Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 41: Race Evolution



Aalam then placed his needles and the squid-like thing’s body into his artifact’s subspace and sat down crosslegged on top of the stone bed to read his notifications. And Mila, guiding Prince Morin out of the room, read them as well.

You have used the power of your Genetic Thief bloodline to steal the genetic power of an Abyssal Soul Collector (F-Legendary) with the Soul Eater (Fabled) bloodline.

This power can be used in your next racial advancement.

Then, as he still had one of the generals’ souls, he checked to see his new racial advancement options.

You have met the criteria to advance your race to F rank

You have the following six options:


Incubus (F-Uncommon)

The weakest variety of an incarnation of Lust, but an incarnation of Lust nonetheless, one which eats souls.



Strong Soul Incubus Prince (F-Epic)

The weakest variety of an incarnation of Lust, but an enhanced prince of their kind, one which eats souls.

Racial Abilities: 3

No limits, but a higher chance for charm, disguise, and noble related abilities

Advanced dual classes possible

Max stats:

Strength: 2448

Agility: 2448

Endurance: 2664

Toughness: 2448

Vitality: 2664

Perception: 2880

Magic: 3168

Spirit: 3456

Soul: 4752

Aura: 3168

Attunement: 3168

Luck: 3024

Stat Growth Per Level:

Strength: 4

Agility: 4

Endurance: 6

Toughness: 4

Vitality: 6

Perception: 8

Magic: 9

Spirit: 10

Soul: 12

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0

Advancement Criteria:

Control a medium amount of Territory for an F rank

Eat an E rank or higher soul of a sentient creature consumed by lust at the time of death.


Current race is Incubus (G-Uncommon), has control over a medium amount of Territory for a G rank, has maximized stats as an Incubus (G-Uncommon), has absorbed the genetic power of a Legendary grade or higher life form specializing in the Soul stat


Incubus King (F-Legendary)

The weakest variety of an incarnation of Lust, but a king of their kind, one which eats souls.

Racial Abilities: 4

No limits, but a higher chance for charm, disguise, and noble related abilities

Dual classes possible

Max stats:

Strength: 2808

Agility: 2808

Endurance: 3024

Toughness: 2808

Vitality: 3024

Perception: 3240

Magic: 3600

Spirit: 3888

Soul: 5616

Aura: 3600

Attunement: 3600

Luck: 3456

Stat Growth Per Level:

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Endurance: 7

Toughness: 5

Vitality: 7

Perception: 9

Magic: 10

Spirit: 11

Soul: 13

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0

Advancement Criteria:

Control a large amount of Territory for an F rank

Eat an E rank or higher soul of a sentient creature consumed by lust at the time of death.


Current race is Incubus (G-Uncommon), has control over a medium amount of Territory for a G rank, has maximized stats as an Incubus (G-Uncommon), has absorbed the genetic power of an Legendary grade or higher life form specializing in the Soul stat


Will you advance to an Incubus (F-Uncommon), a Psychic Incubus (F-Rare), an Incubus Lord (F-Rare), an Incubus Prince (F-Epic), a Strong Soul Incubus Prince (F-Epic), or an Incubus King (F-Legendary)?

Mila looked at these messages and she was pretty sure what Aalam would pick. Incubus King was awesome, an overall improvement to Incubus Prince, with higher max stats, higher stat growth, and even an extra racial ability, but it didn’t have the same potential as Strong Soul Incubus Prince.

Strong Soul Incubus Prince was exactly the same as Incubus Prince except for one thing. Instead of dual classes, it allowed for advanced dual classes. And that difference was huge.

Dual classes allowed a cultivator to gain two half-powered classes instead of one, with half the stat bonuses per level, half the number of skill slots as normal, and half-powered class effects, but advanced dual classes was different. With advanced dual classes, the class effects for both classes would be at full power and there would be no halving of skill slots, halved stat bonuses at each level the only detriment.

So, Aalam of course immediately chose Strong Soul Incubus Prince without giving it any extra thought and, as Mila looked back before leaving the room herself, her extra senses allowed her to see Aalam fall unconscious. Then the soul energy from one of the generals flowed out of his mouth and nose as a red and black mist and wrapped around his entire body before entering him again from all sides. The odd energy in the air also started flowing into his body, and Mila was pretty sure that was going to give him an even larger benefit.

“What was that room?” she asked the prince as they walked out of the cave and into the light of day.

The prince looked like he didn’t want to answer, but he was under the effects of the contract, so he had to. “It’s one of the two natural wonders of this world that makes it an F++ rank planet. It’s technically called a soul well, but, like you just saw, it's usually shaped like a cave. Just by staying inside, a cultivator’s Soul stat will gradually increase, and it will be even faster if he cultivates.”

Translation, it was an ideal cultivation cave for Aalam and, were she to leave him there, he wouldn’t leave unless she needed him.

Nana Xara had said multiple times the Luck stat had heightened effects in the tutorial and that apparently included exit location as well. Both her and Aalam’s Luck stats had been as high as they could be when the tutorial had ended and that had resulted in them not only being placed on a planet with an inheritance from a dead power, but near the best choice of the natives to enslave, near an ideal candidate for Aalam to make use of his Genetic Thief bloodline, and near an almost perfect cultivation cave as well.

“Who are you and where are you from?” Mila started leading Prince Morin through the jungle back to his previous base as she asked for more information.

“I am Prince Morin Daal, fourth son of Kalan Daal, B rank monarch of all undead in the Palazin Galaxy Cluster.” The way he said that, Mila understood she should be impressed, but she didn’t really feel it given the man had mainly lost to her and Aalam through his own idiocy. “I am from Planet Daal, named after my father.”

“Alright.” Mila feigned complete indifference, annoying the prince, and then they didn’t talk for a bit as Mila instead spoke with Nana Xara.

Could I ransom him?”

It’s a possibility.” Nana Xara sounded contemplative. “It would be difficult, however, and I wouldn’t recommend it. Given how much of an idiot he is and that he has three older siblings, he’s probably not worth anything you couldn’t get through safer and easier means.

You and Aalam also already killed everyone else who could travel through the Pillar of Conquest, making sending a ransom note expensive.

If you want to steal all his money, however, that is backed by the System and couldn’t be tracked by anyone less than a god, so feel free.

Alright. Brutal murder and trickery it is.” Mila ended the conversation and then enhanced her connection with Roland Raphaiya, allowing her to send a brief message to the young man telling him the location of the undead force’s Pillar of Conquest and what she wanted him to do. Then she started asking Morin Daal as many questions as she could think of, but his answers weren’t of much use.

Any question about cultivation, Nana Xara knew far more. Anything actually useful about undead politics Nana Xara wouldn’t know, he couldn’t talk about without his soul being destroyed. And he was quite obviously a sheltered brat, so he didn’t know much more.

All she really got was a better idea on who the other invading forces were, and even that was quite limited.

“Want to make a second contract?” she finally asked. “You give me all your artifacts, skill orbs, et cetera, as well as all your money and, in return, neither my partner nor I stop you from leaving.”

They’d arrived back at the undead camp and Prince Morin could see the devastation.

“Just the two of you did all this?”

“No.” Mila looked at the ice covered houses in one corner and the still burning ground in another. “Almost everything was him. I only killed five of your subordinates in total.” She very deliberately didn’t mention those five had been the strongest of his wolves and all his generals, setting him up for overconfidence.

“Then what is to stop me from just running for the pillar?” He turned a smug look at her and she responded by transforming the Twin Dragons from their earring form into spear form, creating a bright flash of light with her Law Egg of Hologram, and then using a lot of force to cut off his right foot.


Completely off balance, both literally and figuratively, just as intended, he quickly agreed to the new contract she’d sent him and she then helped strip him of his artifact shirt, his artifact pants, and his artifact boxers, as well as his artifact belt, his artifact sword, and the bag of holding which had been opposite his sword. At the same time, she also got a few new System messages.

Morin Daal has transferred all his wealth to you.

You have gained 3 D rank universal credits, 1047 E rank universal credits, 112,945 F rank universal credits, 26 D rank undead credits, 27,894 E rank undead credits, and 37,766,349 F rank undead credits



You have made money.

Your status screen now contains an assets section.

Then, as Morin Daal turned to hobble toward the pillar, Mila transformed the Twin Dragons into its spear form again and cut off his good leg at the knee.

“What’s the meaning of this!” the prince yelled at her after turning over from where he’d fallen on his face.

“I only agreed not to kill you and not to personally stop you from leaving.” Mila transformed the Twin Dragons back into earring form as Roland Raphaiya ran at them from where he’d been hiding, sword drawn. “There was nothing to stop me from maiming you or allowing my master’s slave to kill you.”

Mila moved away from the prince as Roland made it to where they were and cut off Morin Daal’s head. Then she took the time to look at the System messages Roland had received since she’d called him to come.

You have found an invading force.

Generating annihilation quest.


Destroy the Invasion I (F-Epic)

Accomplish the following:

  1. Either kill, force to flee, or permanently subjugate the leader of the invasion force
  2. Either kill, force to flee, or permanently subjugate the three generals of the invasion force

Rewards for this quest are based on contribution.

Extra rewards for killing the leader of the invasion force.

Extra rewards for killing one of the three generals.

This quest will be shared by every Hiran native in the area of the invasion.

Do you accept?


That was the first message. He then received another from killing Morin Daal.

You have solo-killed the leader of the invasion force, Prince Morin Daal.

Extra rewards will be given when the invasion force is fully removed.

“Alright,” she told Roland as she started picking up Morin Daal’s stuff. “Go touch the Pillar of Conquest and complete the quest.”


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