Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 8: Auction House


After realizing none of the legacies had any extra storage capabilities, Aalam went with plan B, being as efficient with storage as possible and wearing everything he wanted to keep. As each bag of holding, while only the size of a coin purse, held a cube of space with roughly 48 cm to a side, none of the swords or larger artifacts could fit, which was about half of them, but he was able to put all the skill orbs and talismans in just two bags, and that simplified things.

Jewelry, clothing, and small weapon artifacts filled up the rest of the bags of holding and, thankfully, there was an Uncommon backpack artifact called Thief’s Knapsack which was big enough to hold all 29 bags.

The backpack could also disguise the material it was made from, allowing it to look like an Inferior grade product, but Aalam decided to keep it in its main form of black leather. He’d put on the Rare grade red robes the Chinese youth had been wearing, already cleaned by their self-clean function, so a plain backpack would look less cool.

On his waist, he wore an Uncommon grade black belt which required a wind element Law Egg and could help slow falling speed. Attached to the belt was a Rare grade black dagger artifact in a black sheath which required a dark element Law Egg to drain the mana out of artifacts or mana shields. And on his left hand was a Rare grade artifact that looked like a red leather fingerless glove, which required a fire Law Egg and could be used to emulate the Fireball skill.

The Shield of Twelve Elements was on a hook on his belt on the other side from his dagger and on his left hand he also wore a Rare grade ring which could enhance a spell once per hour, including one from another artifact. The most valuable artifact on his person, however, was his new pair of boxers, the Shorts of Protection, a Rare grade artifact requiring a Law Egg of the earth element which would help dissipate all force targeting his pelvic area.

He could only take a single artifact out from the tutorial, and the tutorial’s third trial wouldn’t allow him to use any artifacts anyway, so dressing like this was pretty much pointless, but dressing up like a fantasy action hero was fun, and he had other uses for the artifacts, so he didn’t care.

At his direction, Mila had postponed choosing her legacy artifact and she was now dressed in a set of artifacts as well, though of lesser quality as none of them required Law Eggs. Her undergarments were Rare grade and had the same minor shield spell as the robes he was wearing, and over them she was wearing a tasteful Uncommon grade long-sleeved blue dress enchanted with high defense, a Common grade belt enchanted to slightly decrease the weight of anything attached to it, and what looked to be a large topaz pendant in the shape of a shield around her neck, another Rare grade defensive artifact.

Like Aalam, she hadn’t been able to find shoes, but the dress was long enough she no longer had to wear the sweatpants, and, according to her, it actually made moving easier. On her right wrist she wore an Uncommon grade bracelet which could emit a blindingly bright light once every two hours. And, on her left ear, she wore a Rare grade golden stud earring with the rune for ‘focus’ on it in a language different than the rune on the ceiling, at least according to her, which provided extra mental clarity.

On her belt she wore four different swords, all Rare grade but only one with effects she could actually use, and, like Aalam, she was carrying some of the Rare grade artifacts too big to keep in the bags of holding.

She had two shields, while he, who now had superhuman strength from his stats increasing as he gained twelve different Law Eggs, held a bundle of staffs, greatswords, axes, and halberds all tied together by three belts.

There had been a lot more Rare grade artifacts on the list when the first round of the Nightmare Royale started, but most winners of the first round hadn’t been stupid enough to continue onto the second and, of those who did, most had teams of three or larger, lowering their rewards from the first round to include only up to the Uncommon grade. So, other than the bags of holding, there were only forty-eight Rare artifacts in Aalam and Mila’s possession.

Even holding so many artifacts, however, there were still over a thousand they wouldn’t be able to keep and that wasn’t optimal. So, as Mila made her choice of Epic grade artifact, a silver metallic orb appearing over her head and transforming into a bandolier, enabling her to grab an extra three swords, he tried to lift all the artifacts he could with telekinesis and managed to raise almost six percent of them off the ground.

His plan worked and, as their surroundings disappeared, transforming into what looked like an empty void, none of the artifacts he’d managed to lift disappeared, unlike all the others which had been left on the ground.

Challenge over. Calculating rewards.

Base Trial Points: 144

Nightmare Royal Bonus Round cleared

Base Trial Points X 4

Nightmare Royale cleared with the fastest clear time.

Trial Points + 300%

Nightmare Royale cleared in less than 4 seconds.

Trial Points + 500%

Nightmare Royale Bonus Round cleared in less than 4 seconds

Trial Points + 1100%

Nightmare Royale cleared with no damage

Trial Points + 200%

Nightmare Royale Bonus Round cleared with no damage

Trial Points + 500%

Nightmare Royale cleared with two party members.

Total Trial Points X 11/24

Nightmare Royale cleared with total Luck higher than 216

Total Trial Points X 6

Trial Points for team leader Aalam Alvaro: 42,768

Trial Points for team member Li Mila: 42,768

Both members of your party also gain the following rewards:

All stats +6

1 Legendary free building coupon

Both Aalam and Mila saw those rewards, but only Aalam could see the next part.

Luck is already at maximum.

Nascent Energy Converter ability activated.

Free stats +6

Then a different notification appeared in front of both of their eyes.

You will now be transported to the City of Dreams.

Which section of the city would you like to be teleported to?



Residential: High

Residential: Low

“Do you have a specific plan, Aalam?” Mila looked to him and asked.

Aalam nodded. “Yes. We’ll head to the marketplace and then into the auction house.

“But first, give me a few seconds.”

Aalam put down the items he was holding up with telekinesis and, as expected, they didn’t disappear. Then he assigned his new 6 free stats to Aura, which would help boost the range of the telekinesis skill built into his new headband, and took a quick glance at this status.

Name: Aalam Alvaro

Level: 0

Race: Human Soulform (G-Common)

Bloodline: NA


Nascent Energy Converter (Legendary)

Amber Soul (Epic)


Class: Citizen (G-Common)


Concentration (G-Uncommon) 17% mastered

Rapid Thoughts (G-Rare) 14% mastered

Meditative Focus (G-Rare) 6% mastered



Law Eggs:

Soulform Temporal Acceleration - Early

Bacteria - Early

Asphyxiation - Early

Molecular Deceleration - Early

Molecular Acceleration - Early

Inertia - Early

Ionic Conductivity - Early

Ionization - Early

Ultraviolet - Early

Ultraviolet Absorption - Early

Vacuum - Early

Gust - Early



Strength: 21

Agility: 22

Endurance: 21

Toughness: 25

Vitality: 31

Perception: 25

Magic: 58

Spirit: 33

Soul: 43

Aura: 21

Attunement: 21

Luck: 144


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Large Core Container

Middle Dantian: 12 Small + 1 Medium Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 1 Huge Mental Forge




“Alright. Let’s head to the marketplace.”

Aalam picked up the artifacts with telekinesis and they accepted the teleportation, appearing in the center square of what looked like a medieval city, all the buildings large and gothic and the streets paved with stone.

There were three buildings which stood out the most. One was a huge circular structure of columns and arches, an amphitheater for sports and plays, the city’s main location for entertainment and combat training; the second was a large structure of spires and angelic gargoyles which looked like a church, though it was boarded up and covered in vines like it had been abandoned, their instance of the monster tutorial not allowing any universal religions to interfere; and the third looked like a palace, with large grassy lawns and multiple beautiful buildings, but was actually the city’s auction house, as shown by the large stone sign in front of it which was magically transitioning every few seconds to show the words ‘auction house’ in every Earth language.

Aalam dropped all the artifacts he was holding with telekinesis and then walked into the main building of the auction house with Mila following him to find a large open space with multiple alcoves around the walls, each with a wooden puppet behind a desk

Hello, Sir and Madam.” As they walked up to it, a puppet spoke to them via telepathy. “What might I do for you today? I see you have a lot of items with you. Would you like to put them up for sale?

“Later.” Aalam shook his head and placed the bundle in his arms on the floor in front of the desk. “I have a legendary free building coupon and I’d like to use it to take control of this auction house.”

Certainly, Sir.” The table in front of the puppet faded out of existence along with the chair the puppet had been sitting on, and the same thing happened in every other alcove as well. Then every single puppet knelt down on the ground and the next telepathic message sounded as if it came from hundreds of voices. “Welcome, Master.


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