Shaman from Afar

Chapter 73 - Vampire (Part 1)

Why … what’s going on? How could I … fall to the ground?

When things in front of him changed in an instant, Karan hadn’t even reacted.

Trembling and stiffly lowered his head, watching the vampire pressing himself under him, tearing the flesh of his torso in a big mouth, chewing his internal organs, and the bright red blood stained his vision.

The cold fangs and the severe pain made the incredibly thin and tall man into an unparalleled panic.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

The scream of sorrow echoed in the dark Holy Cross Church. A vampire who has been hungry for thirty years is as skinny as a wood, and desperately **** and eats the delicious meal in front of him, like a very hungry wolf, but it is far more terrible than a wolf!

“Don’t … I admit defeat … I don’t dare anymore … Save me quickly, save me, you can do whatever you want-!!!!!!”

Fell into a collapsing Karan, completely without the previous elegance. The steel claw of the vampire pierced his arm, making him lose the last chance to escape.

Separated bones and flesh, blood splattered, unrecognizable visceral flesh … The powerful wizard and spellcaster, Lord Karan, are being eaten and wiped away by vampires bit by bit, and they are not willing to waste a little.

Opened his fangs, which were already full of minced meat and blood plasma, and bit him on Karan’s neck. The tall man who was screaming just now seemed to have stopped breathing, his grey eyes widened, and his body kept twitching.

It’s just a matter of a few breaths. The rosy skin quickly fades, the dry wrinkles turn into blue and black; the sturdy body sags at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the teeth in the mouth continue to fall off. The whole person is already skinny The skull of the head …

Even if it was already a corpse, the hungry vampire still did not let go of Karan ’s body, still biting, and his purple tongue licked back and forth on the bones of the sensuous bones, and tasted the last taste.

Lorren, who was hiding behind, slowly pulled out the steel sword behind him. For the first time in his eyes, there was a nervous look, and he didn’t dare to have a slight slack heart.

This time the opponent is not a lower mutant species such as ghouls, but a higher life above the human food chain-even Karan, an experienced caster, has been in front of this monster for a few seconds. I couldn’t keep it up!

Yes, defeated by Peter and imprisoned for another 30 years, the vampire is definitely not in its heyday, but it is also far stronger than his ordinary human being.

The reason why didn’t take advantage of the other party while still consuming Karan was because the monster like vampire was very special. They will not become weak because they have not been sucking blood for a long time; on the contrary, this long hunger will make them more aggressive and will attack any delicious meal in desperation.

Be patient enough to wait until the animal is full and full, when it is least prepared …

Jian Feng sinks at his feet, and the silent steps slowly approach from the side, slowly approaching … This monster is very powerful, but as long as it is stabbed in the cervical or tail vertebrae, it can be as vulnerable as livestock.

The monster lying on Karan’s corpse is still enjoying its “deliciousness”, completely unaware that a dark figure is slowly approaching.


There was a slight movement in the distance outside the door. The vampire who bowed his head and chewed suddenly stopped, and the scarlet eyes moved to him almost immediately.


Between the light and stone fire, Loren immediately threw out the ignition agent in the waist, and then the left hand with the “caster” gloves smashed the spell floating in the palm, and the cold void power instantly filled the body, and two more under the corner of the eye Road indigo pattern.

“Beyond perception”-!

The ignition agent in mid-air has exploded a flare, and the purple monster actually tore the exploding flame to pieces, howling and rushed at himself!

“Dang —— !!!!!!”

Loren, who instinctively reacted to the steel sword, heard a harsh friction from his ears-just to block the claws of the vampire, he left three traces on this brand new steel sword, almost breaking the body of the sword. !

The roaring monster didn’t give Loren time to think. The narrow bat wings spread, just a blink of an eye, and the purple figure had moved to the ceiling of the church.

The bleak shriek came from the top of his head, and Loren, who was too late to watch, slipped away and threw out another dagger. The vampire didn’t even mean to dodge. The short sword that fluttered out of the bat wings was torn apart like a piece of paper.

He even had time to see the scarlet eyes, and the monster was already in front of him. The long sword he was struggling with had been blocked by the claws. He grabbed the claws of the steel sword and heard the squeaking sound of “creak”. The sword’s body was crushed into pieces!

Loren, who immediately released the hilt, slid backwards, and the right hand that snapped his fingers had not yet made a sound. The vampire showing his fangs had already bitten his neck.


Instinctive body dumped backwards. Loren’s body that had escaped death had lost his balance. The figure in cloak flew out and hit the church column hard.

The spine of the back wailed, and Loren’s throat was sweet, and he swallowed the congestion back. Avoiding the monster’s flank sideways, he tumbling on the ground a few times before stopping.

Now he finally understands why the college library management has a very special high-level spell “beyond perception”-without it, he can’t even see the vampire’s afterimage!

It’s absolutely impossible to go on like this. You can’t fight vampires if you can only fight yourself. We must find its weaknesses, what is it afraid of?

Where is its weakness? !

Lorren doesn’t believe that there are perfect individuals in this world. As long as it is alive, there must be a door, there must be a defect, there must be a way to hurt it!

The black shadow once again left an afterimage in the air, and Loren, who tried his best to win time for himself this time, flew into the air and the “Firefly Curse” emitted a dazzling glare, and then threw the last short knife backhand.

The claws gently crossed, turning the short knife into two pieces. Loren, who was caught in the corner of the cloak, was thrown at the forefront of the Holy Cross statue like a broken sack.

In the midair, Loren gave himself a “hovering curse” without thinking. The chest that was hit hard can no longer be restrained. A series of benches that fell into Loren fell into pieces, finally avoiding being crossed The miserable miserable end.

This is the real gap between humans and monsters ~ ~ Even if it has strengthened its own perception, both the speed and the strength are completely crushed by the other party. Once the head-on confrontation or even the chance to fight back …

No, it shouldn’t be this way. Since Peter had lived to catch this vampire thirty years ago, it proved that it could be defeated. Wizards … or human beings are powerful and powerful because of reason and wisdom.

I just haven’t found its weakness, it doesn’t mean it can’t be defeated!

All mutated species are mutated only because they have been affected by the void, and they are also different because of the intensity of the influence.

Resembles a ghoul, which belongs to a type with little influence, and even retains part of the nature of the natural world. At most, it is a special scavenger.

And vampires are completely different-they are more affected, and the mutation is deeper. Their existence is like a virus in this world, which is a harmful and unhelpful example.

Since the influence of the Void is deeper, will it be more obvious when faced with the power of the Void?

Holds the “bright silver” hilt in his left hand, and the silver-plated blade is prominent in the dark church.

“Did you finally understand it? Hmm … It doesn’t seem too late.” The teenager hiding in a corner slightly raised his mouth, his eyes gleaming strangely, staring at the embarrassed figure: “Maybe you are real There is a chance to defeat a hungry vampire alone, Loren Turin … oh, no, it should be the stranger.

You really gave me too many surprises, I really did not choose the wrong person-we can certainly become very good friends.

I … sincerely … believe this. “

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