Shaman from Afar

Chapter 5 - The Devil (Part 1)

“Why haven’t the two little boys come out yet?”

The cold silver hook hangs in the sky, as if even time has been frozen. Every minute and second became slower and slower, Martin’s temper became more and more irritable, but his eyes did not leave the closed wooden door, his eyes were already covered with blood.

After the door was closed, there was no more noise, screams, footsteps, even breathing in the cellar, and the two little things seemed to evaporate. The anxious Martin went down several times and pressed his ear to the door, even brave enough to push the door a little, but it was all in vain.

Could it be said that this is not a cellar at all, but a secret road that allows them to escape? Or is there any monster hiding, they are already dead? The more he waited, the more anxious Martin started to think, and even the dead church seemed to be a bit wrong.

The run-down wooden door under the stairs seemed to have some magic power, so that Martin’s scarlet eyes could not move away from his gaze, and the right hand holding the knight’s sword trembling, breathing became more and more rapid.

Do you want to go on? Martin hesitated. The intellect in his mind told him not to do such a thing that might have lost his life; but when he thought of the treasure hidden underneath, it might be a treasure that he could not spend in his life!

“The puppies are all rolling over for me, don’t worry about that **** bitch!”

Greed eventually overwhelmed reason, but Martin was still cautious, calling on most of his dog legs, leaving only two people to guard outside, and he stood a little behind, so no matter what happened , He can run away.

Dozens of robbers walked down the stairs looking forward and backward, fully armed but carefully pushed open the door like a group of mice, and walked in with fear.

In just a moment, they were completely stunned by the sight in front of them!

Gold, silver, ruby, sapphire … Around the spacious cellar, it was completely filled with wooden boxes full of large and small, filled with treasures. Under the blaze of fire, the small gold nuggets reflecting the dazzling golden light piled up from the box and fell to the ground more than sand!

Where have these robbers hiding in the wilderness of the mountains seen such a scene? Do n’t say you ’ve only seen it in a dream, but you dare not even think about it!

“We are rich! We are rich! Holy cross his grandma is on, we are rich!”

“It’s all ours, take them all away, and don’t let those outsiders find out!”

“Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha ha ha …”

Didn’t need Martin’s command at all, and the robbers were completely mad, like the animals seeing swill, rushing to the box full of gold and gems, twitching loudly, enjoying the sudden carnival.

“This, this … simply …” Martin was also shocked to be speechless. Although he did imagine how many treasures there would be, everything in front of him was beyond imagination.

Just one night, can you become rich in the country?

The astonished robber took a step back involuntarily, feeling as if he had hit the door behind him. But when he turned around, the door disappeared, leaving only the stone wall!

There was a chill in Martin’s body, and the inexplicable fear instantly offset the joy of the treasure in front of him. The dog legs cheered and the sound of the gold falling on the ground, as if they had all become the whisper of the devil. A door that allows you to go out.

Is trapped? The terrified Martin raised the torch in his hand, desperately looking around for any place that looked like an exit. But it didn’t take long for him to think of another thing.

Where did those two little boys go? !

This cellar does n’t look big, and it ’s impossible for them to hide it. If it ’s not, does that mean it ’s a trap, waiting for a stupid like yourself to step in? !

“Come here, you guys, you gangsters who saw the money!” The fear in the heart made the robber head shouting loudly, “Don’t be like a fool, we’re trapped!”

“We are rich! We are rich! Holy cross his grandma is on, we are rich!”

“It’s all ours, it’s ours, take them all away, and don’t let those outsiders find out!”

“Uh ha ha ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha ha ha …” …

None of the robbers responded to him, still repeating what he said at the beginning like a fool, holding gold and gemstones and throwing them into the air, letting them slip from their fingers, and then carefully picking them one by one.

“Are you fools all deaf ?!” Martin, angrily and furious, suppressed the fear in his heart: “Give me all this, or I will strip you all alive!”

“They can’t hear.”

A familiar voice made Martin Hanmao stand upright! There seemed to be a shadow in the darkness in the center of the cellar: “Who is this?”

“The person who killed you.” Loren walked out of the shadow as he said, carrying a long sword full of collapse in his right hand: “I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Ein Rand stood beside Loren, looking at Loren’s expression a little complicated, but still raised his dagger handed to him, and tremblingly pointed to the head of the robber opposite the two.

As soon as he entered the door, the little wizard felt that he was about to pass out in pain. When he was awake, he found that the entire cellar had completely changed to another look, and Loren stood still in front of himself, saying that he had a plan.

Is it because he changed the cellar? The little wizard is unbelievable, but there is no other explanation-but how can an ordinary person who does not understand magic even do this? , Even his own mentor can’t twist the void into what he wants!

What happened … Ain glanced sideways at Loren’s wrist. Was the wounded band tied to the empty position? Or to say … Unstoppable curiosity sprouted in the heart of the little wizard.

“Actually you two **** little boys ?!”

Martin, who was about to be driven into madness by fear, finally found a vent, shouting with exhaustion: “You dare to show up here, believe it or not, I’m going to kill you now!”

“Why?” Loren sneered and pointed to the pile of treasures behind him that were countless: “Aren’t you going to let us find the treasure here for you? It’s all here now, just go get it.”

“Let me be stupid!” Martin’s fearful face became more and more twisted: “What the **** is going on, tell me clearly-and, how to get out from here, say … say!”

“It’s simple.” Loren’s voice calmly said that there was no wave, and his dark eyes stared at him: “As long as you die, you can get out from here.”

“You madman, lunatic!” The robber’s head began to become a little hysterical, subconsciously touching his waist, but found nothing.

“Are you looking for this?” Loren slowly raised the knight’s sword in his hand and pointed straightly at each other: “Relax, I will return it to you immediately. UU Reading”

“… Damn **** thing!” Martin didn’t hesitate at all, and rushed to the nearest robber, grabbed the iron sword of the other side, and kicked his dog’s leg to the ground: “You again Don’t need this anymore, brainless idiot! “

While the robber’s leader was away, Loren pushed the little wizard who was standing on his side to the back, and even said with a few commands: “Don’t come over for a while, give him to me.”

“You, what are you talking about? How could I watch you die alone ?!” cried the annoyed little wizard, even though the man had been shaking since the beginning: “Did you not say that, We can only live together in the same boat! “

“Yes, but …” Loren paused mysteriously for a moment, leaning his face close to Ain’s ear, letting the little wizard subconsciously hide a little: “Even if the two of us go together, I’m not sure I can win– —This guy is very cunning, so you need to hide you as a wizard and wait until the most critical time.

“Oh … that’s what it is.” The little wizard’s expression suddenly realized, and then nodded swearingly: “You can rest assured, I will definitely seize the moment.”

In fact, it would be better if we could not fight …. Lorren could n’t help but say that he always used violence as the last resort. The best result should be that the robber leader was also attracted to those “gold” That’s right.

However, such a situation is not bad, at least he can let the robber himself go to hell.

Lorren raised her lips slightly helplessly, carrying the sword to the opposite side and rushing to his robber’s head. The expressions of the two men were equally grim and shouted.

“Come on, miscellaneous —— !!!!!!”

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