Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 100: Ready


Isaiah didn’t know much about the Trial Tower but, if it was truly a series of tests designed for F ranks, he couldn’t see anyone doing better than Aalam, as long as it was fair.

With the connection between them strengthened by his Knight skill, Isaiah could, with Aalam’s permission, see Aalam’s status, and his effective stats were just ridiculous.

Name: Aalam Alvaro

Level: 16

Race: Strong Soul Incubus Prince (F-Epic)

Bloodline: Genetic Thief (Mythic)


Nascent Energy Converter (Legendary) [Upgradable]

Heavenly Spark Pure Soul (Legendary)

Soul Collector (Epic) [Upgradable]


Class 1: Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Lord (F-Heroic)


Advanced Multi-Mind (F-Heroic) 56% mastered

Runescriber (F-Heroic) 55% mastered

Soul Lord (F-Heroic) 53% mastered

Telekinesis (F-Heroic) 66% mastered

Spacetime Sensing (F-Legendary) 87% mastered

Crafter’s Senses (F-Legendary) 66% mastered


Class 2: Void Sage (F-Legendary)


Void Sense (F-Legendary) 94% mastered

Hunter’s Senses (F-Legendary) 58% mastered

Psychic Domain (F-Legendary) 76% mastered

Mana Domain (F-Legendary) 72% mastered

Qi Domain (F-Legendary) 71% mastered

Kinetic Senses (F-Legendary) 49% mastered

Danger Sense (F-Legendary) 43% mastered

Heightened Senses (F-Legendary) 37% mastered



Law Larvae:

Heat - Middle

Plasma - Middle

Passion - Early

Cold - Middle

Liquid - Middle

Tranquility - Early

Inertia - Middle

Solid - Middle

Gravity - Middle

Storm - Early

Gas - Middle

Kinetic Energy - Middle

Ionization - Early

Fission - Early

Fusion - Early

Ionic Conductivity - Early

Matter - Middle

Antimatter - Early

Electromagnetic Radiation - Middle

Energy Transfer - Middle

Cleansing - Middle

Electromagnetic Absorption - Middle

Energy Storage - Middle

Contamination - Middle

Cells - Middle

Order - Middle

Bonds - Early

Deprivation - Middle

Entropy - Middle

Severing - Early

Vacuum - Early

3 Dimensional Geometry - Middle

Multi-Dimensional Geometry - Middle

Temporal Acceleration - Middle

Temporal Relativity - Middle

Pause - Early



Strength: 2448 [+2160](+13.75%)

Agility: 2448 [+2160](+13.75%)

Endurance: 2664 [+2160](+13.75%)

Toughness: 2448 [+2160](+13.75%)

Vitality: 2664 [+2160](+13.75%)

Perception: 2880 [+2160](+13.75%)

Magic: 3168 [+2160](+13.75%)

Spirit: 3456 [+2160](+1113.75%)

Soul: 4752 [+2160](+26.25%)

Aura: 3168 [+1440](+56.25%)

Attunement: 3168 [+1440](+68.75%)

Luck: 3024 [+720](+6.25%)


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Huge Core Container

Middle Dantian: 12 Medium + 1 Large Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 3 Huge + 2 Medium Mental Forges

Unique: 1 Small Soul Storage










Hira (Lord: Roland Raphaiya)



Hunter of Sentients XV: Increase the effectiveness of all base stats by 7.5%

Thanks to his Nascent Energy Converter racial ability, Aalam had managed to maximize all his stats through drinking the Foundation Establishment Soup from the Shadow Thief’s ring and advancing his Laws, but the more impressive part was how much Aalam’s effective stats were raised by his two uniquenesses.

According to Nana Xara through Mila, the Trial Tower worked by projecting a cultivator’s soul into a different sub-dimension, so the stats inside were the same as those of the cultivator’s true soul in his or her body. This meant locationally conditional powers like Isaiah’s Knight skill or Aalam’s Prince uniqueness could show their full effect the entire time, one of those features disguised as bugs according to Mila’s theory on the nature of the System.

So, even with Hira not able to support the full power of Prince, throughout Aalam’s time in the trial, his effective Spirit stat would be 68,164.2, a value very high even for a D rank, while his other stats would be well within the E rank range.

Granted, Aalam had lost more than half his bouts with Isaiah even in the last few days, but that was with Isaiah activating his Knight skill and Aalam allowing him to take some of the energy of the Territory to raise his stats, lowering Aalam’s, all while having every technique relying on psyforce restricted, which was like Isaiah fighting with both hands and a leg tied behind his back. Aalam’s entire fighting style, from his movements to his offense, was built around the Telekinesis skill, and the Left Hand of the Runescribe used Telekinesis to move its needles, meaning he couldn’t make use of his main weapon either.

For combat related skills other than the multiple detection skills he was training up to fuse into something insane, this then left two domain skills and Runescriber which could be used without psyforce. The two domain skills were utility skills, designed to enable and empower other skills, effectively useless against someone with the same level of Laws and an equivalent amount of mana and qi, while Runescriber was a crafting skill. It wasn't designed for combat at all and the fact Aalam could use it as one was already somewhat insane.

Aalam didn't even have a cultivation technique yet, so the power of the runes he created mid-battle without the Left Hand of the Runescribe were quite a bit weaker than his stats would suggest.

If they were to actually fight for real, however, with Aalam allowed to use Telekinesis and Psychic Domain, Isaiah wouldn't stand a chance and, if Aalam hadn’t made him an F rank Rare grade spear out of moonlight iron, Isaiah’s own power would break his weapon and he wouldn’t be able to fight at all.

Even with his race upgrade, his stats just weren’t anywhere close.

Name: Isaiah Gale

Level: 12

Race: Human Form Young Balance Dragon (E-Fabled)

Bloodline: Ideal Human (Legendary)


Dragon Scales (Fabled)

Golden Body (Heroic)

Active Daoist (Legendary)

Dragon Heart (Fabled)

Power of Balance (Fabled)

Human Blood Adaptation (Heroic)


Class: Rapid Spear Guardian (F-Legendary)


Storm Steps (F-Legendary) 93% mastered

Power Attack (F-Legendary) 90% mastered

Guardian (F-Legendary) 87% mastered

Kinetic Senses (F-Legendary) 94% mastered

Dragon Drive (F-Legendary) 36% mastered

Knight (F-Legendary) 32% mastered



Law Larvae:

Storm Speed - Early

Iron Defense - Early

Blazing Destruction - Early

Law Eggs:

Tranquility - High

Regeneration - High



Strength: 988 (+28.125% + 25% when holding a spear)

Agility: 1143 (+53.125% + 25% when holding a spear)

Endurance: 1003 (+3.125% + 25% when holding a spear)

Toughness: 1076 (+78.125% + 25% when holding a spear)

Vitality: 1106 (+15.625% + 25% when holding a spear)

Perception: 913 (+203.125% + 25% when holding a spear)

Magic: 802 (+3.125%)

Spirit: 743 (+3.125%)

Soul: 709 (+9.375%)

Aura: 492 (+3.125%)

Attunement: 489 (+59.375%)

Luck: 504 (+3.125%)


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Colossal Core Container

Middle Dantian: 4 Large + 2 Huge Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 1 Large Mental Forge



Perception Prince



Personal Servant of the Heavenly Spark Soul King: Increase the effectiveness of the Soul and Attunement stats by 6.25% and raise affinity with all Laws by 12.5%.

The race upgrade came with quite a lot of extra stats due to all the extra energy involved, along with two new racial abilities which, although useless at the moment, would drastically increase his power in the future, so Isaiah had decided to forgive Aalam for underselling how much upgrading his race would hurt. His new race also greatly raised his affinities, allowing him to feel close to advancing all three of his Law Larvae, though he was waiting to merge his two new Law Eggs into a fourth Law Larva first.

According to Nana Xara through Mila, he’d have a lot of gunk in his soul from the racial upgrade process, but, given the quest the A rank had given Mila for doing well in the Trial Tower, he was going to get the best cultivation technique for his Laws in the universe when the three of them managed to reach Aalam and Mila’s home planet in the future. This would allow him to easily clear up the gunk and it was another thing he likely wouldn’t be able to receive from any other force which would take him in.

More than him, though, Mila had improved drastically.

Name: Li Mila

Level: 32

Race: Strong Soul Succubus Princess (F-Epic)

Bloodline: Prime Servitor (Mythic)


Omniglot Reader (Legendary)

Fairy Law (Legendary)

Master of Disguise (Heroic)


Class 1: Diabolical Trickster (F-Legendary)


Artifact Enhancement (F-Legendary) 89% mastered

Devil’s Contract (F-Legendary) 85% mastered

Trickster’s Guise (F-Legendary) 87% mastered

Phantasmic Doppelgängers (F-Legendary) 82% mastered

Evil Eyes - Lust (F-Legendary) 81% mastered

Shadow Stride (F-Legendary) 47% mastered


Class 2: Essence Chamberlain (F-Heroic)


Exemplary Chamberlain (F-Heroic) 72% mastered

Life Death Detection (F-Legendary) 89% mastered

Noble's Senses (F-Legendary) 46% mastered

Thief’s Senses (F-Legendary) 33% mastered

Advanced Multi-Mind (F-Heroic) [shadow]

Telekinesis (F-Heroic) [shadow]



Law Larvae:

The Healer - Middle

The Reaper - Early

Shadow - Middle

Illusion - Early

The Tactician - Early

The Courtesan - Early



Strength: 1632 (+14.25%)

Agility: 1632 (+14.25%)

Endurance: 1776 (+14.25%)

Toughness: 1632 (+14.25%)

Vitality: 1776 (+14.25%)

Perception: 1920 (+114.25%)

Magic: 2112 (+14.25%)

Spirit: 2345 (+14.25%)

Soul: 3240 (+26.75%)

Aura: 2112 (+156.25%)

Attunement: 2112 (+68.75%)

Luck: 650 (+6.25%)


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Huge Core Container

Middle Dantian: 12 Medium + 1 Large Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 3 Huge + 2 Medium Mental Forges



Third Eye Princess

Aura Lady



3 D rank universal credits

1,745 E rank universal credits

207,492 F rank universal credits

26 D rank undead credits

27,894 E rank undead credits

37,766,349 F rank undead credits



Personal Chamberlain of the Heavenly Spark Soul King: Increase the effectiveness of the Soul and Attunement stats by 12.5% and raise affinity with all Laws by 25%.

Hunter of Sentients XVI: Increase the effectiveness of all base stats by 8%

She’d gained quite a few stats from finishing most of the quests available for a native on Hira, had raised her level by a lot with the help of Primal Energy Stones, and had then gained 6238 free stats from Aalam, who’d also used some of the Primal Energy Stones to level up to half her level.

As Aalam was technically her familiar, she could take him into the Trial Tower with her so long as he was no more than half her level, so they had planned accordingly.

Isaiah had dueled Mila several times as well since becoming allies and the results were quite different than with Aalam, every single time a draw. They both knew each other’s powers, so Mila, as someone specialized in hit, hide, and run tactics couldn’t successfully get the drop on Isaiah, whose best stat was Perception. And, due to the interference from Mila’s Evil Eyes - Lust and Telekinesis skills, Isaiah was never able to catch Mila even if she got close enough for him to sense her through her stealth, the woman always able to run away.

Given Isaiah was very much built for duels while Mila was very much not, Isaiah generally considered these mostly wins for Mila.

“Alright.” Mila, having used her Trickster’s Guise skill to change her appearance to look like a member of Hiran nobility, lay down next to Aalam on the second bed they’d made inside the soul well the two of them had apparently found right after arriving on Hira. “No one else should know about this cave, and the System should protect us in the case anyone attacks our bodies while our souls are being projected, but please stay close anyway. And thank you Isaiah, both for your help training and the protection you’re about to provide.”

“No problem.” Isaiah couldn’t help but smile, very much having enjoyed spending time with people who treated him as an equal. “Just promise to win the thing.”

Mila chuckled as she closed her eyes. “This is effectively a tournament for the young of the entire universe, Isaiah, so we’ll be competing against the true disciples of A rank forces and Gods. We’ll be lucky to even get a ranking. But, thankfully, we shouldn’t need one to get what we need.”

A dome of force then wrapped around both her and Aalam and Isaiah suddenly couldn’t sense their existence at all. He could still see them, but to all his magical senses it was like they didn’t exist.

“That is so cool.” Isaiah then sent what he was sensing to Aalam and Mila, their bond still able to allow communication, and Mila changed her mind, allowing Isaiah to go to a better hunting ground on the planet, like the deep sea.

There was a teleportation formation established nearby and Isaiah, who had the portable key, could teleport back in a matter of seconds if anything went wrong.


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