Shaman from Afar

v2 Chapter 31 - Night Riot (1)

It was going to be late, the cold wind roaring the sky once again hung a cold silver hook, the murderous north wind passed through the castle tower, leaving an echo like a young woman crying.

Loren, who had been busy all day, woke up from meditation. His dark pupil reflected the snowy wilderness and woods in the distance, waiting silently.

The entire castle is carefully and nervously preparing for the upcoming battle. But with the exception of the Earl ’s guards and knights, the remaining castle guards were completely confused, and they did n’t even know what to do.

This is also something that cannot be done. It is impossible for Lu Wen to tell them that half of the Earl of Limburg, led by the Sena family, is preparing for rebellion, and they are the last line of defense.

According to Loren’s understanding of these castle guards, I am afraid that as soon as this sentence is spoken, at least half of them will run away immediately, and the rest of the people who are willing to stick to the castle can hardly say how long they can last.

There is also a shack camp not far from the castle. Although Loren wanted to evacuate some refugees into the castle, the situation is not allowing him to do so, because there is no enough food in the castle.

Previously relied on separating refugees and arranging work for some of them in order to reduce the consumption of food; with the help of nobles attacking the granaries and setting fire, Loren cut the amount of relief by half. But by now, the food in the castle had already been used up.

If you put the refugees in the castle, you will be immediately aware of this. In order to live, they immediately betrayed the count who had assigned them the land-after all, it is more important to live.

The more serious problem is that many of these refugees have already been bought by the Sena family, and what Loren can do is unpredictable. The lower moral limits of these noblemen in the Deep Forest are really making Loren “look at each other”.

But letting the refugees starve to death, neither Lu Wen nor Loren is really difficult to accept. After thinking about it, the Earl decided to let go of the hunting ground under his jurisdiction and let the refugees enter.

Although it is already severe winter, there are still free-range rabbits, wild squirrels and some fungus buried in the ground. If you look for it, you can still find food. There are also many hunters among the refugees, who will not starve themselves to death and help the rest.

Lorren can also see that Lu Wen who made this decision is actually very distressed. For the noble young master, the hunting ground is like his playground and back garden. Doing so is like letting people come in and ruining it. When the hunting ground is coming, he will definitely be unable to hunt.

Slowly got up and moved, and Loren, who was not wearing a wizard’s robe, put on a brand new leather armor-this was a gift from Ruben Frid after coming to Shenlinbao.

Exquisite dark brown shoulder guards and boots, gloves are made of nitrated cowhide, and some joints have extra chain armor protection. Generally speaking, it is a lighter armor, which is very suitable for fast movement, and it is suitable for Loren. The protective effect also surpassed the “tattered” body he wore as a servant.

Especially in many places on the armor, Loren can clearly see the trace of the alchemist involved in the production. Because of the alchemist genius who is a small wizard, he knows a little bit about it.

It seems that the wizards of this world only know to do research in the laboratory …

When he heard something happening outside the door and was about to go out to see it, a castle guard slammed open the door directly, gasping in panic.

“Master Wizard, please go and see, the castle is full of people outside!” The breathless guard’s mouth is trembling: “The refugees are all outside, I am afraid there are thousands of people!”

“Tell the soldiers guarding the gate that it is absolutely forbidden to open the gate!” Loren patted his shoulders and back and asked calmly, “Does the count know this?”

“Master Earl has rushed over and is waiting for you in the courtyard.” The guard nodded: “We want to maintain order, but there are too many refugees outside, and it is still night, and it is impossible to see at all!”

Loren, who picked up his wand, turned and left the room. Before he walked to the courtyard, he had heard the noisy shouts outside, which almost completely covered the sound of speech.

The front of the castle gate was full of guards running back and forth with torches. The young earl with a long sword stood in the middle of the courtyard, and the red crimson floated gently under the moonlight.

The gate of the castle is already closed, you can hear people outside continually pounding the gate, the momentum and movement are getting louder, and the frowning Ruben Frid calmly commands the guards around .

“The outside is completely messed up-I was going to try to persuade them, but they couldn’t hear it!”

After seeing Loren coming, Lu Wen’s tense expression was slightly relaxed: “This must be someone deliberately making trouble on the back, otherwise they will not be able to spontaneously run to the castle on such a cold night!”

“How many of them?”

“The ghost knows how many people there are, so you should go and see for yourself.” The count’s expression was ugly. It was also because he was so nervous that the green muscles of his hands were all exposed.

The two climbed up the tower and looked out from the wall stack. Under the moonlight, the figure outside the castle was vast, and the torches were like stars. They could hardly see their heads in the dark night.

Ragged refugees were crying and crying, one after another, haggard, shouting and crying with exhaustion. Like a surging river, it hit the gate of the castle, striking hard with wooden sticks and stones.

The eyes of Lu Wen, who looked pale, were trembling. These refugees were supposed to be their strongest supporters, but now they are standing on their opposites, which in turn has become a tool for the nobles to threaten themselves!

Once the castle is washed down, anyone knows what will happen.

“But fortunately, the situation can still be controlled to some extent.” Reluctantly found a reason to comfort himself, Lu Wen said to himself: “At least they have no weapons to use for siege, and the equipment is very simple, it is impossible. Breaking through the walls of the deep forest. “

The soldiers on the city wall are still driving these refugees as far as possible. The closed doors and the screams of the soldiers made the already tired and hungry refugees burst into more angry and disappointed shouts ~ www ~ The screaming sound is like a wave, and Loren and Ruben standing on the city wall can hardly hear any other voices. In the sound of waves, it seemed that even the city walls were shaking, and the guards who could barely maintain order began to become helpless.

“What should I do, just continue like this?” The young earl was still unwilling: “They are all my lords, because I became this look, I can’t ignore them!”

Loren did not answer him, his dark eyes narrowed into a slit and looked into the distance, and he could see an orange-red shadow moving, rising from a distance like a floating flame.

The black-haired wizard with wide-eyed eyes didn’t even wait for the earl beside him to react and dragged him to the ground!


The huge roar pierced everyone’s eardrums, and the whole castle seemed to be shaking. The screams of the guards came from the wall that was heavily bombarded. The wall that was smashed open fell off large and small debris. Many refugees standing under the wall were buried alive.

Not only did the blood and death not deter these refugees, but the crowd shouted with excitement, as if seeing the shouting, screaming, and extremely harsh ears of hope, as if celebrating this carnival!

The gate of the castle was shaken by the impact of countless people, and the dust was falling down-yes, they really could not open the city gate, but if there is a stone thrower, then it is not necessarily!

“This is the second time I have been saved by you!” There was no luck in the face of Lu Wen who had climbed from the ground, only unparalleled anger: “No matter who did it, wait for me to grab him Cut off the heads of these bastards! “

“In the name of the Holy Cross, I said this time to do it-!!!!!!”

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