Shades of the New World

Chapter 116: Enri

"There's one thing that we have to do first and foremost, and that's to solve the problem of the Blood's will inside you. At this point, it's impossible for you to get rid of this specialty, as its too deeply rooted in your subconscious. The only way forward for you now is to make it your own. Tell me, what was your original plan?" Nasst asked.

"To ignore it for the time being, since it's not really hurting me. Also, I think the Blood's will instinctively realizes that it can't live on without me," Evin replied.

"Well… I suppose that works too, huh? But it's a bit too uncertain. Most would feel uncertain when they realize that they're literally playing around on the hands of a stronger entity, so they are prone to methods that reject and remove those powers"

Evin thought about those words and thought about all the times his privacy was breached because of some stronger entity. The Vulpine Mother, Veidrakar and even Kena and Helain fell into this category. 

'Maybe I'm getting a bit too numb to these things,' Evin thought with worry.

'Or maybe it's karma for all the times I lodged myself into the lives of others when I was a spirit…'

Nasst, taking Evin's silence as some sort of approval, continued speaking.

"Well, personally, if taming the powers to be yours isn't possible, make a reconciliation with the stronger being that resides inside you. But if you manage to take absolute control over it, then it would be best for your future," Nasst said with some pity.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, I'm not sure if this applies to you, but Dark Mages are all serious control freaks. They try their best to know the exact details about literally everything they're involved in"

Evin wondered if this applied to him. Thinking of his three hundred years where he literally had no control over anything, he couldn't help but think that this trait didn't apply to him. Moreover, judging from his own behavior these past few years, Evin couldn't quite call himself someone controlling and domineering. But if he suddenly turned into a spirit or something, he was sure he would go crazy.

'But maybe since I've been out of control so much, I would easily get addicted or attached to this feeling of having control over one's life…' Evin reasoned. 

He didn't want to lie and say he didn't like the feeling. After all, o one liked to deal with unknown factors popping out. 

"So you're worried that the Blood's will inside me is a control freak, like most Dark Mages?"

"Judging from how it had acted so far, I'm very sure it's a special case. That's why communication is of utmost importance. Since both of you can't get rid of each other, it's best to talk it out and find a middle ground," Nasst said with a smile.

"So, I should try negotiating with her?" Evin asked.

"Yes. Try to communicate with them and ask them what they wish from you… Can you enter your own shadow? If so, it's better to do it in their own turf," Nasst instructed and said: "While you do that, I'll be preparing the Contract for your education and later employment"

"Which World?" Evin asked.

"The World of Space, since it's by far the easiest to purchase," Nasst shrugged.

Evin nodded and focused inwardly, letting the stray thoughts of the World Sprites invade his mind. He learned how to kind of block the connection when he was focusing on other things. He then gathered some energy and fell into his shadow.

Evin appeared in his own special place, one that felt constricted yet endless at the same time. He looked around and saw the odd World Sprites moving about here and there, playing around with their kin. Noticing Evin, they began to flock towards him. A stack of weapons, lodestones and other miscellaneous stuff sat at one spot, Evin's frequently used things.

Evin felt that the inside of his shadow was becoming more and more comfortable as the days passed. When he first entered, it was just some sort of empty, flat space, but now, there was a certain familiarity to it all. The ground inside Evin's shadow was rather malleable, so there were some spots which were slightly indented or bumped up to suit the needs of whoever stayed inside. 

"Maybe I should put some furniture or something here," Evin thought idly.

As for the guests inside, they were explaining one thing or another to Runa. Noticing Evin, Runa called out to her parent figure telepathically.

[What's that man saying, mother?] the girl asked, part of her metal figure pointing at the sky inside Evin's shadow. Evin looked up and saw a slightly distorted vision of Nasst walking to his armchair and sitting down. If Evin tried hard enough, he would be able to look around at different things and listen to the sounds that came from the outside World.

Runa had already become able to communicate clearly with words and was getting better by the minute. Evin was truly astonished by the child's growth, but his eyes twitched when he was addressed as mother again.

"Runa, do you remember your fox mother?" Evin decided to put an end to this sudden motherhood.

[Yeah! Super mother!] Runa replied happily.

"Since you already have super mother, I shouldn't be your mother, right? How about you call me big brother at least?" Evin asked.

[Big brother…? But sister Rith told me that you're our mother and that it was okay to have a lot of mothers]

Evin glared at the Cosmic, who was silently inspecting her paws, and hurriedly corrected the skinshifter.

"Nonono, your sister Rith is a bit of a liar, don't trust all the things she says. You can ask me if you feel that she is saying something weird. And also, you can just call me big brother. In fact, I want you to call me big brother"

[Big brother…]

"Yes! Say it again!"

[Big brother!]

"I'm so proud of you! When I'm done with the lessons, I'll talk with you lots, okay?" Evin said with a warm tone. 

[But what was the man talking about?]

"He was asking about your eldest sister," Evin sighed and looked at the maw that was lying down near the other World Sprites, silently gazing at Evin and the others.

[Big sis? Why?] the girl asked.

"Hmm, well, you know your sis is stronger than me, right?" Evin started explaining. It was pointless to hide it anyway, since the World Sprites and the Blood's will could all hear the conversation too.


"He's afraid that your big sis might get angry and take over my body and told me to talk it out with your big sis," Evin replied and walked over to the Blood's will, leaving the pondering skinshifter behind.

"Hello," Evin said.


[No worry…] A female voice appeared in Evin's head.

'Is she telling me to not worry about any sort of mutiny and go one with my life? Wait, why does she also call me mother?' Evin thought.

"Do you have anything you want from me? Even if you're not going to try and take over my body, it doesn't mean I shouldn't try to accommodate you better," Evin asked.

The maw floated up and came right in front of Evin's chest. Evin held out his hands and the maw landed on top of it. 

[Name…] Another thought appeared.

"You want a name?" Evin asked in wonder. Did big sis feel jealous because Runa got a name? If it was only that, then Evin didn't mind giving the maw a name.

'What's a good name… Enri from Fenrir? Wait, that's a wolf. Hmm, for some reason, I can't quite think of notable fox creatures from Earth's mythology. Is there some kind of maw creature in any of the myths…? Ah, fuck it, Enri it is,' Evin decided.

"How about Enri?" he asked sheepishly.

The maw stood silently for a bit, making Evin a bit nervous.

[Gratuity…] the maw said softly.

"You probably mean to say gratitude," Evin corrected.

[?] A questioning tone filled Evin's mind. 

'How come my head has a special sound for puzzlement?' Evin wondered briefly and prepared to explain the difference between the two words. But he was unable to do so, as the maw was experiencing sudden changes.

From above the upper jaw of the newly named Enri, something akin to a snout started materializing. A slightly nauseating sound of some flesh's movement entered Evin's ears, who was fearfully looking at what was happening on his hands. In a matter of seconds, the simple jaw that was the representation of the Blood's will, had now turned into a fully developed fox head. It still didn't have a body, though, as the parts below the neck were just a floating mass of some smoke like gas.

"Hmm?" Rith cocked her head as she saw the beautiful black fox's head on Evin's hands. The boy was equally confused, as he looked at the fox head on his head, as its soft fur tickled his hands. Its black marble eyes meeting his own.

"Enri?" he voiced out.

[Clearer identity… because name…] Enri replied in a much more concise way.

"Is that so? So, if your identity becomes clearer and clearer, you'll eventually look like a fox?" Evin asked.

[Time… Energy…] 

Evin guessed that after some time, he will have a fox companion at his side if he properly fed it some energy. But what about the World sprites? Will they also become clearer if Evin gave them names?

"Rith, what if I gave the World Sprites names?" he asked.

"Don't know," Rith answered.

Evin began to think deeply about this matter. He had a feeling that it will lead to something important. 

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