Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 288 - Homecoming

Loren never thought that he would “go home” in such a way-if this place that really made you feel home for the first time can be called “home”.

Wimpal College in Wimpal.

After so many years, this place is still deeply in the memory of the dark-haired wizard.

Spacious streets of dust, hospitable mountain robbers, dilapidated sentry towers, flying houses, civilians in the town who are scared and scared of wizards, baked potato pies in the red beard tavern …

The gate of the college with suspension bridge, the hall with fireplace, the library with a high-level spell, the private tower of Dalton Kander, the chapel at the rear of the college … well, and the vampire hidden in the chapel .

I am here, really leaving countless beautiful and unforgettable memories.

And when the dark-haired wizard full of emotion lifted his eyes and looked in the direction of the academy, his mood … even more difficult to say.

Once Vimpar had disappeared; what appeared to him was a huge fortress.

A huge fortress cluster called “Military Camp”, which is filled with elf warriors, and is covered with earth walls, fences, trenches, camps, campfires …

The layers of earthen walls have completely destroyed the original town’s appearance, and turned into areas of similar size divided by trenches and wooden walls; each area is composed of a camp and a bonfire. A circle in a circle; the closer to the periphery, the larger and more rudimentary; otherwise, the smaller and more refined.

The outermost part of the camp is the camp of ogres locked by iron chains. Only the scented shacks and wooden thorns, horses and deep trenches are piled up; the core of the entire camp is the former Wimpa Even if it is only a brief observation, it is not difficult to find that the castle has been armed to the teeth and is connected by roads in all directions.

How to describe the mood at this moment?

If it were n’t for the dark green triangle war flag flying on the gates of the college, Loren could n’t believe that the structure in front of him was tight, the planning was reasonable, and it was definitely a well-designed, laborious camp … Actually Azores Elven!

It ’s not just that he could n’t believe it. Even the grand duke of Elleman, Julie Wiltz, had the same expression. He confronted the elven prince on the front line of Ebden. He was impressed by the terrifying combat strength of the elf warrior They don’t care about the camp and defense facilities.

And this one …

“At the time of the confrontation in Shenlinbao, this messy camp was quite simple, almost the same as the war dancers’ camp in the forest … except it was bigger.”

Seeing the confused Liya of the two, explained coldly: “When the battle of Shenlinbao is finished, they will know how to build a camp exactly like your empire.”

“So our enemy is still a good student who is good at learning?” The black-haired wizard said playfully: “They wouldn’t even learn from the long phalanx, shield wall and bow and arrow volley?”

“This is not good news.”

Grand Duke Elman ’s expression is much more dignified: “Our greatest advantage over the Azore ’s elf army is the dense formations and array battles, if they have also learned …”

“If they learn, we will kill this bunch of debris line by line.” The female elf looked cold and glanced at him very politely:

“If they don’t learn, we will squeeze the gangs one by one!”

Finally, Liya, who was unkind, shook her and led the Knight of Aaron and a group of knights and war dancers towards the camp where the little wizard was behind.

Interrupted by the fierce female elf, Julie Wiltz swept involuntarily towards the dark-haired wizard.

“You just read it ten thousand times, and I have no good way.” Loren smirked: “When I first met, I was almost stabbed … She was kind enough to you.”

“I don’t care about her attitude towards me, what I care about is Lotter’s future … and this war.” Grand Duke Ellerman sighed and regained his previous calmness.

“We not only want to help Lotel defeat the Azores, but also take them as part of the reinforcements and empire to the battlefield of the final decisive battle.” Yuli Wiltz shook his head:

“Lu Wen would choose her to inherit her because of trust. I believe she is the best person to unite Lotel at the moment, but in addition to her ability as a commander, she must also have the means to negotiate with ease, such as Lu Wen. , He is the one … “

‘S voice was not down, and the stunned Julie Wiltz suddenly stopped, showing a very tangled expression.

Lu Wen … It is no better than this female elf.

“Blow the trumpet.”

Looking at the embarrassing Grand Duke Ellerman, Loren changed the subject “very matter”.


“I want it now.” Staring at Wimpar College far away, the black-haired wizard nodded:

“Brandon won’t wait for us for too long, he has to make a quick decision.”


At the same time, at the campsite of the Nine-Mang Star Sorcerer’s Tower in the military camp, the wizards were finally commissioning the five “Jiaoguang Swords” brought by the army.

Stood on the fence and stood a little wizard outside the camp, staring blankly in the direction of Wimpar College.

The wizards behind him, the soldiers and knights passing by in front of them, noisy sounds and fast-passing figures flooded her vision and hearing; but Ain was staring intently as if she had not seen it. In that familiar direction.

That kind of feeling … as if I could still be in the evening, the dusty servant appeared outside the door, with a little servant carrying a sword; the vigilant Dalton mentor would open the door for himself, and Dean Peter would Waiting in the room to greet yourself; and Isaac …

Well, he will also greet himself with his own “method”.

Under the clear blue eyes, the corner of the little wizard’s mouth rose slightly, as if returning to that small day.

Until a familiar voice interrupted her.


The awakened little wizard turned his head to look around. The lonely female elf Lia was standing beside her, her indifferent complexion was softer than before, and there was a trace of shame.

“Liya, why …”

Looking at the female elf’s gaze to Ai Yin at the college, she smiled with relief: “Ah, it’s okay-we are fighting, this kind of thing is inevitable …”

“No … I, I am not talking about the college, not the stone house.”

The female elf shook her head and interrupted softly.


Looking at the confused expression of the little wizard, the female elf became more and more intolerable.

“When I … well, when retreating from Shenlinbao, almost all the noblemen of Shenlinbao left. They ran so fast that some guys and the team were separated, and the ambush ogres and Azores were dried up. “” Liya, who couldn’t bear it, silently looked at Ain:

“There is only one family … they did not leave.”

“Rand family.”

The little wizard’s eyes were fixed.

“I … Actually, I do n’t have much impression of them, and I do n’t have any good feelings. The leader of the Rand family seems to be a small leader of an archer in Lu Wen, but he and all the fighters of the Rand family refuse to leave and stay with Lu Wen. In the deep forest. “The female elf whispered:

“Then Knight Chief Aaron told me that they are your family.”

The silent little wizard lifted his palm involuntarily, and the little pink fist shivered violently.

But in just one second, she “restored” her emotions.

“Sorry, if I know, if the stupid Lu Wen can remember, I …”

“No, thank you … Thank you for telling me, Liya.” Ayin smiled lightly in response to the female elf’s concern: “It’s okay, don’t worry about me, I still have family, I also have Loren … I am Say! Loren, Isaac, you still have Dalton mentor … you are all my family! “

“I am not alone in this world, not alone … you are not, you still have us!”

“Even if one of us unfortunately leaves, as long as the rest of us remember him, he will still be with us, and we … will not be alone!”

Looking at the little wizard who was not good at concealing her grief and trying to comfort herself, Lia nodded slowly.

“That’s right, like Ruben Fried … Although I don’t want to, I should never forget this **** in my life, after all … Um, Ain, what is your expression?”

Self-sneering female elf turned around and saw that the little blushing wizard was staring at himself with eyes like overflowing water.

“No no no … nothing, really nothing!”

Ayin, who hurriedly lowered her head, her eyes flashing nonstop, and she did not dare to look at the eyes of the female elf, her voice sounded like a breeze:

“Just, it ’s Liya you … you and Luwen … you two … that … I, I actually want to ask … I ask … is … I … I … I … I … ”

The blushing little wizard just stopped talking, he couldn’t say a word, he was so anxiously dancing, he didn’t know how to express his meaning.

“Me and Lu Wen?”

The female elf with a low hum shrugged, seemingly not at all mindful: “That stupid liking for the limelight, muttered to himself, ‘This can only be done for Lotaire’, ‘I have no way’, ‘I think There is no one else who can ‘… confess to the dead idiot, and before he left, he did not forget to throw the burden out. “

“I can’t help but want it if I didn’t promise him that day. If it was my stay in Shenlinbao …”


The little wizard was overwhelmed.

“what happened?”

“No … nothing, just Liya, are you and Lu Wen … no … no …”

“Oh … Ain, what you want to know is this.”

A small arc was raised on the female elf’s cold cheeks, and he looked at the little wizard with a playful taste: “Well … it seems to have discussed this matter, but …”

“No, no no no no … but?”

Ai Yin is red and cheeks are dripping.

“It’s too late … but I think it’s more like that guy doesn’t have the courage-of course he must dare to do that, I must give him some color; I want to conquer me, unless I win!”

“Because I am Liya, I am the elf of Morning Star Forest, a war dancer … This is my pride, and I have always insisted.”

“But that night … I … I suddenly found that I did n’t stick that out; even for a while, I was particularly hopeful or scared, and my mind was full of pictures of the guy rushing into the house, and I would resist and beat the guy with bruises ; But in the end … “

The female elf stopped talking.

“Did you regret it, Liya?”

Asked the little wizard carefully.

“I never regret it.”

The female elf shook her head:

“But if you can meet him earlier, know you and Loren, all of you; maybe everything is different, maybe …”

“Woo ———————————————————— !!!!!!”

While the two were still “continue to talk”, the hurried march came from a distance; the noisy, barracks like a town suddenly became “orderly”.

“Bairen, move on–!”

With the roar of Earl Guy Angter, the Count of Mountain Rock Fort, the Brian Corps, already in a ready line, immediately walked out of the barracks on the hillside and moved slowly towards the center of the battlefield like a giant phalanx.

At the front of the queue, there will always be the Bion Knights and Ranger Knights who form a wall-mounted formation and hold a swallowtail flag gun like a sea of ​​flowers;

The archers and Carl Colin ’s shooting army formed a three-row queue, followed closely as the last firepower before the melee confrontation;

As the core strength of the Bayern infantry phalanx, the infantry knights from Mountain Rock Fort always stood in the first row of the square phalanx; the Bayern lance phalanx followed closely, and as a support force ‘S reloaded attendants.

Fifty Thousand Byrne Legion, in such a magnificent and straightforward formation on the battlefield, headed towards the closely guarded fortress barracks of the Azores elves ~ ~ Looking at the big blockbuster The banner, the uniform sound of stepping, the scream of the war horse, the collision between the armor and the weapon … Even the female elf who had seen the grand march of tens of thousands of soldiers couldn’t help but narrowed her eyes and looked at the sea of ​​flowers Banner.

“This guy … is really different from before.” The voice was lowered, and the female elf whispered to herself: “I still remember the day … He came to their camp with me and Luca alone to ask us for help. . “

“Now, he has his own country, his own army … no longer a lone wizard.”

“We too … are no longer us in the past.”

The shy little wizard, looked at the female elf with some emotion: “Is it right, Grand Duke Lothal?”

The female elf smiled.

“Yeah, the successor of the Ashamian school, the next generation veteran, Ain Rand.” Looking at the surprised expression of the little wizard, the female elf smiled even happier:

“This is what Loren told me. Although I don’t know what it means, it should be very important to you, right?”

I don’t know if I should be annoyed or surprised, the little wizard nodded blankly.

“Then … let’s go down, we can’t let the big liar take away all the limelight!”

Grinned, the female elf grabbed the gun, and the sharp tip of the gun raised above his head:

“Go forward-Lotel!”

:. :

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