Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 68: Preparation


“Aaah!” Mila screamed as she fell down on the platform hidden in the desert cave, trying desperately to move her qi to stop the bleeding of her left arm as she activated her Law Larva of The Healer, empowering her qi as much as possible.

Everything had been going so well.

Using the information she’d gathered from Omalia, she’d created the perfect identity to trick the Kingdom of Night’s princess. She’d acted slovenly to lower the subconscious impression her identity might be fake. She’d revealed most of her powers. And she’d even created a shadow copy of Aalam’s Runescriber skill to carve a mark in her own flesh to completely eliminate suspicion.

The real best part of her disguise, however, had been her new ability to change her name while making a contract.

Contracts were effectively just enhanced bonds with magical punishments attached, so her Law Larvae could work on them as well. With the Law of Severing mixed into her Law Larva of the Reaper, she was able to cut the section of the contract holding her name as she made it and, with the Law of Bonds mixed into her Law Larva of The Healer, she could imperfectly heal that section to show a new name.

It wouldn’t work against someone with higher Spirit or Soul than her, as they would notice she was changing the contract as she made it, and it wouldn’t work without a skill like Devil’s Contract, which allowed her to change the final terms to match what she’d altered when it attached to the other party’s soul, hiding the surgery, but against the princess it had been relatively easy after a little practice, and it meant neither of them were actually bound by the contract as her fake identity didn’t actually exist.

With the disguise in place, Mila hadn’t had much other troubles. The Law Egg of The Courtesan only took her a few days to gain, and then she was able to practice with it and her Law Egg of The Tactician by playing both roles, raising both Law Eggs to high grade after a month.

She also killed quite a few people, using the strategy of taking on a disguise and mixing in with the opposing force every time the alliance attacked to take down leaders and generals, the tactic working quite well all four times.

She just hadn’t had any clue the forces of the Amoranth Kingdom were far more prepared than the forces of the Kingdom of Night knew, and there hadn’t been any way for her to know. Sure, she’d sensed Jameel’s emotions were different than they seemed on the surface after everyone drank the poisoned water, but she’d already been in the command tent and couldn’t do anything about it.

Had she still been human, the poison affecting everyone would have affected her as well and she would have died. Had she not immediately activated the teleportation token after the leaders and generals of the Amoranth Kingdom forces arrived, and used Artifact Enhancement to speed up the process by half a second along with her Law Egg of Obfuscation to delay the space mage from noticing, she would have died. And, had she not leveled up to level 6 during the campaign and gained 15 Agility, she would have died.

It had been a very close call and, even with all her advantages, she’d still lost her arm and, more importantly, Aalam’s Left Hand of the Runescribe. Sure, so long as the space mage had died, which was likely, they wouldn’t be able to open the subspace, but the Twin Dragons had been stored inside Aalam’s artifact along with almost everything else she owned.

Thanks to her Epic grade race, her hand and forearm would grow back over the next month so long as she hunted enough lust filled souls, but she only had a week before the Pillars of Conquest would become unsealed and she had to get the Left Hand of the Runescribe back before that or the forces of the Kingdom of Amoranth might pay to send it back for their seniors to break into.

Well, that was far more entertaining than the last month,” Nana Xara sent cheerfully. “Playing politics with people you plan to kill anyway is kind of depressing.

Mila just grunted in response, pulling lust filled souls from Aalam’s Soul Storage over their bond and absorbing them rapidly. Each time an almost sexual pleasure washed over her, but she ignored it and instead started thinking about the fact the Soul Storage was almost empty. She needed a lot of food if she was going to regrow her arm, and F rank monsters wouldn’t do.

It was time to use her newest skill to go hunting.

So, as she finally stopped the pale pink blood flowing from her stump, she ran out of the cave and headed northwest.

The forces of the Amoranth Kingdom had almost certainly started the process of destroying the forces of the Kingdom of Night, even if she took out most of their leaders, and there was a good chance the bastard who took her arm, their highest leader, was still alive. She’d deliberately thrown the bombs she’d stolen from the storage item of the leader of the Albatino Merchant Union in such a way she might have a chance to live if her teleportation was cancelled, and he’d been right on top of her when she’d disappeared, not to mention how he seemed to have a short distance teleportation skill which could have allowed him to leave the tent.

Their next goal then would be to wipe out the remaining forces of the Kingdom of Night, and the Gale Clan was the closest, so she was going to head there first before moving south toward the location of the Quill Clan’s Pillar of Conquest.

Sure, Isaiah Gale was still a monster, but, with her new skill, she was pretty sure she’d be able to run away from him. More important, however, the two members of the Gale Clan with contract breaking skills, their leader and his twin sister, were dead. So, if she could sneak into the Gale Clan, she could initiate contracts left and right, making money and taking in subordinates. Before that, though, she could use any Gale Clan member she found as food.

Without Illusion Steps, however, it took her almost a day and a half to get to Gale Clan territory rather than the day it would have taken before, and by that time she was almost starving, as she’d left the last two souls in Aalam’s Soul Storage alone for him to subconsciously eat.

So, when she entered the forest area south of the Gale Clan’s Pillar of Conquest, before finding any Gale Clan members, she first found a few F rank monsters, looked them in the eyes for a few seconds while activating Evil Eyes - Lust, and then killed them with Telekinesis, gaining enough food to last her at least three days, even with how fast she was using energy to heal her arm.

She’d already used Trickster’s Guise to take on the form of a true greenish blond haired Gale Clan member and, when she ran into a hunting party of Gale Clan members, there were too many of them to feed on so she made herself look excited and then collapsed, faking being out of energy.

As expected, they dropped their hunting expedition, checked her life signs which she deliberately made weak with some applications of qi and her Law Larva of The Healer, and then brought her back to camp.

Instead of Isaiah, an older Gale Clan member came to talk to her, and she told him everything her fake identity would know. Two thirds of the allied force had been poisoned, there was a large explosion from the command tent, and the forces of the Amoranth Kingdom had attacked. Her fake identity had been out hunting at the time and was thus close enough to see everything but far enough away she was able to run without being chased by more than a couple soldiers, who she managed to kill at the expense of her left arm and losing her sword.

By using Artifact Enhancement with her Law Egg of Obfuscation on her clothes, she was able to hide the fact they were rare artifacts, and the middle aged man believed every word, growing more and more worried as she talked.

“Where’s Lord Isaiah?” she asked when the conversation was done, using the form of address most of the Gale Clan members used out of respect for the Pink Ursa’s power.

“He’s out hunting, but he should return in around three hours.” The man’s expression became more relaxed at the mention of Isaiah’s name, so Mila was pretty sure he didn’t know about the Gale Clan’s plan to sacrifice their protector on an altar for power.

“Okay.” Mila locked eyes with the man and activated Evil Eyes - Lust. Then, a couple seconds later, as the man was just about to start taking off his clothes, she sent him a contract.


  1. You may not reveal any secrets about the initiator of this contract to anyone for any reason
  2. You may not take any actions with the intention to harm the initiator of this contract
  3. You must transfer all your System credits to the initiator of this contract
  4. You must follow all the orders of the initiator of this contract



Do you accept?


Mila smiled at the man. “Now accept.”

He did so. Then he immediately transferred his small amount of credits to her account as the effects of her charm slowly started fading.

From his aura, she could see how he grew terrified and, to make the next part of her plan work better, she decided to alleviate some of his fears. “I’m not actually a member of the Gale Clan, but a subordinate of the now dead Princess Silveea Night. Everything I said about what happened with the Amoranth Kingdom’s forces, however, other than my identity and how I escaped, is true.

“The princess knew about the Gale Clan’s plans to betray her, but I’m not going to hold that against you, as you didn’t make those decisions. Your money is your payment for your life and that will be the same for everyone else you bring me.

“I just need Isaiah Gale’s strength for revenge and you all are going to be my hostages so he doesn’t try to kill me like the last time I visited.”

Mila smiled warmly at the man, but flared her Aura to completely suppress his. “Do we have an understanding?”

The man quickly nodded.

“Alright then. Start bringing in people one by one, the strongest first.”


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