Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 291 - Plan 1 cuts smoothly


With a thunderous thunder, the “Meteor” that fell from the sky fell directly behind the Azore Elf Formation, and accurately smashed an upcoming “launcher” into fragments, and at the same time, the elf wizards and The guards are all left, completely wiped out.

There was no fire light, no explosion; the thunderous loud noise and the dazzling light flashed by, leaving only the shock that made all the elves panic, showing the roaring aftermath.

Primary pupil Sikortus stared at the flash of light just behind him, and it took a full minute to recover from the shock and looked suddenly at the other end of the battlefield.

Thousand steps … That thing came from a thousand steps? !

Imperial people … have such a powerful alchemy weapon, can hit the target accurately within a thousand steps? !

Prince Sicotus didn’t even have time to completely recover from the surprise. In the distance behind the position of the Baine Legion, the dazzling white beam rose again.

This time it wasn’t even one, but a whole five; like a meteor traversing through the air and falling rapidly towards the position of the Azores.

“Protect Your Highness! Quick, quick!”

The elves and samurai surrounding them swarmed up and set up a long sword to surround Sikortus in the center, staring nervously at the sky, as if they were ready to be brave and righteous anytime, anywhere, and dedicated themselves to the prince.

But Prince Sicottus had a premonition that the direction of those “meteors” was probably not his own.

“Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

The dazzling light shone on the ground, and at that moment even the sun on the dome lost its color.

One beam after another burst one after another in the Azores squadron, and each one steadily landed in the last position; the roar of vibration shook the earth, and the entire front even fell into short-term chaos.

It didn’t take long for a somewhat embarrassed elf warrior to come from behind the front line to summon, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

“His Royal Highness, all our launchers were destroyed, and the wizards who accompanied the army also suffered heavy casualties!”

Sure enough!

The dark blue face of Sicotus pushed angrily away from the elf warrior standing in front of him, and his expression in the direction of the battlefield seemed to wish to swallow the enemy alive.

That’s half of his launchers, all one by one, carefully transported here from Wuyueting Port-without these, it is equivalent to depriving one of his biggest cards.

As for the Bayerns on the opposite side … If you guessed right, you shot off your projected weapons, and then you will directly bombard your array indiscriminately and force yourself to attack!

Then the Bayern Knights charged on two wings, shattered their array, and cooperated with the army of Lothal to capture the camp, and completely wiped out here.

He had already seen the fighting power of an imperial knight when he was in the deep forest. That would be the knight of Lothal; if the elves of the Moon Moon Court said it was true, the knight of Byern was definitely above the knight of Lothal.

The plain battlefield is the most suitable place for this kind of combat strength to exert its strength.

Is really a good abacus!

But you never succeed!

“Did the reinforcements in the camp have yet to come ?!” Suddenly noticed something, Sicutus said coldly.

“No response yet!”

“Blow the horn again and send a guardian warrior to the order; order them to immediately dispatch the army to assist from the flanks, beheading the offender!”

“Follow the order!”

“Where is the Warrior Samurai?” Withdrawing the Sabre, Prince Sicotus looked around for a week, looking at the elf warriors standing beside him: “Dare you be the first to go out and open the way for the army ?!”

Responded to the elven prince, a figure of a thousand samurai warriors in 20 phalanxes on both sides, uniformly, like a domino kneeling on one knee.

“Draw me a knife! Welcome! Enemy!”

“For the sake of the Kingdom of Azores-Long live His Royal Highness Sicotus —– !!!!!!”

In the next moment, the entire Azore Elf formation began; with a thousand elite samurai warriors at the vanguard, 30,000 oaths of death and elite warriors loyal to Sicotus unfolded like an arrow that swept the earth The tide of water, “reflecting” the dazzling sunlight, rushed to the battlefield.

“The main force of the Azores army is expanding its front and moving towards the battlefield.”

Stared solemnly at the battlefield, and Lusien, under the wing of the sky battle, immediately looked at the little wizard on the side, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: “It seems they really can’t sit still!”

“Go, let me cover you.”

Pursed his mouth tightly, Ai Yin’s expression was very serious.


The voice was not falling, and the gray pupil who pulled out two short swords had rushed out first. Hundreds of demon hunters followed, riding a horse and galloping toward the battlefield.

In the rising smoke, the little wizard turned his eyes to the five bright lightsabers behind him, and his blue pupil reflected a desperately suppressed anger.

“Look, I will let you know.” Ain whispered to herself, as if talking to the enemy: “I will let you know why the bow and arrow skills of the Lothal people are well known all over the world.”

“Eight hundred steps, the target has entered the maximum power range!”

“The magic circle starts, and finally counts down!”

“The launcher is started, and finally charged for debugging!”

“Adjust the angle, prepare the firing hand, aim!”

“Ready to go, all are on standby–!”

“Everyone—” The little wizard who held the observation mirror raised his right hand high, and then swung violently:



“The key point of this battle is that we can neither let the enemy huddle in the fort camp, but also can not press them all in one breath; hiding in the camp, our troops are not enough to quickly capture such a strong fortress in a short time. “

“And if the enemy overwhelms the entire line in one breath, the battlefield is not that wide, and the ogres supported by the enemy will turn this battle into a fierce dogfight; the outcome of both outcomes is heavy casualties, and the Lotter is exhausted in one breath. The fighting power of the three principalities of Elmans and Byrne, winning the battle is equal to losing the war. “

“So … we must take some risks.”

“The Brian Legion took the lead in meeting the enemy-since the opposite is a good student, then it is definitely not a brainless charge, a fool who has been pressed across the board in one breath; he can guess my plan will be counted; even if he will be pressed against the opposite side, rely on By the light sword and Phalanx Legion, Byrne can also persist for a long time. “

“The key to victory lies in the army of Lothal and Elleman-remember, our first goal is to defeat the Azores, recover Lotel’s lost ground, and reduce casualties; the second goal is to destroy Yale This is the army of the Elves! “

In accordance with the pre-war Loren deployment, led the elves Lelia and Yuli Wiltz of the Elleman and Lothal armies to avoid the main battlefield and move to the east and west sides of the fort camp.

The missions of the two armies also do not overlap completely. The army of Elman is mainly responsible for the raid and assault into the fort camp, doing everything possible to create chaos, destruction and delay, with the first purpose of destroying all facilities and weights in the camp, and cutting off the enemy Back road

The Lotel army, who knows the surrounding terrain well, is lurking in the back of the hills around the battlefield and in the forest. As a reserve army to cover and support Elmans and Byrne, they will fight at the necessary time to defeat the enemy.

Although the female elves and the Lothal army hope to shoulder the “mission” to break the camp, but considering the previous battle, Lotel has suffered heavy casualties, so it can only be done.

Except for the frontal battlefield, there are only two roads around Wimpar, a small path leads to Gumu Town, and a avenue connects the deep forest castle to the north; while the Elmans Army ambush is on the side of Gumu Town, waiting for the troops in the camp to attack. The elves fighting against Byrne immediately launched a raid.

In order to ensure that they would not be noticed by the enemy, Yuli Wiltz also specially placed the army at a distance from the fortress camp, through the observation mirror obtained from Loren Turin and a few scouts. Observe the movement of the enemy, everything is to ensure that the enemy will not have the slightest suspicion.

Thirty thousand Elmans warriors used their talents, like the old hunters in the mountains, perfectly lurking under the shelter of the jungle and grass, waiting quietly for orders, just like waiting for something to come to themselves, It’s still like a prey.

But what made him very depressed was that it was almost an hour from the beginning of the war to the present, the horn of the Azores on the front line sounded twice, and there was still no movement in the fort camp, and no signs of army mobilization. .

Could it be that the Countess of Lothal did not hold back and launched the attack ahead of time; or … I was found?

I could n’t help but doubt my own Julie Wurz, and several times I had a direct impulse to do it, but in the end I could resist it; I could only keep sending more heralds and scouts while observing the battlefield, while interacting with Loren · Turin kept in touch to confirm the situation on the main battlefield.

The information sent back made him feel more weird-the Azores on the main battlefield were not twice, but the horn that had called for help four times, even in order to avoid the long-range advantage of the Legion. .

Fighting like this, it will take less than an hour to enter the decisive battle stage; the Azores in the camp are still watching, as if the army outside the city has nothing to do with them!

What the **** happened? Grand Duke Ellerman was very puzzled.

Soon, a scout sent back an important piece of information, but it made him even more puzzled.

“What, there are finally signs of assembly in the camp, and it is moving toward the camp gate ?! What is the camp gate on our side? What, they still have no reinforcements ?!”

“What, the army of Azore elves in the camp came towards us? What on earth did they want to do?”


“What are you doing, of course, you should drive away as soon as possible!”

Looked at the elf warrior who was silently questioning. Yuting Shixi, the warrior Shira, spoke very cheerfully.

Is surrounded by a circle of elf warriors protecting her, and behind her is a long march of troops, extending from the path to the ancient wood town to the fortress camp.

“Oh, how terrible things such as war can make such a lovely girl to deal with? Of course it is to be given to a fool like His Highness Sicotus-I mean a hero-to deal with it, he Certainly, Shella believed him! “

“As for Shiraz ’s mission, it is to take the brave soldiers to fly as fast as possible, retreat and run to Ebden to support His Royal Highness; His Royal Highness is safe, there are more than 200,000 troops Yo, everyone can get along happily! “

“As for His Highness Sicotus … well, although I really hope he can survive, it would be better if His Highness could heroically die with the terrible empire of Loren Turin!”

“Uh huh! In this case, His Highness Sicotus became a hero, His Royal Highness Rodria got his army, and the lovely Shiraz performed his mission perfectly, got his dues and resources, and finally abandoned His Highness. Go far away in the empire-so that everyone can get what they want and get along happily together! “

Jumped happily, and Shiraz kept making gestures to the elf warriors manipulated by puppets, spreading a pleasant atmosphere in the dead marching queue.

Of course, her power is not enough to turn the entire Azores army and tens of thousands of warriors into her own puppets-in fact, she does not need to-she only needs to control a few elite warriors for her own use. enough.

As for why this is so … Of course it is because the Azores are about to defeat.

The news of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is unknown, the Battle of Lotel is unfavorable, and the battle of Golovin is defeated … The whole elf invasion has shown a very unfavorable situation from the beginning; and once besieged by the Empire in Ebden, UU reads the book .com Unless the elf prince is really strong enough to turn things around, the Azore elves can no longer occupy the entire empire.

At best, the best result is coastal separatism.

So the “loyal” Sheila immediately made her own judgment-arbitrarily negotiating with Sicotus in the name of Rodria, taking his army and then trading with Rodria to get what he wanted. After running the road as soon as possible, never hang on a rope.

Whether it is to continue to surrender to the Azores, or to sell lives for the Empire, or to do things for both sides and then sell each other, Shiraz is at ease-anyway, as long as the Azores have not died, they will still be punished. The value of utilization.

The cute and sweet appearance makes all self-assured fools never doubt that this petite and weak girl will become a poison to kill them.

This was before they were killed.

The joyous elf girl bounced around the country trails of Lotel, thinking about where to go next.

It ’s good to continue serving for His Royal Highness, but if you do something for the imperial crown prince who has not yet been crowned, it might be better.

Well, maybe he will also be hooked on the cute Shiraz, and he will do anything for Shiraz with all his heart.

The moment before the rain like a locust arrow rained down from the sky, the Elmans two-handed swordsmen rushed out of the forest … Sylla thought so.

:. :

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