Shaman from Afar

v2 Chapter 21 - Premeditated (on)

“Sir Loren Turin, how are you-I mean, Lord Earl?”

The owner of the Rand family who walked into the map room, Visari Rand, looked very surprised at the dark-haired wizard who was facing his back, but still asked with a somewhat flattering tone.

Was followed by dozens of aristocrats, who were also very strange, and even had a bad hunch on their faces. They all heard that Ruwin Frid had summoned them, but the person who greeted them was the wizard named Loren.

After such a long time, these people also knew how much Lu Wen trusted the wizard’s adviser, and he could even say that he was obedient, but after all, it was not the count, and it was not worth their extra effort to please.

Someone even smelled the conspiracy, quietly hiding behind the crowd, ready to run.

“The earl has other things to deal with, so I’ll receive a few of them.” Loren, who turned around with a smile, gave a snap, and a “hovering curse” locked the door of the room, leaving the room inside The nobles were startled.

“What do you mean?”

“You misunderstood, Your Excellency Rand.” Seeing the other person’s horrified expression, Loren immediately reassured: “This is just to avoid someone hearing our conversation.”

What is this for?

“Masters, you have all violently opposed the count’s plan in this castle, several of them even more than once.” Loren said quietly: “And I am representing Lord Ruwin Friede today, Come negotiate with you. “

“I, we are not going to oppose the Earl’s plan!”

As soon as he heard this from the other party, Visari Rand immediately became anxious, and he quickly explained in a hurry: “Just because there are too many disputes in the land, and we don’t get it for nothing. It’s really forcing us to hand over … “

“I can understand.” Loren smiled slightly and sighed with some helplessness: “In fact, the treatment of Lord Earl in this matter is really too rough.”

“But … who made him the earl, we humble servants can only satisfy his wishes as much as possible, barely make some small contributions for the difficult things.”

“Then, of course, we are all loyal servants of Lord Earl.” The fat man wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled at Loren, and glanced at the nobles behind him, and then asked carefully: ” So … what is your plan? “

“As a wizard consultant for adults, I have a responsibility to fulfill his wishes; but at the same time we have to face reality, it is impossible to live in a dream.” The black-haired wizard smiled easily: “Even as a lord, the Earl can’t force everyone Hand over your own land. “

“So I am here to give you a more reasonable suggestion-Lord Earl will no longer force you to surrender your land, but at the same time, you are not allowed to continue to stand up and encourage the rest to join you Defy the count’s plan! “

“And, as proof of your surrender to the earl, you also need to provide Shenlinbao with enough livestock, wheat, barley, and potatoes. These foods will serve as relief for the free people, and prove the loyalty of the adults, and Shenlinbao’s contribution! “

“I very much hope that all the adults will accept this proposal. As you know, the count has no patience.” Loren sighed with a bitter smile: “And as his humble servant, I can’t come up with better conditions. Now. “

Visaari Rand turned around and glanced at a few nobles, then asked carefully: “Is it because the food in Shenlinbao is almost exhausted?”

“You really think too much, and I just want to give everyone a chance so that the Earl can feel your loyalty to him.” Loren chose not to answer.

But this statement also allowed Visari Rand and a few nobles to verify their guesses-Shenlinbao was almost out of food!

On the surface is still aristocratic expressions, but the heart is sneering constantly. He insisted that he was right now. The count must not be able to hold it, but he couldn’t pull down to beg for mercy from these people, so he had to send the wizard to ease the atmosphere.

Although it is not clear how much food is stored in Shenlinbao, it is absolutely not enough to provide it to so many people. He can’t persist for long!

These nobles all played a small abacus in their hearts. Is it now accepting the count’s conditions for summing up, or is it going to persevere and force him until he has to surrender completely?

If you agree now, there will be some losses; but if you oppose it, I am afraid that the earl will immediately turn his face-what they are really afraid of is the father of Ruben Frid, the duke of the Duchy of Lotel!

“And, the new military director Sir Aaron has left Shenlinbao and asked Lord Duke Lothal for assistance. The carriage full of food will arrive in half a month!”

Loren showed a playful smile: “If you still can’t make a decision at that time, I’m afraid the Earl will not talk like this now.”

The aristocrats who just had ecstasy immediately showed a shocked expression, they did not expect that Lu Wen’s action would be so fast!

There is no doubt that in order to win the Count of Shenlinbao, the Duke of Lotel will spare no effort to support his son-when the food is delivered to Shenlinbao, they will absolutely have no chance!

Will the duke use the excuse to **** food and send another army? !

“I will give you two days to think about it. You can leave the castle after two days.” Loren snapped his fingers again, and the door of the map room was opened: “Now, please come back to the room. Take a break, you must be tired. “

The nobles with different looks even forgot to say goodbye, and left the place in a hurry, as if they were escaping their lives, the panicked look could not be concealed at all.

Even without guessing, Loren knew what they would do, and that was their purpose-they must have waited less than two days, and it was impossible for them to have the courage to wait for Sir Aaron to return.

Because that day, the already unbearable Ruben Fried will not talk to them about any conditions anymore, he will directly grab all the nobles who dare to resist him, hang and hang on the gate of the deep forest monkey.

They must know this better than Loren.

“You really are so confident?”

Asriel, who turned into a black-haired eagle, turned into an adult form sitting on the map table ~ ~ looked at Loren with curiosity: “What if they are not fooled, this is probably your last chance. Right? “

“There is an old trick called that as long as you know what the other person wants, you can make them obedient.” Loren raised his lips confidently:

“And we know what they want now, so I have full confidence to let them walk into my trap.”

They absolutely did not dare to wait until Sir Aaron came back, and once they left the castle and wanted to mix in again, it would be difficult. So they had only two days to destroy the granary in the castle, and Lu Wen had to surrender to them as soon as possible!

To be more precise, there is only one night’s chance. Because early morning is when the guards on patrol change shifts, and the dark environment is also their best choice!

“Among these people, there is that Mr. Visalyn Rand.”

The teenager suddenly said, showing a smile-like expression: “Aren’t you promised Ain Rand, would you give the Rand family to her to solve it?”

“Should I not ask how do you know?”

“Of course, we are friends, and there shouldn’t be any secrets between friends.” Asrell’s expression was taken for granted, and his head was tilted: “You didn’t actually intend to follow the agreement with Ain from the beginning, right? “

“If I guess right, my dear Loren, you know from the beginning what Ain Rand is going to do. As for dealing with these nobles, it is just a matter of course.”

The lazy boy lay on the map table, his legs shook, and he and Loren looked at each other leisurely.

“Do you think she will thank you or hate you?”

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