Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 103: Destroying an Undead Empire


The best thing about mass murder through plagues was the unattended loot. As Aalam was in the tutorial under the status of a familiar, if he died in a trial he’d be revived for the next, so it wasn't much of a risk for him to travel to where C or maybe even B rank undead might show up. He just gave Mila the Left Hand of the Runescribe and went through a couple portals, ending up on what he gathered, from text Mila helped him read, was the local undead empire’s main world.

Even if it was fake, this was his first time on a C rank world, and he finally felt what the suppression of a high rank world was like. He felt like a pure mortal again, all his power reduced so much even his telekinetic strength was back to what it had been immediately after his advancement to F rank. At the same time, however, his connection to the Laws of the universe felt much stronger than it had in the previous worlds the trials had taken him to, though still a whole lot less close than on Hira where the integration was still taking place.

The portal thankfully took him to the very center of the world’s military industrial complex, so he was able to find an entire warehouse full of F, E, and D rank talismans, along with quite a few blocks of concentrated mana which would allow even Mila to activate the E and D rank talismans if given a bit of time.

Then, after a bit of searching, he found what he was truly looking for, the materials necessary to improve one of the other varieties of plague they’d made to the equivalent of some of the even more deadly plagues in Nana Xara’s knowledge set.

Once he found that, he then started looking for deceased undead with strong auras, especially F ranks, and he managed to find someone he assumed was a princess of some kind, gaining a Legendary grade black robe for Mila which could boost stealth skills and a Legendary grade death and shadow sword which was perfect for her as well.

Then, about an hour later he felt the ground start to vibrate and, looking out of the tower he was searching through, he saw three undead and five humanoids fighting in the air a couple hundred kilometers away. Even with his stats, due to the suppression of the C rank world, he could only really tell what was going on through the crashing of Laws and his magical senses, but he was able to feel when the undead died and he started to smile.

It seemed, like back in the tutorial, the forces against the undead empire were taking advantage of the plague to attack, and that would lead to a lot more points, as his plague wouldn’t be able to do much to C ranks or higher.

He kept looking around after that, but the trial ended before he found anything else which would be of practical use, the spatial storage artifacts he was wearing all only half full.


Trial VII over. Calculating rewards.

Base Trial Points: 144

Your actions led to the death of 6,119,764,823,094 G rank lower undead.

Base Trial Points +6,119,764,823,094

Your actions led to the death of 6,798,123,009 G rank middle undead.

Base Trial Points +27,192,492,036

Your actions led to the death of 7,986,437 G rank higher undead.

Base Trial Points +95,837,244

Your actions led to the death of 898,123,890,675 F rank lower undead.

Base Trial Points +10,777,486,688,100

Your actions led to the death of 7,943,412,167 F rank middle undead.

Base Trial Points +381,283,784,016

Your actions led to the death of 35,688,653 F rank higher undead.

Base Trial Points +5,139,166,032

Your actions led to the death of 532,473,122 E rank lower undead.

Base Trial Points +920,113,554,816

Your actions led to the death of 13,623,552 E rank middle undead.

Base Trial Points +94,165,991,424

Your actions led to the death of 247,832 E rank higher undead.

Base Trial Points +5,139,044,352

Your actions led to the death of 305,987 D rank lower undead.

Base Trial Points +76,139,357,184

Your actions led to the death of 23,652 D rank middle undead.

Base Trial Points +23,541,497,856

Your actions led to the death of 1,679 D rank higher undead.

Base Trial Points +5,013,467,136

Your actions led to the death of 178 C rank lower undead.

Base Trial Points +76,536,741,888

Your actions led to the death of 39 C rank middle undead.

Base Trial Points +67,077,144,576

Your actions led to the death of 12 C rank higher undead.

Base Trial Points +61,917,364,224

Your actions led to 3 B rank middle undead fleeing

Base Trial Points +743,008,370,688

Your actions led to 1 B rank higher undead fleeing

Base Trial Points +743,008,370,688

Fully Destroyed the army of General Klag

Trial Points + 500%

No loss of life at the Last Bastion after your arrival

Trial points + 600%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Ewinor

Trial Points +3,100%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Kiminor

Trial Points +1,500%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Galga

Trial Points +1,500%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Yimin

Trial Points +1,500%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Orivar

Trial Points +1,500%

Fully cleared the undead from contested planet Tindal

Trial Points +1,500%

Fully cleared the undead from 8 F rank death planets

Trial Points +12,000%

Fully cleared the undead from 2 E rank death planets

Trial Points +6,200%

Started the process of full collapse of the Undead Empire in the Finorimal Galaxy Cluster

Trial Points X 6

Comparing against other trial takers in your sector.

In the extra time Aalam had while the System was calculating, he looked around a bit more and ended up quite lucky, finding a nice Heroic grade defensive robe for himself on display in a side room of what looked to be the undead empire’s royal palace.

A loud alarm rang out when he took it, but no one was alive or unliving in the area, so it wasn’t an issue.

The robe had the ability to alter its appearance and Aalam quickly had some fun with it, making it look like a grim reaper’s robe, complete with a cowl he could put over his head to create an artificial shadow to block anyone’s view of his face.

As it was already past the time limit for the trial, Aalam wouldn’t be able to keep the robe, but in the time he had he studied how it was constructed and, by the end, he was pretty sure he’d be able to make one of his own in a few years so long as he could get the right materials.

Highest completion in Galaxy Cluster

Trial Points X 2

Highest completion in Sector

Trial Points X 4

Total Trial Points = 289,823,381,215,171,200

Biological weapons were interesting. In most cases, they weren't actually all that useful, as they usually had to specifically target a species for the fullest effect. Undeath made things a bit easier as all undead had enough similarities to almost count as one race, likely why the Yin Yang Sage had targeted the undead when she’d needed wealth, but even then it would normally be impossible for an F rank like Aalam to kill D ranks with any biological weapons he made. The quality of his resources and Laws was just too low.

But this is where Nana Xara was a genius. The true value in her Anti-Undead Treatise wasn’t in the specific plagues, though those were useful, but in the ability to have a plague take in the resources of an undead to empower itself. This was Nana Xara’s true technique, the ability to take the energy of others to empower something else, and her preferred tool for expressing this technique had been plagues.

Yet it wasn’t just undead whose energy she could take and use, that was just one of the more specialized subsets of the technique she’d been willing to sell. Aalam, for example, had been given a more generalized subset of the technique for use on almost any living creature who hadn’t practiced a cultivation technique via a boon during the tutorial, and, at the time, he hadn’t realized just how valuable what he’d received had been.

Aalam had already been an expert on plagues, both viral and bacterial, and giving him the technique to use his targets’ own energy to speed up their demise was like giving a tiger wings, which of course was why Nana Xara had done so.

As a result of her gift, Aalam had been able to afford to enhance himself and Mila far more than he would have otherwise before their rebirths, and the same technique had now likely granted them more points than anyone else in the Trial Tower.

  Granted, it wasn’t much compared to the points they would have earned if the points multiplying scheme used in the third trial of the tutorial had been used, but the different scheme made sense to Aalam. The Trial Tower’s last section was effectively a tournament, and the rewards structure didn’t give new points, but instead multiplied the points earned in the main part of the Trial Tower. If they got past the first few rounds, their total points would probably more than double, and, if they managed to get to the ranking matches, their points would double after each win.

Until then, though, whatever points they earned weren’t going to make much of a difference, as no other Trial was likely to grant them even a billion points, let alone nearly 300 quadrillion.

That didn’t mean the trials wouldn’t be fun or help them grow, however. Trial IX for example was a magical puzzle which Aalam found really fun, even though he solved it in just a few minutes, and Trial XI gave Mila quite a few chances to practice her hiding and illusion skills, her Law Larva of Illusion and Aalam’s Law Larva of Pause both advancing to middle grade.


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