Shaman from Afar

v2 Chapter 18 - Severe Winter (2)

Although he was very entangled in the affairs of the Rand family, but soon Loren had no intention to consider this matter-only a week later, the roaring cold wind completely conquered the entire count.

Even if the sun in the sky is still shining, the bitter cold can make people fall into the ice cave!

The speed of winter is far beyond Loren ’s expectations, and even more terrible things are behind—according to the calculation of the little wizard and her past experience of living in Shenlinbao, this winter is likely to be exceptional long.

This also means that the stored grain in Shenlinbao is likely to persist until spring plowing in the coming year. Even if there is only a slight accident, the entire castle may run the risk of grain breakage.

At this point, the dark-haired wizard could finally understand why Barry Senna would surrender the land willingly-according to the tradition of the Principality of Lothal, the vassals are only obliged to be responsible for the subjects in the confederation, and the free people are the lord Subjects.

In other words, they don’t care about the lives of these people. These peasants who had just acquired their own land, the only thing they could rely on were Earl Ruben Fried.

They abandoned some barren land and a group of unsupported farmers, and took the opportunity to consume the few grains stored in the castle. When these people ate all the food in the castle, and the count had nowhere to go, he would naturally surrender to them!

The other party’s methods are almost extreme. They must know that there will be hundreds of people who will starve to death in the cold wind, but they are worthless in their eyes, just to force Lu Wen. Props to surrender to them.

Actually lost his mind …

Lorren has now found that he seriously overestimated the moral bottom line of these nobles, thinking that even if they do not treat their tenants as people, they should be “properties” that cannot be easily discarded, but the reality is cruel.

Loren hates accidents, instability, and sudden situations … but he hates his “failures” more than that.

As long as his breath is still there, as long as there are pieces in his hand, and there is room for a turn, he will never admit that he has failed-not to mention, now he is just preempted by the opponent.

This game is not over yet, at least before he is defeated by the general!

………… Even if the fireplace is already hot, the temperature in the map room is still chilling. The flickering candlelight left a black silhouette on the wall, swaying like a devil.

And Ruben Frid, sitting in an armchair beside the map table, felt colder than the temperature. At the moment he heard the black-haired wizard, he even felt a little desperate.

“Your alchemist friend, can you really guarantee accuracy?”

“He is the best alchemist among the people I know. The knowledge of meteorological changes and natural science far exceeds me.”

Loren nodded blankly: “If even Ai … Isaac said so, then I can only respect his judgment.”

The young Earl’s expression was even more ugly. Of course he knew what long and harsh winter meant. Those peasants who have just acquired the land, if they do not take out the food from the castle to help them, they have no ability to withstand the severe cold.

But Loren has just said that although the storage of food in Shenlinbao is abundant, it is definitely not enough for so many people to consume. At most, it can only last for a month.

More than a month, everyone has to starve to death!

“Today, many village elders have come to the castle to plead and say that the farm has run out of food.” Loren said quietly: “If they can’t be given some food as soon as possible, they will only be hungry except poaching and being a robber This way is dead. “

“If the expectation is good, more refugees will soon come to Shenlinbao to ask for relief. At that time, the situation may only become more dangerous. The weather is getting colder, and once they have not eaten, they can do everything. Even going back to those tenants as tenants, the whole plan will fall short! “

“What should I do?”

Almost unbearable, Lu Wen stood up directly from the chair: “Is there really no way? We are about to succeed, is it necessary for a natural disaster to wipe out all the results ?!”

Lu Wen is not reconciled, of course he is not reconciled-obviously the victory is near, the fruits of success are within reach, but at this time he has to close it, how can it be accepted with peace of mind?

But the reality is cruel to the point of being unbearable. It is impossible for Shenlinbao to feed everyone. Without the support of those noblemen, he would have to watch those who believed in him, trembling into the cold wind. Corpse.

“Of course there is.”

“Say!” The Earl, who soon lost patience, became much tougher.

“We need support, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to hold on.” Loren’s expression of Cheng Zhu was on his chest: “Since this winter is so severe, you have every reason to ask your father for help and ask the Duke to give us some relief food Even … reinforcement. “

“At the same time release the news as much as possible, it is best to let the entire Earl’s Colleague know that soon a carriage full of food arrives in Shenlinbao-not only to give civilians confidence, but also to crack down Those nobles “

“If it was for Shenlinbao, my father wouldn’t refuse it.” Lu Wen nodded and turned his eyes to Sir Aaron next to him: “Tonight you will set off, make sure your father understands how serious the situation is now. ! “

Sir originally planned to ask a few words. Loren from the side quietly squeezed a note from behind, and frowned, he was silent.

“In addition, for those refugees who seek help from the castle, they should be resolved separately.” The black-haired wizard continued to say: “First, gather the young and strong as much as possible, so that only the old, weak women and children can be solved, and there is no need. Worried about any disturbances. “

This approach is also cruel, but it has no choice. The count can also understand why Loren did this: “But after bringing these young men together, they also need relief.”

“It’s very simple, find some work for them.” Loren raised his eyebrows. “Among the more robust, they were temporarily incorporated into the castle’s guards to replace the original guards and knights to guard some insignificant places; and those If they are weak, they will be assigned to a lighter job. “

“As long as they still have work and can barely feed, these people will not be an unstable factor ~ ~ can temporarily guarantee that there will be no riots.” The black-haired wizard slightly leaned down and led his right hand from the earl Gently swiped across the map: “We will be able to win time to solve those nobles who have not yet submitted.”

No matter how many means, it can only buy time. As long as the nobles of these deep forest castles cannot be resolved and enough land and food are obtained from their hands, then everything is virtual.

If you want to solve them, you need more information and management. As it happens, there is now someone around me who can do this.

Loren, who had left from the map room, looked at the hat waiting outside, with a kind smile on his face-but in the hat’s eyes, it was like a prehistoric beast twitching his teeth and covering his hair. upright.

“Please, do you have anything to order, Lord Loren?” The boy holding the brim tightly was scared and nervous, and smiled pretendingly: “As long as you ordered, I will do it for you it is good.”

“I sincerely hope you didn’t lie to me, dear hat.” Squatting slowly, Loren and the boy looked at each other: “So let’s do a deal.”


“As long as you help me this last time, and absolutely don’t betray me, I will never ask you anything again in the future.”

Loren’s tone is full of temptations: “Not only that, I can also help you get a background in this castle, if I’m lucky, maybe I can persuade Lord Earl to make you a knight’s servant.”

Knight’s attendant … The hat swallowed hard, trying to make himself look calmer, but the child’s heart was still revealing his heart. The dark-haired wizard slightly raised his mouth:

“So … the deal?”

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