Shaman from Afar

Chapter 21 - Hunt (on)

Ghouls, scavengers, and gregarious monsters, have a strong ability to move in low-light environments, and their sensitive sense of smell allows them to find corpses buried underground. However, they are very afraid of flames and glare, and are very flammable.

Now that he knows that he will face this monster, Loren specially prepared a large amount of ignition agent before departure from the academy-this is a fairly simple alchemy composition that only requires a small ignition star to burn; the disadvantage is It evaporates very quickly and disappears in a blink of an eye.

The Loren brought is a modified version of the little wizard. Although it still cannot change its volatile qualities, it makes this thing more unstable, even a strong impact can make it burn directly, and it is one of the best weapons against ghouls.

Moving closer step by step, the hoarse chewing sound became clearer, slowing down, and Loren’s expression on the lower body became more and more serious-the ghoul is a very sensitive monster, and the most attacked himself There can only be one chance, and it must cause killing as much as possible.

The sound of chewing suddenly stopped, indicating that this group of monsters had found themselves. There is a strange mute sound floating in the empty tomb, which is definitely not like the alert of seeing the enemy, it is more like the greedy covet of the prey.

Loren stopped and tried to blend his figure with the surrounding environment as much as possible. Listening to the sound not far away, the sound of crawling, and the motionless gaze locked the field of vision directly ahead.

Finally … there was a small figure in the dark tomb of the ghost, the eyes glowing with deep green light were surveying around, and then it seemed to feel something, and suddenly rushed in the direction of Loren, followed closely by it. What followed was countless messy footsteps.

Very good, Loren squeezed the bottle with the ignition agent in his hand, visually measured the distance between the two sides, calmly, calculated the angle, estimated the advance, and then three, two, one!

The just-dark “Firefly Charm” seemed to wake up suddenly, and flew to ten meters in front of Loren to explode, and the tomb that was just dark was instantly bright as day. At the same time, there were screams of ghouls being bright and blind!

There are a total of fourteen ghouls, and they have to make a quick decision … Lorren is silent in his heart. Before the dazzling white light dissipated, the wooden bottle filled with ignition agent landed precisely in the center of the ghoul group, and the sudden flame swept through like a spray.

Flames of burning smoke and burning scorched smells permeated, and the ghouls lying on the ground struggled back and forth, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but still to no avail. They have no brains and they do n’t know that they will actually be killed. They are actually too flammable.

The only pity is that the coverage of the ignition agent is still not enough. Not all ghouls have been ignited … Loren sighed slightly and squeezed the knight’s sword in his right hand, facing the food that had been thrown at him. Ghoul.

The roaring ghoul only left a residual image in Loren’s field of vision, and the bright silver knight’s long sword was lifted flat, just at the moment when the paw was slammed, it stabbed forward like a spear!

The ghoul that was penetrated by the sharp blade was too late to shout, and was thrown off the sword. One foot stepped on its upper body torso. Loren raised his sword and waved it off without hesitation. He cut off the ghoul’s head with a smelly blood.

Even as a wandering knight, Loren cannot fully keep up with these sensitive mutant monsters, so his advantage is not physical fitness, but reaction ability-as long as they can predict their movements, run fast, No matter how high you jump, there is no use.

The narrow passage is not a hindrance to these thin ghouls, howling and angry screams filled every inch of space, as if he could swallow him alive at any time.

There are still four ghouls left, but he has only one bottle of ignition agent. The ghouls who have stepped on the trap will definitely flash away as soon as they see that they throw the bottle out, so this time they need to change their strategy.

The ghouls screaming and screaming rushed from all over the tomb-these mutated monsters did not understand what fear is, even if their companions were burnt into coke, Loren was still a piece in their eyes The delicious fatty meat can make them covet the delicious meal!

So the beasts are always just beasts … slightly raised the corner of the mouth, Loren unscrewed the bottle of the ignition agent directly, poured a bit on the sword, and then resealed it and threw it out with force.

As Loren predicted, the ghouls ran away immediately at the moment the ignition agent landed, and the explosive fire only ignited one of them, and the remaining three were moving from their left and right and overhead Attacked separately, revealing saliva-filled fangs.

I needed an accurate prediction. Loren’s eyes narrowed into a slit, imagining the movement of the next second, but the knight’s sword in his hand had already begun to swing.

The ghoul who rushed to the front has been unable to bear the impulse to live life, hoarse roaring, showing an amazing bouncing force, jumping straight from above Loren, ready to bite his head directly!

At the same time, the blade of the sword had risen and turned into a bright silver light, and the dazzling shadow opened the monstrous monster in the air, and the smelly blood was sprayed out of the thin body mercilessly!

But at the moment of the chopping, the igniting agent that was subjected to the strong collision was immediately ignited-the cold long sword lit a raging fire, and directly forced another ghoul who wanted to pounce from the side.

The ignition agent is only eight seconds from ignition to extinction, which means that he has only eight seconds to solve the remaining two ends!

This time, Loren did not take the defensive position again, brandishing the flaming sword and taking the first step to the left, flipping the sword in his hand between the monster landing, and nailing it from the back to the ground, and then instantly Was lit.

“Then the third.”

In the world without pulling out the sword body, Loren directly threw the ignited ghoul in the direction of the other side, and the agile monster evaded directly, circumventing the front and coming from behind Loren, very wisely, But he didn’t see the slightly raised corner of his mouth.

Although you can’t change anything even if you see it.

Just at the moment of the rush, Loren lightly snapped his fingers, and his body was moved sideways as if being pushed from the side by two steps ~ ~ It just happened to escape The location just now.

Then … The monster that flew empty saw the flaming sword swaying towards it face-to-face, chopping sideways, with a bright red track splitting the whole ghoul in half!

The burning wreckage reflected the surging shadow on the wall of the abandoned tomb, as if it was a strange dance danced by the devil, tearing the remaining firelight.

The flame on the sword gradually extinguished, and Loren gasped, looking at the ghouls that had been burnt into coke, and his eyes were somewhat lingering.

If it was not that he strengthened his mental strength before coming, the “hovering curse” just now was not enough to avoid the ghoul’s attack. I am afraid he would at least open a mouth on his left shoulder.

But hypothesis is always just hypothesis, it exists only to avoid overconfidence of oneself—even if there is an accident, it is impossible to change the result, and it is impossible to really put yourself in any danger of life.

This is not self-confidence, but the result of careful planning. Even if the ghouls here are more than doubled, Loren has the absolute certainty to kill them. If more … he will find a way to create as much chaos as possible and give himself time to retreat.

Traps, accidents, unexpected situations … Loren doesn’t like these very much, but if there is anything that can make him more disgusted, then it should only be deception.

These ghouls are no different from normal ones. Although the desire to attack is stronger than what Loren predicted, it is only due to long-term hunger, and there are no signs of mutation from the battle.

“I will pull you out, the coward hiding behind the ghoul.”

Stood at the end of the abandoned tomb and stared at Loren from the ghoul lair on the ground, muttering to himself.

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