Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 191: Epecteos’s Vengeance



Mila didn’t know why Aalam stopped sharing his senses after he finally managed to kill the Violet Mountain Lord, but it probably had something to do with the ridiculous amount of primal energy which started flowing into his body.

She’d been chatting with Nana Xara during the last few days and it seemed the race her and Aalam shared was extremely good at storing excess primal energy, but Aalam’s cultivation technique was a few levels beyond hers, so the speed at which he lost his excess was nearly a hundred times slower.

According to Nana Xara there was something that excess primal energy was good for even if they couldn’t use it to level up, but it was apparently something which could only be done if someone didn’t know about it, so all Mila knew was that the primal energy needed to reach a certain amount to be of use, an amount killing multiple max level C ranks apparently didn’t come close to. Thus, instead of keeping all the excess primal energy she’d received from killing the Violet Mountain Sect’s C rank elders, after getting all the treasures from the planet into the blessed land, Mila had spent several days letting the specialized machines in the blessed land extract the excess primal energy she’d absorbed to turn it into primal energy stones.

That sword is a bit ridiculous.” Nana Xara sounded somewhat awestruck as, at Mila’s prompting, Aalam shared the System’s evaluation of Epecteos’s Vengeance, whose most dangerous effect had only been completed after cutting into the Violet Mountain Lord.


Epecteos’s Vengeance (E-Fabled) [Growth]

An artifact designed by the Heavenly Spark Soul King to be sturdy and sharp, which was then forged using the primal energy and soul matter of billions of cursed souls during a massacre and later infused with the Laws of Inertia, Kinetic Energy, Bonds, and Severing through the help of the Heavenly Spark Soul King’s chamberlain. Having absorbed the power of an Altar of Sacrifice while stabbed into the flesh of its original target, the blade is seeped in karmic sin and will impart a powerful curse onto anyone it cuts, forcibly breaking all contracts held by its victim.

Unfinished, this weapon holds far more power within itself than can be used by an E rank, so it can easily be increased in both grade and rank up to C rank.

Effects: Hardening, Sharpness, Sin Blade (Contract Breaker)

Requirements: The Heavenly Spark Soul King or one of his servants


Most of the time Aalam spent forging the weapon had been on cleansing the violet titanium quintessence, turning the high grade A rank material into the shape of a sword, and merging in the soul matter from the billions of cursed souls. Then Aalam had carved the sword’s two main arrays, one for hardening and one for sharpness, and Mila’d spent a few hours helping him infuse his Laws into the blade.

This, however, wasn’t the part that had amazed Nana Xara.

The curse attached to that blade is powerful enough to sever contracts made by B rank lawyers.” Mila could almost imagine Nana Xara with wide eyes. “And lawyers are rare, with almost no A ranks, let alone gods, while death as punishment for breaking a contract is very common.

Mila, that blade, an E rank artifact, could have killed me in my prime so long as it somehow managed to cut me.

Nana Xara’s voice then became more serious. “It’s just too bad that curse is intrinsically tied to Aalam’s soul.

If you don’t get rid of it, Aalam will turn into a depraved villain. And that would not be good.

For a second, Mila’s heart started to race with worry, but then she realized Aalam’d made the blade after he’d decided not to kill himself, and he knew way more about curses than she did.

But it seems he’s used the karmic sin from his actions here as an intermediary, tying the curse to it rather than directly to his soul itself,” Nana Xara continued explaining once Mila’d calmed down, sounding disappointed, likely due to not being able to play more with Mila’s emotions. “Normally, this would make it even harder to get rid of the curse, but, as he has a sin eater like you, cleaning up the blade and his soul will actually be quite easy.

As we head back to Earth, you should start treatment immediately. With the amount of sin involved, I can’t see your racial ability not increasing as a result, and you should also meet the requirements for the Advanced Angel’s Release skill easily by converting some of that sin into merit.

It was at this moment that the last of the Violet Mountain Lord’s primal energy finally left his body, fully having flowed into Aalam, and this triggered a bunch of System messages.


The System Approved War between the E rank force Black Lake Corporation and the B rank force Violet Mountain Sect has ended with the complete victory of the Black Lake Corporation.


Transferring credits of all killed Violet Mountain Sect cultivators to the Black Lake Corporation.


The Black Lake Corporation has gained the following credits:

1,894 A rank universal credits

43,726,112 B rank universal credits

744,989,225,006 C rank universal credits



33,982,351 B rank elf credits


79,004,186 B rank human credits


21,409,023 B rank tuathan credits


122,900,438 B rank one-eye credits




There was more information as well, showing all of the B rank or higher credits of the various types had all come from the Violet Mountain Lord, and their force now had far more D, E, and F rank credits than they knew what to do with.


Transferring 100% of the Violet Mountain Sect’s assets, Territory, and System Privileges to the Black Lake Corporation


The Black Lake Corporation has gained the following credits:

64,973,586 C rank universal credits



34,018,289 C rank elf credits


15,100,924 C rank human credits


17,290,139 C rank tuathan credits


1,026,124 C rank one-eye credits


789,003 C rank sangha credits




The credits from the Violet Mountain Sect itself were far less than those owned by the Violet Mountain Lord, with far less than even 1% of the value, but it would have been a huge amount if they’d failed to kill him.

The transfer of Territory which came next, however, was hugely beneficial.


The Black Lake Corporation has gained the following Territory:

Janic [C Rank]

Flame’s End [C Rank]

Violet Mountain Capital [D Rank]



Altogether, there were two C rank planets, 212 D rank planets, 34,982 E rank planets, and 234,256 F rank planets. The Violet Mountain Capital, while listed as one of the D rank planets, would further fall to E rank after it spent more time disconnected from the blessed land, but it was still a huge amount of Territory.

And, as Aalam was technically the master of everyone else in the Black Lake Corporation, all the planets were immediately transferred to him and came under the name Heavenly Spark Soul King as Mila couldn’t yet hide his identity and change the benefit from having him as lord.

Aalam had raised his Law Pupae of Bonds and Severing to middle grade, but she’d yet to raise her Law Larvae of The Healer and The Reaper to Law Pupae, so they didn’t yet meet the requirements.

She could have abandoned the Territory, or passed some of it to Diana or Irena, but one of Aalam’s biggest strengths was his Prince uniqueness, which also boosted noble category skills, albeit to a lesser extent than his main class, and the way to advance that uniqueness was to gain a Territory much larger than required and hold it for an extended period of time. The new Territory they’d gained was approaching Aalam’s maximum limit—which was ridiculously high for an E rank due to his quadruply boosted Fabled grade lord skill and maximized Soul stat—so they wouldn’t need to hold it for very long. And the advancing of that uniqueness was worth the risk of having the name Heavenly Spark Soul King revealed.

Sure, they likely wouldn’t be able to keep the Territory, with other forces coming in and taking over at some point as their force would do absolutely nothing to stop them, but the fear caused by the Violet Mountain Sect’s complete destruction would likely keep off the vultures for a while, possibly enough time for Aalam’s uniqueness to rise in grade to King.


The Black Lake Corporation has advanced from a 1st Tier E rank force to a 5th Tier B rank force with the following additional benefits:

  1. All the System teleportation access permissions of the Violet Mountain Sect
  2. All the soul net permissions and additional purchases of the Violet Mountain Sect
  3. +100% to force membership limit
  4. +3 access tokens for each instance of the F rank Trial Tower for a total of 7
  5. -8.3333333% cost when using universal credits to buy D rank or lower goods from the System


Each rank of System approved forces had six tiers, and the Violet Mountain Sect had been a tier 5 B rank force, only two tiers from A rank. This was several tiers higher than the minimum level for having an army in the War of the Chosen at E rank, and it also granted 4 access tokens for every instance of the F rank trial tower, 2 access tokens for the D rank trial tower, and one token for bypassing the bloody preliminaries of the universal tournament for C ranks.

Other benefits of System approved forces included being able to join certain periodic System events, such as the System auction Nana Xara had been waiting for; the ability to purchase resources directly from the System; and holding System approved rights to one’s Territory, gaining the ability to share some of the fees from teleportation, soul net usage, and the like. Mila’s favorite benefit, however, was the increased access to the universal soul net, basically the internet for the entire universe.

The higher the rank and tier of a force, the higher access they had, opening up more types of resources to buy, higher tier events, and better terms from the System for profit sharing. As for access to the universal soul net, a higher rank and tier force gained more authority, able to access more hidden functions, such as the universe-wide ranking battle system, excellent for combat training, and forums for information gathering.

A force could then also pay the System for even more privileges, and the Violet Mountain Sect had done so, with the Black Lake Corporation now inheriting access to every teleportation portal the Violet Mountain Sect had ever paid for, every additional purchase for any of the System run applications on the universal soul net, and the other three items whose functions were more obvious.


Transferring all of the Violet Mountain Sect’s secrets to the Black Lake Corporation.


As the final reward for them winning the war against the Violet Mountain Sect, Mila gained access to a huge list of files hosted by the System which held the personal secrets of every member of the Violet Mountain Sect. And, given there had been billions of them, it was way too much information for Mila to go through quickly.

Thankfully, the System provided a search functionality, so, as she ran from the blessed land’s portal they’d reopened near the Kimali Mountains to where the Violet Mountain Lord had died, she searched for all D rank and higher resources on the capital planet and found a couple secret stashes she hadn’t known about, sending Isaiah to go pick them up.

When she arrived where the Violet Mountain Lord had died, Aalam was there sitting next to him, a look of slight disappointment in his eyes, revenge seeming to not have been what he’d been wishing for. And, when he saw her, he fell unconscious, Id seemingly having come to an end.

With Telekinesis, she picked up Aalam, Epecteos’s Vengeance, and the Violet Mountain Lord’s body—including the Violet Mountain Lord’s spatial storage ring, which, according to the System, held plenty of C and B rank resources—and brought them back to the blessed land. Then, when Isaiah got back, she gave the order and the blessed land closed its portal and started the process of flying back to Earth.


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