Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 159: Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Prince



Watching both Diana and Isaiah pass out, Aalam began to fear they wouldn’t get anywhere near as far into the War of the Chosen as they wanted to.

Sure, if he’d entered into the formation and fought with Isaiah, the battle would have gone much faster and Isaiah wouldn’t have become so exhausted, but that would have forced him to stop the process of making the plague. Also, the small apparatus for plague construction he’d made after challenging for a commander position during the free round, the small 10 cm metallic orb in the left pocket of his pants, was too fragile and likely would have broken.

But, had the undead not given him enough time to set up the formations, he would have lost even with his full power. The difference in stats was just too high.


Name: Aalam Alvaro

Level: 37

Race: Sublime Soul Incubus Emperor (E-Heroic)

Bloodline: Genetic Thief (Mythic)


Nascent Energy Constructor (Heroic)

Heavenly Spark Pure Soul (Heroic)

Advanced Soul Laboratory (Heroic)

Monster Prince (Fabled)

Minor Soul Lord Battle Armor (Fabled)

Lady's Aura (Heroic) [shadowed]


Class 1: Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Prince (E-Fabled)


Elevated Multi-Mind (E-Fabled) 53% mastered

Runescriber (E-Fabled) 63% mastered

Soul Prince (E-Fabled) 58% mastered

Telekinesis (E-Fabled) 66% mastered

Sensory Domain (E-Heroic) 76% mastered

Triforce Construction (E-Heroic) 74% mastered


Class 2: Advanced Void Sage (E-Heroic)


Heavenly Spark Domain (E-Heroic) 69% mastered



Law Pupae:

Heat - Early

Plasma - Early

Passion - Early

Cold - Early

Liquid - Early

Tranquility - Early

Inertia - Early

Solid - Early

Gravity - Early

Atmosphere - Early

Gas - Early

Kinetic Energy - Early

Ionization - Early

Fission - Early

Fusion - Early

Ionic Conductivity - Early

Matter - Early

Antimatter - Early

Electromagnetic Radiation - Early

Energy Transfer - Early

Cleansing - Early

Electromagnetic Absorption - Early

Energy Storage - Early

Contamination - Early

Cells - Early

Order - Early

Bonds - Early

Deprivation - Early

Entropy - Early

Severing - Early

Vacuum - Early

Multi-Dimensional Geometry - Middle

Dimensional Solidity - Early

Temporal Acceleration - Early

Temporal Relativity - Middle

Pause - Early



Technique: Twelve Element Primal Code - Heavenly Spark (Level 9)

Foundation: Flawless



Strength: 11,444 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Agility: 11,316 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Endurance: 12,184 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Toughness: 11,956 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Vitality: 14,488 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Perception: 15,770 {+16,834} (+12.5%)

Magic: 20,514 (+12.5%)

Spirit: 20,934 (+12.5%)

Soul: 48,971 (+37.5%)

Aura: 8,508 (+162.5%)

Attunement: 8,472 (+137.5%)

Luck: 8,244 (+12.5%)


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Huge Core Container

Middle Dantian: 12 Medium + 1 Large Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 5 Huge + 2 Medium Mental Forges

Unique: 1 Medium Advanced Soul Laboratory










Hira (Lord: Roland Raphaiya)

Earth (Lord: Diana Alvaro)


He’d gained a lot of stats from advancing all his Laws to Law Pupae, each new grade of Laws providing double the stats of the grade below. And for every Law Pupa he formed from a single Law Larva he gained +144 to all stats. Diana had also earned a tremendous amount of free stats before her race breakthrough—from raising her own Laws to Law Pupae, from eating natural treasures, and from her absorption of the power of the Stone of Primal beginning—and most of those free stats had gone to raising Aalam’s Soul stat.

As a result, just from his Minor Soul Lord Battle Armor racial ability, all of Aalam’s physical abilities were boosted by 16,834, a value higher than any of his raw physical stats by themselves.

Given he’d also managed to raise two Law Pupae to the middle grade within the last year, Multi-Dimensional Geometry and Temporal Relativity, foundational universal Laws the Stone of Primal Beginning had been a bit more help with than his other Laws, he’d expected to be one of the stronger individuals in the War of the Chosen, at least in the early stages. Yet all three of those commanders had possessed higher stats than him, and the only reason he and Isaiah could fight them was the Region of Life formation effectively reducing their stats by 80%.

With Hira only providing a maximum possible increase to his base stats of 2,160 for his Prince uniqueness and Earth, as an E rank planet, only 25,920, his stats had also risen enough his Territory was no longer large enough to allow his Prince uniqueness to triple them. And, while this was not yet relevant in the War of the Chosen where he had no Territory and thus couldn’t receive the boost, it was greatly lowering his possible training speed with his skills.

Even with the power of his new classes, he’d still need to work a lot harder to improve himself if they wanted to get actually useful resources from the War of the Chosen.


Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Prince (E-Fabled)

Lord of Laws, craft, telekinesis, and Territory



Increase the effectiveness of the Aura and Attunement stats by 100%

Raise affinity with all Laws by 200%

Greatly increase the power of psychic, crafting, and noble category skills


Skill slots:



May not learn skills of the following categories:



Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 90

Agility: 90

Endurance: 90

Toughness: 90

Vitality: 90

Perception: 120

Magic: 90

Spirit: 216

Soul: 216

Aura: 120

Attunement: 84

Luck: 0



3 middle grade Law Larvae for each of the 12 elements, has the Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Lord (F-Heroic) class, has control over a large amount of Territory for an F rank, has personally designed and then used telekinesis to craft at least a Heroic grade artifact


His first class was just an overall improvement on its F rank variant, all of the Heavenly Spark Psycrafter Lord’s effects improved by one level. Instead of 50%, the effectiveness of his Aura and Attunement stats was now boosted by 100%. Instead of 100%, his affinity with all Laws was now boosted by 200%. And instead of two levels, all his skills other than Sensory Domain—which had neither the psychic, crafting, nor noble keywords—were now boosted by 3 levels instead.

It was a powerful class boosted to be even more powerful, but it didn’t really change how he operated at all, and this was the same with his skill upgrades as well.

Elevated Multi-Mind granted 6 extra Mental Forges instead of Advanced Multi-Mind’s 4, and Aalam’s boosts to psychic category skills greatly strengthened all 7 of his Mental Forges, providing excellent defense from any kind of mental attack and boosting the thinking speed and multi-processing capabilities of each of his minds.

Runescriber at Fabled grade, beyond the benefits just from the rank increase from F to E—which enabled him to use his more powerful E rank qi, mana, and psyforce for rune creation—allowed him to draw runes faster and with finer detail. And Telekinesis at Fabled grade allowed for finer control and, unlike the Heroic grade variant, would be able to express the full might of his effective Spirit stat even if he reached the max value and was in his Id state.

The upgraded version of Soul Lord, however, Soul Prince, was probably the most exciting of his skill upgrades. It greatly increased the range of his bonds with his servants, while also increasing the range at which he could share resources with them. But, more importantly, it also greatly increased the distance which the planets he controlled could be from each other while he was their lord or overlord.

Hira and Earth, despite being in non-neighboring galaxy clusters, were relatively close together when multi-dimensional geometry was taken into account, so he’d been able to be overlord of both at F rank due to his Soul Lord skill being high grade and boosted three times, twice from his class and once by his Prince uniqueness. He hadn’t, however, been able to become overlord of Epecteos’s planets even if he wanted to.

With his skill advancing in both grade and rank, however, as well as getting an extra level of boost from his class, the distance between the planets he controlled could now be much greater. He still wouldn’t normally be able to become overlord of any of Epecteos’s planets, but, with the special artifact he’d created to allow him and Mila to talk over their bond even when she was in the Violet Mountain Blessed Land and he was on Earth, he could now accept Territory from anywhere in that galaxy cluster as well, and even maintain it from much further away.

Also, if he maximized his Soul stat, the power of the boon he granted his servants would increase, allowing him to share half the effects of another of his racial abilities in addition to Heavenly Spark Pure Soul, and he was still debating between Monster Prince and Minor Soul Lord Battle Armor. The former might enable Isaiah to unlock a higher grade race just by maximizing his stats instead of needing more specialized resources, but it was just a possibility and raising everyone’s stats even more would cost a lot of resources to generate the required free stats. Meanwhile, even the partial effects of Minor Soul Lord Battle Armor would be a massive all around improvement to everyone and would cost nothing.

Finally, during his class advancement, Aalam had suppressed the automatic upgrade to his Sensory Domain and Triforce Construction skills, as he wanted to move them toward different upgrade routes than they’d naturally follow, so both skills were still only Heroic grade, having the exact same effects but massively boosted due to their rank advancement.


Advanced Void Sage (E-Heroic)

An advanced creator of arrays, yet empty



Increase the effectiveness of all stats by 12.5%

Increase the speed of mastering skills by 200%

May freely fuse mastered skills


Skill slots:



May not learn skills of the following categories:



Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 60

Agility: 60

Endurance: 60

Toughness: 60

Vitality: 60

Perception: 60

Magic: 60

Spirit: 60

Soul: 600

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0



3 sets of opposing Law Larvae at early grade or higher, has Soul as the highest stat, has personally invented at least 6 new arrays with F rank effects, has no skills


Advanced Void Sage was just an upgraded version of his Void Sage class, increasing his speed of mastering skills by an extra 100% and the effectiveness of all his stats by an extra 6.25%.

It did, however, allow him to awaken a skill that would normally be nearly impossible to find, Heavenly Spark Domain, which could later merge with his Sensory Domain skill and one other skill to form what would probably be the most important skill for the rest of his life, so that was awesome. And it would also enable him to advance to some truly broken classes at D rank, which was really cool as well.

Heavenly Spark domain was a useful skill by itself, capable of enhancing the Laws of Aalam’s allies and suppressing the Laws of his enemies within the range of his aura for a very low resource cost compared to its effects, and, due to its range, it was an incredibly useful skill during a war.

As he waited for Diana and Isaiah to wake up, he continued running through the forest, using Sensory Domain to search for valuable resources as he held his sister and his friend over each of his shoulders. And, while he was running, he used Telekinesis to continue the process of creating his plague.

Then, a couple hours later, after Nitya and Irena had come to take Diana and Isaiah away from him, he ran toward where he assumed the undead base was, got to the point he could see whole groups of lower grade undead within the roughly 1.86 kilometer radius of his Sensory Domain, and released the plague.


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