine.

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